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八年级英语上册 Unit3What are you doing for vacation 教学设计 仁爱版.docx

1、八年级英语上册 Unit3What are you doing for vacation 教学设计 仁爱版2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit3What are you doing for vacation 教学设计 仁爱版课题Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? A(1a-2c)时间9.19主备人年级八课时一课型New教学目标知识目标1. 词汇: Words & phrases: babysit, camp, plan, Tibet2. 句型: What are you doing for vacation ? Im watching TV

2、. When are you going ? Im going . How long are you staying ? Were staying for five days .3. Grammar: 现在进行时表示将来计划或行动.能力目标:培养听、说、读、写的能力 情感目标:了解和熟悉当地地理,培养学生对本土文化的热爱 过程与方法: 采用 Classifying , Contrasting 和 Roleplaying 的学习策略,利用教学课件等来展开课堂教学。 Pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动、Groupwork小组合作活动,进行课堂教学和练习。教学重难点教学重点:What are y

3、ou doing for vacation ? Im watching TV .When are you going ? Im going .How long are you staying ? Were staying for five days .教学难点:现在进行时表示将来时的用法教师准备1、磁带,录音机。2、预习作业学生知识准1. 用英语搜集有关假期所干的事情2. 搜集一些动词的现在分词3. 搜集表示国家或城市的名词教 学 过 程 与 内 容教师活动教法设计学生活动学习策略辅导Step 1 Preparation1.Organize students to prepare for th

4、e class.2.have a race.A:What do you usually do on vacation?B: I usuallyC: I usuallyD: I usually3.Show the goalsStep 2 presentation1、Teach the new words and phrases by showing the pictures.Babysit,rent,camp,plan.Try to learn the new words and sentences.2.Groupwork:let ss Write some phrases of doing s

5、th3. show their answers.Step 3 Drill and practice1. Talk about the vacations first T has a conversation with one student as an example At last let several pairs do it again in class.A: What are you doing for vacation?B: ImC: What is she/ he doing for vacation?D: She / He is2.Game Guess;What are they

6、 doing for vacation?3. pairworkA: What are you doing for vacation, Tony?B: Im A: That sounds nice/interesting/good. Who are you going with?B:Im going with 4. Listen to the tape: 1b. 2a. ab.1b) Listen to the conversations and number the pictures(1-3)2a) Listen carefully three times. Ask what are hect

7、or, Sunsan and molly doing for vacation fill in the chart under “what” 2b). Ask and answer questions about the questions “What are they going on vacation? Fill in the chart under “when”Step 4 Task and Extension1.Show Ss the pictures of great interest with the music.2.Survey.Vacation plansnamesBe doi

8、ngWho are you going with培养学生养成课前做准备的好习惯,提高学生学习英语的技能方法。此项活动是课前的小组准备作业,主要是鼓励小组内每一个学生都张嘴说英语。通过图片学习新单词,让学生在真实的语境中学习单词。锻炼学生的合学的素质以及小组长的分配任务的能力。Provide a task for students, to feel the main sentence patterns练习复数的形式Give students some time to ask and answer in pairsImproving students listening skill and hel

9、p them to get into English classTo improve students confidence of speaking对学生进行文化的渗透教师给学生提供制作问卷调查表的时间和空间,To guide students how to ask and answer questionsPrepare for the class The student talk about “vacation”Try to learn the new words and sentences.Write some phrases of doing sthWork in groups.A: W

10、hat are you doing for vacation?B: ImC: What is she/ he doing for vacation?D: She / He isGuess:They are doing小组活动,了解同组伙伴的假期安排并完成对话Listen and number the people (1-3) in the picture Listen to the music and enjoy the places of great interestMake a survey in other group.在教师的引导下,养成良好的学习习惯,在学习中找到良好的学习方法。小组

11、内互相帮助,团结协作。在真实的语境中学习英语。在合学中锻炼自己的能力。Pay attention to the pronunciation 锻炼学生的观察能力Encourage students to speak loudlyTo guide the ways of listening: to catch the main ideaEnjoy the beautiful places.学生积极参与调查访问实践活动,学生制作问卷调查的能力以及合作学习的能力得以培养。作业设计尝试性应用:Read and copy the new words .巩固性应用:Copy the sentences in

12、 Grammar Focus拓展迁移性应用:让学生写出五个询问对方假期所要做的事的句子。板书设计Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? A(1a-2c)What are you doing for vacation? Im babysitting my sister.2. What is he doing for vacation? He is going fishing.3. What are they doing for vacation? They are watching TV.课后评估评估方法:听写、背诵课堂提问,当堂小测,作业效果评价:银丰学

13、校 英语 学科集体备课教学设计课题Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?Section A (3a-4) SectionB1a-2c 时间9.20主备人董巧姝年级八课时二课型New教学目标知识目标词汇:hike, HongKong, How long, away, get back, send, postcard, San Francisio, Hawaii 句型: A: What is Dave doing for vacation? B: Hes going to his cousins house. A: How long is he stayin

14、g? B: Hes staying for a week能力目标:培养听、说、读、写的能力情感目标:了解和熟悉当地地理,培养学生对本土文化的热爱过程与方法: 采用 Classifying , Contrasting 和 Roleplaying 的学习策略,利用教学课件等来展开课堂教学。 Pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动、Groupwork小组合作活动,进行课堂教学和练习。 教学重难点教学重点: A: What is Dave doing for vacation? B: Hes going to his cousins house. A: How long is he staying?

