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1、习惯上后接ofdoingsth的名词习惯上后接of doing sth的名词英语中有些名词通常后接of doing sth,而不接不定式(至少在用于某些结构或表示某些特定意思时不接不定式)。这类名词比较常见的有:1. act动作,行为用于the act of doing sth,其字面意思是“做某事的动作”,通常只需译为“做某事”即可(但译文要考虑符合汉语的表达习惯)。如:For Jane, the act of writing was always difficult.写东西对简来说一直很难。The very act of writing out your plan clarifies wh

2、at you need to do.把计划书写出来就会使你清楚自己该做什么。Two politicians who hated each other shook hands as an overt act of showing they are now friendly.两位敌对的政治家握手言和,显然是要表明他们现在已经友好了。用于in the act of doing sth,意为“正在做某事时”。如:He was in the very act of starting.他正准备动身。In the act of bending down, he slipped and hurt his ba

3、ck.他一弯腰滑倒了,跌伤了背。The thief was apprehended by the police in the act of stealing a car.窃贼在偷汽车时当场被警察抓住。2. aim目的后接of doing sth,意为“做某事的目的”,主要用于with the aim of doing sth这一结构中。如:She went toLondonwith the aim of finding a job.她去伦敦是为了找工作。The leaflet has been produced with the aim of increasing public awarene

4、ss of the AIDS.印发这些传单的目的在于提高公众对艾滋病的意识。3. danger危险,危害(1)用于the danger of doing sth,表示“做某事(可能发生的)危险或危害”。如:The children didnt realize the danger of swimming in the river.孩子们没有意识到在这河里游泳的危险。The doctor alerted me to the danger of not getting enough sleep.医生提醒我注意睡眠不足的危害。You can minimize the danger of drivin

5、g at night by driving slowly and with great care.如果你放慢车速,多加小心,就能把夜间驾驶的危险性降到最低。(2)用于there is a (no) danger of doing sth,表示“有(没有)发生某情况的危险”。如:There is no danger of being seen or caught.没有被发现或被捉住的危险。The dam has been breached and there is a danger of flooding.大坝已经决口了,有发生洪水的危险。(3)用于in danger of doing sth,

6、表示“有发生某情况的危险”。如:He was in danger of losing his life.他有丧失性命的危险。The whale is in danger of becoming extinct.鲸类有灭绝的危险。注:有时后接in doing sth,表示在做某事过程中的危险,其中的in与when, while同义。如:Is there any danger in climbing the tree?爬这树有危险吗?4. distinction非凡,卓越,杰出;荣誉,名声,殊荣用于have the distinction of doing sth,表示“做某事的荣誉或名声”“做某

7、事显示出的卓越或杰出”。如:She had the distinction of graduating first in her class.她以班级第一的荣誉毕业。She had the distinction of being the first woman to swim the Channel.她卓尔不群,因为她是第一个横渡英吉利海峡的女子。He has the dubious distinction of being the first railway baron to go bankrupt.他担着首位破产铁路大亨的名声,这也算是种荣誉吧。5. dream梦想要表示“做某事的梦想”

8、,英语习惯上不用dream to do sth,而说dream of doingsth。如:His dream of becoming President had come true.他当总统的梦想实现了。She had this romantic dream of living in a windmill.她曾经有过住在风车磨坊里的浪漫梦想。This summer I will realize my dream of going toItaly.今年夏天我要实现去意大利的梦想。注意,下面一句中dream后的不定式不是定语,而是主语:It has been his dream to trave

9、l round the world.做环球旅行一直是他的梦想。6. expectation希望,期望用于expectation of doing sth,意为“的希望(期望)”。如:Our team has every expectation of winning.我们队胜券在握。He has little expectation of winning a prize.他对获奖不抱什么希望。He is unemployed and has no expectation of finding work at the moment.他失业了,此刻也没有找到工作的希望。动词expect后可以接动词不

10、定式,但不接动名词,而其派生名词expectation后却通常不接不定式,而接of doing sth,注意不要弄混淆。7. habit习惯用于habit of doing sth,表示做某事的习惯。如:Are you in the habit of rising early?你有早起的习惯吗?You need to form the habit of reading carefully.你需要养成仔细阅读的习惯。He has got into the habit of looking after her.他已养成了照顾她的习惯。I cant get out of the habit of w

