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1、从句重点难点一定语从句1.只能用that ,而不能用which 的情形1)当定语从句修饰的先行词是:all, any, every, few, a few, only, no, some, very, something, anything, nothing, little, much 等不定代词或先行词被上述不定代词修饰时,连接词只能用that;You can take any seat that is free.2)当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级等修饰时,其后的关系代词要用that Jack is the best student that I have ever taught.3) 先行

2、词被the only, the very, the last 修饰时He is the only person that I want to talk to.4) 先行词既有人又有物时用 that They talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school2. that 可用于表示“方式”、“时刻”、“地址”的词语后取代“when”、“where”、“in which”等也常省略看看汤姆处置工作的方式。Look at the way (that / in which ) Tom tackled the job. 不幸

3、的是,咱们跨越海峡的那天海上波涛汹涌 The sea was, unfortunately, very rough the day (that / when / on which ) we crossed the channel.这是我父亲住了30 年的屋子。 This is the house ( where / in which / that ) my father lived for thirty years. 3.介词后不能跟“that”,在某些固定短语中介词不该与短语分开而前置 listen to; look at; look for; pay attention to; take

4、care of Your inefficiency, which we have put up with far too long, is beginning to annoy our customers.(put up with 为短语动词,with不能前置。)这是我跟你说到的那本书。Here is the book that I told you about.不可利用:Here is the book about that I told you. 因为that 前不能加介词。)4.名词或数词+ of + which / whom 表示部份与整体的关系 There are many form

5、s of energy, one of which is atomic energy.(which的先行词是many forms of) The book, the cover of which is gray, is mine.(which 的先行词是the book) 作关系代词 “but”用做关系代词时,作“who / thatnot”或“whichnot”解,用在否定结构中通过双重否定达到强烈肯定的修辞效果 凡是规则皆有例外。There is no rule but has exceptions. = There is no rule that does not have except

6、ions.即:Every rule has exceptions.More examples:Not a day went by but brought us bad news at that difficult time.=Not a day went by which did not bring us bad news at that difficult time.There are few of us but admire your accomplishments.=There are few of us who/that do not admire your accomplishmen

7、ts.6.关系代词和关系副词的省略1)在there be 结构的定语从句中,用作主语的关系代词that/who/which 能够省略,there is 或 there has ever been 等结构通常在定语从句中有“目前有的,曾经有的”之意。. Henry was the only person (that) there was to witness the car accident. This car is probable faster than any of its kind (that) there has ever been.2)当先行词是reason且关系代词在句中作原因状语

8、时,关系代词why 能够省略. That is the reason (why) I like her so much.3). 当先行词是way且关系代词在句中作方式状语时,关系代词in which 或 that 能够省略。. That was the way (in which) he found out the solution to this problem. 用作关系代词“what+名词”相当于“all the +名词+that”. I have given you what help I can.= I have given you all the help that I can.

9、She saved what little money she earned to help this old lady.= She saved all the little money that she earned to help this old lady.8. 先行词为表示“情形”的名词时(situation, conditions, instance等),定语从句用where 引导:. This is a situation where he can still remain calm.二状语从句1.时刻状语从句1) when, as, while比较“when”可指一段时刻,也可指

10、一点时刻,可表示短暂性动作,也可表示持续动作 “as”表示动作与主句同时发生,与延续性动词连用,意为“随着” “while”只能表示持续性的动作或状态 I came home, I handed my mother a paper bag.(表示一个动作紧接另一个动作发生。) As I left the house I forgot the key.(表示两个动作同时发生,持续时刻较短。) Tom broke a glass while she was washing up.(两动作同时发生,从句动作比主句动作延续时刻长。) 2) till, until, not until 比较until

11、比till 更具有强调意味,故用于句首时通常常利用“until”而不用“till” 主句为肯定式,则谓语动词是表示延续性的动作,意为“一直到为止” 主句为否定句,则谓语动词表示非延续性动作,意为“直到才” not until 放在句首时,主句的主语和谓语要倒装,表示增强语气 Not until people lose friendship do they know its value. not until 常常利用于“It was not until that ”的强调结构It was not until I had investigated the matter that I had som

