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1、温总理在剑桥的讲话温总理在剑桥的讲话!来源:本站浏览: 女士们,先生们! Ladies and Gentlemen, 我之所以强调用发展的眼光看中国,就是因为世界在变,中国也在变。如今的中国,早已不是一百年前封闭落后的旧中国,也不是30年前贫穷僵化的中国。经过改革开放,中国的面貌已焕然一新。北京奥运会向世界展示的,就是这样一个古老、多彩和现代的中国。我希望朋友们,多到中国走一走、看一看,了解今天的中国人究竟在想什么、做什么、关心什么。这样,有助于你们认识一个真实的、不断发展变化着的中国,也有助于你们了解中国是如何应对当前这场全球性金融危机的。 I stress the importance o

2、f seeing China in the light of her development, because the world is changing and China is changing. China is no longer the closed and backward society it was 100 years ago, or the poor and ossified society 30 years ago. Thanks to reform and opening-up, China has taken on a new look. What the Beijin

3、g Olympic Games showcased is a colorful China, both ancient and modern. I therefore encourage you to visit China more often and see more places there. This way, you will better understand what the Chinese people are thinking and doing, and what they are interested in. You will get to know the true C

4、hina, a country constantly developing and changing. You will also better appreciate how China has been tackling the ongoing global financial crisis. 在这场前所未有的世界金融危机中,中国和包括英国在内的欧洲都受到严重冲击。现在危机尚未见底,由此可能带来的各种严重后果还难以预料。合作应对、共渡难关,是我们的首要任务。 This unprecedented financial crisis has inflicted a severe impact o

5、n both China and Britain as well as other European countries. The crisis has not yet hit the bottom, and it is hard to predict what further damage it may cause. To work together and tide over the difficulties has become our top priority. 我认为,应对全球性危机,需要增进合作。有多大程度的相互信任,就可能有多大程度的合作。中国政府主张:第一,要首先办好各国自己的

6、事情,不把麻烦推给别人;第二,要精诚合作,不搞以邻为壑;第三,要标本兼治,不能头疼医头、脚疼医脚。我在达沃斯会议上已重申,应该对国际货币金融体系进行必要的改革,建立公平、公正、包容、有序的国际金融新秩序,努力营造有利于全球经济发展的制度环境。 I believe that closer cooperation is needed to meet the global crisis, and the level of cooperation hinges upon the level of mutual trust. The Chinese Government maintains that c

7、ountries should: first and foremost, run their own affairs well and refrain from shifting troubles onto others; second, carry out cooperation with full sincerity and avoid pursuing ones own interests at the expense of others; and third, address both the symptoms and the root cause of the problem. A

8、palliative approach will not work. We should not treat only the head when the head aches, and the foot when the foot hurts. As I reiterated at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, necessary reform of the international monetary and financial systems should be carried out to establish a n

9、ew international financial order that is fair, equitable, inclusive and well-managed. We should create an institutional environment conducive to global economic growth. 这里我想谈一谈中国是如何应对这场金融危机的。 Let me talk briefly about how China has been responding to the crisis. 金融危机对中国实体经济的影响日益显现。从去年第三季度以来,出口大幅下滑,经

10、济增速放缓,就业压力加大。中国经济面临着严峻的局面。面对危机,我们果断决策,及时调整宏观经济政策取向,迅速出台扩大国内需求的十项措施,陆续制定了一系列政策,形成了系统完整的促进经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划。主要包括以下几个方面: The fallout of the financial crisis on Chinas real economy is becoming more evident. Since the third quarter of last year, our exports have declined sharply, economic growth has slowed

11、down, and the pressure on employment has been rising. In the face of the grim situation, we have acted decisively. We have made timely adjustment to the direction of our macroeconomic policy, promptly introduced ten measures to expand domestic demand, and formulated a series of related policies. Tog

12、ether, they make up a systematic and comprehensive package plan aimed at promoting steady and relatively fast economic growth. Its main contents are: 一是大规模增加政府支出扩大内需。中国政府推出了以财政支出带动社会投资,总额达4万亿元的两年计划,规模相当于2007年中国的16%。主要投向保障性安居工程、农村民生工程、铁路交通等基础设施、社会事业、生态环保建设和地震灾后恢复重建。中国政府还推出了大规模的减税计划,一年可减轻企业和居民负担约5000亿

13、元。我们还大幅度降息和增加银行体系流动性,出台了一系列金融措施。 First, substantially increase government spending to boost domestic demand. The Chinese Government has announced a two-year investment program that will generate, through fiscal spending, a total investment of RMB 4 trillion nationwide, equivalent to 16% of Chinas GD

14、P in 2007. The money will mainly go into government-subsidized housing, projects related to the well-being of rural residents, the construction of railway and other infrastructural projects, social development programs, environmental protection and post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction. The Ch

15、inese Government has introduced a massive tax-cut program, which will reduce the tax burdens on businesses and individuals by about RMB 500 billion each year. We have also cut interest rates by a large margin, increased liquidity in the banking system and adopted a range of financial measures. 二是大范围

