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1、中职英语第四册Unit5areIQtestintelligent综述江苏省中等专业学校集体备课电子教案备 课 组英语组主备人执教人课时安排第 1 至 2 课时 总 课时课 题Unit5 Are IQ Tests Intelligent?课 型时 间 年 月 日教学目标1. Get to know some intelligent people.2. Learn some useful new words and expressions.3. Master the express about complaint.4.Identification the keywords in the liste

2、ning.教学设想重点1. Guide students to guess the answer before listening .2. Students will be able to get information and take notes while listening.3. Students will be able to learn and use the expressions of apologize and excuse.难点1. Students will be able to understand listening materials with various En

3、glish accents.2. Apply what has been learnt in the real life situation.教法学法Task-Based Teaching Method教学手段 A multi-media computer教 学 程 序 与 策 略个性化修改Step 1: Warming up1.Match the famous people with their names. Einstein Confucius Newton Darwin Hawking Zhang HengLet the students talk about the high inte

4、lligence people, introduce the famous people to the student.2.Look at the following qualities. Tick the ones that you think will help people become more intelligent.( ) Being able to adapt to changes.( ) Being able to learn things quickly.( ) Being able to think and reason independently.( ) Being ab

5、le to understand relationships.( ) Being able to find specific information effectively.( ) Being able to have original and productive thoughts.( ) Being able to ask for help.( ) Being able to get on well with others.Step 2: Listening and speakingA. He is a total airhead1. Listen to the conversation

6、and tick the best representation of Matt.注:让学生先描述每一幅图片,猜测对话中可能会出现的关于人物特征的表达方法。Key: The boy in the middle. 2. Listen again and categorize the following expressions as approval or disapproval.a. Hes a total airhead.b. That guy is so dense!c. Matt was always considered a gifted child.d. He seemed brigh

7、t and perceptive.e. Hed go far.f. Hes not all there.Key: Approval: c, d, e Disapproval: a, b, f3. Listen again and tick true or false.(1). Andre and Matt are lab partners.( T )(2). Andres Mum believes that Matt is a smart kid.( T )(3). Andres agrees that matt is gifted.( F )(4). Andres Mum believes

8、Andre cant do well without Matt.( F ) B. Id love to, but4.Listen to the conversations and find out what excuse is given in each one.注:听之前,让学生预览题目,猜测听力内容,听之后,让学生复述听到的 内容。Key:(1)d (2)c (3)b5.Complete the conversations with sentences in the box. Listen and check the answer. Then practise the conversati

9、ons with a partner.适当讲解和补充相关表达方式,如Your watch must be fast. My alarm clock failed this morning.等。学生做完后,两人一组,不看书的情况下,复述对话。 Key:(1)Id love to, but I have to help my room-mate. (2)I completely forgot to bring it today. (3)I had an emergency. I got stuck in traffic.6.Work with a partner. Role-play the fo

10、llowing situations. Use the conversation strategy in Activity5.学生对话前,简单复习相关词汇和表达方式,讨论哪些可以直接使用在新的情境中。留出时间让学生组织语言,适当提示可能用到的词汇和表达方式,如busy with homework, caught in a traffic jam等。Situation1:Your friend invites you to a movie, but you cant go. Speak with your friend and make an excuse.Situatin2: Youre la

11、te for a job interview. You have to explain to the interviewer why youre late. Step 3 :Important words and expressionsairhead n.傻瓜 dense adj. 愚笨的 perceptive adj. 理解力强的 intelligence n. 智力 affect v. 影响 flood n. 水灾get stuck with 与不喜欢的-在一起 go far 成功,大有前途all there 头脑正常的 depend on/upon 取决于 shape up 改进,好好干

12、you know 你知道的 get around 各处走动 rush hour 交通高峰时间Important Sentences:I cant believe I got stuck with Matt as my lab partner in school.Matt was always considered a gifted child.Every time I look over at him in class, hes staring off into space.I wouldnt bet on it!Id love to, but I have to help my room-m

13、ate.Ive been waiting for you all morning.I thought you were going to -I had an emergency. Step 4: Homework:1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.2. Preview the Speaking.3.Copy the new words three times.教后反思江苏省中等专业学校集体备课电子教案备 课 组英语组主备人执教人课时安排第 3 至 4 课时 总 课时课 题Unit5 Are IQ Tests Intelligent?课 型时 间 年 月

14、日教学目标1. Students will be able to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part.2. Students will be able to read passage A.3. Guide students to learn how to use different reading skills such as skimming, scanning, guessing the meaning in the context, predicting and so on.4. Students will b

15、e able to learn to how to summary.5. Students will be able to summary a passage with their own words.6. Develop students sense of group cooperation and teamwork.教学设想重点1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.2. Let students read and understand the t

16、ext.难点1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.2. Solve the problem in daily life.教法学法Reading, listening and speaking教学手段Computer教 学 程 序 与 策 略个性化修改Step 1: Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask some pairs of students to come to the front and

17、 act out their dialogues.Step 2: Reading Passage A Are IQ Tests Intelligence?New words and expressions:score n. 分数 v. 得分 judge v.判断 progress v.进步permit v. 许可 circumstance n. 环境 expose v. 暴露measure v. 估量 lack v. 缺乏 concern n. 担心confident adj. 有信心的 oppose v. 反对 label n. 标签assign v. 分配 criticism n. 批评

