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1、六年级英语知识点Unit 11、如何问路及指路问:where be +地点名词?回答:Its/Theyre+表示位置的介词(短语)+地点eg: where is the park? Its near the museum.2、want:1)直接跟名词,表示“想要某物” 2)want to后面跟动词原形,表示“想要做某事” eg: They want to go to the zoo. I want an apple. 当主语是I、we、they或复数名词时,需用原型want. 当主语是he、she、it或单数名词时,需用第三人称单数形式wants. eg: He wants a red T-s

2、hirt.3、Excuse me,. 对不起,打扰一下,劳驾 问路之前用Excuse me,. 问完路应该说Thank you.4、what引导的感叹句 What+a/an+形容词+可数名词复数或不可数名词!eg: What a great museum! What a nice flowers!How+形容词/副词!eg: How great! How fast!一个单词或短语组成的感叹句!eg: Good idea! Wonderful! Thank goodness!(谢天谢地!)5、 Interesting:“主动”形容词,用来形容物或人本身很有趣。Interested:“被动”形容词

3、,表示“对.感兴趣”be interested in.6、China-Chinese America-American Australia-Australian Canada-Canadian Japan-Japanese7、How can we get there?用于问,How引导的特殊疑问句。 How意为“怎样”用来询问做事情的方式,位于句首,引导特殊疑问句。 Can是情态动词,意为“能,能够”后跟动词原形。 get to+地点名词/get+地点副词 表示“到达某地” 地点副词:there、here、home常用句型:How can I/we get (to).?我们怎么到.?eg: H

4、ow can I get there?How can I get to the bookstore?拓展:1)where is+地点名词?(.在哪儿?) eg: where is the hospital?2)which is the way to+地点名词?(哪条路是去.的?) eg: which is the way to the hospital?3)Can you tell me the way to+地点名词?(你能告诉我去.的路吗?)eg: Can you tell me the way to the hospital?8、on the left/right 在左边/右边 Turn

5、 left/right 左转/右转(turn to the left/right) Turn left/right at +地点 在某地向左转/右转eg: Turn left at the cinema. Turn right at the post office.Turn to the left at the hospital.9、指路的常用句型: Turn left/right at. 在.左转/右转 Go straight. 直行10、help+sb. 意为“帮助某人”help+sb. do/to do sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事”eg: Lets help the little g

6、irl. Can you tell me (to)learn English?help+sb.+with+名词. 意为“在某事上帮助某人”eg: I want to help Tian with her maths.10、in front of 在.前面(外部)eg: There are two big tress in front of my house. 我家门前有两棵大树。In the front of 在.前面(内部)eg: Look at the blackboard in the front of our classroom. 看我们教室前面的黑板。写作提升:1)审题,抓取关键词。

7、既然是指路,一定要看清目的地。2)在头脑中迅速画出简易地图,规划好前往路线。3)知识储备:常见的地点名:park 、zoo、cinema、museum、bookstore、hospital、restaurant、post office 常用的指路词组:go straight、turn left/right at . crossing、traffic lights常用的表示方位的词组:in front of、next to、behind、near4)连词成句,连句成篇。衔接词:first、then、last等例文:Today is Sunday.I want go to cinema with

8、my friends.The cinema is not far from my home.How can I get there? First go straight and turn right at the park.Then turn left at the first crossing. I can see the cinema on my right. Its next to the post office.Unit2交通方方式和交通规则1、How do you come to school?你怎么来学校的?问:How do you come/go(to)+地点,用来询问对方来某地

9、或去某地的出行方式。答:I/We come/go(to)+地点+表示出行方式的介词短语。eg: How do you go to the zoo? I go to on e/go后面接的是地点名词时,需用“to+地点名词”,后面接副词home、here、there等词时,要省略掉介词to,表示“来,去.”eg: How do we go home?2、频度副词:在句子中一般位于实意动词之前,be动词、情态动词、助动词之后。 Always 总是(百分之百发生) Usually 通常,一般(百分之八十发生)Often 经常(百分之六十发生)Sometimes有时(百分之四十发生)Never 从不(

10、不会发生,与always相反)eg: We always stay at home. Peter is never late for school. Sometimes, we go to the bookstore on foot.3、有关交通方式的词组on foot、by plane、airplane(飞机)、at the airplane(在机场)、by taxi、take a taxi、by ship(乘大船)、by boat(乘小船)、by subway、underground(地铁)、by train、train station(火车站)、by bike、by sled、by fe

