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1、中考词汇中考词汇串记词汇重要性:1. word world2. 输入与输出词汇记忆注意事项:1. 大脑越清净,效果越好2. 简化单词,利用已知推未知简单的东西比复杂的东西容易记词汇记忆方法:1. 字母转换法 谜语:鼠辈造反(打一英语单词)dog-godlive-evilpanpartpetswar2. 拆分法carpetcargoisland hellchainchase3.谐音法handleadmire candlefish leave ambulancepayblackteachplayhair pour gas 4. 同义联想法empty vacantfringe border verg

2、e5.反义联想absentpresentbroadnarrowsweetbitterdeepshallow6.归类联想记忆法infant / babychild / kid teenageradult / grown-upmiddle-agesenior / old7.词根词缀记忆背一词,知十词dislikehonestagreeappearcoverable重要前缀ab 离开 如:absent, abnormalbi 两 如:bicyclecom 共同 如:combine, competeim 不 如:impossibleex 向外 如:express tele 远 如:telephone,

3、 telegram,telescope, televisionin 不、向内 如:informal, inhumannon 无 如:nonparty, nonmetalpro 向前 如:progress, protectre 回、重新 如:review, replyun 不、非 如:unhappy, unbalance常用后缀er 人、物 如:sweater, cooker, worker, winnerable 可 如:movable, passableful 弥漫 如:beautiful, usefulor 人、物 如:actor, mirrorist 人 如:copyist , soci

4、alistment 举动 如:treatment, movementless 没有的 如:homeless, careless ,endless, aimless ly 副词后缀 如:gently, intentlytion 名词后缀 如:congratulation, correction词根carcarriagecarriercardcartooncarvecarrot8.拼音法wandertalerefusepaleniecemousejump9.口诀法mallstallinstallhall10. 一句话串记被炸飞的西红柿tomatocombbombtomb西红柿梳头被炸弹被坟墓11.

5、 典故法echoecholocationNarcissusJune JunoMonetamoneymint12.形象代码联想法把字母赋予含义如:amp-联想安培-法国物理学家example stamp dampcamp lamp summer campcampuschampion中考真题词汇串记1. World Expo 2010 Shanghai China _ people from all over the world to the theme “Better City, Better Life.”A. attends B. attractsC. allows D. advisesA.

6、attendjoin take part in attendeg. join the army. May I join you? eg. take part in the sports meeting eg. attend schoolB. attracttraintraining drawdragonC. allow No dogs allowed.D. advisevisiblevisit visitorreviseprovidevideo2. Its said that you have moved into a new house. Yeah, and we need to buy s

7、ome _ in the mall nearby.A. food B. furniture C. hamburger nearbyne 近,否定系列nearneighbornextnewnegativeA. food moodgood wood neighborhood妹妹心情good,我在树林吃food,遇见我附近的neighborhood。Good food in wood puts me in a happy mood.B. furnitureC. hamburgersandwich3. Sandy didnt tell her parents that she was going ho

8、me because she wanted to give them a _.A. gift B. callC. surprise D. note A. giftliftB. call tall wallball fall 他个子很高,我站在墙边,不喜欢玩球,非常容易跌倒。volleyballfootballC. surprise prisonprisonerD. notenotebooknotice4. You can get much _ about the World Expo on the Internet.A. map B. pictureC. ticket D. informati

9、onA. mapB. picture imagemanage imagineC. ticket jacketplanet plant toiletD. informationform5. The customers are pleased with the _ of the restaurant.A. balance B. experienceC. surface D. serviceA. balancedancedangerdangerousseriouschancehang minute quarter change cheap check cheer cheatchessB. exper

10、ienceexperi = try experimentexpertC. surfacefacefactD. serviceservant servefingermedicinetruthtongue offerancient bambooriddle jeans6. Lily has a silk _. Listen, she is singing in the next room! How nice!A. look B. noise C. voicesilk softloudaloudA. looknoonafternoonmoonballoonspoon病态monkey在正午noon看到

11、了moon好似balloon拿起了spoon丢向moonB. noiseafforddelicious strawberryumbrella goatboat coat raincoatC. voicevocationvocabularydiarylibrarydictionary 7. When will the 2010 World Expo(世博会) come to a close? Itll close at the end of _. A. September B. October C. November D. DecembercloseJanuary1月双面人雅卢斯 Januari

12、usFebruary2月菲勃卢姆节 Februarius,牛草Februa 的鞭子抽打不孕的妇女March3月战神MarsApril4月Aprilis(即开花的日子)演变而来的May5月罗马神话中的女神玛雅Maius,专门司管春天和生命June6月JunoJuly7月罗马统治者朱里斯凯撒大帝JuliusAugust8月augustus(奥古斯都)September9月老历法的7月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的9月,拉丁文 septem是“7”的意思。October10月英语10月,来自拉丁文 Octo,即“8”的意思,他和上面讲的9月一样,历法改了,称呼仍然沿用未变。octopus Novembe

