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老友记 笔记211The One With the Lesbian Wedding.docx

1、老友记 笔记211The One With the Lesbian WeddingThe One With the Lesbian Wedding211同志婚礼 卡萝和苏珊要结婚了;罗斯原本不想参加,但当卡萝的父母拒绝参加;卡萝痛苦得想要取消婚礼的时候,不想让她伤心的罗斯又为她打气,并忍痛在婚礼上将新娘交给了苏珊。 莫妮卡承办婚礼的食物供应,但进度落后,于是动员每个人都帮忙。 乔伊开始在我们的日子出演瑞摩瑞医生。 菲比的一个客户在按摩中突然死亡,她的亡灵逗留在菲比体内,扬言要看尽世上的稀奇古怪才离开。 瑞秋的母亲来访,宣布她想离婚。 丑陋裸男演奏大提琴。 2.11 The One With T

2、he Lesbian WeddingCarol and Susan are getting married; Ross doesnt want to attend, but when Carols parents dont approve of the wedding, Ross convinces her that she should do it anyway, and he gives away the bride. Or rather(adv.更确切地说), one of the brides. Monica caters the wedding, but falls behind a

3、nd recruits everyone to help. Joeys begins appearing in Days of Our Lives as Dr. Drake Ramoray. One of Phoebes customers dies on the massage table, and her spirit enters Phoebes body so she can attend to unfinished business. Rachels mother comes to visit, then announces shes thinking about leaving R

4、achels father. Ugly Naked Guy plays the Cello.Scene: At Rosss. Carol and Susan are picking Ben upRoss: Ok. Heres his diaper bag, and his Mr. Winky, and.oh, him. Hi!diaper n.尿布Carol: So how did everything go?Ross: Oh, great. Great. There was a projectile, throwing up incident, but he started it.proje

5、ctile adj.抛射的 投掷的/throw up v.呕吐Carol: Well, weve gotta go.Ross: Ok.Carol: Oh, right. Ive got some news. Its about us.Ross: Oh, you and me?Carol: No, Susan and me.Susan: The other us.Ross: Ok.Carol: Were getting married.Ross: As in, I now pronounce you wife and wife married?Carol: Anyway, wed like yo

6、u to come, but we totally understand if you dont want to.Ross: Why wouldnt I want to come? I had fun at the first wedding.Carol: Look I just thought that.Ross: No no no, I mean, hey, why shouldnt I be happy for you? What would it say about me if I couldnt revel in your joy? Im revelling baby, believ

7、e me!revel in v.take delight in 陶醉 沉醉Susan: Is your finger caught in that chair?Carol: Want us to go?Opening CreditsScene: At Rachel and MonicasRoss: This is so cool. Youre actually gonna be on television.Joey: I know.It really hit me last night.Im gonna be on Days of our Lives. And then I started t

8、hinkin about all of you,and how these are the days of our lives.Monica: Yes! Carol and Susans caterer had a mountain bike accident this weekend, and shes in a full body cast.caterer n.备办宴会者/mountain bike n.山地车/cast n.bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Parisn.熟石膏) that im

9、mobilizes(vt.使固定不动) broken bones while they healAll: Yes!Monica: They want me to do it, which is really cool, seeing as Ive never catered before, and I really need the money, and this isnt a problem for you, is it?seeing conj.鉴于/cater v.提供餐饮服务Ross: Would it matter?Monica: Oh, you are so great! Thank

10、 you!Joey: Are you really not going?Ross: I am really not going. I dont get it. They already live together, why do they need to get married?Monica: Because they love each other, and they wanna celebrate that love with the people that are close with them.Ross: If you wanna call that a reason.Chandler

11、: (singing to the tune of Mister Rogers Neighborhood) Whos the bitterest man in the living room, the bitterest man in the living room? Hi, neighbor.tune n.曲调/Mister Rogers Neighborhood or Mister Rogers is an American childrens television series that was created and hosted by Fred Rogers.Monica: Ross

12、, I thought you were over this.Ross: Look, that has nothing to do with this, ok? Shes my ex-wife. If she were marrying a guy, none of youd expect me to be there.Joey: Hey, if she were marrying a guy, shed be like the worst lesbian ever.Rachel: Did I miss it? Did I miss it?Joey: No, Im on right after

13、 this guy shoots himself.Chandler: Whoa, shes pretty.Joey: Yeah, and shes really nice too. She taught me all about how to work the cameras, and smell-the-fart acting.fart n.屁 放屁Rachel: Im sorry, what?Monica: What?Joey: Its like, you got so many lines to learn so fast, that sometimes you need a minut

14、e to remember your next one. So while youre thinkin of it, you take this big pause where you look all intense, you know, like this. line n.台词Chandler: Oh, ok.Joey: Theres my scene, theres my scene.Mrs. Wallace, Im Dr.Drake Ramoray, your sisters neurosurgeon.neurosurgeon n.神经外科医生 Mrs. Wallace: Is she

15、 gonna be all right?Joey: Im afraid the situation is much worse than we expected. Your sister is suffering from a (smell-the-fart acting) subcranial hematoma. Perhaps we can discuss this further over coffee.cranial adj.头盖的/subcranial adj.颅下的/hematoma n.血肿Chandler: Nice!Rachel: Thats great!Ross: Exce

