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1、高考英语词汇突破专项练习题含答案2012届高考英语词汇突破专项练习题(含答案)Unit 1词汇范围 abandon Cadjustment 练习时间 参考书目 书 籍 名 称 版次 起止页码 备 注 高中英语词汇手册 10版 1至9页 大32开本,共551页 新课标高中英语词汇3500 袖珍版 1至4页 64开本,共199页 高中英语词汇突破 11版 1至5页 A4开本,共245页 练习词汇 重点词汇 able, ability, aboard, academic, about, above, abroad, absence, absent, absorb, accept, accident,

2、 accurate, accuse, achieve, achievement, act, action, active, activity, actual, add 短语词组及 固定搭配 be (not) about to do sth, above all, in ones absence, be absent from, be absorbed in sth, have / get access to, by accident, take into account, account for, accuse sb of (doing) sth, be accustomed to, take

3、 (an) action, take an active part in, add to, addto, be addicted to, in addition, adjust to, accompany sb to, take action, to the best of ones ability; make ones acquaintance (make acquaintance of sb.); be adequate to 高中八级词汇 abandon, abnormal, abolish, abortion, abrupt, absence, absolute, abstract,

4、absurd, abundant, abuse, academy, accelerate, access, accessible, accommodation, accompany, accomplish, accountant, accumulate, accuracy, accustomed, acknowledge, acquaintance, acquire, acquisition, acute, adapt, adaptation, addicted, addition, adequate, adjust, adjustment1. 根据英文释义选用下列单词填空(每空一词) abr

5、upt; abandon; abuse; abolish; abundant; acquaintance; adjustment; accuse; accuracy; accumulate 1) _ to leave someone, especially someone you are responsible for 2) _ to officially end a law, system etc. especially one that has existed for a long time 3) _ sudden and unexpected; seeming rude and unfr

6、iendly 4) _ to deliberately use something for the wrong purpose or for ones own advantage 5) _ to say that you believe someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad 6) _ something that exists or is available in large quantities so that there is more than enough 7) _ the ability to do someth

7、ing in an exact way without making a mistake 8) _ someone you know, but who is not a close friend 9) _ to gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc. over a period of time 10) _ a small change made to a machine, system, or calculation; a change in the way that someone behaves or t

8、hinks 2. 根据汉语意思写出下列英语短语及词组 1)首要的是 2)不在;缺席 3)专心于;全神贯注于 4)指责某人做某事 5)偶然;无意中 6)把考虑进去 7)陪同某人去(某地) 8)对有瘾;对入迷 9)积极参加某事 10)采取行动做某事3. 单项选择 1) The criminal had planned to escape from the prison, but his attempt proved to be an _. A. abortion B. accident C. adventure D. alarm 2) The system has been designed to

9、 give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library. (2009年高考浙江卷) A. acquaintance B. accuracy Caccess Dacquisition 3) After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide _ for the homeless families. (2010年高考湖北卷) A. occupation B. accommodation C. equipmen

10、t D. acquisition 4) This library takes pride in its rare book _. A. acquaintance B. adjustment C. adaption D. acquisition 5) After receiving the news, immediate _ was taken by the local government to stop the disease spreading. A. activity B. adventure C. action D. measure 6) Many animals have _ tha

11、t help them escape from their enemies. The coats of some animals are coloured to adapt to its surroundings. A. adaptations B. acquisitions C. adjustments D. additions 7) The _ of a large parking lot will increase the amount of people that can shop in the supermarket. A. admission B. addition C. adju

12、stment D. adaptation 8) Coming to another country to study requires a big _ and it take a while to fit in. A. admission B. addition C. adaptation D. adjustment 9) The train came to an _ stop, making many passengers fall off their seats. A. abnormal B. absolute C. abrupt D. absurd 10) He is too pride

13、, and considers himself perfect. He always believes what he does is _ correct. A. absolutely B. abruptly C. abnormally D. abundantly 11) The pictures by Picasso are really _. I cant understand them without caption. A. abrupt B. abstract C. concrete D. addictive 12) It is _ that women should be paid

14、less than men for doing the same kind of work. A. allergic B. amateur C. annual D. absurd 13) The schools here offer different after-class activities. For them social skills are more important than _ achievements. A. adequate B. active C. abundant D. academic 14) Frank put the medicine in the top dr

15、awer to make sure it would not be _ to the kids. (2009年高考江西卷) A. accessible B. relative C. sensitive D. acceptable 15) I have been convinced that the print media are usually more _ and more reliable than television. (2010年高考浙江卷) A. actual B. adequate C. accurate D. acute 16) It turned out that one o

16、f the children I thought a girl was _ a boy. A. absurdly B. actually C. absolutely D. abruptly 17) Computer games are easily _ to children, and many senior high students are also _ to them. A. addicted; addictive B. addictive; addictive C. addicted; addicted D. addictive; addicted 18) Successful peo

