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高考英语阅读理解大题培优 易错 难题含答案解析.docx

1、高考英语阅读理解大题培优 易错 难题含答案解析一、高中英语阅读理解1阅读理解 A famous Anglican Church stands in a quiet corner of Dunedin in New Zealands South Island. Built in 1865, it is the citys oldest church still in use. Countless couples have gathered here to marry. Its where morning tears are shared, friendships formed and comfo

2、rt given during times of loss. As with many churches, its walls are graced with a collection of beautiful stained-glass windows. Known as the John Allen window, one window portrays the short life of a local man, John Allen, who died in 1915 in the Gallipoli campaign in Turkey. John was the son of Si

3、r James Allen, who as Minister of Defense, helped plan and administer New Zealands World War I strategy, which saw 100,000 troops sent to fight. With the war over and his son dead, Sir James chose to install a window in the church, with which the Allen family had strong ties. Divided into two parts,

4、 one depicts (描绘) St. George, the patron saint (守护神) of soldiers, while the other has an angel of peace, along with the words at the bottom, John Hugh All Gallipoli, 6th June, 1915. Two trees with local birds on the branches can be seen and a kiwi walks at the bottom- reminders that John was a lover

5、 of birds. There are many war memorials in the church, says the church. However the John Allen window stands out; it touches people because of the beautiful design, the New Zealand birds and because Johns story, of a life so full of promise ending tragically in the war, reflects the lives and storie

6、s of so many others involved in World War I.(1)What does the word portrays in paragraph 2 most probably mean? A.Starts.B.Changes.C.Treasures.D.Represents.(2)Sir James Allen built the John Allen window to _. A.celebrate the end of World War IB.honor the troops in the Gallipoli campaignC.remember his

7、sons sacrifice to the the familys close ties with the church(3)What might be the main theme of the pictures on the window? A.Freedom and equality.B.Peace and war.C.Human and nature.D.Marriage and family.(4)What might be the best title for the text? A.A Brave SoldierB.Window on a LifeC.

8、Cruelty of the WarD.A Grand Church【答案】 (1)D(2)C(3)B(4)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一所教堂中一个被称为约翰艾伦之窗的窗户,上面描绘了一位当地人约翰艾伦的短暂生命。这是约翰的父亲为了纪念他的儿子为国家做出的牺牲而绘制的,主题体现了战争与和平。 (1)考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的“the short life of a local man, John Allen, who died in 1915 in the Gallipoli campaign in Turkey.可知被称为“John Allen window”的一扇窗户描

9、绘了当地男子John Allen短暂的一生,他于1915年在土耳其的加里波利战役中牺牲。可知portrays意思为“描绘”,故选D。 (2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“With the war over and his son dead, Sir James chose to install a window in the church, with which the Allen family had strong ties.”随着战争的结束和他儿子的去世,Sir James选择在教堂里安装了一扇窗户,艾伦家族与这扇窗户有着密切的联系。可知Sir James Allen建造了“John Al

10、len window”,以纪念他的儿子为国家做出的牺牲。故选C。 (3)考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的“Divided into two parts, one depicts St. George, the patron saint of soldiers,while the other has an angel of peace, along with the words at the bottom,“ John Hugh All Gallipoli,6th June,1915”.”绘画分为两部分,一部分描绘了士兵的守护神圣乔治,另一部分描绘了和平天使,最下面写着“John Hugh Al

11、l Gallipoli,1915年6月6日”。可推知窗里的画的主题应当为战争与和平。故选B。 (4)考查主旨大意。根据第二段“As with many churches, its walls are graced with a collection of beautiful stained-glass windows. Known as the “John Allen window”, one window portrays the short life of a local man, John Allen, who died in 1915 in the Gallipoli campaign

12、 in Turkey.”与许多教堂一样,它的墙壁上装饰着一系列美丽的彩色玻璃窗。一个窗子被称为约翰艾伦之窗,上面描绘了一位当地人约翰艾伦的短暂生命,他于1915年在土耳其的加利波利战役中去世。)以及文章主要内容为描述这个玻璃窗画背后的故事,故选B。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测,推理判断和主旨大意四个题型的考查,是一篇文化类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。 2阅读理解 Alison Malmon was trapping up (完成) the end of her freshman year at th

13、e University of Pennsylvania, US when she got the news: Her older brother Brian, a student at Columbia University, was suffering from mental illness. Inspired by this, Malmon formed a group at her university to empower (使能够) students to talk openly about mental health. It soon blossomed into a natio

14、nal organization that today has more than 450 campus chapters. Leaders with the organization spend their time talking with college students about the pressure that todays young people face. What you hear often is just a need to be perfect, said Malmon, and a need to present oneself as perfect. And a

15、 new study in the UK proved that this need for perfectionism is simply part of todays society. In the study, two researchers studied more than 40,000 students from the US, Canada, and the UK. They found that what they called socially prescribed(社会定向型的) perfectionism increased by a third between 1989 and 2016. Lead researcher Thomas Curran said that while so many of todays young people try to present a perfect appearance online, social media isnt the only reason behind this trend. Instead, he said, it may be driven by competition in modern s

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