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1、初三英语名师金牌讲堂讲座系列17初三英语名师金牌讲堂 讲座系列(一) 一英语学习的两条主线:不定式 分词 动名词 就是 句型! 不定式一般表将来且常含情态意义;动名词常表一般性行为;现在分词一般表一个正在进行的行为;过去分词常表示被动意义和完成意义。不定式一般表将来且常含情态意义;动名词常表一般性行为;现在分词一般表一个正在进行的行为;过去分词常表示被动意义和完成意义。动词,主从复合句关系二英语动词的判断: 1. 是否是非谓语动词2. 动词的主谓关系的一致性(police)3. 虚拟语气的使用4. 动词主被动语态(rise)5. 考虑动词的正确时态三语法讲堂-不定式1.不定式的基本形态(以do

2、为例)一般式完成式进行式完成进行式主动形态to doto have doneto be doingto have been doing被动语态to be doneto have been done将要发生的动作2. 不定式的一般式表示: 一种同步存在的状态例:Uncle Tom wants to fix the watch. (汤姆叔叔想要修这个表。)改为被动形态:The watch needs to be fixed.(这个表需要被修。) looks例:The actor appears (to be)young. seems3. 不定式的完成式表示相对于谓语动词而言已经完成的动作:例:Th

3、e watch seems to have been fixed.(这块表似乎已经被修过。)例:The classroom seems to have been cleaned.(这间教室似乎已经打扫干净过。)4. 不定式的进行式表示相对于谓语动词而言正在进行的动作:例:The worker seems to be fixing the watch.(这个工人似乎正在修这块手表。)典型结构:pretend to be doing例:When Father walked into the room, Tom pretended to be reading.(当父亲走进房间时,汤姆假装在看书。)例

4、:孩子们假装睡着了。(翻译) be asleep正解:Children pretends to have fallen asleep be sleeping5. 不定式的基本用法:(1)不定式作主语:句型:Its + adj. + for/of + sb. + to do sth.用for的情况:importantimpossiblenecessaryconvenient for+ sb. + to do sth.naturalnormalessential例:Its very necessary for us to practice spoken English every day.(对于我

5、们来说每天联系口语师非常需要的。)例:Its impossible for us to return here by three oclock.(对于我们来说要3点回到这里是不可能的。)用of的情况:sillykindnice of+ sb. + to do sth.stupidfoolish例:Its foolish of me to make the same mistake again.(对于我来说再次犯同样的错误是很愚蠢的。)(2)不定式作表语: to do sth.seem, appear to be(3)不定式在名词后作后置定语:口诀:名词后方一根横线,十个for九个错,看到 to

6、 do选最长。例:Im looking for a chair to _. (D)A. for sitting B. for sitting on C. to sit D. to sit on例外:tickets for tonights game(今晚的比赛票子)例:Ill have sth. to say.(我有些东西要说。)例:There is nothing to worry about.(没有什么可以担心的。)例:The middle aged woman has six children to look after/take care of.(这个中年妇女要照顾6个孩子。)(4)不

7、定式在句子中充当宾语:口诀:省略回答时,to do保留to。Would you like to?Yes, Id like/ love to. would like to 相近的词组 would love to would prefer to do rather than do sth.(与其还不如) would rather do sth. (宁愿做)初三英语名师金牌讲堂 讲座系列(二) (接上讲)wantneed to be done/doingrequire口诀:主语为物,后接to be done或者主动doing。例:The classroom needs cleaning/to be

8、cleaned.(这间教室需要打扫一下。)例:The watch needs fixing/to be fixed.(这块手表需要修理一下。)(5)不定式作宾语补足语: hope:hope to do/ hope that 从句 表示“希望”的三种形式: wish:虚拟语气结构 expect:跟that从句,expect to do,expect sb. to do口诀:看到hope绝不选。(没有hope sb. to do的结构) v.+ sb.+ to do的结构: tell let ask + sb. + to do sth. 但是: make +sb. + do sth. order

9、have 感官动词(“七窍动词”)see, watch, notice, observe, smell, hear, feel+ sb. + do sth.例:I often hear a mad guy sing upstairs every midnight.(我经常听到一个疯子在楼上每天半夜唱歌。)例:I often see Toms father drive Tom to school every morning. (我经常看到汤姆的爸爸每天早上开车子送汤姆去学校。)(6)不定式作主语补足语:被动的概念:“反宾为主”。结构:“七窍动词”被动+ to do:sb. be seen/ he

