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大学英语Unit 8.docx

1、大学英语Unit 8Unit 8Difficult Sentences 1. Secrets of Straight-A Students Who are called “straight-A students”? (= A straight-A student is someone who regularly gets the best marks for all of their work in school or college.)Translate the title into Chinese.(= 全优生的秘诀)2. , it is far more important for a

2、student to know how to make the most of his or her innate abilities.What is the part of speech of the word “far”? What does it mean?(= Its an adverb. It means very much. It can be used to modify some adjectives, such as far less/better/easier, and to modify some prepositions, such as far above/below

3、/beyond.More examples:* It would take me far too long to explain.* The new system is far better than the old one.* He bought it for a price that was far beyond (= much more than) its real value.)Paraphrase “make the most of his or her innate abilities”.(= To get as much advantage as one can from one

4、s innate abilities.)3. Study time is never compromised for phone calls, television programmes or snacks. In other words, it is always placed above recreation.What kind of study habit does the author describe? Talk about it in your own words.(= Never make phone calls, watch television or have snacks

5、when its time to study. Study is forever the first choice.)4. They must know how to pace each assignment or project according to their daily timetable and work ability so that they might not be overwhelmed by the tasks at hand.What can you infer from the expression “to pace each assignment or projec

6、t according to their daily timetable and work ability”?(= Our time and energy are limited, so we have to organize our assignments and activities skillfully so that we do not have too much to do and still have energy left near the end.) Paraphrase “the tasks at hand”.(= Tasks that need to be dealt wi

7、th now.)5. Another winning formula which teachers promote lies in a students ability to hand in neat work.What does “formula” originally mean? What does it refer to here?(= Formula means a list of the substances used to make a medicine, drink, etc. Here winning formula refers to a method that leads

8、to success.)6. According to one professor, the student who turns in neat work is already on the way to scoring an A.What can we infer from “is already on the way to scoring an A”?(= It is very likely that the student will get an A.)7. The experiment also illuminated the value of hypothetical tests c

9、onducted among the students and on their own. What is a “hypothetical test”?(= A hypothetical test is a test that is not real, but that might happen.)Translate the sentence into Chinese.(= 研究也证明了学生间互相进行模拟测试或自我测试的好处。)8. Experts confirmed that students who devise possible test questions often find man

10、y of the same questions during the real examination and thus score higher.What is the benefit of devising possible test questions?(= By devising questions that might possibly appear in the test, the students undertake a thorough review of what theyve learned and become better prepared for the real t

11、est.)9. The latter set high standards for their children and held them to those standards.Paraphrase “held them to those standards”.(= Helped them live up to the standards.)10. They impressed the lessons of responsibility on their children, and the children delivered.Explain the part “impressed the

12、lessons of responsibility on their children”.(= “Impress something on somebody” means to make the importance of something clear to someone. The parents made it clear to their children that responsibility is very important.)What does “deliver” mean?(= It means to provide something promised or expecte

13、d.)Translate the sentence into Chinese.(= 他们使孩子们铭记肩负的责任,而孩子们则将其付诸实践。)Words and Expressions1. conduct: vt. carry out or direct; go with and guide or lead * We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.* Is it really necessary to conduct experiments on animals?Collocation:cond

14、uct a meeting 主持会议conduct an investigation 进行调查2. innate: adj. (of a quality) which someone was born with* The kids have an innate curiosity about the physical world.孩子具有天生的学习语言的能力。(= Children have an innate ability to learn language.)3. attain: vt. gain or arrive at, esp. after long effort; reach *

15、 India attained independence in 1947.* I would tell them that they could attain levels of quality and customer satisfaction greater than they had ever imagined.CF: attain, achieve & accomplish 这三个动词均有“达到、完成”之意。attain 指努力去达成或实现目标,常指事先没有确信会成功而去追求的目标。例如:* She finally attained her ends. 她终于达到了她的目的。* Kac

16、y attained the rank of deputy director. 凯茜当上副经理了。achieve 指由于功绩或努力而理所当然应该得到的成功。例如:* He will never achieve his objectives if he does not work harder. 如果不加倍努力的话,他永远也实现不了他的目标。accomplish指完成规定的任务。例如: * He accomplished the building of the bookcase. 他做完了一个书橱。4. academic: adj. concerning education, esp. coll

17、ege or university level; being or based on subjects that are taught to develop the mind rather than to provide practical skills * Her name is well known in academic circles.* Teachers must provide challenging activities for their more academic pupils.麦克没有工作而且毫无学术成就。(= Mike was unemployed, and had no

18、 academic achievement.)Collocation:academic research 学术研究an academic degree 学位an academic discussion 学术讨论 an academic year 学年5. principle: n. a truth or belief that is accepted as a base for reasoning or action; the general rules on which a skill, science, etc. is based, and which a beginner must un

