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鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit1Countries 自主预习+巩固练习.docx

1、鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit1Countries 自主预习+巩固练习鲁科版四年级英语下册单元导学案设计Unit1 Countries(共4课时)Lesson1 Im from Britain 第一课时 【学习内容】课本P4-5 1.Listen and say 2. Lets talk 3.Lets do 【学习目标】1. 学习单词:China,Canada,the U.S., Britain,from;学习句型: Where are you from? Im from.2. 能够听、说、读、写词汇:China,Canada,the U.S., Britain,from;能够运用句型: Whe

2、re are you from? Im from.谈论来自的国家。3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国家。【学习过程】一、旧知回顾 1. Lets translate. 读一读,译一译。welcome _ Chinese _ name_ where _ what_ my _ you _ your _ me _ 2.读一读,试着翻译。Welcome to Beijing. Im Li Ming. Whats your name? Nice to meet you. 二、预习导航1. 阅读Listen and say,试选择合适答案。(1)Welcome to .A. China B. Canada

3、C. Britain(2) Who is from the U.S.? . A. Jim B. Mike C. Mary2.选择对应的汉语意思。(1) ( ) Where are you from ? A. 认识你很高兴(2) ( ) Nice to meet you . B. 我叫玛丽。(3) ( ) Im from Britain. C. 你来自哪里?(4) ( )My names Mary. D.我来自英国。3. 听Listen and say录音,跟读,并分角色表演对话,挑战自我,尝试背诵。(注意语音、语调)4Lets talk:Pair work巩固练习句型:“Where are y

4、ou from ? ” “ Im from .”5. 请记下预习中的疑惑,如果没有就给自己画个笑脸吧!_三、当堂达标1. 根据图片内容写出相应的单词或词组。(20分) 2. 读一读,找出不同类的单词。(20分)( )(1) A. what B. where C. welcome D. how( )(2) A. am B. to C. is D. are( )(3) A. your B. I C. he D. she( )(4) A. Canada B. Chinese C. the U.S. D.Britain( )(5) A. English B. Jim C. Mary D. Mike3.

5、 判断图文是否相同,相同的写T,不同的写F。(20分) ( )(1) Im from Canada.( ) (2) My names Mary. ( ) (3) Jim is from the U.S. ( ) (4) I love China. 四、巩固练习1. 选出合适的单词完成句子。(20分)A .from B .are C .Canada D. My E. to(1). Welcome _ China.(2). _names Mary.(3). Im _ Britain .(4). Where _you from?(5). Jim is from .2.阅读短文,判断正误。(20分)H

6、ello, Im Tom. Im from Britain . Li Ming , Mary and Mike are my friends. Li Ming is tall. He is from China. Mary is from Canada. She has long hair. Mike is cute. He is from the U.S. He likes playing basketball. We all like China. China is beautiful.( ) (1) Tom is from Britain.( ) (2)Li Ming is short

7、and strong .( ) (3)Mary is from the U.S.( ) (4) Mike likes playing football.( )(5)Mike, Jim and Mary are Toms friends.Lesson2Wheres she from? 第二课时【学习内容】课本P 6-7 1.Listen and say 2. Lets talk 3.Lets do【学习目标】1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:Australia, India, France.2.能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Wheres he/she from?”“Hes/Shes from” “I

8、s he/she from?” “Yes, he/she is.”3.学会运用所学句型询问别人的国籍。【学习过程】一、旧知回顾1. 将图片与相对应的单词连线。 the U.S. Canada China Britain2. 读一读,译一译。(1)Im from Britain. (2)Where are you from ? (3)Welcome to China. (4)Whats your name ? .二、预习导航1. 读Listen and say,在课本上划出以下句子,并读一读,连一连。(1) Wheres he from ? a.她的名字叫玛丽。 (2) Her names Ma

9、ry. b.他来自哪里?(3) Is he from the U.S.? c.她来自印度。(4) Shes from India. d.他来自美国吗?2. 再读Listen and say部分,选择正确的答案。( )(1) They are our new . Afriends B. friend C. Friends( )(2) Sam is from . AIndia B.Australia C.France ( )(3) Mary is from . ABritain B. India C. Australia3. 跟读对话,然后模仿录音朗读对话,分角色表演对话。挑战自我,尝试背诵。4.

