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1、届浙江高考英语总复习完形填空+阅读理解组合训练一附答案解析2022届浙江高考英语总复习完形填空阅读理解组合训练一一、完形填空A Bobby the mountain climber was famous for his attempts to climb the big snowy mountain. He had tried it at least thirty times, but had always failed halfway.For the sake of 1 Bobby to try again, Old Peeper, the town optician (眼镜商),who b

2、ore witness to his 2 , presented him with a pair of 3 sunglasses. If it starts clouding over or if your feet start hurting, put on these glasses. Theyll help you. Bobby accepted the gift without giving it much 4 , but when his feet started 5 again he remembered his words and put on the glasses. Then

3、 6 came as usual in the form of cloud cover, but seemingly not so thick this time. So Bobby 7 climbing, leaving the clouds behind, forgetting his 8 , and finally arriving at the summit. It was 9 worth it. His feeling of triumph was 10 , almost as magnificent as that wonderful 11 . The mountain below

4、 was surrounded by a dense sea of clouds. Bobby didnt remember the clouds being as 12 as that, so he looked more closely at the sunglasses, and 13 everything.Peeper had carved a light 14 on the lenses, in the form of the snow-covered summit. It was made in such a way that you could only 15 it if you

5、 looked upwards. Peeper had understood that whenever Bobby lost sight of his 16 , he would similarly lose sight of his dream, and his 17 to continue would weaken.Bobby realized that the only obstacle to reaching the summit had been his own 18 . When he could no longer see the top of the mountain, th

6、e problems 19 . He thanked Peeper for using that little 20 to help him see that his aims were not impossible, and that they were still there, where they had always been.1Aurging Bencouraging Ceducating Drequesting2Apractice Bdisadvantage Cgrowth Dfailure3Aspecial Bbeautiful Cfancy Dexpensive4Athough

7、t Bknowledge Cinformation Dpraise5Abreaking Bdamaging Caching Dswelling6Adanger Badventure Cpressure Dmisfortune7Aquitted Bkept Caccomplished Dabandoned8Aproblem Bpain Cinjury Danxiety9Anormally Bpractically Ccertainly Dexactly10Aincomparable Binvisible Cinvaluable Dinaccessible11Aexperience Battemp

8、t Cview Dpresent12Asnowy Bpure Cvague Dthick13Ademanded Bgrasped Cbelieved Dacknowledged14Aimage Bspot Cphoto Dmessage15Amove Bfeel Cchange Dsee16Aobjective Bpath Csuccess Djourney17Apreference Bwill Ccompetence Dconcentration18Amistake Bprejudice Cignorance Ddiscouragement19Atook off Bcut in Cset i

9、n Dshowed off20Asignal Btool Ctrick DmarkBWhen 10-year-old Romeo Cox realized what he wanted more than anything else was a hug from his 77-year-old grandmother, he decided to make the journey. He did not let the 1,7000-mile distance and the fact that there were no flights 21 him.“I hadnt 22 her for

10、a year and a half owing to the pandemic (流行病), so I 23 to go and see her in secret,” he said. “I meant it to be a(an) 24 .”“I asked my 25 and they said no more than 50 times, but I 26 talked them into letting me do it,” he told The Daily Mail.Romeo turned his plan into 27 .“I drew a map. Id walk and

11、 take boats and do it naturally to 28 the planet,” he told The Times. “And Id take Dad. It would be 29 to have an adult.”Romeo and Phil 30 from Sicily, Italy on June 20. They trekked (跋涉) across Italy, Switzerland and France. They spent many nights beneath the stars. They were also 31 to fight off w

12、ild dogs, got lost a time or two, 32 sore feet and so on. But no matter how 33 the conditions were, they just kept going.On September 21, they 34 Londons Trafalgar Square, where they spent a two-week mandatory isolation (强制隔离) before being 35 to make the final leg of journey to Grandma Rosemarys 36

13、.With his grandmothers house eventually in sight, Romeo 37 a joyful run. And he ended up in the 38 he had been longing for.“I can hardly imagine my grandsons 39 trip yet,” she admitted frankly. But more than anything else, love and gratitude 40 her heart.21Astop Bdestroy Ctrick Dchallenge22Awritten

14、Bcalled Cmissed Dseen23Apromised Bagreed Cplanned Doffered24Asurprise Bpresent Cchance Doption25Afriends Bparents Cgrandparents Dcousins26Ainstantly Bshortly Cinitially Dfinally27Await Baction Cimagination Dfantasy28Asave Bmonitor Chelp Dexplore29Ahandy Bimpressive Cstressful Dtroublesome30Awalked a

