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1、关于四季的写作材料The Power of HumourMany years later, I can still clearly recall that class. When the bell for class started ringing, I had just finished telling an interesting joke to Jane, the girl who sat right behind me. I was always considered a very good story-teller, but Jane seemed to have no reacti

2、on to my story. She just sat there and remained indifferent, as if she had not heard even a word of my story. I felt rather frustrated and said, “All right, I wont say any more. The teacher is coming,” and then turned round.A little while after the teacher had begun the class, a sound like the leaki

3、ng of a tyre was heard in the classroom. At first, it was almost unnoticeable, but soon it became louder and louder. And everybody could hear unmistakably that it was someone giggling, and began to look for the source of the laughter. As I looked around, I was so surprised when I found it was Jane w

4、ho was giggling. She could hardly control herself and was shaking with laughter. All eyes turned towards her, including the teachers furious ones, but she didnt notice them. She just laughed and laughed. Suddenly, the teacher roared: “Jane, stop that! Stop laughing.”At this time Jane stopped laughin

5、g and awoke to the embarrassing situation she was in. She stood up timidly with her face turning red.“IIm sorry, sir, ” she said nervously, almost in tears.“Just get out of the classroom! Understand? Get out of here!” the teacher was too angry to calm down.Tears trickled down the poor girls cheeks,

6、then down her lovely bright-coloured dress. She stepped out of the classroom, sobbing so sadly that you could not imagine she had laughed heartily only a few minutes ago. The Power of HumourPara 1: Many years later, I can still clearly recall that class. Revised: It was an event in my school life. I

7、 can still recall it vividly many years afterwards. Para 2: When the bell for class started ringing, I had just finished telling an interesting joke to Jane, the girl who sat right behind me. Revised: The bell for class was ringing when I just finished telling a humourous story to Jane sitting right

8、 behind me. I was always considered a very good story-teller, but Jane seemed to have no reaction to my story. She just sat there and remained indifferent, as if she had not heard even a word of my story. I felt rather frustrated and said, “All right, I wont say any more. The teacher is coming,” Rev

9、ised: “Well, forget it.” and then turned round.Para 3: A little while after the teacher had begun the class, a sound like the leaking of a tyre was heard in the classroom. Revised: A hissing noise arose. At first, it was almost unnoticeable, Revised: At first it did not catch any attention, butbut s

10、oon it became louder and louder. And everybody could hear unmistakably that it was someone giggling, and began to look for the source of the laughter. As I looked around, I was so surprised when I found it was Jane who was giggling. Revised: I looked around only to find it was JaneShe could hardly c

11、ontrol herself and was shaking with laughter. All eyes turned towards her, including the teachers furious ones, but she didnt notice them. She just laughed and laughed. Suddenly, the teacher roared: “Jane, stop that! Stop laughing.”Para 4: At this time Jane stopped laughing and awoke to the embarras

12、sing situation she was in. She stood up timidly with her face turning red. Revised: Shame flushed her cheeks and timidly she rose to her feet.Para 5: “IIm sorry, sir, ” she said nervously, almost in tears.Para 6: “Just get out of the classroom! Understand? Get out of here!” Revised: “Youd better lea

13、ve the room, and do not come back till you stop that nuisance, ” commanded the teacher. the teacher was too angry to calm down.Para 7: Tears trickled down the poor girls cheeks, then down her lovely bright-coloured dress. She stepped out of the classroom, sobbing so sadly that you could not imagine

14、she had laughed heartily only a few minutes ago. I know it was all my fault. The power of humour is so irresistible. A Walk on the SeashoreNot very far from my house lies a seashore in the south. We can go there on foot in about ten minutes. In summer evenings when the sun is setting, my father like

15、s to take me with my sisters to have a walk along the seashore. Though we do not like the loneliness of the place, yet we are glad to enjoy the coolness of sea breeze and the beautiful scenery of the nature. The beach is rather rough with many big and small stones on the surface. The sand is also ve

16、ry big in form and brown in color. At the time of low tide, we can see the reefs appearing out of the water. It is not fit for swimmers to come here to bathe, so it is quiet all over the year.Moreover, when the tide is low, we may see also some poor boys of the nearby villages. They carry bamboo bas

17、kets on their backs or under their arms. Running on the solitary beach, they are trying to pick up the small crabs among the rocks. They take them home for food or they sell them for a little money.On the sea, we can see the distant fishing boats sailing back to the harbour to anchor there at night.