12、e idea of it. 3) no sooner than, hardly (scarcely, barely ) when 主句用过去完成时,从句用过去时 连接词放在句首,则主谓部份倒装 She had no sooner walked out of the classroom than she realized her mistake.(不用倒装)Hardly (barely / scarcely) had the words been spoken when he realized that he should have remained silent.话刚一出口,他就意识到自己本应

13、该维持沉默。 No sooner had she walked out of the classroom than she realized her mistake. 她刚一步出教室就意识到了自己的错误。4) “一就”的不同表达方式“the moment / minute / second / instant / day”“的那一刻分秒天就” Jack stopped talking the moment he heard Toms voice at the door.一听到门外汤姆的声音,杰克就停止了谈话。You see the lightning the instant it happen

14、s, but you hear the thunder later.你会在闪电发生的那一刻就看见它,而要过一会儿才能听到雷声。几种不常常利用的表达举例:They went into action directly/immediately/instantly/presently they heard the alarm.(in British English)5)几种需用完成时态的时刻状语从句:by the time; it is the first/second time; hardlywhen/before; scarcelywhen/before; no soonerthan; since

15、; ever since; now that. By the time I got home, they had left for the airport.It is the first time that I have visited such a big museum.Wed hardly arrived before we had to go back.6) 下列词组可引导时刻状语从句:every time/any time/next time/the first time/the last timethe day/the week/the month/the yearthe morni

16、ng/the afternoon/the evening/the night. Every time he went back home, he would went to visit his grandma 2.地址状语从句地址状语从句一般由where 和wherever或everywhere引导 The teacher started where she stopped yesterday. 老师从她昨天停止的地方开始。John went wherever he could find work.约翰去了任何一个能够找到工作的地方。 3. 条件状语从句1)由if 引入的条件从句 a. If

17、it rains, I shall / will stay at home. b. Peter wont catch the bus if he doesnt hurry. (这两句从句用一般此刻时,主句用未来时。)c. If you go out, you must / should / may /can take the umbrella. (主句可采用不同的情态动词。)d. If it was fine, he usually walked to school. (主、从句都用过去时。)e. If you will have it so, I have nothing to say ag

18、ainst it. 若是你非要如此,我也什么反对的。(从句中的will,表示“意愿”。) 2) if 从句的否定形式可用“if not”或“unless”,译为“除非”Unless you start at once youll be late.3)还有一些连接词及词组可引出条件状语从句providing / provided that, given that, so / as long as, on condition that,supposing /suppose that, in the event that4)几种不常常利用的条件状语从句:. In the event that she

19、 can not arrive on time, we will go first.若是她不能按时到,咱们就先走。Say what he said were true, what would you do about it?假设他说的是真的,你将如何应对?Assuming your calculation is correct, we should travel northeast.假设你的计算是正确的,咱们应向东北方向行进。5) 祈使句 + and / or (else) 也可表示条件句,这时祈使句能够理解为省略了if 的条件句Turn on the television or open a

20、 magazine and you will often see advertisement showing happy, balanced families. 开开电视或掀开一份杂志,你往往会看见广告上展现出一个个快乐和谐的家庭。 4.目的和结果状语从句1) 由从属连词that, so that, in order that 引导的目的状语从句 Man does not live that he may eat, but eats that he may live. 人生存不是为了用饭,用饭则是为了生存。2) 在连接词so that 中so 是副词,直接修饰形容词和副词,其句型如下:a. s

21、o + 副词 + that + 副词 + that c. so + 形容词+ a + 单数可数名词 + that It was so hot a day that we slept most of the time. 3) 连接词such that 结构中,such 是形容词,直接修饰名词,其句型为:a. such + a + 形容词 + 单数可数名词 + that b. such + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + that c. such + 形容词 + 复数名词 + that 4) 在so that 引入的从句中,可把so 放在句首,进行强调,但主谓需倒装,So terrible was t