16、实施产业调整振兴计划。我们全面推进产业结构调整和优化升级,制定汽车、钢铁等十个重点产业的调整和振兴规划。我们采取经济和技术的措施,大力推进节能减排,推进企业兼并重组,提高产业集中度和资源配置效率。我们鼓励和支持企业广泛应用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,开发适销对路产品。 Second, implement a large-scale industrial restructuring and rejuvenation program. We are pushing forward industrial restructuring and upgrading across the board a

17、nd formulating plans for the restructuring and revitalization of ten key industries, including automobiles and iron and steel. We will take economic and technological measures to boost energy conservation and reduce emissions, and promote merger and reorganization of enterprises to raise the level o

18、f industry concentration and the efficiency of resource allocation. We encourage and support the extensive application of new technologies, techniques, equipment and materials and the development of marketable products by enterprises. 三是大力推进科技进步和创新。科技是克服金融危机的根本力量。每一场大的危机常常伴随一场新的科技革命;每一次经济的复苏,都离不开技术创

19、新。我们加快实施国家中长期科学和技术发展规划,特别是核心电子器件、核能开发利用、高档数控机床等16个重大专项,突破一批核心技术和关键共性技术,为中国经济在更高水平上实现可持续发展提供科技支撑。推动发展高新技术产业群,培育新的经济增长点。我们就是要依靠科学技术的重大突破,创造新的社会需求,催生新一轮的经济繁荣。 Third, make energetic efforts for progress and innovation in science and technology. Science and technology are of fundamental importance in ove

20、rcoming the financial crisis. A major crisis is usually followed by a revolution in science and technology, and no economic recovery is possible without technological innovation. We are stepping up the implementation of the National Program for Medium- and Long-Term Scientific and Technological Deve

21、lopment, with special emphasis on 16 major projects including core electronic devices, development and use of nuclear energy and advanced numerically controlled machine tools. We will strive to make breakthroughs in a host of core technologies and key generic technologies to support sustainable econ

22、omic growth at a higher level. We will promote the development of high-tech industrial clusters and cultivate new economic growth areas. All in all, we will rely on major breakthroughs in science and technology to foster new social demand and bring about a new round of economic boom. 四是大幅度提高社会保障水平。继


24、商机。 Fourth, significantly raise the level of social security. We will continue to increase basic pension for enterprise retirees and upgrade the standard of unemployment insurance and workers compensation. We will raise the level of basic cost of living allowances in both urban and rural areas and w

25、elfare allowances for those rural residents without family support. We are advancing the reform of the medical and health system and working to put in place a nationwide basic medical and health system covering both urban and rural areas within three years and achieve the goal of everyone having acc

26、ess to basic medical and health service. We give priority to education and are now working on the Guidelines of the National Program for Medium- and Long-Term Educational Reform and Development. We are following a more active employment policy with special emphasis on helping college graduates and m

27、igrant workers find jobs. We are endeavoring to create more jobs and lessen the impact of the financial crisis on employment. The aforementioned measures will help us boost domestic demand, readjust and reinvigorate industries, enhance the support of science and technology and strengthen social secu

28、rity all at the same time. They will stimulate consumption through increased investment, drive economic growth while improving peoples livelihood and creating more jobs, and see us through current difficulties while also improving the long-term prospect of the Chinese economy. They will not only ben

29、efit Chinas development, but also bring enormous business opportunities to other countries, Britain included. 这场百年一遇的金融危机,留给世人的思考是沉重的。它警示人们,对现行的经济体制和经济理论,应该进行深刻的反思。 This once-in-a-century financial crisis is truly thought-provoking. It reminds us of the need to have serious reflections on the existi

30、ng economic systems and theories. 中国曾长期实行高度集中的计划经济,把计划看成是绝对的,束缚了生产力的发展。这场金融危机使我们看到,市场也不是万能的,一味放任自由,势必引起经济秩序的混乱和社会分配的不公,最终受到惩罚。真正的市场化改革,决不会把市场机制与国家宏观调控对立起来。既要发挥市场这只看不见的手的作用,又要发挥政府和社会监管这只看得见的手的作用。两手都要硬,两手同时发挥作用,才能实现按照市场规律配置资源,也才能使资源配置合理、协调、平衡、可持续。 For many years in the past, China practiced a highly c

31、entralized planned economy and regarded planning as being absolute. This hampered the development of productivity. The ongoing financial crisis has made it clear to us, however, that the market is not a cure-all, either. A totally laissez-faire approach will inevitably lead to economic disorder and

32、unfair social distribution, and will eventually take its toll. A credible market-oriented reform should never set the market against government macro-regulation. The invisible hand of the market and the visible hand of government and social supervision should both act, and act vigorously. Only in this way can resources be distributed according to market rules and distributed in a reasonable, coordinated, balanced and sustainable manner. 国际金融危机再次告诉人们,不受监管的市场经济是多么可怕。从上世纪90年代以来,一些经济

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