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1、学年高二英语上册课时作业33课时作业(十七)Unit 15Learning.单句语法填空1He_(approval) of me leaving school to go hiking now.答案:has approved2She said that the museum was not_(worth) of the name.答案:worthy3Monaco has no military of its own and relies on French for its_(defend)答案:defence4Most people here are_(willing) to give up

2、their cars.They dont want to use buses instead.答案:unwilling5At that time we had to make the_(assume) that the disease was spreading and took action to stop it.答案:assumption6Acupuncture (针灸) may work,but I still believe in a more_(convention) approach to medicine.答案:conventional7The book explores the

3、 relationship between religion and_(civil)答案:civilisation8Exercise is extremly_(benefit) to health.答案:beneficial9Most successful adults will willingly make time to inspire children_(do) housework at the early age.答案:to do10It is the superior intelligence and the use of language that distinguish man_

4、the other animals.答案:from.完成句子1虽然他住在市中心,但他习惯了噪音。He_noise,though he lives in the center of the city.答案:is accustomed to2随着时间的推移,旧风俗有被忽略的趋势。As time passes,old customs_be neglected.答案:tend to3我担心你父母不会赞成你到那儿去。Im afraid your parents wont_your going there.答案:approve of4机动车协会劝告开车的人最近不要使用这条公路。The Motoring O

5、rganization is_travel on this road recently.答案:urging drivers not to5据说这些行为违背了人民的意愿。It was said that these actions_the will of the people.答案:went against.完形填空As I entered womanhood,Mom told me that no matter what happened and no matter what I did,I could always come home.Because of what those words

6、meant to me,I said the same thing to my_1_.My childhood was filled with_2_lots of kisses,lots of hugs,and lots of spoken “I love you”Because of what those meant to me,I_3_my sons the same things.My mom came from a_4_family and had a difficult childhood,yet she never_5_about how unlucky she was._6_my

7、 mom,I saw loves ability to forgive.I saw my sweet mom love my grandpa,_7_he had abandoned (遗弃) her and my grandma and failed to_8_for their needs.I never saw Mom treat Grandpa any way but lovingly,even though he was far from_9_.I learned how love behaves and forgives.I watched my mom_10_my 100yearo

8、ld grandma who,in her blindness,deafness and feebleness (虚弱),needed almost_11_care.When I was in her home,I heard what Ive heard all my life,“I love you,Mom.” They would_12_each other this at least five times a_13_when Mom got Grandma up,made her comfortable in bed,or prepared her_14_.And I would he

9、ar loves_15_when Grandma said,“And I love you,too.”Love forgives and_16_,not focusing on what has happened._17_,loves focus is on what needs to be done now and on doing it the_18_we can.My mom taught me to love;she taught me to_19_it on to my children,and she_20_forgiveness herself.语篇解读作者从妈妈的身上懂得了爱的

10、真谛,同样作者也把爱传递给了自己的孩子。1A.children BfriendsCclassmates Dneighbors解析:根据第二段中my sons可得出答案。妈妈对作者说的话,作者又对自己的孩子说。答案:A2A.confusion BimaginationChappiness Dattraction解析:根据后面的lots of kisses,lots of hugs,lots of spoken “I love you”可知,作者的童年幸福。答案:C3A.gave BorderedCpaid Dbought解析:根据语境可知,妈妈给了作者爱,作者又把同样的东西给了自己的孩子。答案:

11、A4A.famous BpeacefulCrich Dbroken解析:根据后文可知,妈妈的爸爸在她小的时候就遗弃了她,因此她来自一个破碎的家庭。答案:D5A.thought BcomplainedClearned Dwondered解析:根据句中的yet和never可知,前后为转折关系。作者的妈妈虽然很不幸,但她从来不抱怨。答案:B6A.With BLikeCIn DBefore解析:loves ability to forgive是作者的妈妈的品德,因此这是作者在妈妈身上发现的,故用介词in。答案:C7A.although BbecauseCso Dif解析:前后是转折关系:虽然妈妈的父亲

12、遗弃了她,但她还是爱他。答案:A8A.prepare BrunChope Dprovide解析:妈妈的父亲遗弃了她们,也没有为她们提供生活所需。答案:D9A.special BkindCnormal Dsmart解析:根据前面提到的妈妈的父亲的所作所为可知,他并不是一个好父亲,可以用far from kind来形容。答案:B10A.wait for Blaugh atCturn to Dlook after解析:根据下文when Mom got Grandma up.可知,这里讲的是作者的妈妈照顾作者的外祖母。答案:D11A.little BfreeCearly Dtotal解析:根据句中in

13、 her blindness,deafness and feebleness可知,作者的外祖母几乎需要完全的照顾。答案 BtellCask Dencourage解析:根据语境可知,她们会经常向对方说“我爱你”,用tell。答案:B13A.year BmonthCday Dsecond解析:根据后半句内容可推断,每天她们至少向对方说5次“我爱你”。答案:C14A.books BmoneyCmeals Dtravel解析:根据前两个动作可知,这些都是基本的生活照料,因此可推断作者的妈妈要为作者的外祖母准备早餐。答案:C15A.response BquestionCsolutio

