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1、英语教学法论文 Playing games in English teachingAbstractEnglish, as a second language in China, is a major subject from primary schools to university. Its an essential stage for children in primary schools to acquire pronunciation and memorize basic vocabularies. Many young learners know nothing about Engl

2、ish when they begin to learn it in schools, English learning takes them to a broader world and this will mean special to the children both in ways and in mind. They are interested in the “strange” thing, but they also feel a little fear about it. This ambivalent feeling may be easy settled if the te

3、acher has various teaching methods. The priority for English teachers is to arouse childrens interest in studying English, for an interest in a language is known as a key to being motivated to learn. But how? Young childrens attention can be easy taken, but the attention spans vary, so it is difficu

4、lt to keep it throughout the whole class. Then the teacher should have the ability and enthusiasm to design different activities that children enjoy to attract their attention. Through lots of research investigations and my own experience in teaching practice, I propose an approach to language teach

5、ing. That is, to use games in English teaching classroom. Modern pedagogy takes games as one of the important teaching means which can pass on knowledge, develop skills and ability in languages teaching, games have been paid more and more attention to. Playing game in English is one of the effective

6、 ways in English study and it is suitable for the development of pupils physiological characteristics. From the significance of games in childrens English teaching, the thesis introduces the reliability any application of games teaching in English and its importance. The thesis uses research methods

7、 such as questionnaires and classroom observation to investigate the effectiveness of using games in the teaching process. This thesis holds game-teaching approach should be adopted in childrens English teaching, and also probes into the reliability of using games in the process. From the result, al

8、most all the students show great interest in English learning. Game teaching can arouse students interest in English learning. Since I am a new English teacher, I dont have enough experience in English teaching. But if I am a student, I want to study English in the course of playing games. At the sa

9、me time, I will feel very happy.Key words: English game teaching interest effectiveness primary school Playing games enough experience feel very happy摘 要 游戏教学是一种有效的英语学习方法,它适合孩子身心发展的特点。文章从游戏在儿童教学中的意义着手说明游戏的重要性,并探究了其可操作性。笔者采用问卷调查和课堂观察法等语言学习研究方法,提出了在小学英语教学中采用游戏教学可以提高学生英语学习的兴趣。从调查结果分析来看,游戏教学可以提高学生英语学习的兴

10、趣。因为我是个刚刚上任的英语老师,我在教学英语方面不是特别有经验。但是如果我是一个学生,我也愿意在游戏当中学习英语,同时我也感到很快乐。关 键 词:英语游戏教学 兴趣 效果 小学 玩游戏 足够的经验 感到很快乐 IntroductionSince the year 2001, English has become a required lesson in the primary school from Grade 3. Primary English Teaching Syllabus points out: “interest is a good teacher for pupils to

11、learn a foreign Language. And its an important task for primary school English teachers to arouse students interest at present.” How to arouse the interest is the key for language teaching. Playing games in English teaching is one of effective ways which are fit for the development of childrens phys

12、iological and psychological characteristics. The game is childrens nature. For children, the game is to live, and the life is a game, Playing games can foster childrens abilities, such as their intelligence, perception and so on. Many scholars agree that games in the language classroom have been con

13、sidered a better way to encourage children to work hard and cultivate their interest in clearing English. Children enjoy playing games in their native and this is a familiar experience for children to be introduced to study a foreign language.With the development of society and improvement of civili

14、zation, English teaching methods in primary schools are changing. Game teaching has been used from the ancient time. It makes teaching more effective. When teachers use games in English teaching, they must be known that what kind of games can be used. How to play English games? How to design games?