16、llent!Chandler: For a minute there I thought you were actually tryin to smell something.Scene:Monica and RachelsRoss: That is so good! Do it again!Joey: All right. Damn it Braverman, its right there on the chart!chart n.图表eg: The chart showed the companys rapid growth in recent yearsChandler: Thats

17、great. All right, I gotta get to work, I got a big dinosaur bone to inspect.inspect vt.检查Ross: No no, thats me.Chandler: Oh, yeah. Ross: Oh, hello.Phoebe: Oh, thanks. I couldnt.Ross: Is everything ok?Phoebe: No. One of my clients died on the massage table today.Ross: Oh my god.Chandler: Thats a litt

18、le more relaxed than you want them to get.Phoebe: Yeah, she was 82 years old. Her name was Mrs. Adelman.Monica: Oh, honey.Phoebe: Yeah, its just so strange. I mean, she probably woke up today and thought, ok, Ill have some breakfast, and then Ill take a little walk, and then Ill have my massage. Lit

19、tle did she know God was thinking, Ok, but thats it. Oh, but the weirdest thing was, ok, I was cleansing her aura when that happen, and when the spirit left her body, I dont think it went very far.Rachel: What do you mean?Phoebe: I think it went into me.(Everyone takes a step back from Phoebe)Scene:

20、Central PerkMonica: God, this is so hard. I cant decide between lamb or duck.Chandler: Well, of course, lambs are scarier. Otherwise the movie wouldve been called Silence of the Ducks.The Silence of the Lambs (1991) is a psychological horror thriller directed by Jonathan Demme and starring Jodie Fos

21、ter, Anthony Hopkins, Scott Glenn, Anthony Heald and Ted Levine. It is based on the novel of the same name by Thomas Harris, his second to feature Dr. Hannibal Lecter, brilliant psychiatrist and cannibalistic(adj.食人肉的) serial killer. In the film, Clarice Starling, a young FBI trainee, seeks the advi

22、ce of the imprisoned Lecter on catching a serial killer known only as Buffalo Bill. The film won the top five Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Actress.Rachel: Ok, who ordered what?Ross: Oh, I believe I had the half-drunk cappuccino with the lipstick o

23、n the rim.half-drunk adj.喝到一半的/lipstick n.口红/rim n.边缘Chandler: Yes, and this with the cigarette butt in it, is that decaf?cigarette butt n.烟屁股Rachel: Oh god.Joey: I cant believe youre so uptight about your mom comin.uptight adj.紧张的 心情焦躁的Rachel: I know, but its just its the first time, and I just don

24、t want her to think that because I didnt marry Barry, that my life is total crap, you know?Phoebe: Talk about crap. Try listening to Stella Niedman tell the story of her and Rod Steiger for the hundredth time.Rod Steiger (April 14, 1925 July 9, 2002) was an American Academy Award-winning actor known

25、 for his intense performances in such films as In the Heat of the Night, Waterloo, On the Waterfront, and Doctor Zhivago.Joey: Pheebs, how long do you think this ladyll be with us?Phoebe: I dont know. She obviously has some kind of unfinished business. Sit up!sit up v.端坐Mrs. Green: There she is.Rach

26、el: Mom!Mrs Green: Sweetie! So this is where you work? Oh, its wonderful! Is it a living room? Is it a restaurant? Who can tell? But I guess thats the fun.Rachel: Pretty much.Here is my friends.Mrs Green: Monica! You look gorgeous! Last time I saw you, it was eat or be eaten.Rachel: This is Joey, an

27、d Phoebe, and this is Chandler, and you remember Ross.Mrs Green: Oh hello, Ross. Ross: Hi, Mrs. Green.(He gets up to shake her hand, but she ignores him)Mrs Green: So, what do you think of my daughter in the apron with the big job?apron n.围裙Rachel: Oh Mom!Mrs Green: If you didnt pour the coffee, no

28、one would have anything to drink.Chandler: Believe me, sometimes that happens.Mrs Green: This is just so exciting. You know, I never worked. I went straight from my fathers house to the sorority house to my husbands house. I am just so proud of you.sorority n.a womens student organization (as at a c

29、ollege)that is formed chiefly for social purposes and has a name consisting of Greek letters 女学生联谊会/Fraternities and sororities (from the Latin words frater and soror, meaning brother and sister respectively) are fraternal(adj.兄弟般的) social organizations for undergraduate students, present mainly at

30、colleges and universities in North America, although they are present in other areas of the world, especially Europe, where they go under the name corporation. There are also analogous(adj.相似的), but less common, organizations for secondary school students.Rachel: Really?Mrs Green: Yes.Phoebe: I know

31、 who it is you remind me of. Evelyn Dermer. Cause thats before she got the lousy face lift. Now she looks like Soupy Sales.face lift n.a plastic surgery(n.整形手术) to remove wrinkles(n.皱纹) and other signs of aging from your faceJoey: Pheebs, whos Evelyn Dermer?Phoebe: I dont know. Whos Soupy Sales?Scene:At Rachel and MonicasMrs Green: Oh my god, theres an unattractive nude man playing the cello.unattractive adj.难看的/nude adj.裸体的/cello n.大提琴Rachel: Yeah, well just be glad hes not playing a smaller instrument.Mrs Green: You have some life here, sweetie.Rachel:

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