10、 合作完成课本Lets talk. 看图说一说图中的内容,再选择其中一幅图写一写。 例: - Wheres she from ? - Shes from France.我来写一写:- - .6. 请记下预习中的疑惑,如果没有就给自己画个笑脸吧!_三、当堂达标1. 快乐三选一。(共20分) (1). _ is she from ? A. What B. How C. Where (2 ). Hes _ France . A. to B. from C. at (3). Where _ Jim from ? A. are B. am C. is (4). _ names Mary . A. her

11、 B. She C. Her2. 从方框中选出合适的句子完成对话。(共20分)A. he isB. Whats your name ?C. Where are you from ?D. Is he from Australia? A: Hello. B: Hi! A:My names Mike. B: A: Im from India .Thats Sam. B: A: Yes, _. 四、巩固练习1.给下列句子选择合适的答语。(共20分)( ) (1) Where are you from? A. No, he isnt.( ) (2) Is he from Australia? B. Im

12、 from China.( ) (3) Wheres he from? C. Its six oclock.( ) (4) Whats your name? D. Hes from France.( ) (5) Wheres Mary from? E. My names Jim.3. 大家来排队。(连词成句)(共20分) (1) is, He, India, from (.) (2) are, new , They, friends, our (.) (3) Is, from, he , U.S., the, (?) (4) name, is , Mary, Her (.) 三、阅读,判断正(

13、T)误(F)。(共20分) A:Look! Thats Sam. Hes my friend. B:Is he from Australia?A:No, he isnt . B:Where is he from? A:Hes from India. ( ) (1) Sam is my friend. ( ) (2) Sam is my brother. ( ) (3) Sam is from Australia. ( ) (4) Sam is not from India. Lesson3 I live in Beijing第三课时 【学习内容】 课本 P8-9 1.Listen and sa

14、y 2. Lets talk 3.Lets do【学习目标】1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词:Ottawa,London,Washington D.C.2. 能听懂、会说、认读句型:Where do you live? I live in.3.通过各国的标志性建筑及动物,对学生进行适当的文化渗透及情感教育。【学习过程】一、旧知回顾1.根据图片选择合适的单词。(共30分)Canada Is China the U.S. Britain (1) Shes from . (2) Jims from . (3) My teacher is from . (4) she from ? .2. 连词成句。 (

15、1) is from Where he (?)(2) from Hes China (.)(3) Mary name is Her (.)二、预习导航1. 预习课本Listen and say部分,划出下面的单词,并抄写。 Ottawa London Washington D.C.2.将下列句子与对应的汉语意思连线。( 1) Where do you live? 我住在伦敦。(2) Its beautiful . 你住在哪里?(3) Where are you from ? 它很漂亮。(4) I live in London . 你来自哪里?3. 仿写句子。例:-Where do you li

16、ve? -I live in London . 4. 请记下预习中的疑惑,如果没有就给自己画个笑脸吧!_ 三、当堂达标1. 给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。(20分)( )(1) China A. 中国 B. 英国 C. 美国( ) (2) her A. 她的 B. 他的 C. 它的( ) (3) live A. 休息 B. 居住 C. 喜爱( ) (4) from A. 去 B. 回来 C. 来自( ) (5)famous A. 著名的 B. 可爱的 C. 美丽的2.翻译句子。(共20分)(1) I live in Ottawa. Its beautiful._ (2) I live in L

17、ondon. Its famous. _(3) I live in Beijing. Its big and beautiful._(4) Where do you live ?_四、巩固练习1、单项选择。(共30分)( ) (1) Where _ she from? A. does B. is C. are( )(2) _ she from China? A. Does B. Is C. Are( ) (3)- Where do you _, Mary? -I _ in London. A. lives, live B. live, live C. lives, live( ) (4) Im