15、B: Hes staying for a week教学难点:现在进行时表示将来时的用法。教师准备1.预习作业2.投影片3.录音机学生知识准备1. Try to learn the new words and sentences.2. Make up new dialogues by themselves.3. Know about “ the vacation plans.”教 学 过 程 与 内 容教师活动教法设计学生活动学习策略辅导Step 1 Preparation1.Organize students to prepare for the class2. Make up new dia

16、logues by themselves.3. Know about the conversationStep 2 Warming up1.Talk about what are they doing ?Such as: Pairs ask and answer What are you doing ?I doing Step 3 PresentationAbout 3a1. read the conversation . Then fill in the chart.2. QuestionsWhere are they going?How long are they staying?3.ab

17、out 3b Pairwork make a conversation to practise the drills.For example: A: What is Dave doing for vacation?B: Hes going to his cousins house.A: How long is he staying?B: Hes staying for a week.4.Pairwork: Practise the conversation about it moreStep 4 PracticeNow, practice the things we have learned.

18、They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?Where does he work?He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.Is he a police officer? Yes, he is.No, he isnt Step 5 practice1)about 1a Match the words with the pictures.Language: 2). About 1b What do you like to do on vacation?Use the words from 1a a

19、nd any other words you know . Make conversations3) about2a Listen. What does the reporter ask He YU?Check(V) the questions he asks.2b) Listen again. Write heyus answers to the questions you checked 2c. Pairwork Practice.A: Hello, He yu. Can I ask you a few questions about your vacation planesB: Yes.

20、A: What are you doing?Teach the ways of preparationImprove students studying skill.锻炼学生的口语能力提高学生的口语能力帮助学生尽快的进入到学习英语的状态创设语境,激起了孩子们说的欲望;难度适中的任务,使大部分孩子有体验成功的机会。鼓励学生进行小组对话练习, 通过表演培养学会生口语表达能力Present the informationTS questions and SS questions make students master the words and phrases通过表演培养学会生口语表达能力学生做题

21、之后小组讨论,对共性问题教师加以指导给学生问问题的时间并且对于难理解的给学生帮助。培养学生如何和自己的同伴交流的能力To teach students how to exercise the language to municate with othersPracticing listening Preparation for lessons before class.Different students say what they are doing?Practise the conversation on the right. Use the jobs and places in acti

22、vity 3a.Let the Ss practise in pairs.Ask and answer in pairs.Ask and answer Practice listening 鼓励学生,调动学生的积极性自主学习To guide the ways of listening: to catch the main ideas锻炼总结的能力在真实的语境中体会英语的应用To train students the ability to catch main ideasTo guide students how to ask and answer questionsEncourage stud

23、ents to listen carefully在教师的鼓励中学会合作。在听力中锻炼自己的听的能力。作业设计1.尝试性应用:Read and copy the new words . Practice the dialogues with their partners. What do you like to do on vacation? I would like to do 巩固性应用:Do the exercises in Book1.拓展迁移性应用:让学生写出五个句子,分别询问假期做的事,时间地点板书设计Unit 3 What are you doing fro vacation?A:

24、 What is Dave doing for vacation? B: Hes going to his cousins house. A: How long is he staying? B: Hes staying for a week课后评估评估方法:课堂提问,当堂小测,作业效果评价:银丰学校 英语 学科集体备课教学设计课题Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?. Section B ( 3a,3b,3c)时间9.21主备人董巧姝年级八课时三课型New教学目标知识目标:Words :bike , ride, sightseeing ,fishin

25、g ,rent, Italy能力目标:Through Group work, improve the Ss ability speaking , redaing 情感目标:了解和熟悉当地地理,培养学生对本土文化的热爱过程与方法: 采用 Classifying , Contrasting 和 Roleplaying 的学习策略,利用教学课件等来展开课堂教学。 Pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动、Groupwork小组合作活动,进行课堂教学和练习。 教学重难点1. thought about going decide on dong 2. sleep a lot 3. cant wait to

26、 do 教学难点:现在进行时表示将来时的用法。教师准备1.预习作业2.投影片3.录音机学生知识准备1.Do section B about 3a Match the words with the picture 2. Prepare the information of describe3.Try to learn the new words and sentences.4. read the newspaper wants ads教 学 过 程 与 内 容教师活动教法设计学生活动学习策略辅导Step 1 Preparation Organize students to prepare for

27、 the classStep 2 Warming upAsk and answer A: What is Dave doing for vacation?B: Hes going to his cousins house.A: How long is he staying? B: Hes staying for a weekStep 3 Presentation1. Let students look at the picture and guess the meaning 2. Then use explanations and short sample sentences to help students understand what each word means. For example, 3. Let students practice Read the magazine article. What are Ben Lambers vacation plans? Write the number of each picture next to the vacation plans? Write the number of each picture ne

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