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1、天津市耀华中学届高考英语冲刺导练专题练习二十一天津市耀华中学2017届高考英语专题练习(二十一)冲刺导练【读写应用综合训练】一、完形填空Cloze 1_21记叙文-11I had worried myself sick over Simons mother coming to see me. I was a new 21 , and I gave an honest account of the students work. In Simons case, the grades were awfully low. He couldnt read his own handwriting. 22

2、he was a bright student. He discussed adult subjects with nearly adult comprehension. His work in no way reflected his 23 .So when Simons mother entered the room, my palms(手掌心) were sweating. I was completely 24 for her kisses on both my cheeks. “I came to thank you,” she said, surprising me beyond

3、speech. 25 me, Simon had become a different person. He talked of how he 26 me, he had began to make friends, and for the first time in his twelve years, he had 27 spent an afternoon at a friends house. She wanted to tell me how grateful she was for the 28 I had nurtured(培养) in her son. She kissed me

4、 again and left.I sat, stunned(惊呆), for about half an hour, 29 what had just happened. How did I make such a life-changing difference to that boy without 30 knowing it? What I finally came to 31 was one day, several months before, when some students were 32 reports in the front of the class, Jeanne

5、spoke 33 , and to encourage her to raise her voice, L had said, “Speak up. Simons the expert on this. He is the 34 one you have to convince, and he cant hear you in the 35 of the room.” That was it. From that day on, Simon had sat up straighter, paid more attention, 36 more, and became happy. And it

6、 was all because he 37 to be the last kid in the last row. The boy who most needed 38 was the one who took the last seat that day.It taught me the most 39 lesson over the years of my teaching career, and Im thankful that it came 40 and positively. A small kindness can indeed make a difference.21Acle

7、aner Breporter Cmonitor Dteacher22AOr BAnd CBut DSo23Acourage Babilities Cfeelings Ddream24Adesperate Bresponsible Cunprepared Dunsuitable25ABecause of BIn spite of CApart from DAs for26Aloved Benvied Cpleased Dcriticized27Agradually Bconstantly Crecently Dobviously28Aself-respect Bself-doubt Cself-

8、pity Dself-defence29Aimagining Bobserving Cwondering Dregretting30Aalso Beven Calways Dstill31Aexpect Bremember Cbelieve Daccept32Awriting Breviewing Cediting Dgiving33Aquietly Brepeatedly Cquickly Dfirmly34Alucky Blonely Conly Dlikely35Aentrance Bmiddle Cfront Dback36Aslept Bsmiled Cshouted Dquarre

9、led37Aintended Bpretended Crefused Dhappened38Achange Bpraise Cthanks Dvisits39Adifficult Bpainful Cvaluable Denjoyable40Aearly Bslowly Cfrequently Doccasionally二、阅读理解Reading Comprehension阅读微技能 Micro Reading Skills解析与训练 系列7A句子语境训练1We walked slowly down the trail with great trepidation. No one who ha

10、d gone this way had ever been heard from again. Had they simply found a better place to settle on this dark planet? We doubted that.Which word is a synonym of “trepidation”? _Amovement Bworry Cenjoyment Dlaughter2John drives too fast, and he often drives in the middle of the street. He doesnt watch

11、what the other cars are doing. He is a reckless driver. _Avery careful Bvery careless Cvery harmful Dvery harmless3Kathy was looking for a strong but light material to use for making her water jugs. Unfortunately, she chose noodelite. It proved to too porous to hold jelly.A porous material _.Ais goo

12、d for holding things that you pour Bprotects you in pouring rainCallows liquids to flow through it Dis necessary for making bowling balls4Both sides in the election contest are throwing accusations at each other. The Gore supporters claim that Governor Bush is trying to thwart the will of the people

13、. The Bush supporters say that Mr. Gore is trying to create votes or assign choices to people who did not really cast votes for president.What does “thwart” mean? _Ahelp Bfigure out Cblock Dtickle5Your plan looks good. I hope it will really work. Its time to implement it and see if its as brilliant

14、as you claim.Ainstrument Btake apart Cchange Dcarry out6If your plan fails, well have to find someone who can devise a better one.Adesign Bdislike Cappliance Dto use peanut butter as toothpaste7When your plan brings us great wealth, you will be rewarded for your sagacity.Agood looks Bmistakes Cintel