11、aking at six in the morning.我早上一到六点就醒,这习惯改不掉了。注意,下面的句子情况有所不同(其中的不定式是主语,不是定语):Its my habit to get up early every morning.每天早起是我的习惯。It was not his habit to ask people for things.他没有向别人要东西的习惯。8. hobby嗜好,业余爱好用于ones hobby of doing sth,表示“某人做某事的业余爱好或嗜好”。如:His hobby of winemaking was fast becoming a profit

12、able sideline.他酿酒的业余爱好很快就成了一项很赚钱的副业。He pursued his hobby of collecting old almanacs for so many years.许多年来他一直保持着收集旧历书的嗜好。9. hope希望用于hope of doing sth,表示“做某事的希望”。如:They have great hopes of winning.他们大有获胜的希望。He still has the hope of seeing her again.他还有希望再见到她。有时动名词前可以有逻辑主语。如:Theres not much hope of hi

13、m coming.他来的希望不大。Doctors hold out little hope of her recovering.医生帮助她康复的希望甚微。用于in the hope of doing sth或in hopes of doing sth,表示“怀着会发生某情况的希望”。如:She worked hard in hopes of making money.她努力工作是希望赚钱。Both sides have agreed to meet, in the hope of reaching a compromise.双方已经同意会面,希望能达成妥协。注意,动词hope后通常接不定式作宾

14、语,但名词hope通常不接不定式作定语,而接of doing sth。比较:I hope to go.我希望去。I have no hope of going.我没有希望去。10. idea想法,主意用于the idea of doing sth,表示“做某事的想法”。如:His mind played on the idea of going away for a holiday.他心里动着度假的念头。The mayor promoted the idea of building a new sports stadium in the city.市长提议在市内修建一座新体育场。I dont

15、think her idea of becoming a journalist ever came to much.我认为她当新闻记者的想法没什么名堂。11. impossibility不可能用于the impossibility of doing sth,表示“不可能做某事”。如:Soon he came to know the impossibility of finding suitable work.很快他就意识到不可能找到合适的工作。)He hinted at the impossibility of winding up the work in two months.他暗示要在两个

16、月内结束这项工作是不可能的。注意,下面一句中的不定式不是定语,而是主语(注意句首的形式主语it):It is a physical impossibility to be in two places at once.同时身处两地在自然法则上是不可能的。12. impression印象用于impression of doing sth,表示“的印象”,尤其用于give the impression of doing sth(给人的印象是)。如:She gives the impression of being very busy.她给人的印象是非常忙。He gives the impressio

17、n of being a hard worker.他给人的印象是工作很努力。She gives the impression of being generous, but in reality she is a very selfish woman.她给人以慷慨大方的印象,其实她是个非常自私的女人。13. manner方式,方法用于manner of doing sth,表示“做某事的样子”。如:Manner of walking gives an index to ones character.走路的样子反映一个人的性格。I dont object to what she says, but

18、 I strongly disapprove of her manner of saying it.我不反对她说的话,但她说这话的方式我很反感。注意,下面的句子情况有所不同(其中的不定式是主语,不是定语):Its bad manners to interrupt someone.打断别人是不礼貌的。用于习语in a manner of speaking,其意为“不妨说”“可以说”“在某种意义上说”。如:His success is in a manner of speaking our success, too.他的成功也可以说是我们的成功。14. object目的用于the object o

19、f doing sth,意为“做某事的目的”,尤其见于with the object of doing sth,表示“带着做某事的目的”。如:His object of studying English is to know more aboutEnglandand the English people.他学习英语的目的是更多地了解英国和英国人民。She went toAmericawith the object of studying English.她去美国是为了学习英语。The decision was made with the object of cutting costs.作出这个

20、决定是为了削减费用。但是,若object前用了物主代词,则通常后接in doing sth。如:Whats his object in doing that?他这样做目的是什么?15. pleasure快乐用于the pleasure of doing sth,其意为“做某事的快乐”。如:She had the pleasure of seeing him look surprised.看他好像吃了一惊,她感到开心。Theres nothing to compare with the pleasure of being with you.跟你在一起是无比的愉快。注意以下几点:(1)下面句子中p

21、leasure后接的不定式是主语,不是定语:Its a pleasure to be with you.跟你在一起是愉快的。It gives me great pleasure to welcome our speaker.我很高兴去迎接我们的演讲人。(2)下面句子中pleasure后接的不定式是宾语补足语,不是定语:Dont allow pleasure to interfere with duty.不要让娱乐妨碍了职责。(3)下面句子中的pleasure虽然也在其后接了不定式,但它不表示“快乐”“开心”,而是表示“快乐的事”“开心的事”(已由抽象名词转化为个体名词,可数),其中的不定式是状