10、ard/ noticed/ observed+ to do sth.例:The mad man is often heard to sing upstairs every midnight.(每天晚上那个疯子在楼上唱歌的歌声经常会被听到。)例:Robert is noticed to do the homework for Mary. (罗伯特被查出来替玛丽做作业。)练习:1. 汤姆被告知要及时订正他的错误。 Tom was told to correct the mistakes in time. 2. 所有的士兵被命令全体立正。 All the soldiers were ordered

11、to stand attention. 3. 有人经常看到三班的学生经常照顾老年人。 The students in Class Three are often noticed/ seen to look after/ take care of the old.(7)不定式作状语: 目的状语:in order to/ so as to,so as to 不能放在句首。否定形式:so as not to/ in order not to口诀:not位置最前方:not to do, not to be done 结果状语:too to , enough to, only to do()tooto结

12、构找介词,往往后方的动词是不及物动词。例:The chair is too dirty to sit on.(这个椅子太脏了,不能坐上去。)例:The room is too dirty to live in.(这间房间太脏了,人不能住进去。)听力考点:tooto结构除了表示否定,还表示“肯定的概念”。例:The fans are too anxious to know the result of the game.(球迷们急于知道比赛的结果。)例:They are too excited to jump.(他们激动地跳了起来。)()enough to结构:放在形容词或副词后方。例:The c

13、hildren are too young to ride in the street.(改写成enough to结构)The children are not old enough to ride in the street.()only to do 表示“出乎意料做某事” only doing 表示“某事在意料之中”例:Tom hurried to the railway station, only to find the train had already gone. (汤姆急匆匆的感到火车站,最终发现火车已经发走了。)【意料之外】例:Yesterday I went to visit

14、my middle school teacher, only to be told he had gone to America. (昨天我去拜访我的中学老师,最终被告知他已经去美国了。)【意料之外】例:The police telephoned Tom that his home had been broken into. Tom hurried back home, only finding everything flying.(警方给汤姆打电话说他家里已经被盗,汤姆急忙回家,发现所有的东西都不见了。)【意料之中(有“警方告知家中被盗”的背景)】例:Tom rushed into the

15、nearest supermarket, just to find a shelter from the rain.(汤姆冲进最近的超市,只是要找一个避雨的地方。)总结:only to do:不曾意料,出乎意外地 only doing:意料之中,不出所料 just to do:就是为了做(目的状语)初三英语名师金牌讲堂 讲座系列(三) (接上讲) 比较状语:as if to do sth. 好像例:Mary opened her mouth, as if to say something/whisper a secret. (玛丽张开她的嘴,好像要说些什么、悄悄说个秘密。)类似结构:as th

16、ough=as if(8)不定式作插入语to tell the truth 说实话 to be honest(老实说)to be+adj. 结构 to be frank (坦率说) to be strict (严格说)例:To be frank, he really cant finish the assignment.(坦率的说。他不能完成这个任务。)类似的插入语形式:believe it or not(信不信由你)considering(鉴于)例:Considering his age, he should retire.(考虑到/鉴于他的年龄,他应该退休了。)judging from/b

17、y (按判断,就而言)例:Judging from/by his skin color, he must be from Africa. (按照他的皮肤判断,他一定来自非洲。)-ly speaking结构(=to be adj.结构)to be honest=honestly speaking; to be frank=frankly speaking; to be strict=strictly speakingwholly speaking(总体而言), generally speaking(一般而言)(9)不定式作合成谓语(和形容词连用)例:Im sorry to hear that.(

18、听到这我很难过。) worried surprised afraid类似结构:be frightened + to do sth. anxious eager excitedIm glad to meet you.和Im glad to have met you 的区别:前者是你和某人刚刚见面时打招呼说的话(因为你们刚刚见面),后者是你们将要道别时说的话(因为你们已经见过面)。在口语中Im glad/nice meeting you.也是可以的。(10)不定式和疑问词连用替代宾语从句(中考必考考点)句型转换:I wonder what I should do. I wonder what to

19、 do.(我想要知道我应该做什么。)区分下列结构:what to do with/how to deal with例:The class teacher didnt know what to do with/how to deal with the naughty boy. (班主任不知道怎么样处理这个淘气的男孩。)两者的区别:do是及物动词,后方必须有宾语(what代替);deal是不及物动词,不及物动词后方要加介词才能构成短语结构(how to deal with sth.结构)。四动名词:基本概念:一般式完成式主动doinghaving done被动being donehaving be

20、en done动名词的一般式表示正在进行或者一个习惯性的动作。例:Swimming is my hobby.(游泳是我的爱好。)例:The driver drove away to avoid being punished.(这个驾驶员驾车逃逸,以避免被惩罚。)动名词的完成式表示状语从句中的现在完成时和过去完成时。例:As he has lived in Shanghai for so many years, he knows it very well.Having lived in Shanghai for so many years, he knows it very well.例:Hav