15、This thesis aims to prove the advantages of game teaching in improving primary school students interest in English learning.1. The exploration of using games in English classThrough the theories above we can easily know that children are active in playing games. Playing games is their nature. Americ

16、an psychologist and educational reformer John Dewey holds the notion that teaching material must be highly coherent with psychology. If the teaching material accords with childrens psychology, they would be attracted by the interesting activities and accordingly learn and master the teaching materia

17、l on their own initiative. Classroom games just answer for childrens cognitive traits. At the games, the children get the pleasure and the satisfaction so that they are willing to learn English. Meanwhile, the using of games is helpful to create the relaxing atmosphere for language acquisition; it i

18、s effective in childrens English teaching.As Sarah Phillips (1993:16) in Young Learners claims that if the activity is interesting, it is easier to be remembered, and so is the language. Meanwhile, the children gain the satisfaction which can arouse their motivation of learning. Therefore, to create

19、 a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for language teaching is helpful. There is a survey ( Tang Lei, 2004: 21) of 77 pupils about their attitude to the English teaching. 96.01% pupils respond that they like to play games in English class; 88.31% pupils think they can focus a great attention to the ga

20、mes; 93.51% pupils like the cooperative games. Moreover, the survey shows that competitive activities share more commends than the others. An advantage of using games in English classroom is that they add variation to a lesson and increase motivation by providing a plausible incentive to use the tar

21、get language. For many children between four and twelve years old, especially the youngest, language learning will not be the key motivational factor. Games can provide this stimulus. The game context makes the foreign language immediately useful to the children. It brings the target language to lif

22、e. Through playing games, students can learn English the way children learn their mother tongue without being aware they are studying; thus without stress, they can learn a lot. Even shy students can participate positively. (Lewis, 1999) Playing games in learning may develop the sense of communicati

23、on in English of the students. And the combination of the games may help them with a strong communicative ability.Game is not only the most effective means to arouse the students interest of learning; it also can make them all fully concentrate on what they are doing. Therefore, students will get de

24、ep impression of what they have learned and gain permanent memory of the content. Because of this, teachers can get the best effect of outcome. Teaching games are various. Teachers can use some new games every time. Then the students will be of an expected and new sense in class. And they will often

25、 be enthusiastic and never feel tires. While playing games, students can make a good use of their comprehension, their ability of analyses, judgment, imagination and logical deduction. At the same time, it requires that they have a quick mind, flexibility and creativity. Therefore, games can not onl

26、y help students master the language points, but also be good for developing their intelligence and all kinds of skills. Students greatly welcome games. They can create a cheerful and light-hearted environment and arouse students interest in learning English. Games are considered one of the most effe

27、ctive ways to improve efficiency in language learning. Games in class appear to be of considerable aid in involving the students in actively trying to utilize or challenge the concepts they are being taught. They are “sloppy” and hardly controlled. They are also a source for insight, for suggesting

28、other types of experiments and for sweetening the intuition.2.Froebels game teachingThe discussion above makes it evident that using games is a very effective means for teaching children English. In my teaching practice in primary schools in Shenzhen I collected many games which have been used very

29、popular. I also tried to compose some in my teaching practice, from which I benefited a lot. Here I would like to share with other primary school teachers some of the games and their application in English class, hoping that we can make more efforts in exploring this teaching method.3.Vocabulary and

30、 Phrase Games(1) BingoLevel: Absolute beginner to lower intermediate Aim: to review or preview letters, or vocabulary Materials: item list, bingo cards (students can make these) Procedure: Draw a 9-square box (as in tic-tac-toe) and ask students to draw a picture with the target words in each box. Y

31、ou might draw each picture on the board in random order and have the students draw them in their grid. (This is very useful since you can review the words together with the whole class as you go along and help students with ideas of how to draw them). Then draw the pictures in your box on the board

32、and ask the students to choose a word. Choose the students at random. When they get a bingo (any three in a row), they get a team point, a card or a reward. A variation may be to reward them only if they get a bingo before you. This makes it more challenging and covers more vocabulary. In my teaching practice, Ive used Bingo in reviewing vocabularies about animals. I found this game can not only practice the students listening but also their speaking. Students showed their great interest in it. Whats more, my students gave me some new ideas in designing games. (2) HangmanLevel: Absolute begi

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