15、ligence Dhuge appetite for herbsB段落语境训练1Emma had never read it, nor had she ever purchased a copy. But, when she opened it up, she was floored to see her own name and address inside the cover, in her own handwriting. It turned out that the summer before, at a concert back in Montreal, Emma had met a

16、 Californian who was in town visiting friends. They decided to exchange addresses, but neither of them had any paper. The man had opened up a book he was carrying in his backpack and asked Emma to write her name and address inside. When he returned to California, he left the book behind in Montreal,

17、 and his friend Alex kept it. When Alex later relocated to Jerusalem, he took the now-treasured book along.Q: What does the underlined word “floored” in the paragraph mean? _Ainterested Bshocked Cfrightened Dexcited2Oxygen is vital to life; it is needed by the body cells of all animals. It is also v

18、ery useful in industry. The method Priestley used produces only small quantities. The large amounts needed for industry are produced in a different way. Air is put into containers under great pressure. This turns it into liquid and makes it very cold. It is then gradually warmed up and each substanc

19、e evaporates at a different temperature. The boiling point of oxygen is -183C.It is caught and stored in strong steel cylinders at a pressure of 136 atmospheres. The process is known as fractional distillation.Q: Which word has the rough meaning of “vital”? _Aimportant Buseful Chelpful Dinteresting3

20、These different kinds of learning disabilities are known by different names. For example, a person who has difficulty reading may have dyslexia. Someone who cannot do mathematics may have a disorder called dyscalculia(计算困难).Q: The underlined word “dyslexia” in the paragraph probably means _.Adifficu

21、lty in seeing Bproblem in reading Ctrouble in listening Dbrain disorder4A childs birthday party doesnt have to be a hassle; it can be a basket of fun, according to Beth Anaclerio, an Evaston mother of two, ages 4 and 18 months.Q: What does the underlined word “hassle” probably mean in the paragraph?

22、 _Aa party designed by specialists Ba plan requiring careful thoughtCa situation causing difficulty or trouble Da demand made by guests5And if youve gathered your friends around you to rebuild a happy family atmosphere(气氛), you may fear that saying no will bring back the kind of conflict you grew up

23、 with or destroy the nice atmosphere you now enjoy.Q: The underlined word “conflict” in the paragraph means _.Adependent life Bfierce fight Cbad manners Dpainful feeling6“She is ashamed and embarrassed but doesnt really have any explanation why she did this,” Miss Duff said. “She didnt intend to ste

24、al when she went into the store. She is at a loss to explain it. She is otherwise a very respectable and intelligent young lady .She went to her doctor and asked for advice because she wants to know if there is anything in particular that caused her to do this.”Q: What does the underlined sentence “

25、She is at a loss to explain it” mean? _AIn her opinion it was a loss to the clothes shops where she stole things.BShe doesnt have any idea why she has the desire to steal from shops.CShe thinks it is a loss for her to explain why she stole things from shops.DPersonally she feels ashamed and embarras

26、sed for her shoplifting actions.7Apple trees may not grow as tall as twelve metres. They do best in areas that have very cold winters. Although no fruit is yielded during the winter, this cold period is good for the tree.Q: The underlined word “yielded” in the last sentence means _.Aimproved Bincrea

27、sed Cproduced Dsold(1)篇章语境Passage 1Most people feel lonely sometimes, but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours. This kind of loneliness is not serious. In fact, it is quite normal. For some people, though, loneliness can last for years. Now researchers say there are three diff

28、erent types of loneliness.The first kind of loneliness is temporary. This is the most common type. It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention. The second kind situational loneliness is a natural result of a particular situation. For example, a family problem, the death

29、of a loved one, or moving to a new place. Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year. The third kind of loneliness is the most severe. Unlike the second type chronic(长期的) loneliness usually lasts mo

30、re than two years and has no specific cause. People who experience habitual loneliness have problems socializing and becoming close to others. Unfortunately, many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.Psychologists agree that one important factor in loneliness is a persons social contacts, e.g. friends, family members, co-workers, etc. We depend on various people for different reasons. For instance, our families give us emotional support, our parents and teachers give us guidance, and our friends share si

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