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1、英语学习资料魔戒2剧本中英你过不来! You cannot pass!我是圣火的仆人,高举着亚尔诺炽焰I am a servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Anor.滚回黑暗中吧Go back to the shadow.黑暗之火不会帮你的,乌顿之火The dark fire will not avail you, flame of 你绝对过不来!You - shall not - pass!不!别去!No! No!甘道夫!Gandalf!快走,笨蛋Fly, you fools.不!No!甘道夫!Gandalf!甘道夫!Ganda

2、lf!弗罗多,怎么了?What is it, Mr. Frodo?没什么Nothing.只是做了梦Just a dream.你能看得到底吗?Can you see the bottom?看不到,别往下看,山姆,继续爬No! Dont look down, Sam! Just keep going!接住!弗罗多,快接住!Catch it! Grab it, Mr. Frodo!弗罗多!Mr. Frodo!我爬到底了I think Ive found the bottom.沼泽和绳子,天知道还会有什么Bogs and rope, and goodness knows what.情况太糟糕了,简直糟

3、糕透顶Its not natural. None of it.- 这装了什么? - 没什么 Whats in this? - Nothing.只是一些调味料Just a bit of seasoning.我只是想,搞不好哪天晚餐会有烤鸡吃I thought maybe if we was having a roast chicken one night or something.烤鸡?Roast chicken?!谁知道呢?You never know.山姆,算了吧Sam. My dear Sam.这很特别,这是夏尔最好的盐巴Its very special, that. Its the be

4、st salt in all the Shire.真的很棒It is special.这才有家乡的味道Its a little bit of home.不能把绳子留在这儿,让别人跟踪我们We cant leave this here for someone to follow us down.谁会跟着我们跟到这儿,弗罗多?Whos gonna follow us down here, Mr. Frodo?真可惜,这是盖拉德丽尔女王送我的Its a shame, really. Lady Galadriel gave me that.真正的精灵绳子Real Elvish rope.怎么拉也没有用

5、,我绑得很紧Well, theres nothing for it. Its one of my knots.扯不下来的Wont come free in a hurry.真正的精灵绳子Real Elvish rope.魔多,那是在中土世界里我们最不想去的地方Mordor. The one place in Middle-earth we dont wanna see any closer.但是我们却非去不可And its the one place were trying to get to.只是我们又一直走不到那Its just where we cant get.面对现实吧,我们迷路了L

6、ets face it, Mr. Frodo, were lost.甘道夫不会希望我们走这儿I dont think Gandalf meant for us to come this way.他不希望发生很多事,山姆He didnt mean for a lot of things to happen, Sam但是却发生了but they did.弗罗多?Mr. Frodo?是那只魔戒,对吧?Its the ring, isnt it?它变得越来越重Its getting heavier.- 我们还剩什么吃的? - 我看看 What food have we got left? - Let

7、me see.有了,太棒了Oh, yes. Lovely.兰巴斯干粮,你看Lembas bread. And look!更多的兰巴斯干粮More lembas bread.我通常不太爱吃怪东西I dont usually hold with foreign food不过这种精灵干粮真的不错but this Elvish stuff, its not bad.什么都不能影响你的心情,对吧,山姆?Nothing ever dampens your spirits, does it, Sam?那些乌云就能Those rain clouds might.这地方好眼熟This looks strange

8、ly familiar.那是因为我们来过了Its because weve been here before.我们在兜圈子Were going in circles.什么味道那么臭?What is that horrid stink?我打赌附近一定有沼泽I warrant theres a nasty bog nearby.- 你闻到了吗? Can you smell it?是的,我闻到了Yes,I can smell it.这儿还有别人Were not alone.小偷,那些小偷The thieves. The thieves.那些臭小偷The filthy little thieves.它

9、在哪里?Where is it?在哪?Where is it?他们从我们身上把它偷走They stole it from us.我的宝贝My precious.我们诅咒他们,我们恨他们Curse them, we hates them!它是我们的,我们想要回它Its ours, it is, and we wants it!这是刺针宝剑This is Sting.你以前也见过它Youve seen it before对吧,咕噜?havent you, Gollum?放开他,否则我就割断你的喉咙Release him or Ill cut your throat.好烫It burns!烫死了It

10、 burns us!冰死了It freezes!臭精灵做的绳子Nasty Elves twisted it.- 快帮我们解开 - 你给我闭嘴 Take it off us! - Quiet, you!这样下去不行,魔多的半兽人会听到他嚎叫的Its hopeless. Every Orc in Mordors going to hear this racket.- 把他绑起来留在这儿吧 - 不要 Lets just tie him up and leave him. - No!那样我们一定会死的That would kill us! Kill us!死了活该Its no more than yo