13、r11月December12月 8. You seem to like watching TV very much. Which _ do you like best ? Lucky 52. I like Li Yong very much.A. program B. screen C. progress D. descriptionA. programgrammarB. screengreen orangewhitebluebrown yellowpink purpledarkC. progress pronounce pronunciation produce proper D. desc

14、riptiondescribeprescriptionC. progress pronounce pronunciation produce proper D. descriptiondescribeprescription9. I am dreaming of driving my own car some day. So I have to learn to be a _.A. pilot B. policeman C. driverpilot policeman (policewoman)driver 职业 astronautpresidentkingqueenchairmansoldi

15、er engineerdoctor dentistnursewaiterteacher boss secretary cook cookerspyscientisttourist artistpianist10. Whats your job, Henry? Im a _, I work late. Im very busy when people go out to dinners.A. waiter B. reporterC. teacher D. nurse A. waiterwait Please wait for me at the bus terminal.B. reporterr

16、eportI listen to the weather report every day.sportDo you like sports?supportIs this bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries?transportThe statue was transported to London.traffic translate exportProhibition was laid on the export of coal.足球是第一 sport (运动)中国需要世界 support (支持)把教练 transport(输送)中国把球

17、员 export (出口)C. teachereachteacher teach(taught, taught) reach beach Each teacher reaches the beach. D. nurse A good nurse attends to her patients.nurse plantsnurse-nu + rose purse Nurse has a purse.11. Whats your _? I like swimming.A. job B. ageC. hobby D. weather A. jobB. agevillage excellent sile

18、nt dolldollarsmall advantagecourage marry marriage message page C. hobby D. weatherratherfatherhistoryfarmfarmerbeattogetherviolin invite trip skate theaterspeech - speak speed price - prize pride proudshout shut soapsoupwealthearthhealthhelpbreathagreedegree12. Whats the news about? A _of entertain

19、ment stars gathered to attract donations for Yushu. A. member B. kind C. packet D. number A. membermemorial memory B. kind blind He is blind in one eye.find If you find any mistake, please correct it.mind Would you mind opening the window?kind Its very kind of you to help us.C. packet jacketD. numbe

20、r 13. Im not sure about the meaning of the word. Youd better look it up in a _.A. letter B. dictionary C. postcard D. noticemeaningmeanswimmingbuildingfeeling meetingA. letterB. dictionaryC. postcardpostagepostboxpostcodeposterpostman lost postcost most丢失邮件将扣掉花费最多money.D. notice14. When I was a stud

21、ent, I liked to sit in the front of the classroom so that I could see the words more clearly on the _.A. blackboard B. desk C. store D. tapeA. blackboard abroad broad blackboard board aboardB. deskC. storeD. tapeapewash line licenselist magazinetask afraid sudden behaviour single murder pence stream

22、 steamteamsuggest suggestiongovernment15. I saw many _ eating grass on the hill. A. horse B. cow C. rabbit D. sheepA. horse B. cow C. rabbitD. sheepwolf tiger camel lionpanda duckfoxfrog giraffegoatgoose (pl. geese) henlambmouse (pl. mice)16. What is the _ of the 2010 World Expo(世博会)? It is “Better

23、City, Better Life”.A. song B. theme C. customA. songsing B. theme shamemenumetalcapitalcapcaptainC. customenvironment17. Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday?_. I cleaned it all by myself.A. SomebodyB. NobodyC. Everybodyclassroom(组合词)classmatehometownhomeworkhouseworkovercoat no anyeverysome

24、bodyonething18. My dog is gentle and never bites. So you neednt be_.A. excited B. frightened C. satisfied D. interested A. excite cause becauseexcuse B. frighten en fasten Fasten your seat belts!threaten threaten to do sth.frighten He was frightened of the dog.happen I happened to be out when he cal

25、led.丽丽把门fasten (拴好)匪徒门外threaten (威胁)倚门仔细listen (听)确实感到frighten (惊恐)果然有事happen (发生)C. satisfybe satisfied with the answersD. interest interesting interview I thank you very much indeed for this interview.est系列词串记 westguesttestbestrest从前在west(西方),有一个guest(客人)参加一个test(考试),考了一个best(最好)高兴的rest (休息) 19. I

26、m _, mum. Can I have something to drink? OK. Heres some coke. A. full B. heavy C. hungry D. thirstycoolcokeA. fullHer eyes were full of tears.fillHe filled the bucket with water.B. heavyheavenC. hungryD. thirstythirst thirst forfantastic state steel stealLeastleaf still 20. What do you think of the

27、sweater? Its too _, and I dont have enough money to buy it .A .nice B. lovelyC. popular D. expensiveA. nice languageguardbandageedge shape shake snake wake quake shakeshame share B. lovely She delights in cooking lovely meals.C. popularHe is very popular with the students.people public pop=popular shopchop drop 教堂旁边的 shop(商店) 正大声播放 pop(流行音乐) 卖美味红烧 chop(排骨)口水好像要 drop(滴下)D. expensive中考词汇串烧第一组 口诀法黑猫警长Tail nail mail hail ail jail fail抓住了他的tail手上钉满nail给民众发了mail人们开始hail没想到他装病ail想要逃出jail最终还是fail 第二组s

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