22、he storm that the roofs were all ripped off. 5) 其它结果状语从句such that (是)如此(以至) situation is such that agreement is much so that 如此以至于 likes hamburgers so much so that he eats them almost everyday.with the result that 结果是 was listening to the music, with the result that I didnt hear the door

23、 the degree that; to such a degree that; to the extent that以至于,到境界,程度 bad news upset me to the degree that/to such a degree that/to the extent that I couldnt fall into sleep last night.5.原因状语从句 1) because, as, since, for比较because 引入的从句既能够位于主句之前,也能够位于主句以后,表示主句谓语动词的直接原因,译作“因为”,as 引入的从句放在句首或句末,译

24、作:“由于”since 引入的从句通常放在句首,表示已为人们所知的原因或理由, 多译作:“既然”for 所表达的语气最弱,出此刻句末表示附带说明的理由. I asked her to stay for tea, for I had something to tell her. 我请她留下来喝茶,因为我有事要告知她 because 比as, since,for 语气更强,表示直接原因,因此用why 开头的疑问句只能用because 回答。2) 原因状语从句还可用短语连接词引导a. in that,意为:“因为,在于” ,常常利用于两事物间的比较 machine differs from the

25、other one in that it is more powerful.b. now that 意为:“既然”,与since 同义,它连接已经完成的动作,适应上放于句首 that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. 既然咱们已经完成了这门课程,咱们即将开始温习工作。 c. not that but that 相当于not because but because that John doesnt want to help you, but that its beyond his power

26、. 不是约翰不想帮你,而是他没办法帮。注意:那个句式并非是一个完整的句子,完整的句式是It is not that but that d. seeing that 和considering that 意为:“鉴于,由于” Seeing that he could not persuade the other members of the committee, he gave in. 鉴于他无法说服委员会中的其他成员,他舍弃了。 e. in as/so much as意为“因为” thorough physical examination is important in as/so much a

27、s it serves to reassure the patient.全面体检很重要,因为它能打消病人的疑虑。6. 妥协状语从句 1) as 引入的妥协状语从句表达的语气强烈,被强调的词要放在as 之前 Patient as he was, he had no intention of waiting for three hours. 虽然他很有耐心,但也不想等上三个小时。Much as she needed the job, she had to refuse.无论她是何等需要这份工作,她只能拒绝。 2) while 和whereas 引发的状语从句表示强烈对比 While I sympa

28、thize with your point of view, I cannot accept it. 我虽然同情你的观点,但不能同意它。They want a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat. 他们想要一所大宅子,而咱们更想住在一套单元房里。3) No matter+疑问词不能引导主语从句和宾语从句,可用疑问词+ever来引导(错)No matter what he says has nothing to do with me.(对)Whatever he says has nothing to do with me.4) 其它引导词

29、引导的妥协状语从句In spite of the fact that he was deaf and dumb, he had a genius for music.For all that there were a lot of difficulties, he finally entered the final competition and won the first prize.Granted you have made much progress, you should not be conceited. 5) For all (that) 表示妥协概念,“that”能够省略,相当于

30、“in spite of”或 “in spite of the fact that”,其后可接短语或从句. For all the fine words he may say to your face, he doesnt like you at heart. For all (that) you say, he will not change his mind.6)with 引导的介词短语也可表示妥协概念。. With all our advice, he insisted on going there alone.7)alough/though/yet 的利用用了although 或 th

31、ough, 就必然不能在后面的从句同时用but, 可是though 能够和yet 连用. Although they were very tired, they were still working.Though they were very tired, yet they were still working.7. 比较状语从句 1) 倍数比较:times + as + 原级+ as;times + 比较级+ than;times that of A is five times longer than Line B. A线是B线的5倍长。A线比B线长4倍。This box is four times as heavy as that one. 那个盒子比那个盒子重3倍。The number of the students in this college this year is twice that of (the number of / as many as) last year.那个学校今年的学生人数是去年的两倍。 2) the more the mo

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