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1、高三英语下学期第三次单元过关测试试题山东省潍坊市2017届高三英语下学期第三次单元过关测试试题第I卷第1节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where was the womans phone yesterday?AAt her home. BIn a restaurant. CIn her office.2Why didnt the woman buy the coat?AShe disliked

2、 the colour. BIt didnt fit her. CThe price was high.3Why does the woman thank the man?AHe attended her party. BHe got her known to his friends. CHe found a new school for her.4Whats the relationship between Lia and the woman?ANeighbors. BClassmates. CSisters.5Which necklace will the woman buy?AThe r

3、ed one. BThe blue one. CA clear one.第二节(共15小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6What are the speakers mainly talking about?AHow to get to the Train Station. BHow to go to the bus stop. CHow

4、to save money.7Which bus should the woman take first?ABus No6 BBus No7 CBus No8听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8How much did the man pay for his TV?A$700 B$800 C$1,5009What does the woman think about the man?AInteresting BUnrealistic CSilly听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10Whats Toms summer vacation plan?ADo some part time job BHa

5、ve a concert CPractice his guitar11Why does Cindy look for a job?ATo get some experience BTo pay for her school CTo save money to travel12What will Cindy do this afternoon?AGo to the community center BSend emails CBuy concert tickets听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What time is it now?A8:00 am B9:00 am C6:00 Pm14

6、What was the man doing when the woman called him?AHe was in a shower BHe was working CHe was sending a package15Where will the speakers meet after work?AAt the mans company BAt the theater CAt the post office16Who will give a dancing show?AThe womans brother BThe womans sister. CThe woman听第10段材料,回答第

7、17至20题。17How many gold medals did Simone win in 2016 Olympics?A3 B4 C518Who is Aimee Boorman?ASimones mother BSimones teammate CSimones coach19When did Simone first take part in the World Championships?A2004 B2013 C201620What do people think about Simones personality ?AShe is optimistic BShe is shy

8、CShe is tough第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhen Ricochet was just a young pup, her owner Judy Fridono hoped the dog might one day become a service dog and help people. But Ricochet had other plans, at least for the first part. She failed a

9、t service dog training, but she went on to help millions of people around the world learn how to trust, how to love, and how to surf.According to Fridono, the dog seemed naturally suited to life as a service dog. She was great with people, especially kids, and she had plenty of energy. But birds wer

10、e her weakness. She just couldnt seem to stop running after them. And thats not a good quality for a service dog that needs to focus on the person shes helping.Fridono said at the beginning she was disappointed when Ricochet didnt succeed at service dog school. But it wasnt long before the Pup let h

11、er true skills shine through. At just 8 weeks old, Ricochet climbed on to a board that had been left in a childrens pool, showing her special talent for balance. Soon, Ricochet was making headlines as the beach-loving dog who could hang ten on a surfboard. But she hasnt finished showing off her spec

12、ial talents yet. “One day at the beach, she jumped on a surfboard with a 14-year-old boy who had spinal cord (脊髓) injuries,” Fridono said. “It was at that moment that her life purpose to surf with people who are disabled was realized. She is just such an inspiration to everyone - shes got such a str

13、ong connection to people, and we see such improvements in the people who she surfs with.”Ricochet now surfs daily with children and adults with special needs. She specializes in helping military veterans(退伍军人)with some diseases and children with autism(自闭症)by connecting with them in ways that no one

14、 else can.21What do we know about Ricochet?AShe has been helpful for many people BShe was taught how to surfCShe saved thousands of peoples lives DShe learnt special skills at service dog schoo122What was Ricochets shortcoming when in training school?AImpatience BGreat pride CLack of concentration D

15、Not being brave23What may have amazed Fridono?ARicochets widespread popularity BRicochets rapid progressCRicochets extraordinary talents DRicochets dropping out of schoo124What can we infer from the text?ARicochet once had a spinal cord injury BFridono made Ricochets dream come trueCRicochet has a u

