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1、高考英语重难点复习高三英语复习重难点第一节:阅读理解考情分析一:题材和体裁全国一卷的阅读理解选材非常广泛,但是体裁比较稳定。各地模拟的四篇文章基本都以应用文、记叙文、议论文和说明文为主。文章敏锐地捕捉到了社会生活的不算热点的“热点”,让考生普遍感觉到试题来源于生活,答题的过程就是在体验生活。无形当中, 全国一卷也在指引着考生去品味生活、感受生活、扩充生活知识并了解社会背景,能让考生在阅读中受益匪浅。这样的选材无疑会对学生的全面发展起到良好的促进作用。二:阅读量总体来说,全国一卷高考英语试题一直保持了较大的阅读量,这对于考查学生的语言能力、理解能力、提取和处理信息能力,以及规定时间内的解题能力都

2、提出了相应的要求。这既符合英语课程改革的要求,同时也对考生的阅读速度提出了更高的要求。针对这个问题,建议广大考生要将宏观阅读和微观阅读的方法结合起来,快速准确地找出答案。1、宏观阅读: 一般来说,任何一篇文章都讲一个主题。注意抓四类文体:第一是应用文,主要考察学生的信息捕捉和处理能力第二是记叙文,主要是读懂文章表达的中心; 第三是说明文,主要提炼说明对象。第四是议论文,主要把握作者态度2、微观阅读:(1)注意题干、原文、选项之间的信息互动与匹配(2)抓文章的重点位置和重点词,比如“段首、断尾、文首、文尾”“转折词”等三:出题思路全国一卷出题基本遵循自然段定位原则,即下一题的定位点紧跟前一题的后

3、面。四:题型文章的题型大致分为细节题、推断题、词义猜测题和主旨题:1、细节题: 看完题目回到原文,找出对应,同义改写,得出答案;2、主旨题:首段出题,总分结构主旨题错误选项的干扰特征经常是: 局部信息,即选项的内容小于文章的内容; 范围过宽,即选项的内容大于文章的内容。3、推理题: 看是否可以通过题干返回原文或依据选项返回原文。一般要围绕文中的一两个重点进行推理。推理题无论通过题干能不能定位,我们都要把它固化到文章的一两点上。 注意:做题时不能想得太多,推得过远。立足原文,只推一步。4、词汇题:“搜索代入”法返回原文,找出该词汇出现的地方;确定该词汇的词性;从上下文(词汇的前后几句)中找到与所

4、给词汇具有相同词性的词(如一下子找不到就再往上往下找),代入所给词汇在文章中的位置(将之替换)看语义是否合适;找出选项中与代替词意思相同或相近的选相,即答案。AIf you are heading for Paris this year, be sure to include at least one of these shopping malls in your schedule.Au PrintempsTel: 01133014282 Located near the Paris Opera, this huge store is well-known for household good

5、s as well as its fashion. The store also offers many services to overseas visitors, including shipping, translation and a personal shopping service. Au Printemps, whose name means springtime, hosts several free fashion shows each week. The stores beauty department has one of the worlds largest selec

6、tions of perfumes.Galeries LafayetteTel: 01133014283 The Galeries Lafayette was built in 1906. It is as much fun to look at as it is to shop in this 10-storey shopping palace. In fact, the flagship store is the second most visited attraction in Paris, after the Louvre Museum. This shopping palace sp

7、ecializes in womens clothing. Make sure to take in the view from the tea shop on the top floor; its well worth the visit.Le Bon MarcheTel: 01133014439 This stylish Left Bank department store was Paris first such store. Designed by Gustave Eiffel, Le Bon Marche is particularly known for its food hall

8、, its wedding shops and its selection of modern clothes.La Forum des HallesTel: 01133014476 This modern, underground shopping center was built in 1979. La Forum des Halles, the three-storey-tall shopping center offers everything from souvenirs to haute couture(高级女子时装)to entertainment, such as first-

9、run movies and street performers. The shopping center is attached to the busy La Halle-Chatelet metro station and can be easily reached from all over Paris.21. Which of the following places attracts the most visitors according to the passage? A. The Louvre Museum. B. The Paris Opera. C. La Forum des

10、 Halles. D. Au Printemps.22. Which of the stores pays its special attention to womens dressing? A. Le Bon Marche. B. Au Printemps. C. La Forum des Halles. D. Galeries Lafayette.23. We can learn from the passage that . A. Au Printemps is famous for its food hall B. La Forum des Halles is next to the

11、metro station C. the clothes in Le Bon Marche are usually very cheap D. the tea shop that is worth visiting is on the ninth floor of Galeries Lafayette BWhen our daughter, Sandy, belonged to the St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Girl Pioneers in sixth grade, the leaders thought it would be nice if the g

12、irls made pine cone wreaths(花环)for their families as Christmas gifts. So the group gathered pine cones, put them in water and bought wire wreath frames and adhesive(黏合剂) to hold everything in place. A few days before Christmas, they and their leaders delivered the finished handiwork.Through the year