18、function n. 功能incapable adj. 没有能力的 wire v. 在里装电线 dismiss v. 不考虑,不理会 vary v. 变化 unacceptable adj. 不能接受的 raise v. 引起 issue n. 争论点keep sb. From doing sth. 妨碍,阻止某人做某事 to some degree 在某种程度上 as a consequence 结果end up doing sth. 以做而告终 be fated to do sth. 注定做某事what if 要是会怎样 Its quite possible很可能take over 接管

19、Step 3:While reading1.Read passage A and match the main ideas with the four paragraphsKey: Paragraph 1:The creation of IQ testsParagraph 2:Common use of IQ testsParagraph 3:Limitations of IQ testsParagraph 4:Attitudes towards the use of IQ tests2.Read passage A again and tick true or falseKey:(1)F (

20、2)T (3)F (4)T3. Discuss in groups: How should we look upon IQ tests?Divide the students into several groups, have a discussion about the role of IQ testing.Step 4.Language points1.judge v.判断We should judge a person objectively and in an all-round way.评价 一个人,要客观,全面。n.法官,裁判员The judge refused to respon

21、d to the report. 法官拒绝对报道作出回应。2.permit v.许可 Dogs are not permitted in this park. 不得携狗进入公园。permit n. 许可,通行证work permit 工作许可 exit permit 出境许可 entry permit 入境许可3.keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止/妨碍某人做某事 Can you keep your kids from treading on my lawn?能让你的孩子不踩我家的草坪吗? keep sth. from sb.将某事瞒着某人She kept the trut

22、h from her husband. 她向她丈夫隐瞒了真相。 4.measure v.估量The traditional exams cannot measure a students performance accurately. 传统的考试方法并不能准确的衡量学生的学习情况。n.措施We should take measures immediately to deal with water pollution.我们应该马上采取措施治理水污染。v.测量,计量We need to measure the length of the window for new curtains.我们需要测量

23、窗户的长度,以便安装新窗帘。 some degree 在某种程度上 To some degree, being online has become part of our daily life. 从某种程度上说,上网已经成为我们日常生活中的一部分。to a large degree 在很大程度上 to a certain degree 在一定程度上 6.vary v.变化,不同 (1)The studentswork varies in quality. 学生作业的质量参差不齐。 (2)vary with 随着变化而不同Wedding customs vary with differ

24、ent religions and cultures.婚礼习俗随宗教和文化的不同而不同。(3)vary fromto 在两者之间变化Cherries vary in colour from almost black to yellow.樱桃的颜色从近乎黑色到黄色,变化丰富。7.confident adj. 有信心的,确信的Im quite confident he wont lie to me. 我很有信心他不会对我撒谎。Confidential adj.机密的,秘密的8. label n.标签Read the label before you throw the sweater in was

25、hing machine.把毛衣扔进洗衣机前先看一看洗唛。 a consequence 因此,结果As a consequence, she became suspicious. 这么一来,她变得疑心重重。as a result用法与 as a consequence一致10.end up 以而告终;结果变成end up后接形容词、介宾短语或动词现在分词。We wanted our 11-year-old son to learn something from the trip,but we only ended up exhausted.我们本意是让11岁儿子通过旅行学到些东西,但是

26、最终我们都被累垮了。If you keep doing this, youll end up in jail.如果你继续这样的话,最终你会进监狱的。Every time they had an issue, they ended up shouting at each other.他们之间一有问题,最终总是以吵架收场。 Step5. Homework1. Read the passage and go over some points.2. Preview Grammar.3.Copy new words and phrases教后反思江苏省中等专业学校集体备课电子教案备课组英语组主备人 执教

27、人课时安排第 5 至 6 课时 总 课时课 题Unit5 Are IQ Tests Intelligent?课 型时 间 年 月 日教学目标Knowledge Aims: 1. Ss will be master the new words and expressions.2. Ss will be able to grasp the main idea of the passage.3. Ss will be able to tell the facts from the opinions. Ability Aims:1. Ss will be able to get key informa

28、tion from the passage and do exercises; improve ability of skimming.2. The Ss ability of reading comprehension will be improved.3. Ss will be able to support their opinions with more facts and details.教学设想重点1. Guide students to guess the meaning of the passage before reading.2. Students will be able

29、 to get information while reading.难点Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.教法学法Listening and speaking, Group-work , Discussion教学手段Textbook, multimedia, teachers book, workbook教 学 程 序 与 策 略个性化修改Step1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Read the

30、 words and phrases Step2. Lead- in.Look at the picture on page 77 and guess what the square thing in the brain is?Step 3. Reading and Writing.1.New words and expressions. First let Ss read the words themselves, then read after the teacher. Last the teacher explain the words.2. While-reading1). Liste

31、n to the tape and pay attention to some pronunciation of some new words.2).Lead students to read the passage and ask students some information about Wiring the Brain.3).Read the passage again carefully and do Activities.Step3. ActivitiesActivity 5: Read passage B and tick whether the following statements

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