11、rry4、take the No.57 bus. 乘57路公交车 Take是动词,可以表示“乘坐”,“take a/the +交通工具”来表达交通方式take a bus to +某地=go to +某地+by bus ride a bike to +某地=go to +某地+by bike交通工具前不加任何冠词5、must 情态动词,后接动词原形主语+must+动词原形+其他6、Dont go at the red light. 别闯红灯。Dont引导的否定祈使句 Dont+动词原形+.意为“不要做某事”,用于命令、请求对方或警告对方不要做某事。 祈使句:1)动词原形+其他 Open the

12、 door.2) Let+人+动词原形+其他 Lets go home now.3) No+名词或动词的-ing形式No swimming! No smoking!7、pay attention to.注意eg:We should pay attention to our listening.8、traffic lights 交通信号灯 slow down 慢下来Traffic rules 交通规则 fast 快的 Stop v.停下;n.车站9、Slow down and stop at a yellow light. 黄灯时减速并停一停Stop and wait at a red ligh

13、t. 红灯时停下来等一等Go at a green light. 绿灯行 10、why 引导的特殊疑问句,一般用because来回答 eg: why are you so sad? Because I lost my new book. Because of“因为”介词短语,后面可接名词、代词或动名词。写作提升:1)审题,抓住关键词(去学校,交通方式)2)罗列重要信息(介绍自己家离学校的远近,去学校的一些交通方式)3)知识储备: 常用的频度副词:Always 、Usually 、Often、Sometimes 常见的交通方式:on foot、by plane、airplane(飞机)、at t

14、he airplane(在机场)、by taxi、take a taxi、by ship(乘大船)、by boat(乘小船)、by subway、underground(地铁)、by train、train station(火车站)、by bike、 常用句型:Usually /Sometimes I go to school. I often go to school.4)连词成句,连句成篇例文:Im a student. I usually go to school on foot. I must pay attention to the traffic lights. I can go

15、at a green light and I must stop and wait at a red light . Before crossing the road ,I should look right and left first, and I can cross the road.Unit 3 周末活动计划1、What are you going to do tomorrow ? 明天你打算做什么? Be going to +动词原形,常用来表示按计划或安排要发生的动作,有时也可以表示根据目前情况推测将要发生的动作,意为“打算,将要”,be going to结构的时间状语必须是将来的

16、时间,如:tomorrow、tonight、next to、this afternoon、this evening等What引导的be going to结构特殊疑问句What+be动词+主语+going to+动词原形+时间/地点?eg: what are you going to do this afternoon ? What is going to do in the park ? What am I going to do tomorrow ? 我明天做什么?Be going to 的陈述句:主语+be动词+going to+动词原形+其他eg: Im going to play fo

17、otball whit Wang Bin ? We are going to take a trip next weekend.2、Have 啊good time!玩的开心!其他的几种表达方式:Have a nice time ! Have a great time ! Have fun ! Enjoy oneself!3、have to“不得不做,必须”后面接动词原形,表示迫于某种限制条件或客观需要不得不做的事。eg: Is late, I have to home now .4、take a trip、go to the supermarket、at/in a supermarket在超市

18、This afternoon 、last week、next week、next mouth、next year、last mouth 5、on his way home 在他回家的路上 His可用my、your、our、her、its、their代替,也可以用名词所有格代替,Jacks、Lilys等6、Where are you going ?你们打算去哪儿?用来询问某人打算或计划去哪儿,基本句型为:where +be动词+主语+going(+将来时间)?eg: where are your parents going tomorrow ? Where is she going on Sun

19、day ?Where是副词所以省略去了be going to 中的to7、when are you going ?你们打算什么时候去? When +be动词+主语+going(to+地点/do sth.)某人打算何时做某事询问活动用whatWhat are you going to do tonight ?询问时间用whenWhen are you going to swim ?询问地点用whereWhere are you going to play ?询问方式用howHow are they going to Beijing ?8、Why not go on Tuesday ? 为什么不在

20、星期二去呢?Why not+动词原形?意为“为什么不.呢”用来询问原因或用反问的语气提出建议。其同义句为:why dont you +动词原形?意为“为什么不.呢”eg:why not go there by bus ?=why dont you go there by bus ?9、half price、half an hour 半小时、half past six 六点半、market price市价buy a postcard 买明信片 send a postcard 寄明信片10、Here you are!给你!Here they are! 他们在这儿!Here is it! 他在这儿!