19、derstand* He prided himself on his high moral principles (= strong ideas about how it is right or wrong to behave). * Schools try to teach children a set of principles.Collocation:against somebodys principles 违背原则* Its against my principles to accept gifts from clients. 从客户那里接受礼物有违我的原则。a person of p

20、rinciple 有原则的人* He considered himself to be a man of principle. 他认为自己是一个有原则的人。in principle 原则上* In principle, the new software should make the accounting system a lot simpler. 原则上,这个新的软件应当使会计系统简便很多。6. priority: n. something that needs attention, consideration, service, etc. before others * After sev

21、eral burglaries in the area, security is now a high priority.* With so little money available, repairs must remain a low priority.我们应当优先考虑孩子。(= The children are our first priority.)Collocation:a first/top/main priority 优先考虑的问题* Road building is a top priority. 道路建设是应最优先考虑的事情。priority over比优先* This p

22、roject has priority over others. 这个项目应放在其他一切项目之上。7. compromise: vi. do something that is against ones principles or does not reach the standards that one has set * The captain refused to compromise on any of his demands.* She admitted that she was unable to compromise.* The employers will have to be

23、 ready to compromise if they want to avoid a strike.Collocation:compromise with 和某人妥协* We cannot compromise with those whose principles are directly opposed to our own. 我们不能和在原则方面与我们针锋相对的人妥协。compromise on 在某事上妥协* The President might be willing to compromise on defense spending. 总统可能愿意在国防开支上妥协。8. rec

24、reation: n. C; U (a form of) amusement and enjoyment; way of spending free time * Vancouver is a city more in tune with outdoor recreation than cultural institutions.他唯一的消遣方式就是喝啤酒和看足球。(= His only recreations are drinking beer and watching football.)* They see the outdoors as a recreation activity, n

25、ot a job opportunity.CF: recreation, pastime & hobby 这三个名词均有“闲暇时间的活动”之意。recreation指娱乐性放松,其含义包括了体育锻炼。例如:* Holiday centers offer a variety of recreations that include folk dancing, swimming and boating. 度假中心提供各种各样的娱乐,包括民间舞蹈、游泳和划船。pastime指为消磨闲暇所做的任何事情,代表着几乎没有什么价值的活动。例如:* He insisted that his painting w

26、as merely a pastime that kept him from being bored. 他认为他画画只是为了摆脱无聊的一种消遣罢了。hobby 指一种完善而具体的知识或对有些领域很在行的活动,尤指收集或修补活动,经常由自己在家里做。例如: * Susans hobbies include reading, cooking, and drama. 苏珊的爱好有阅读、烹饪和戏剧。9. addition: n. the act of adding, esp. of adding numbers together; something added * Additions are mad

27、e to the list from time to time.* In the last three months there has been a new addition to the family our daughter, Rachel.Collocation:in addition 此外,另外* The boss forced him to work sixteen hours a day and beat him in addition. 老板强迫他一天工作16个小时,而且还要打他。in addition to 除了之外* In addition to his salary, h

28、e earns a lot from royalties. 除了工资,他还挣不少版税。CF: addition & accretion这两个名词均有“增加、增添”之意。addition指数目的增加,或一样东西与另一样东西的相加。例如:* The addition of flour will thicken gravy. 加些面粉可使肉汁变稠。accretion 指自然的增加,尤指外层附加物的添加。例如:* A mineral augments by accretion. 矿物因增生而增大。*A glacier is formed by the accretion of many particl

29、es of frozen packed snow. 冰川是由许多冻实的小雪块相加而形成的。10. thrive: v. develop well and be healthy, strong, or successful * Most herbs need direct sun all day in order to thrive.* The IT explosion means that telecommunications companies are thriving.NB: 注意该词的词性变化,它的形容词形式为thriving。例如:a thriving companya thrivin

30、g tourist industry11. consistency: n. the state of always keeping to the same principles or course of action * Consumer groups are demanding greater consistency in the labeling of food products.(= 消费者组织要求食品标签有更高的一致性。)* Consistency of performance depends on several factors.12. perform: vt.1) do; carr

31、y out (a piece of work, duty, ceremony, etc.), esp. according to a usual or established method* The operation was performed by a team of surgeons at Brooks Hospital.* Students perform increasingly difficult tasks as the course continues.* Surgery was performed Friday to correct the heart defects.2)

32、give, act, or show (a play, a part in a play, a piece of music, tricks, etc.), esp. in the presence of the public * The opera was performed in over 100 cities.Collocation:perform a study/experiment/analysis 进行一项研究/实验/分析* An analysis of the survey data was performed. 调查数据经过了分析。perform a task/job/duty 履行任务/职责* She was fired for not performing the

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