11、u deserve!也许他的确该死Maybe he does deserve to die.不过我看到他倒是觉得他很可怜But now that I see him, I do pity him.你们只要对我们好,我们就一定会报答的We be nice to them if they be nice to us.快把绳子解开Take it off us.我们发誓一定会乖乖听话We swears to do what you wants.我们对天发誓We swears.我才不相信你发的誓Theres no promise you can make that I can trust.我们发誓We

12、swears我们会服侍宝贝的主人to serve the master of the precious.我们愿意对We will swear on宝贝发誓on the precious.咕噜,咕噜Gollum. Gollum.魔戒很邪恶,它会逼你信守承诺The ring is treacherous. It will hold you to your word.是的Yes对宝贝发誓on the precious.对宝贝发誓On the precious.我不相信你I dont believe you!- 下来,快下来 - 山姆 Get down! I said, down! - Sam!他想要

13、骗我们Hes trying to trick us.我们放了他,他一定会趁我们熟睡的时候偷袭我们If we let him go, hell throttle us in our sleep.- 你知道去魔多的路吗? - 知道 You know the way to Mordor? - Yes.你去过那儿?Youve been there before?去过Yes.你要带领我们到黑门You will lead us to the black gate.好啊,去黑门,主人说去黑门就去To the gate, to the gate! To the gate, the master says. Y

14、es!不,我们不能回去,不能回去他那里No! We wont go back. Not there. Not to him.他们不能逼我们,咕噜,咕噜They cant make us. Gollum! Gollum!可是我们发誓,要服侍宝贝的主人But we swore to serve the master of the precious.不行,那儿只有灰烬和沙尘 还有无止无尽的坑洞No. Ashes and dust and thirst there is, and pits, pits, pits.还有成千上万的半兽人And Orcses, thousands of Orcses.而且

15、邪眼日夜不休地巡视着And always the great eye watching, watching.回来,给我回来Hey! Come back now! Come back!瞧,我就说吧There! What did I tell you?那小坏蛋逃掉了Hes run off, the old villain.他发誓也没有用So much for his promises.这儿,霍比特人This way, Hobbits.跟我走Follow me!梅里!Merry!梅里!Merry!你太慢了,主人就快失去耐心了Youre late, our master grows impatient

16、.他现在就要那些夏尔的小家伙He wants the Shire-rats now.我才不听臭半兽人的命令I dont take orders from Orc-maggots.萨鲁曼会得到他的大礼Saruman will have his prize.我们会把他们交给他We will deliver them.梅里!Merry!快醒醒Merry? Wake up.我的朋友生病了My friend is sick.他需要水,求求你He needs water. Please!他生病了? 那就给他吃药吧Sick, is he? Give him some medicine, boys!住手Sto

17、p it!这是良药苦口呀Cant take his draught!- 快住手 - 怎么? Leave him alone! - Why?你也想喝吗?You want some?那就乖乖闭嘴Then keep your mouth shut.梅里Merry.皮平Hello, Pip.- 你受伤了 - 我没事 Youre hurt. - Im fine.- 我是故意装的 - 装的? It was just an act. - An act?瞧,连你也被我骗了See? I fooled you too.别替我担心Dont worry about me, Pippin.怎么了?你闻到什么?What

18、is it? What do you smell?人类Man-flesh.他们追上来了Theyve picked up our trail.阿拉贡Aragorn.快走Lets move!他们加快了脚步Their pace has quickened.他们一定是闻到我们的气味了They must have caught our scent.快走!Hurry!快跟上,金利Come on, Gimli!我们追了三天三夜Three days and nights pursuit.没吃饭,没休息No food. No rest.没有敌人的踪迹,只有光秃秃的乱石And no sign of our qua

19、rry, but what bare rock can tell.罗里安别针不会无故掉下来Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.他们可能还活着They may yet be alive.他们离我们不到一天脚程,快走Less than a day ahead of us. Come.快点,就快追上他们了Come, Gimli! Were gaining on them!长途跋涉我最不在行,我们矮人是天生短跑健将Im wasted on cross-country. We dwarves are natural sprinters.短距离内爆发力十足Very

20、dangerous over short distances.洛汗国Rohan.骠骑之乡Home of the Horse-lords.事情很不对劲Theres something strange at work here.他们这么拚命赶路一定有什么原因Some evil gives speed to these creatures.他们想对付我们Sets its will against us.莱格拉斯,你的精灵眼睛看到什么?Legolas! What do your elf-eyes see?强兽人转往东北方The Uruks turn northeast.他们要把霍比特人带到艾辛格The

21、y are taking the Hobbits to Isengard.萨鲁曼Saruman.世局改变了The world is changing.现在谁有力量抵挡艾辛格Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Isengard和魔多大军?and Mordor?有谁能对抗索伦和萨鲁曼To stand against the might of Sauron and Saruman以及双塔结盟的力量?and the union of the two towers?魔君索伦,只要携手合作Together, my Lord Sau

