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1、株洲市八中届第四次月考试题株洲市八中2011年上期高三英语第四次月考试题时量:120分钟 分值:150分 命题人:高三英语备课组PART ONELISTENING COMPREHENSION (30 marks)SECTION A (22.5 marks)Directions: In this section, youll hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three ch

2、oices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Example:When will the magazine probably arrive?A. Wednesday.B. Thursday.C. Friday.The answer is B.Conversation 11.Why was the man angry?A. The woman didnt phone Mr.Powell

3、.B. The woman didnt phone him that Mr.Powell came.C. Mr.Powell didnt phone him.2.What did the man think he had done before he left?A. He had put the card in his wallet.B. He had lost the card.C. He had given the card to the woman.Conversation 23.Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In

4、a park. B. At a restaurant C. In an office.4.What is the woman doing now?A. She is looking for a new job.B. She is working for a company.C. She is studying in a university.Conversation 35.How did the mans uncle get his $15,000?A. By selling his land to the government.B. By opening a hospital.C. By w

5、orking in a government.6.What is not mentioned as a way to do with the money?A. To put it into the bank. B. To pay off debts. C. To buy a house.Conversation 47.How long does the winter last in the womans country according to the conversation?A. 6 months. B. 4 months C. 2months8. Who spends more mone

6、y on clothes?A. People in the mans country. B. People in the womans country.C. All the men in the speakers country.9.What can we know about people in the mans country from the woman?A. Its not easy to get along with them.B. They have the same things to worry about.C. They neednt worry about their ch

7、ildren.Conversation 510.Whats the problem with the woman?A. She doesnt know what kind of shoes she should buy.B. She hardly know what color is suitable for her grandson.C. She doesnt know what size her grandson wears.11.How old is the womans grandson?A. 8 B. 9 C. 1312.What can we know from the conve

8、rsation?A. The shoes there are very expensive .B. The man is very helpful.C. The man will waste a lot of money.Conversation 613.What can we know about mahjong(麻将) according to the conversation?A. It is a beneficial hobby. B. It can become an addiction.C. Its too boring to play mahjong.14.Which of th

9、e following is the mans other hobby?A. Colleting stamps . B. Watching TV series. C. Collecting science books.15.What are the speakers going to do after the talk?A. Teach their partners. B. Learn old card games. C. Play mahjong games.SECTION B (7.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear a s

10、hort passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. Youll hear the short passage TWICE.My view about my future life1.I am not sure if I ll have children or even if I want to 16._2.If I met the 17._

11、person ,surely I want a marriage.3.I wont feel 18._and meaningless if I still live 19._ for 10 years or even 20._years from now.PART TWOLANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE (45 marks)SECTION A (15 marks)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer

12、 that best completes the sentence. 21. Her father told her to be careful when _ the street. A. he is crossing B. she is crossing C. crossed D. crossing 22. My key is gone. Have you seen it anywhere? Oh, it is in the room _ we had a talk last night A. that B. which C. where D. what 23. The man didnt

13、know _ the thief broke into the house and stole all his valuable things A. it was when that B. when it was that C. that it was when D. was it when that 24. Only when he returned _ that the war had ended and the army had come back. A. we tell B. we told C. did we tell D. were we told 25. _ is respons

14、ible for the Chenzhou train collision(相撞) will be punished. A. Whatever B. No matter what C. Whoever D. No matter who 26. It is said that the school will be built in _is called a developing zone. A. what B. that C. which D. where27. Customs Service officials knew drug dealers_ across the border, so

15、the government asked the Indians there to help in the fight against the drug dealers. A. were coming B. came C. had come D. have been coming28.-I cant find my watch anywhere. -You _ have lost it while shopping.A. may B. can C. should D. would29. -David, you clean the blackboard today, _?-With pleasu

