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本文(上海市浦东新区学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题Word版无答案byfen.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、上海市浦东新区学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 Word版无答案byfen浦东新区2017学年度第一学期期末教学质量检测高二英语试卷(本试卷满分100分 考试时间90分钟)(考生注意:请按要求把答案分别做在答题卡或答题纸上)Listening Comprehension Section A 5%Directions: In Section A, you will hear five short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about wh

2、at was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Teacher and student. B. Customer and salesman

3、.C. Customer and repairman. D. Visitor and headmaster.2. A. At a post office. B. At a bus station.C.In a department store. D. In a dental clinic.3. A. Hell go to bed early tonight.B. Hell change a room tonight. D. Hell study till past midnight.C.Hell sleep in his study for the night.4.A. She had no

4、idea how to write an English essay. B.She hardly finished the English essay on time. C.She felt too tired to write the English essay.D.She had some trouble writing the English essay.5. A. The man is deeply attracted by an amusing TV show.B. The man doesnt want to do the woman a favour. C.The woman i

5、s tearing some paper from a book.D. The woman cant help watching an exciting TV show.Section B 10%Directions: In Section B, you will hear one short passage and one longer conversation, and you will be asked two or three questions on each of them. The passage and the conversation will be read twice,

6、but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 6 through 8 are based one the following passage.6. A. They welcomed over a million visitors.B. The

7、y showed visitors unique wildlife. C.They got involved in the whaling industry. D.They provided whales with natural homes.7. A. Tourists may get to know different types of whale migration (迁徙). B.It illustrates the ways whale interact with each other to the tourists.C. Tourists can see whales in the

8、ir natural surroundings with their own eyes.D. It provides tourists with experiences of boating with the migrating whales.8. A. Guarantees on whale watching tours. B.A popular example of eco-tourism (生态旅游). C.History and various types of eco-tourism.D. Means of making money from whale watching.Quest

9、ions 9 through 10 are based one the following conversation.9. A. How to dress properly. B. The womans fashion sense.C. What birthday gifts to buy. D. The mans dressing habit.10. A. The man advise the woman to wear a suit and a tie. B.They will go to the birthday party although uninvited.C. There is

10、a dress code (规则) for it will be a magnificent occasion.D. Professor Green, president of the university, will hold a birthday party. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A 10%Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the bla

11、nks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Searching the skiesFor thousands of years, scientists have wondered about the spots of light in the night sky. In A.D. 125, Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer livin

12、g in Egypt, claimed that the planets and the sun moved around Earth. (11) other astronomers had different ideas, Ptolemys theory was held for almost 1,500 years.In the 1540s, the Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus published many books, one(12) explained how Earth and the other planets orbit the s

13、un. In the early 1600s,Galileo proved that Copernicus was right. Galileo made his observations by (13) (use) a telescope (望远镜).He was the first astronomer to use one.Today,astronomers use telescopes that are much (14) (powerfiil) than Galileos In 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope began to orbit Earth

14、. The Hubble telescope studies some rays from distant stars and galaxies (银河系).These are the rays that never reach Earth, because they (15) (stop) by Earths atmosphere. The Hubble telescope has found evidence of a black holea (16) (fall) star that takes in all matter that comes near (17) . The Hubbl

15、e telescope has also sent back information about some very young stars.(18) (study) planets in our solar system, scientists have launched unarmed space Probes (探测器).In 1997, the Pathfinder mission landed a small vehicle named Sojourner on Mars. So far. Sojourner (19) (learn) that the composition of

16、Mars is more like Earth than scientists had thought. (20) Earth, Mars has a melted core. Pressure bubbles up from that core and sometimes causes volcanoes.Section B 9%Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one wor

17、d more than you need.A. agreementsB. attackC. complexD. especiallyE. reasonableF. individualG affectH. necessarilyI. linkJ. preventThe Teeth-Heart ConnectionYouve probably heard the list of factors that put you at risk for heart disease: smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise and so on. But did you kn

