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1、大学四级作文高分四级作文 高使用率句式一览1.表示原因1)There are three reasons for this.2)The reasons for this are as follows.3)The reason for this is obvious.4)The reason for this is not far to seek.5)The reason for this is that.6)We have good reason to believe that.例如:There are three reasons for the changes that have taken

2、 place in our life. Firstly,peoples living standard has been greatly improved. Secondly,most people are well paid,and they can afford what they need or like. Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.注:如考生写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。如:Great changes have taken place in our life. T

3、here are three reasons for this.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。 2.表示好处1)It has the following advantages.2)It does us a lot of good.3)It benefits us quite a lot.4)It is beneficial to us.5)It is of great benefit to us.例如:Books are like friends. They ca n help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and

4、widen our horizons. Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us.3.表示坏处1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.2)It does us much harm.3)It is harmful to us.例如:However,everything divides into two. Television can also be harmful to us. It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we

5、 spend too much time watching television.类型一:现象,原因,危害或解决方法2011年12月英语四级作文预测:水资源缺乏:1. Water shortage is becoming an urgent problem 2. Possible reasons 3. Possible solutions主题:水资源缺乏1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic On Water Shortage. You should

6、 write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline given below:1. Water shortage is becoming an urgent problem2. Possible reasons3. Possible solutions参考范文:On Water ShortageNo one can have failed to notice the fact that water shortage is a grave problem with which the whole world is

7、confronted.(现象) Actually, it has become so widespread that it has severely affected peoples daily life and hindered the development of the global economy.(进一步解释,亦可举例子)A number of factors could account for the problem, but the following might be the critical ones. First, with the development of agric

8、ulture and industry, an increasing amount of water is needed. Secondly, the ever-increasing population is another leading cause of water shortage. Besides, the global tendency of warming up also contributes to the problem. Whats worse, pollution and waste of fresh water aggravate the situation.In vi

9、ew of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that laws and regulations be worked out and enforced to protect water resources. Secondly, people should enhance their awareness of saving water. With these measures taken, it is re

10、asonable for us to expect a brighter future.2011年12月英语四级作文预测:In recent years, second-hand transactions have become quite common. Nowadays there are more and more secondhand goods in the market.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Secondhand Goods.

11、 You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1)目前购买二手货的人越来越多2)分析产生这一现象的原因3)二手货交易可能带来的问题【思路点拨】本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析该现象产生的原因,提纲第3点要求谈谈该现象可能带来的问题,由此可判断本文应为现象解释型作文根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述目前二手货的交易现状;说明二手货交易增加的原因;分析二手货交易可能带来的问题。【参考范文】Second

12、hand GoodsIn recent years, second-hand transactions have become quite common. Nowadays there are more and more secondhand goods in the market, such as secondhand books, furniture, appliances, cars, and so on. Why do so many people like to buy secondhand goods?The following reasons can account for th

13、is phenomenon. Above all, secondhand goods are cheaper than new ones. This enables those people who have poor financial abilities to buy the things they want. Moreover, secondhand goods transactions make it possible for people to make good use of the goods which may be useless in their hands. Beside

14、s, Internet provides a more convenient and quicker transaction platform for secondhand goods.However, there are also some problems in secondhand goods transactions. For one thing, the quality of secondhand goods can not be promised and you can not enjoy the good after-sale service. For another, seco

15、ndhand goods market lacks enough supervision and management, and there exist many dishonest business activities. In a word, I think secondhand goods transaction is a good trading way, but it needs further perfection of the rules.类型二:现象,两种观点,自己观点。或者现象观点一,另一观点,自己观点.2011年12月英语四级作文预测:At present, a wide

16、variety of credit cards issued by major banks and shopping malls are thriving in colleges and universities.On Credit CardAt present, a wide variety of credit cards issued by major banks and shopping malls are thriving in colleges and universities across the nation, with a multitude of college studen