13、s, we proudly hung up her wreath each Christmas. In 1986, the wreath was hanging on our door as usual when the temperature on Christmas Day reached 80 degrees. The adhesive began to break down and the pine cones started falling all over our front porch. We took the wreath down, planning to repair it

14、, and gathered up the pine cones. That spring, as my husband, Don, was weeding the flower bed in front of our house, he was surprised to discover a small evergreen plant.We decided to leave it alone. The determined tree kept growing, making it right through the long winter. When it got too big for t

15、he flower bed we moved it to the back of our lot. As the tree grew, so did our family, including four grandchildren. One day the men from the electric company came to trim(修剪) our trees. One of them said it was a shame that someday our nice evergreen would have to be cut down. We just couldnt lettha

16、thappen to our faithful if accidental Christmas tree.We decided to move it again, this time to Sandy and her husband Joels new house in the country. My husband helped Joel dig the evergreen out. It wasnt ready to let go without a fight. Finally, five hours later, the tree came loose. They wrapped th

17、e roots as best as they could and put the whole thing in Joels truck.After an hours drive they planted the tree. Im happy to report that our brave evergreen is still growing, now producing pine cones of its own.24.What was a Christmas tradition for the family?A. Making dishes with pine cones.B. Maki

18、ng wreaths together with Sandy.C. Hanging Sandys handiwork on the door.D. Decorating the Christmas tree together.25.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. What the good old days were like.B. How the family took care of the wreaths.C. What their attitude toward Christmas was.D. How the family treasure c

19、ame into being.26.What does the underlined word that in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Cutting down the evergreen. B. Leaving the evergreen alone.C. The mans judging the family. D. Having the evergreen trimmed again.27.Which is the best title for the passage?A. My family tradition B. My daughters growthC.A bel

20、oved Christmas tree D.A special pine cone wreathCThe longest total lunar eclipse (月全食) of the21st century takes place this Friday, July 27, 2018. The “blood moon” eclipse will last 1 hour and 43 minutes, during which Earths natural satellite will turn a deep red or reddish-brown color. From start to

21、 finish, the entire event will last nearly 4 hours. Observers in much of Africa, the Middle East, Southern Asia and the Indian Ocean region will get an eyeful of the eclipse, given cooperative weather. Julys total lunar eclipse occurs on the same day the planet Mars reaches its opposition, when it w

22、ill shine at its best in the night sky. This month, Mars will be at its closest to Earth since 2003. When Mars becomes the brightest, it will reach that closest point to Earth on July 31. The moon turns deep red or reddish-brown during eclipses, Instead of going completely dark. Thats because some o

23、f the sunlight going through Earths atmosphere is bent around the edge of our planet and falls onto the moons surface. The Earths atmosphere also spreads more shorter- wavelength light, in colors such as green or blue; whats left is the longer-wavelength light, the redder end of the spectrum (光谱). “

24、What controls the duration of the lunar eclipse is the position of the moon as it passes through the Earths shadow,” Petro, the project scientist for NASAs Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission, said. The darkest part of Earths shadow is called the umbra. You can picture the umbra as cone(圆锥体)e

25、xtending from Earth in the opposite direction to the sun. Petro explained, “The moon can either graze (擦过) the cone, or go right through the middle, which gets a longer-time eclipse. This time, the moon is passing closer to the center of that cone, and its therefore a little bit longer.” Additionall

26、y, the moon will be at a farther point from Earth along its orbit. That means the moon will appear slightly smaller in the sky and will take a little bit longer to go through Earths shadow. 28. Which of the following people might not see the whole total lunar eclipse?A. Indians. B. Turks. C. Europea

27、ns. D. Egyptians. 29. Why does the moon turn red during eclipses?A. The sunlight shines on the moons surface.B. The longer-wavelength light is refracted to the moon.C. The shorter-wavelength light falls on the moon.D. The sunlight is bent around the edge of the moon.30. The duration of the lunar ecl

28、ipse lies on_.A. whether the moon is behind the sun.B. how far the moon is away from the sun.C. where the moon goes through the umbra.D. when the moon passes through the Earths shadow.31. Which can be the most suitable title of the text?A. The Longest Total Lunar Eclipse.B. Earths Natural Satellite.

29、C. The Blood Moon Eclipse.D. The Closest Mars to Earth.DRecently I read Nineteen Eighty-Four, a novel set in a state where even the language people use is controlled. Adjectives are forbidden and instead they use expressions such as ungood, “plus good” and “double plus good” to express emotions. As

30、I first read this I thought how impossible it would be in our society to have such vocabulary. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized it is happening. I type messages to my friends and alongside each are the emoticons(表情符号). I often use them to emphasize something because these sp

31、ecific emoticons convey my emotions much better than using just words. And I wonder, with our daily use of emoticons, whether we are losing the beauty and diversity of our vocabulary.English has the largest vocabulary in the world, but whos to say what itll be like in the future? Perhaps well have a

32、 shorter language, full of saying cry faces if something sad happens or using abbreviations like LOL (laugh out loud) or BRB (be right back) instead of saying the full phrase. So does this mean our vocabulary will shrink? Is it the start of an exciting new era(时代)? Or is this a classic case of the older generations saying, Things werent like tha

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