16、nique connection with people having special needsDFridono helped Ricochet develop her skills and talentsBDrive through any suburb in the USToday, and its hard to miss the bins that have become companions to Americas trash cans. Recycling has become commonplace, as people recognize the need to care f

17、or the environment. Yet most peoples recycling consciousness extends only as far as paper, bottles, and cans. People seldom find themselves facing the growing problem of e-waste.E-waste rapidly increases as the techno-fashionable frequently upgrade to the most advanced devices, and the majority of t

18、hem end up in landfills(垃圾填埋地). Some people who track such waste say that users throw away nearly 2 million tons of TVs, VCRs, computers, cell phones, and other electronics every year. Unless we can find a safe replacement, this e-waste may get into the ground and poison the water with dangerous tox

19、ins(毒素), such as lead, mercury, and arsenic. Burning the waste also dangerously contaminates the air. However, e-waste often contains reusable silver, gold, and other electrical materials. Recycling these materials reduces environmental problems by reducing both landfill waste and the need to look f

20、or such metals, which can destroy ecosystems.A growing number of states have adopted laws to ban dumping(倾倒) e-waste. Still, less than a quarter of this refuse will reach lawful recycling programs. Some companies advertising safe disposal(处置)in fact merely ship the waste to some developing countries

21、, where it still ends up in landfills. These organizations prevent progress by unsafely disposing of waste in an out-of-sight, out-of-mind location.However, the small but growing number of cities and corporations that do handle e-waste responsibly represents progress toward making the world a cleane

22、r, better place for us all.25What can we infer from the first paragraph?AMany Americans now have access to recycling binsBE-waste cannot be put into trash cans in the USCMost Americans have realized the dangers of e-wasteDMost of Americas trash cans are made of recycled material26What can best repla

23、ce the underlined “wordcontaminates” in Paragraph 2?Apollutes Bheats Cabsorbs Dreduces27How does the author feel about burying e-waste in landfills?AIts important BIts unsafe CIts acceptable DIts uncommon28Whats the authors purpose in writing this text?ATo tell us how to recycle e-waste BTo talk abo

24、ut the future of e-wasteCTo discuss if its necessary to recycle e-waste DTo encourage us to deal with e-waste properlyCFor most of us Veterans(退伍军人) Day just means a chance to enjoy an extra day off from school or work. However this November 11th, be sure to spend a few minutes on its true purpose,

25、by acknowledging(感谢) the men and women who have served in our armed forces. And you dont have to stop at just this one day. Join the over 10,000 youth members of the Young Marines group that honor these brave men and women all year long with special events and completely spoil them for an entire wee

26、k, from November 4th to 11th, by visiting hospitalized veterans, performing chores for disabled veterans and even organizing community-wide social event. The program open to kids ranging from the age of eight all the way to high school, is a great way to not only show your appreciation, but also get

27、 a chance to do some fun activities with like-minded kids and make a real difference in a veterans life People often believe that Memorial Day and Veterans Day are celebrated for the same reason. There is however a subtle but important difference between the two. While both honor our military person

28、nel, the former is a day to remember and pay respect to all the men and women that died serving our country in a war,while Veterans Day is to celebrate the soldiers who are still alive and served in the forces at any time, during peace or war. Though several other countries celebrate this day in hon

29、or of their own veterans, the meaning is slightly different for each one. Some like the United Kingdom, celebrate it in honor of all soldiers-living or dead, while others like Canada celebrate it to honor all living veterans. They also call it different names. France and New Zealand still call it Ar

30、mistice Day. In the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada it is referred to as Remembrance Day, while Malta and South Africa celebrate it as Poppy Day.No matter what it is called, the reason for observing the day is the same-to show our appreciation to the brave men and women who sacrifice(牺牲) everyt

31、hing to make this world a safer place for the rest of us.29Whats the main purpose of Veterans Day?ATo celebrate Americas success in world wars. BTo let people have one more day off.CTo organize fun activities for school children. DTo show respect for soldiers contributions.30What can kids do at the Young Marines group program?AOrganize parties for disabled veterans. BHelp take care of sick veterans.CShare stories with veterans and other kids. DEntertain veterans by singing

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