17、ts making up a growing population of card holders. Indeed, one out of five students is estimated to be in possession of at least one credit card, and the figure is expected to be on the steady increase, the latest data published by Yangtze Evening Post suggests。Like anything prior to the emergence o

18、f this small piece of plastic, the increasing popularity of credit card on campus has both bright and dark sides. On the one hand, young adults in college, free from the trouble of pocketing a considerable sum of cash, could enjoy the convenience of credit cards and purchase expensive goods by insta

19、llments. On the other hand, however, the irresponsible and excessive use of the cards by these youngsters, the majority of whom are fresh out of middle school incapable of budgeting their money, can make them heavily in debt which will take them years to pay off。On my personal level, while enjoying

20、a host of conveniences the credit card may bring, we couldnt afford to ignore a conspicuous fact: in most cases, parents are our sole financial sources. Instead of spending without any restrict, we are supposed to put studies on the top of our agenda and move ourselves beyond heavy dependence upon o

21、ur parents。2011年12月英语四级作文预测10:In recent years, many famous universities lower admission requirements for celebrities. More and more celebrities, especially sports stars.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Should Universities lower Admission Requi

22、rements for Celebrities? You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1)近年来很多名牌大学都会降低标准招收名人学生,一些人强烈反对这样做2)但也有不少人认为这很正常3)你对此的看法是,为什么?【思路点拨】本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一些人对于某种现象的看法,提纲第2点指出对该现象的另外一种看法,提纲第3点要求表明“我”的看法,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述近

23、年来名牌大学降低标准招收名人学生这一现象;对比阐述关于该现象的两种不同的看法和各自的理由;表明“我”更倾向于哪种看法并说明理由。【参考范文】Should Universities lower Admission Requirements for Celebrities?In recent years, many famous universities lower admission requirements for celebrities. More and more celebrities, especially sports stars, have been admitted to fam

24、ous universities even without an entry examination. This phenomenon has become a subject of widespread controversy.Some people object strongly that universities lower admission requirements for celebrities. They hold that this admission pattern will damage the basic fairness rule of education. In ad

25、dition, they say that if a person who has not enough academic ability is admitted to the university, it would be an insult on college education. However, still other people think it acceptable. They say that these celebrities deserve this privilege because they have proved their abilities in their f

26、ield. Besides, in their opinions, these celebrities to some extent set a good model for other young people.Weighing these two arguments, I prefer the latter one. For one thing, these celebrities have sacrificed much learning time for their work, so they should be provided a better chance for learnin

27、g. For another, if they accept advanced education, they could serve the society better. Therefore, I suggest that people should pay more attention to these celebrities efforts and contributions rather than the special treatment they enjoy.2011年12月英语四级作文预测12:旅游方式College students, curious and energeti

28、c, love traveling; summer and winter vacations provide them with golden opportunities to travel.Modes of Travelling1.有人选择随团旅游,有人喜欢独自出游2.随团旅游和独自出游的利与弊3.对我而言,最佳的旅游方式是【精彩范文】 Modes of Travelling College students, curious and energetic, love traveling; summer and winter vacations provide them with golden

29、 opportunities to travel. There are two major modes of travellingtraveling by oneself or traveling in a group organized by travel agencies.Those two patterns offer different travel experiences, with respective advantages and disadvantages. For the solitary traveler, the greatest advantage is freedom

30、. He is perfectly free to choose his itinerary and plan his schedules, thus he can visit whatever his curiosity leads him to and contemplate over a historical site or a cultural relic for as long as he desires. The trouble is he cannot share his perceptions and excitement with any partners. Moreover

31、, it is time-consuming and difficult to buy train tickets and look for accommodations and in emergency situations an individual traveler is largely helpless. Those problems are non-existent for group travelers because travel agencies take care of everything. Within a group, people who used to be str

32、angers soon become friends. However, the fixed itineraries and tight schedule prevent travelers from satiating their individual curiosities. In addition, tourists are often subjected to forced shopping by tour guides who are more concerned with securing commissions than providing services.My solution to these two imperfect modes of traveling is to travel with friends or classmates. This pat

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