22、语,不是定语(注意这类句式的特点:句子主语是其后不定式的逻辑宾语):Carol was a pleasure to work with.与卡罗共事是一件开心的事。The car is beautifully engineered and a pleasure to drive.这辆汽车设计完美、工艺精良,开起来过瘾。16. possibility可能(性)用于the possibility of doing sth,其意为“做某事或发生某情况的可能性”。如:What is the possibility of having a sunny weekend?周末天晴的可能性有多大?Joe is

23、excited about the possibility of going to the States.乔对于有可能去美国感到兴奋。The possibility of breaking the world record never occurred to him.他从来没想到有可能打破世界记录。有时动名词前可能有逻辑主语。如:I admit the possibility of your being right.我承认你可能是对的。比较同义句():There is a possibility of his coming late.=There is a possibility that h

24、e may come late.他有可能迟到。Theres a possibility of my going toDenmarknext year.=I may go toDenmarknext year.明年我有可能去丹麦。17. pretence假装,借口用于the pretence of doing sth,表示“假装或借口做某事”。如:Wellandmade a pretence of writing a note in his pad.韦兰假装在便笺簿上做笔记。By the end of the evening she had abandoned all pretence of b

25、eing interested.到晚会结束时,她已将假装的兴趣抛得一干二净。用于under the pretence of doing sth,表示“以做某事为借口”。如:He tried to get close to her under the pretence of examining the pictures on the wall.他借口仔细看墙上的画,试图接近她。18. privilege特权,特许;荣幸,荣耀用于the privilege of doing sth,表示“有做某事的特权”“有幸做某事”。如:I had the privilege of meeting the qu

26、een.我有会见王后的特权。He was given the privilege of using his brothers car.他得到特许可以用他哥哥的车。I had the privilege of interviewing Picasso in the 1960s.我在20世纪60年代有幸采访了毕加索。I hope to have the privilege of working with them again.希望有幸能与他们再度合作。按传统语法,名词privilege后可接of doing sth,不接to do sth,但这在现代英语中已有所突破,有时也可见到后接不定式作定语的

27、例子。如:I had the great privilege to play forYorkshire.我很荣幸地代表约克郡参赛。注意以下句中privilege后接的不定式不是定语,而是句子主语:It is a great privilege to know you.认识你真是莫大的荣幸。It is a great privilege to accept this award.获得这个奖项是一个大殊荣。下面句子中的不定式为宾语补足语:I consider it a privilege to study your method of working.我认为学习你的工作方法是很幸运的。I este

28、em it a privilege to address such a distinguished audience.我认为能向各位贵宾演讲十分荣幸。19. probability很可能用于the probability of doing sth,其意为“做某事或发生某情况的可能性。如:What is the probability of winning?赢的可能有多大?The probability of winning the lottery is really very low.彩票的中奖机会是非常低的。The probability of getting all the answers

29、 correct is about one in ten.所有答案都正确的概率只有大约十分之一。有时动名词前可能有逻辑主语。如:There is little probability of his succeeding.他不大可能成功。The probability of her making a full recovery is quite good.她完全康复的可能性很大。20. property功能,特性用于the property of doing sth,表示“做某事的特性”。如:Oil has the property of floating on water.油有浮在水上的特性。

30、Paraffin has the property of dissolving grease.石蜡具有溶解油脂的特性。21. prospect前景,景象;指望,期望用于the prospect of doing sth,主要有以下几个意思:(1)表示“做某事的景象或迹象等”。如:There is no immediate prospect of his returning soon.没有迹象显示他会很快回来。(2)表示“做某事的希望、预期或可能性”。如:He has little prospect of succeeding.他没什么成功的希望。She looks forward to the

31、 prospect of being accepted at her favorite college.她盼望能被她最喜欢的大学录取。Unfortunately, there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered.遗憾的是,基本上不可能看到这些大问题得到解决。(3)表示“想到要做某事”。如:The prospect of becoming a father filled him with alarm.一想到将要为人父他就满怀忧思。Her heart sank at the prospect of introducing him to her family.一想到要把他介绍给她的家里人,她的心就一沉。Im terrified at the prospect of being alone in the house.我想到要自己一个人待在房子里就感到害怕。22. purpose目的用于the purpose of doing sth,意为“做某事的目的”,尤其见于with t

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