15、way Bdrove on Cmoved out Dset off31Aurged Bexpected Cforced Dordered32Asacrificed Bsuffered Cenjoyed Dharvested33Apunishing Bboring Cfavorable Dpleasant34Avisited Bpassed Clocated Dreached35Arequired Bpersuaded Callowed Dforbidden36Ahome Bblock Cdowntown Ddistrict37Athought of Bbroke into Ctook on D

16、tried out38Asofa Bhouse Cwelcome Dhug39Aarbitrary Bunbelievable Cridiculous Dtentative40Astole Bbroke Cfilled Dsoftened二、阅读理解ACalling someone a “birdbrain” is considered rude. It implies that someone has a small brain and thus is not smart. A new study found that the expression doesnt do birds justi

17、ce either: Birds brains are much bigger than we thought at least compared to their small bodies.An international team of 37 scientists measured the brain volume (脑容量) of hundreds of dinosaurs and extinct birds by scanning fossils of their skulls. The readings were compared to a large database contai

18、ning the brain sizes of modern birds. These measurements were then analyzed, taking into consideration each birds body size resulting in something called “relative brain size”. The results showed that a dramatic change of birds body size happened right after the mass extinction of dinosaurs 66 milli

19、on years ago.According to the study, published on April 23 in the journal Current Biology, birds and dinosaurs had similar brain sizes before the extinction. After the extinction of the dinosaurs, however, birds had to find a way to survive, so they shrank their bodies since smaller animals need les

20、s food but they kept their big brains.“The changed landscape may have caused the rapid evolution of new brainbody scaling patterns (缩放比例) by favoring both larger brains and smaller bodies,” US paleontologist (古生物学家) Daniel Ksepka, who is the lead author of the study, told CNN.This “evolutionary brai

21、n leap” as scientists call it also happened very rapidly. Without dinosaurs, birds quickly repopulated. They came in all types and sizes, which contributed to the diverse species of birds we see today.But among all the bird species, certain ones “show above average rates of brain and body size evolu

22、tion”, study co-author Adam Smith at Clemson University, US, said in a statement with crows and parrots being the most evident. In fact, previous studies have already discovered that these birds have an amazing cognitive capacity (认知能力). They are able to use tools, imitate human speech and even reme

23、mber human faces.So, in the words of Smith, “calling someone birdbrained is actually quite a compliment (恭维)”!41How did the scientists learn the brain sizes of dinosaurs and extinct birds?ABy studying their fossil skulls. BBy searching the database.CBy experimenting on their brains. DBy analyzing th

24、eir body size.42How did the birds change after the extinction of the dinosaurs?AThe birds bodies shrank as their brains became smaller.BThe birds bodies became larger while their brains became smaller.CThe birds brains remained almost the same as their bodies shrank.DThe birds brains became larger t

25、o adapt to the environment.43According to Adam Smith, calling someone “birdbrained” is _.Ato make rude remarks Bto laugh at ones small body sizeCto praise ones intelligence Dto suggest the person is not smart44What is the purpose of this text?ATo describe how birds evolution happened.BTo explain the

26、 origin of the word “birdbrain”.CTo show the amazing abilities of bird species.DTo present the latest study on birds brain size.BWhen their daughter Morey started kindergarten, the Belanger family were worried because their 6-year-old daughter was deaf. Rather than send her to a special school for d

27、eaf children, Moreys parents decided to give her a traditional school experience and send her to Dayton Consolidated School.They worried if their daughter would be able to make friends. They also had concerns as to how her classmates would treat her and whether her teachers would be able to help her

28、 learn effectively(有效地). But then the school had a response they never expected teaching all their students and staff sign language. That way, everyone could communicate with Morey on a personal level.I absolutely feel like it makes her feel welcomed, said Moreys mom. I think all the kids feel excit

29、ed that they know another language and I think they think its fun. It makes me happy to see her supported, loved and accepted. Morey is excited to go to school every day. Shes made really good friendships. Not only did they learn sign language,but they also put up sign language posters in the halls

30、and equipped a special hearing system. Additionally, they provided extra training so that teachers could become more familiar with the language. “Morey, without even knowing it, has taught us so much, says headmaster Kimberly Sampietro. Shes brought a culture to our system that we didnt have before.

31、 Morey helped the whole class to learn the alphabet. The kids look up to her, they want her around, and they want to partner with her. ”Moreys hearing loss is a result of a condition thats so rare that its never been named. However, thanks to the hard work and goodwill of her classmates and teachers, she can communicate with them on her terms.45What concerned the Belangers when Morey started kindergarten?AThat they would have to separate from her.BThat they coul

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