21、Be动词的位置:1)如果句子的主语是代词,be动词要置主语之后2)如果句子的主语是名词,则要将be动词置于主语之前eg: Here are your pencils .这些是你的铅笔.11、Spring Festival春节 visit relatives and friends 走亲访友 Lantern Festival 元宵节 enjoy beautiful and lanterns 赏花灯 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 watch the dragon boat race 看龙舟Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节eat moon cakes吃月饼make

22、moon cakes做月饼Get together 聚会 write a poem写一首诗read a poem 读一首诗12、tell讲述,告诉 tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事eg: Tell the kids to be quiet, please.tell sb. sth.=tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事eg: Tell me your phone number.写作提升:日记的形式写周某计划1)构思。看到题目是周某计划,我们可以抓住人物、时间、地点、事件等关键点来介绍。2)确定词语:时间单词:Saturday 、Sunday 、tomorr

23、ow、tonight、next to、this afternoon、this evening活动单词及短语: take a trip、go to the supermarket、get together、red book、what TV、play football、visit my grandparents.句型:主语+be going to+动词原形+将来时的时间注意:周某计划,属于将要发生的事,所以全文用将来时,主谓一致性,单复数变化,句首单词首字母大写及标点的使用。3)通读检查 例文:My family is going to have a busy weekend. On Saturd

24、ay , we are going to the supermarket. Then Im going to the bookstore to read some books.On Sunday , my dad is going to clean the room .My mum is going to wash the clothes . Im going to do my homework .Unit 4 我有一笔友1、What are Peters hobbies ? hobbies , hobby的复数,同义词:interest询问某人爱好的句型:what+be动词+.s hobby

25、/hobbies ?be动词根据句中的hobby的单复数形式来确定,s 是形容词性物主代词或名词所有格。回答:主语+like/likes+名词/动词-ing形式。eg : what are your hobbies? I like reading books and listening to music .同义句:what do/does+某人+like?某人喜欢什么?eg :what do you like ? what does Mary like ?2、1)like+名词,意为“喜欢某物”eg : I like story book .2)like+动词-ing形式,意为“喜欢做某事”,

26、表示经常性或习惯性爱好3)Like+to+动词原形,意为“喜欢做某事”,侧重于一次性的行为或动作。 eg :I like to visit the Great Wall . She likes (draw)pictures . 3、also和tooalso 也 用于肯定句中,在句中的位置放置于实义动词之前 I also like playing the piano .too 也 用于肯定句中,多至于句末,前面常用逗号隔开。 I have a ruler , too .4、teach的用法:teach+sb.(宾格)+sth. 意为“教某人某事”eg:Mike is going to teach

27、 me English this evening . Teach sb. To do sth. 意为“教某人做某事” eg:My father teaches me to make kites . 双宾语动词:give,buy,send,show5、Good idea! Have a idea 有一个好主意6、动词-ing形式的变化1)一般在词尾直接加-ing:sing-singing do-doing read-reading play-playing2)以不发音的e结尾的去掉e,再加-ing:dance-dancing write-writing3)以重读闭音节结尾并且末尾只有一个辅音结尾

28、的,应该双写这个辅音字母再加-ing:run-running swim-swimming stop-stopping7、play的用法:1)play+球类/棋类 play basketball 、play football3)play+the+乐器 play the piano、play the erhu4)play+with+其他 play with snow8、一般现在时的一般疑问句:问:Do/Does +主语+动词原形+其他?回答:肯定:Yes , 主语(人称代词)+do/does 否定:No , 主语(人称代词)+dont/ : Does your mother go

29、 to work by bus ? Yes , she does ./No , doesnt .9、第三人称单数:1)一般在词尾加-s : make-makes love-loves play-plays2)以s、x、ch、sh结尾的,在词尾加-es:teach-teaches watch-watches3)以辅音字母+y结尾的,改y为i,再加-es:study-studies4)以o结尾的,加-es:do-does go-goesStudy的近义词learn,名词:hiking、shopping、jogging(慢跑)10、shall we dance ?我们去跳舞,好吗?Shall,表示征

30、求意见,用于第一、三人称,意为“.好吗” eg:shall I open the window ?Share,动词,分享:share+名词,意为“分享某物”share sth. with sb. 意为“与某人分享某物”写作提升写作书信,格式上必须由三要素1)称呼2)正文。此封信的内容,主要围绕什么来写,应包括以下:首先要说明你写信的目的,其次介绍自己的个人信息,最后提出你对笔友的要求。3)落款。范文:Dear friends, I an looking for a pen pal , I have many hobbies . I often go hiking on the weekend

31、. I can cook Chinese food . Do you like Chinese food ? I want to study English . Can you help me ? Write to me soon . Yours 你的姓名 Unit 5 人物职业和生活情况Career Day 职业体验日1、What does he do ?问的是单个人,所以用单三问:what+does+主语(第三人称单数)+do ?答:He/she is a/an+职业单词 其中does是助动词,显示主语的人称和数后面的动词do是实意动词,表示“做”的意思,用动词原形。 eg: what does your mother do ? She is a nurse.What

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