14、n Dmeasure解析:根据句中And I love you,too可知,这是作者的外祖母对妈妈的回应。答案:A16A.walks on Bmoves onCfalls behind Druns away解析:根据句中not focusing on what has happened可知,爱要不断地向前发展。答案:B17A.However BThereforeCAlso DInstead解析:根据前句中的not可知,这里说的是与之相反的情况,用instead。答案:D18A.quickest BleastCbest Dlongest解析:根据前半句中what needs to be done

15、 now可知,这里在意思上构成递进,指爱的重点是如何把事情做到最好。答案:C19A.look BpassCput Dwrite解析:根据句中to my children可推断,这里指作者的妈妈教作者把爱传给下一代。答案:B20A.showed BexpectedCremembered Ddoubted解析:这里用showed指作者的妈妈用行动显示了宽恕的力量。答案:A.阅读理解York teen Timothy Doner has an unusual hobbyHe likes to learn languages!And not the way most of us do to pass

16、school exams,but well enough so that he can have a fluent conversation.Over the last five years,the 17yearold has been able to master 23!While this has earned him the name of the worlds youngest polyglot (通晓多种语言的人),he is still not satisfied.Timothys interest in learning languages began in 2009 after

17、 he finished basic Hebrew lessons in preparation for his Bar Mitzvah ceremony (犹太男子的成年礼)He enjoyed it so much that he decided to become fluent in Modern Hebrew.Then he picked up Arabic.Within four days,he managed to master the alphabet (字母表) and by the end of the week,he could read the language flue

18、ntly.Over the years,he has added Russian,Farsi,Hausa,Italian,Persian,Swahili Indonesian,Hindi,Ojibwa,Pashto,Turkish,Kurdish,Yiddish,Dutch,Croatian,Spanish and German to his list of languages.The list does not include the ones that he has taken up at school,which include French,Mandarin,Latin and of

19、course,English.The most amazing part is that he has managed to learn all the additional languages on his own,using just online programs and grammar books.The young polyglot begins by learning how to pronounce the alphabet correctly and then teaching himself the correct grammar.He then enlarges this

20、by reading newspapers and talking with people that speak that language,either in person or on Internet chat rooms.In order to attract other people with similar skills and interest,he has even started making videos of himself speaking different languages on YouTube.Among the polyglots is 31yearold Oh

21、io man Moses McMormick,who has mastered 50 languages!Timothy,whose next goal is to learn Sudanese and Malay,says that his language skills are very useful when he is on the subway,walking around New York City or even at a restaurant,because they allow him to listen to all kinds of fun and interesting

22、 conversations.语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了一位通晓多种语言的纽约青少年Timothy Doner。1What do we know about Timothy?AHe has a gift for languages.BHe began to learn languages at five.CHe is a teen who has many hobbies.DHe prefers selfstudy to school cation.解析:推理判断题。Timothy在短短五年内就可以掌握二十多种语言,说明他很有语言天赋。答案:A2Timothy developed a

23、n interest in learning languages_.Aafter he picked up ArabicBafter his Bar Mitzvah ceremonyCafter he mastered French and LatinDafter his talk with Moses McMormick解析:细节理解题。根据第二段可知Timothy对语言的兴趣缘起于他的成年礼。答案:B3We can infer from Paragraph 4 that Timothy_.Alikes to show off his language skills Bprefers to

24、practice languages onlineCaims to master about 50 languagesDshares the same interest as Moses解析:推理判断题。根据第四段的attract other people with similar skills and interest 和 Moses McMormick,who has mastered 50 languages可判断,他俩志趣相投。答案:D4According to the last paragraph,Timothys language skills help him_.Amake a

25、lot of foreign friendsBenjoy more fun in everyday lifeCbecome popular in public placesDjoin in others conversations easily解析:细节理解题。根据该段的are very useful和allow him to listen to all kinds of fun and interesting conversations可知,他的语言技能使得他可以在公共场合听到很多有趣的谈话,给他的生活增添了乐趣。答案:B.短文改错It is known to us all,paper bu

26、rns easily.Yesterday,Tom,an eightyearold boy,made a paper box and then filled it with water.He then lit a candle and tries to burn the box.Much to his surprised,the box didnt catch fire even though the water in them was boiling.So curious were the boy about the experiment that he asked for his fathe

27、r endless questions about it.His father,a teacher in a primary school,didnt know how to ask the questions,and he didnt pretend to understand it.He did everything he could help his son solve the problem.This experiment made Tom interesting in the study of science.答案:第一句:It改为As第三句:tries改为tried第四句:surprised改为surprise;them改为it第五句:were改为was;去掉for第六句:ask改为answer;and改为but第七句:could后加to第八句:interesting改为interested

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