16、re. I cleaned it yesterday, though.A. do you B. will you C. dont you D. didnt you 30.She said every minute should _.A. make use to study B. make use of studying C. be made use of studying D. be made use of to study31.Neither he nor his parents _the film. A. has seen B. have seen C. see D. is seeing

17、32. Do you mind _here?A. to smoke B. me to smoke C. my smoking D. I smoking 33. If things are left _they are, the problems will never be settled, I am afraid. A. how B. as C. what D. where34.I _the plane ,but I got up too late. A. had caught B. caught C. would catch D. would have caught.35._she was

18、invited to the ball made her very happy. A. Because B. What C. That D. WhetherSECTION B (18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.Some of the most common Amer

19、ican gestures have very different meanings in other areas of the worldTake the handshake for exampleIn America, a strong, 36 handshake shows a confident person, someone you can trust, a good leader, but people might be 37 in Asia and the Middle East where they prefer a much looser handshakeOther Ame

20、rican gestures are considered very 38 in other countries, such as direct eye contactTo an American, eye contact shows that someone is telling the truth or is interested in what he or she hearsBut if you lived in parts of Asia or Africa, people might be 39 There are many chances for you to be confuse

21、d by gestures and body language when you travel40 your head up and down for “ yes” and shaking your head from side to side for “no” mean the 41 in parts of eastern EuropeThe same applies to waving your hand left to right for “hello” or “goodbye”This can mean “no ” in Asia and parts of Europe! If you

22、 go to Argentina, you might be offended and think someone is calling you crazy when you see them 42 at their head or ear and move their first finger in a circleAlthough this means someone or something is crazy in America, in Argentina, it just means that you have a phone call! If you want to get som

23、eone to come over to where you are, you might hold out your hand, with the palm up and fingers facing in, and curl your first finger in and 43 But dont do that in Asia, because it isnt very 44 The last gestures I want to talk about are 45 we call thumbs up and the OK signIf you 46 your hand and hold

24、 up your thumb, this gesture is used in many countries, but it means the number one in Germany and Japan instead of good job like it does in AmericaIf you make a circle with your thumb and first finger, and point the other three fingers up, you are saying yes or that 47 is okay if you are in America

25、But in France it means zero, in Japan it means money, and if you are in Brazil or Germany, it is very rude! 36Asoft Bfirm Cloose Dnice37Ahappy Bdisappointed Csurprised Dsad38Arude Bpolite Copposite Dgentle39Apleased Boffended Cangry Dattacked40AWaving BNodding CShaking DHolding41Aopposite Bdifferent

26、 Csame Dsimilar42Apoint Bstare Clook Dfeel 43Aout Bdown Cup Daway44Astrange Bpolite Crude Dsurprising45Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dwhether46Aopen Btake Cturn Dclose47Aeverything Banything Csomething DnothingSECTION C(12 marks)Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word

27、that best fits the context.Classroom is like a second home for kids. So 48 is important for teachersto decorate the classroom carefully to make students feel comfortable.Walls are the first thing one notices 49 coming into the room. You can askyour students to draw 50 they feel like on pieces of pap

28、ers and then stick these papers on the walls. This way ,the kids will love the classroom 51 they have decorated themselves!The lighting arrangement of the classroom will obviously depend 52where the classroom lies. If the classroom is too bright, put thick curtains and have warm-colored lamp. 53 the

29、 classroom is in a place where light cant come in easily, have light pink curtains and a few blue, yellow lamps.Also you should decorate the bulletin board(宣传栏) carefully. You canuse different topics to decorate it, like filling the board 54 pictures of colorful flowers and birds in spring. You can

30、also decorate it according to 55 subject you teach. PART THREE READING COMPREHENSION (30 marks)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits

31、 best according to the information given in the passage.AAbout more than one hundred and fifty years ago, Napoleon was the king of France. At that time France and Russia were at war. Napoleon was going to take the city of Moscow. It was a long way from France to Russia. The French soldiers went on for many days, fighting as they went. They passed through many countries and many cities. At last t

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