18、 from Britain. I live in _. A. London B. Beijing C. Ottawa( )(5) Welcome _ China! A. from B. to C. in2、情景选择。(共30分)( )(1) 当你想欢迎别人来法国时,你应该这样说: A. Are you from France! B. Welcome to France!( ) (2) 当你想问别人来自哪里时,应该这样问: A. Where are you from? B. Where do you from?( ) (3) 你告诉别人你来自加拿大,应该这样说: A Im from Canada

19、. B. Im from Britain.( ) (4)当你想问别人住哪里时,应该这样问: A. Are you in India? B. Where do you live?( ) (5) 当你想跟别人说你住在济南,你应该说: A. I live in Jinan. B. I live on Jinan.Lesson4 Again, please! 第四课时 【学习内容】课本P10-11 Lets talk 2. Listen and repeat 3. Lets do 4.Fun time【学习目标】1.复习前三课所学单词及句型,在情境中进行运用。2.能运用所学句型简单描述自己国籍及居住地

20、等情况。3.初步了解字母j,w,u在单词中的发音规律。4.了解更多国家在着装方面的文化。【学习过程】一、旧知回顾1. 选择题.( ) (1) _ are you from? Im from Ottawa. A. When B. Where C. What( ) (2) Is Peter from the U.S.? _. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he is. C. Yes, he does.( ) (3) Nice to meet _. A. your B. she C. you( ) (4) _ name is Anna. A. Her B. She C. His( )

21、(5) _ do you live? - I live in Shenzhen. A. Where B. What C. When2. 给下列句子排序.( ) Hi! My name is Mary.( ) Where are you from?( ) Hello! Im Li Ming. Whats your name?( ) Im from Australia, too.( ) Im from Australia.( ) What about you?二、预习导航1. 预习课本第10页Lets talk部分,完成下列句子。(1)Im from _. I live in Beijing .

22、(1)Im from Britain. I live in _ . (1)London is _. (1)Is she from India? Yes, _ . 2.将下列句子与对应的汉语意思连线。(1)Im from China. 伦敦很有名。(2)I live in Beijing . 她来自印度吗? (3)Wheres he from? 我来自中国。(4)London is famous! 他来自哪里?(5)Is she from India? 我住在北京。3. 跟读对话,然后模仿录音朗读对话,挑战自我,分角色表演课文。尝试背诵。4.仔细观察第10页,第二部分Listen and rep

23、eat三组单词,把每组单词抄写在横线上,读一读,试着感知它的读音。第一组:_第二组:_第三组:_ 5. 请记下预习中的疑惑,如果没有就给自己画个笑脸吧!_三、当堂达标1、根据汉语意思,补全句子。(24分)(1) 他们是好朋友。 They _ good _.(2) 很高兴见到你。 _ to _ you.(3) 他来自澳大利亚吗? _ he _ Australia?(4) 我住在北京。 I _ _ Beijing.(5) 她的名字叫玲玲。 _ _ _ Lingling.(6) 你来自哪个国家? _ _ you _?(7) 他来自哪个国家? _ _ he from?(8) 她来自中国吗? _ she

24、 _ China?二、连词成句(16分)(1) is winter in It cold. _ . (2) Where live you do ? _?(3) Britain He from is _.(4) famous Beijing in is China _.四、巩固练习1. 英汉互译。(30分)(1) 你来自哪里? _?(2) 我来自中国。 _.(3) 他来自哪里? _?(4) 他来自澳大利亚。 _.(5) 他的名字叫Jim。 _.(6) Where do you live? _?(7) I live in Dongping. _.(8) Is she from Britain? _?(9) Her name is Mary. _.(10) Shes from Canada. _.2. 阅读理解(30分)Hello, my name is Sam. Im from Britain. Im eleven. I have three good friends. They are Lily, Peter and Tom. Lily is ten. Shes from Australia. Peter is nine. Hes from the U.S. He lives in Was

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