21、ing practiced spoken English for a long time, he can talk with foreigners.例:After he had finished his homework, he went outside to play basketball. Having finished his homework, he went outside to play basketball.用法:(1)动名词作主语比较:to do 结构作主语:动名词作主语直接置句首,to do常用it做形式主语。例:Its impossible to arrive here a

22、t three oclock.(在3点钟到达这里是不可能的。)例:Smoking is not allowed here.(这里禁止吸烟。)例:Its impolite to smoke in public.(在公共场合吸烟是不礼貌的。)结论:两者作主语,如果要表示抽象的概念,用动名词形式;如果要表达某一个具体动作,则用不定式结构。例:Being forced to use the left hand is unpleasant/(2)动名词作表语比较:to do作表语:往往是系动词的结构(be, seem, appear+ to do sth.)注意:系动词没有被动式。例:The sound

23、 is frightening.(这个声音很令人害怕。) exciting例:The news sounds depressing disappointing(3)动名词作定语口诀:名词后方不能出现:having done, having been done 只能出现:doing, being done例:The policeman standing at the street corner is Toms uncle. (那个站在街角的警察是汤姆的叔叔。)例:The girl listening to the music is Mary.(那个听音乐的女孩是玛丽。)例:The swimmin

24、g pool being repaired is big.(那个正在修理的游泳池很大。)例:The old man being operated on is an engineer.(那个正在接受手术的老人是一个工程师。)例:The meeting being held now is very important.(这个正在进行的会议很重要。)初三英语名师金牌讲堂 讲座系列(四) (接上讲)(4)动名词作宾语常见动词:keep, mind, finish, enjoy, practice, advise.其他重要的动词:suggest:Jenny suggested leaving for P

25、aris this afternoon.(珍妮建议今天下午动身去巴黎。) 只能跟ing形式 miss(What a miss doing sth.):He missed winning the first prize. (他错过获得第一名的机会。)escape: escape being punished(逃避被惩罚)admit: The thief admitted stealing the purse.(小偷承认偷了钱包。)risk: risk travelling to the unknown(冒险去没开发地带旅行) 既可以跟ing形式,也可以跟to do形式的动词: stop doin

26、g(停止做一件事)stop to do(停下来做另一件事) remember/forget doing(记得/忘记做过某事)remember/forget to do(记得/忘记去做某事)例:She still remembers being in hospital the year before last. (她仍然记得前年住过医院。)例:Remember to turn off/switch off all the lights when you leave.(记得当你走的时候关掉所有的灯。)例:He forgot turning off all the lights. How forge

27、tful he is! (他忘记关掉所有的灯。他多么健忘啊!)例:I ask him not forget to turn off the TV.(我要求他不要忘记关掉电视。)例:Dont forget to post the letters for me.(不要忘记给我寄信。)【结论:forget to do 常和否定句连用。】 try to do(竭尽全力做某事)try doing(尝试做某事)例:“I knocked at the front door, but no one answered.” “Why not try knocking at the back door?”(“我敲了

28、前门但是没人开。” “为什么不试着敲后门呢?”)例:We students should try to study hard.(我们学生应该尽全力认真学习。) regret to say(遗憾的说)regret to do regret to tell sb. sth. (遗憾去告诉某人某事) (遗憾去做某事) regret to inform sb.(遗憾去告知某人) regret doing(后悔做过某事)例:The girl looks sad. How I regret saying so!(这女孩看上去很难过,我真后悔说这啊!)a large sum of例:I regret spe

29、nding a large amount of money buying you a much (我真后悔花了这么多的钱给你买这台电脑。)例:I regret to tell you that youve failed in the exam again. (我遗憾的告诉你你考试又没通过。)例:I regret to tell you that the ticket was yesterdays.(我遗憾的告诉你这张票是昨天的。)mean to do(打算做某事),mean doing(意味着,意思是)结构:had meant/wanted/hoped to do(本打

30、算做某事)例:He had meant to get up early, but there was something wrong with the alarm clock. (我本打算要早起,但是闹钟出了问题。)例:I had meant to help you, but I was kept very busy.(我本想帮你,但我总是很忙。)例:That you get up too late means missing the flight.(你晚起床意味着错过航班。)例:That you never study hard means failing in the test.(你从不努力学习意味着考试不及格。)(5)动名词作宾语补足语keep sb. doing sth. (使某人不断做某事)stop, prevent sb. doing sth. (阻止某人做某事)例:We must stop/prevent the rivers (from) being polluted.(我们必须阻止河流被污染。)例:We mu

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