17、ple always make _ preparations for any potential setbacks. A. adequate B. urgent C. abrupt D. final 19) When he was only 10 meters away from the finishing line, the African runner suddenly _, passing by the other runners. A. attempted B. approached C. accelerated D. accessed 20) The search was _ whe

18、n night came, even though the child had not been found. A. abolished B. abandoned C. achieved D. acknowledged 21) It was Lincoln who _ slavery in the United States and set slaves free. A. abandoned B. adjusted C. abolished D. advocated 22) She was seated at her desk, with her eyes fixed on the book,

19、 _ in its plot. A. adopted B. adjusted C. accepted D. absorbed 23) There are instructions on the bottle to prevent the medicine from being _. A. abused B. adjusted C. absorbed D. adopted 24) Your passport application form should be _ by two recent photographs when you go to the Passport Office. A. a

20、ccomplished B. accompanied C. accessed D. addressed 25) The best method to _ this goal is to unite as many people as possible and form a powerful team. A. accept B. accelerate C. accomplish D. abandon 26) They _ a certain amount of working experience through volunteer work. A. attempted B. accumulat

21、ed C. accelerated D. accomplished 27) Lucy has _ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university. (2007年高考天津卷) A. acquired B. finished C. concluded D. achieved 28) The young couple wrote to Mr. Green to _ his warm reception during their visit to his

22、farm. A. acknowledge B. accuse C. consult D. assume 29) Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will _ the skill to do difficult things easily. A. demand B. acquire C. accomplish D. achieve 30) Little children should go to school to learn something. _, they should learn how to

23、 behave well in social life. A. After all B. At all C. Above all D. In all4. 根据汉语意思,用方框内所给词或词组的正确形式完成下列句子(每空一词)ability; accent; difficulty; accident; sense; activity clear; valid; present; abnormal; aboard; whatever; abundant; acute; extreme; active; absorb; accept; accelerate; acknowledge; correspo

24、nd; abandon; steal (be) absent from; (be) aboutwhen; pull out; speaks ill of; in ones absence; make full use of; adapt to; add to; by accident; accuse sb of doing sth. have access to; make ones acquaintance; adjust to; in addition to; take a part in; (be) adequate to1) 这个工作做得不是很好,但他问心无愧,因为他尽了全力。 The

25、 work wasnt done well, but he had a _ conscience, because he did it to the best of his _. 2)她很守时,无正当理由从不缺勤,但她今天没来,这有点反常。 She is punctual and never _ _ work without _reason, but she isnt _ today, which is rather _. 3)就在火车即将开动时,这个人跑过来了并爬上了火车。 The train was _ to _ _ _ the man came running along and cli

26、mbed _. 4)她很正直,从不乘人不在时说别人的坏话。 She is honest and never _ _ _ anyone _ his or her _. 5)这个聪明的男孩似乎教他什么,他就能吸收什么。 The clever boy seems to be able to _ _ he is taught. 6)当今的学生应该充分利用他们的时间使自己具备丰富的知识, 以便能容易地适应将来竞争激烈的社会。 Students nowadays should _ _ _ _ their time to equip themselves with _ knowledge so that t

27、hey can easily _ _ the competitive society in the future. 7)他当地口音很浓,这给我们听懂他说的话增添了困难。 His strong local _ _ _ _ our understanding of him. 8)往土壤里面添加这种化肥可以加速庄稼的生长得到了人们的广泛认可。 It is widely _ that _ this kind of fertilizer _ the soil would _ the growth of crops. 9)我在大街上偶尔碰见过她,而几天后她却遭遇事故。 I met her in the s

28、treet _ _, yet she had an _ days later. 10)他被指控偷了电脑,因为他是唯一能接近它的人。 He is _ _ _ the computer, because he was the only one who _ _ _ it. 11)大家都认为狗的嗅觉敏锐。因此,一些狗被训练帮助警察寻找罪犯。 It is universally _ that dogs have an _ _ of smell. So some dogs are trained to help the police search for criminals. 12)我已和我的笔友通信联系

29、了三年了,我来这里是专门和他相识的。 I have _ with my pen-friend for three years. I came here specially to _ _ _. 13)由于身体不能适应极限条件,有些人只得放弃了登山计划。 Some had to _ their climbing plans because their body was unable to _ _ the_ conditions. 14)除学习外,我积极参加许多课外活动,来培养我的社交技能。 _ _ _ my studies, I often _ _ _ _ _ lots of after-scho

30、ol _ to develop my social skills. 15)他是个有多方面能力的人,他一定能胜任这个具有挑战性的工作。 He is a person of many _. He is sure to be _ _ this challenging job.参考答案 1. 1) abandon 2) abolish 3) abrupt 4) abuse 5) accuse 6)abundant 7) accuracy 8) acquaintance 9) accumulate 10) adjustment 2. 1) above all 2) be absent from 3) be absorbed in 4) accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 5) by accident 6) takeinto account / take account of 7) accompany sb. to

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