18、 The setting sun looks like an immense yolk. The sky turns into orange red and the surface of the sea is glittering like a sheet of gold leaf. The waves beating at the rocks sound like music. After all, a walk on the seashore is always enjoyable. 1. Dominant impression景情(交融);景:绘生、绘色;景人2. Concrete de

19、tails3. Logical development第一段:鸟瞰第二段:近景第三段:人物第四段:远景 景(Scenery)春(Spring)Flowers blossom in a riot of colour. 百花争艳Spring returns to the earth. /Spring is here again. /Spring has come back to the earth. 春回大地A warmly spring scenery. /Spring fills the air with warmth. 春光和煦A garden full of the beauty of s

20、pring. 春色满园Flowers blossom in warm spring. 春暖花开A radiant and enchanting spring scene. 明媚的春天夏(Spring)The scorching sun 赤日炎炎Early summer 初夏The intense heat of summer 酷暑Difficult to endure the intense heat of summer 酷暑难熬The height of summer 盛夏秋(Autumn)Early autumn 初秋Golden autumn 金秋The beginning of aut

21、umn 立秋Late autumn/late in the autumn 晚秋Autumn wind 秋风Autumn scenery 秋色The autumn sky is clear and the air is crisp. 秋高气爽Charming autumn scenery 秋色宜人Autumn wind clears away fallen leaves. 秋风扫落叶冬(Winter)Early winter 初冬Chilly winter/severe winter 寒冬Late winter 深冬Hard winter/rigorous winter/severe winte

22、r 严冬早、中、晚(morning, noon and evening)First rays of morning sun 晨曦The east is dawning./The eastern sky is turning fish-belly grey. 东方发白Before dawn 拂晓The day was just dawning. 天刚破晓With the scorching sun directly overhead 烈日当头The setting sun is going down. 夕阳西下Almost dusk 将近黄昏Deepening shades of dusk/Th

23、e dusk is gathering. 暮色苍茫Late at night /in the depth of night 深夜、三更半夜All is quiet./Silence reigns supreme./All sounds are hushed.万籁俱寂日、月、星 (the sun, the moon and the stars)The sun is shining fiercely. 骄阳似火The sky was full of stars. 满天星斗Heat waves blow on ones face. 热浪扑面The red sun is rising over the

24、 eastern horizon. 旭日东升Glowing rays shine in all directions. 霞光万道Scattered all over like stars in the sky. 星罗棋布The moon hanging in a clear blue sky. 月悬碧空The moon was shining as bright as day. 月明如昼A full moon 一轮明月A new moon 一弯明月The Milky Way 银河冰、雪、霜(ice, snow, frost)Thin ice 薄冰All covered in ice and s

25、now/a world of ice and snow 冰天雪地Ice-dissolving and snow-melting 冰消雪化The first snow 初雪It was snowing thick and fast./ The snow fell in a whirl.大雪纷纷Snow in great flakes/large snowflakes 鹅毛大雪Light snow 小雪Accumulated snow 积雪Snowflakes are dancing. 雪花飞舞风、雨、雷、电(wind, rain, thunder, lightning)Violent storm

26、 暴风骤雨The north wind howls. 北风呼啸Spring breeze caressing ones face 春风拂面Head wind 顶头风The rain coming down in sheets 大于滂沱The thunder roared and the lightning flashed. 电闪雷鸣The rustle of leaves in the wind 风吹草动Fine rain with soft wind/a gentle breeze and a mild rain和风细雨The rumble of thunder 雷声轰鸣Drizzle/fine drizzling rain 牛毛细雨Cloudy and drizzly for days on end/an unbroken spell of wet weather 阴雨连绵

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