22、ron就能统治中土世界we shall rule this Middle-earth.大自然将被业火吞蚀The old world will burn in the fires of industry.森林将被夷为平地The forests will fall.一股新势力将会崛起A new order will rise.我们将开足马力生产坚矛利剑We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear和无坚不摧的强兽人and the iron fists of the Orc.我要大军在两星期内就准备好I want them

23、armed and ready to march within two weeks!可是,主人,强兽人太多了But, my lord, there are too many!不可能这么快就准备好,我们没有足够的武器装备They cannot all be armed in time, we dont have the means.筑起大坝,堵住河水,不眠不休地打造兵器Build a dam, block the stream, work the furnaces night and day.我们没有足够的木柴用来生火We dont have enough fuel to feed the fi

24、res.范冈森林就在我们大门口The Forest of Fangorn lies on our doorstep.- 把它给烧了 - 是 Burn it. - Yes.我们愿意为你出战We will fight for you.发誓Swear it.我们愿意为萨鲁曼战死We will die for Saruman.骠骑国人强占了你们的土地The Horse-Men took your lands.你们被他们赶到深山,过着凄苦的日子They drove your people into the hills to scratch a living off rocks.杀回去!Murderers

25、!抢回你们被夺走的每一寸土地Take back the lands they stole from you.烧毁每一个村庄Burn every village!我们必须铲除所有的敌人We have only to remove those who oppose us.洛汗国是第一个目标It will begin in Rohan.这些农夫一直和你们作对Too long have these peasants stood against you.但以后不会了But no more.伊欧森!伊欧森!Eothain! Eothain!带着你妹妹,只有你们两个骑的话会比较快You take your

26、sister. Youll go faster with just two.爸爸说伊欧森骑不了加鲁夫Papa says Eothain must not ride Garulf.对他来说,马太高大了He is too big for him.听我说,你要骑到埃多拉斯警告他们Listen to me. You must ride to Edoras and raise the alarm.- 你明白吗? - 明白,妈妈 Do you understand me? - Yes, Mama.我不想走,我不要走I dont want to leave. I dont want to go, Mama.

27、斐黛,我会去找你的Freda, I will find you there.快去吧Quickly!去吧,孩子们Go, child.魔君,洛汗国Rohan, my lord即将覆灭is ready to fall.塞奥德里德?Theodred.快找到王子Find the kings son!- 魔多会付出代价的 - 这些半兽人不是来自魔多 Mordor will pay for this. - These Orcs are not from Mordor.伊欧墨,这儿My Lord Eomer, over here!他还活着Hes alive.塞奥德里德Theodred.国王,您的儿子受了重伤Y

28、our son is badly wounded, my lord.他遭到半兽人埋伏He was ambushed by Orcs.如果我们不反击,就要被萨鲁曼占领了If we dont defend our country, Saruman will take it by force.一派胡言That is a lie.白袍巫师萨鲁曼一向是我们的盟友Saruman the White has ever been our friend and ally.葛力马Grima.葛力马Grima.葛力马Grima.半兽人在我们的领土横行霸道Orcs are roaming freely across

29、our lands.肆无忌惮地杀人放火Unchecked. Unchallenged. Killing at will.他们身上有萨鲁曼的白掌徽记Orcs bearing the White Hand of Saruman.你为什么要让心事重重的国王烦上加烦?Why do you lay these troubles on an already troubled mind?你没看到吗?Can you not see?你叔叔受够了你的恶行恶状Your uncle is wearied by your malcontent还有你的好勇善斗your warmongering.好勇善斗?Warmong

30、ering?萨鲁曼买通了你有多久?How long is it since Saruman bought you?他答应给你什么,葛力马?What was the promised price, Grima?等人类全死光,你就能瓜分财宝?When all the men are dead, you will take your share of the treasure?你早就觊觎我的妹妹Too long have you watched my sister.你也一直偷偷跟踪她Too long have you haunted her steps.你管太多了,伊欧墨,伊欧蒙德之子You see

31、 much, Eomer, son of Eomund.你管太多了Too much.你将被放逐出洛汗国You are banished forthwith from the kingdom of Rohan直到痛苦死去为止and all its domains under pain of death.你算什么东西?You have no authority here.我才不听你的命令Your orders mean nothing.这不是我的命令This order does not come from me.这是国王的旨令It comes from the king.他今天早上亲手签的He signed it this morning.呼吸均匀,这就是绝窍Keep breathing. Thats the key.呼吸均匀Breathe.他们好像被主人鞭抽一样狂奔Theyve run as if the very whips of th

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