18、ow that the health of your gums (牙龈)may also _21 your probability of developing heart disease?More than 120 studies have looked into the possible 22 between gum disease and heart disease. Most of them say that gum disease is a risk factor for heart disease. This means that people with gum disease of

19、ten develop heart disease but that gum disease doesnt 23 cause heart disease.Doctors and scientists have offered a number of possible reasons for this connection. One common factor is inflammation (炎症),which occurs when the body senses a danger and sends white blood cells to _24_ it. This leads to p

20、ainftil swelling, which is the main sign of gum disease. While inflammation hasnt been shown to cause heart disease, it often goes with it. And as it turns out, the same types of bacteria (细菌)ofien lead to inflammation in both diseases.Its also possible that the connection has less to do with biolog

21、y than with the habits of a(n) _25_. Perhaps people who take good care of their teeth make other healthy choices that 26 heart disease.So what does this mean for your health? Since the role of gum disease in causing heart disease isnt certain, dont assume (臆断)that taking care of your teeth will prot

22、ect your heart Certainly, brushing is no replacement for exercise and a healthy diet, but keeping your mouth healthy and avoidxng gum disease are still _27_ goals to work towards. Theyll spare you pain and high dental bills and keep your beautiftil smile complete. This research does mean that if you

23、 have gum disease, you should get your heart checked. This is 28 true if you are at risk of heart disease for other reasons, such as smoking. Who would have thought that your mouth and your heart would be connected The body is a(n)_29_ and mysterious thing, so do all you can to preserve it. .Reading

24、 Comprehension Section A 15%BirceCandn: For each bland in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank ht foot. you can travel fast or slow. The 30 of your feet gets you where you need to go. But it also gets you so much more! Walking is a basic simpl

25、e exercise thats 31 for almost everyone. Walking helps you in 32_ ways. First it makes your heart stronger. Studies show walking lowere your chance of heart disease. Walking for 30 minutes per day also helps control high blood pressure. It can _34_ your chance of having a stroke (中风)or developing so

26、me cancers, too.Want to lose weight? You need to 35_ 600 more calories each day than you eat.Walking is the easiest way to do that.Walking helps your brain health. As people age, their brains dont work as well. One in 14 people over 65 years old suffers from _36_ loss. Older people who walk six mile

27、s or more per week keep their brains in better shape. Putting one foot in front of the other isnt 37.You don t have to think about it,so you can _ 38 other things. You can consider problems or think of ideas. You can think over conversations again or just remember ftinny things that have just happen

28、ed 39 .Walking is also good for your wallet. It 40 the cost of going to a gym. Walk quickly for 150 minutes each week to get a good workout. A pedometer (计步器)can get you started. Begin with trying to take 1,000 steps in 10 minutes to set the right 41.You can make walking part of your day. 42 parking

29、 right next to your office, park a meetings. They are what they sound like. Rather than 43 , you walk and talk things over.Make walking a 44 ,and see how it makes you feel.30. A.shape B. size C. movement D. power31. A. suitable B. costly C. awful D. exciting32. A. quick B. various C. subtle D. comfo

30、rtable33. A. rapid B. casual C. regular D. night34. A. see B. offer C. improve D. reduce35. A. get B. count C. watch D. bum36. A. weight B. energy C. memory D. strength37. A. different B. difficult C. pleasant D. necessary38. A. look for B. worry about C. concentrate on D. deal with39. A. recently B

31、. afterwards C. frequently D. instead40. A.saves B. calculates C. covers D. raises41. A. pace B. amount C. course D. limit42. A. Due to B. Instead of C. In addition to D. Despite43. A. chat B. park C. exercise D. sit44. A. business B. habit C. regulation D. directionSection B 16% Directions: Read th

32、e following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions o unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Its Christmas time, and in Quebec City, you can feel it in the air. The days are short, and the weather is cold and snowy. The historic buildings and streets are decorated in

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