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1、深圳高级中学1112学年高二上学期期末考试英语深圳高级中学20112012学年第一学期期末测试高二英语 本试卷分为第I卷和第II卷两部分,共七大题。 请将全部答案写在答题卷上。第I卷选择题的答案用2B铅笔填涂,第II卷的答案用黑色签字笔书写。本试卷满分150分,考试时间为120分钟。 第I卷 (共80分)一. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)Britain is very fortunate in its system of public lending-libraries. These libraries have a _1_ of some 115 million books

2、. And about one-third of the population are _2_ of public libraries. This lending and reference library service is, with some limitation, free.Public libraries not only lend books, music scores (乐谱)and records, but also supply special libraries to _3_, among children , patients in hospital and priso

3、ners, and they _4_ in many kinds of extra activities, _5_ reading, lectures, film shows, music circles and cooperation in adult education.The greatest and most famous library in Britain is _6_ the British Museum, which _7_ over six million books. A copy of every book, magazine, newspaper, etc. _8_ i

4、n Great Britain must be sent to the British Museum. The reading room of the Museum is famous for the _9_ of scholars and _10_ people who have students in it. The British Museum Library is not, by the way, a lending library.The second _11_ in Britain is the Bodleian Library at Oxford. The National Li

5、brary of Scotland, Cambridge University Library, and the National Library of Wales are also famous and may _12_ a copy of every new _13_ issued in Britain. There is also a National Library for the blind, _14_ over 300,000 books in a specially_15_ type.1. A. number B. plenty C. total D. quantity2. A.

6、 members B. librarians C. citizens D. employees3. A. others B. adults C. women D. people4. A. give B. engage C. result D. succeed5. A. as well as B. such as C. for example D. rather than6. A. that of B. because of C. it of D. in possession of7. A. offers B. buys C. owns D. gets8. A. sold B. publishe

7、d C. available D. obtained9. A. number B. support C. mind D. devotion10. A. diligent B. imagination C. famous D. poor11. A. oldest B. latest C. largest D. best-known12. A. lend B. print C. get D. buy13. A. but B. publication C. novel D. magazine14. A. nearly B. with C. about D. almost15. A. delivere

8、d B. made C. printed D. published 二. 阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40分) AVincent Van Gogh was a man in a hurry, an artist of tremendous energy and prodigious (巨大的) output. He killed himself when he was only 37, but he left behind him more than 2,000 paintings and drawings, which established his reputation in

9、 a way he would never have considered possible.Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 at Groot Zundert Province of Noord Nrabant in Dutch. He was the son of a clergyman. His first artist impressions were formed as a boy, from his uncle who was an art dealer. The motivation bore early fruit and from the

10、 age of 12 the young Vincent was drawing. The interest led to an apprenticeship (学徒) in an art dealers firm, Groupils, in the Hague. When he was only 20, he was transferred to the firms London office.In London Van Gogh faced his first major crisis, when he was rejected in love. After that, he turned

11、 to religion, expressed disapproval with art-dealing and neglected his work. Groupil transferred him from London to Paris but, when his work was still unsatisfactory, dismissed him in 1876. The young Van Gogh made religion a consuming interest and during the next few years travelled in Britain, Belg

12、ium and Holland, trying to establish himself as a preacher (传道人), but without success. In 1880, at the age of 27, he found himself drawn back to art. He had a job as an assistant evangelist(传教士) in the mining village of Borinage in Belgium but realized an artist drive which was to motivate him uncea

13、singly until his death 10 years later.Late in 1881, he moved to the Hague and established a relationship with a woman, Christine Hoornik, with whom he lived for a time. He broke with her in 1883, however, and never again established a significant intimate relationship with a woman.In 1886 Van Gogh l

14、eft Holland forever and travelled via Antwerp to Paris, and to major changes in artistic style. Van Goghs work became more youthful in Paris. He lived with his brother, Theo, who managed the modern department of an art dealers. A new, more animated, painting style emerged and the impressionist tende

15、ncies of earlier work weakened somewhat.Van Gogh developed a taste for personalized brushwork and brilliant, unmixed colors. Among his most prominent experiments with color were a series of some 30 flower paintings, a fascination which stayed with him until his death.16. When did Van Gogh die?A. 189

16、0 B. 1892 C. 1886 D. 188317. what made Van Gogh become interested in religion? A. That he was dismissed by Groupil B. His experience in an art dealers firm C. That a girl refused his love D. His consuming interest in art18. By saying “Vincent Van Gogh was a man in a hurry” in paragraph 1, the author

17、 means _. A. Van Gogh always did something in a hurry B. Van Gogh tended to move from one place to another hurriedly C. Van Gogh is a quick-tempered man D. Van Gogh passed away very early19. Whats the right order of the events related to Van Gogh? He ended the relationship with Christine Hoornik. He

18、 lived with Theo in Paris. He failed to establish himself as a preacher He formed his first artist impressions from his uncle He worked as an apprentice in Groupils company.He found himself interested in art again after several years of disapproval with art.A. B. C. D. 20. What is the authors attitu

19、de towards Van Gogh? A. Critical B. Favorable C. Ironic D. Objective BAll Ric O Barry wants is to stop the dolphin-killing, so he is headed to this seaside Japanese town, TaijiThe American activist, who is the star of a new award-winning documentary that portrays the dolphin-killing here, got an unw

20、elcome reception when he showed up here this week for the start of the annual hunt His movie, The Cove(海豚湾), directed by National Geographic photographer Louie Psihoyos, was released in the United States a month ago but has not yet to come out in Japan Scenes in the film, some of which were shot sec

21、retly, show fishermen banging on metal poles stuck in the water to create a wall of sound that scares the dolphinswhich have supersensitive sonar(声纳系统)and sends them fleeing into a cove There, the fishermen sometimes pick a few to be sold for aquarium shows, for as much as $150,000They kill the othe

22、rs, spearing(刺)the animals repeatedly until the water turns redThe meat from one dolphin is worth about 50,000 yen, and is sold at supermarkets across Japan Greenpeace and other groups have tried to stop the hunt for yearsActivists hope The Cove will bring the issue to more people internationallyand

23、 eventually in Japan Already, the Australian town of Broome dropped its 28-year sister-city relationship with Taiji last month, partly because of the movie “Some regions have a tradition of eating dolphin meat,” said fisheries official Toshinori Uoya“Dolphin-killing may be negative for our internati

24、onal image, but it is not something orders can stop.” The town government in Taijiwhich has made whales and dolphins its trademarkrefused to comment about The Cove, or the growing international criticism against dolphin-killing Many in Taiji take the dolphin hunt for granted as part of everyday life

25、They are defensive about The Cove, seeing themselves as powerless victims of overseas pressure to end a simple and honest way of making a living21Ric O Barry made The Cove because he wanted to Astop the dolphin-killing Bwin an international award Csupport Green peaces efforts Dmake Taiji well-known

26、in the world22Viewers can learn from The Cove Athe advanced techniques to catch dolphins Bthe cruel and bloody dolphin-killing Cthe beautiful Japanese seaside town Taiji Dthe sale of dolphin meat around the world23What is the response to The Cove on the Japanese side? ATaiji broke up with its wester

27、n sister-city Broome BJapanese officials decided to ban dolphin-killing CThe town government in Taiji kept silent on criticism DMost Japanese people were against eating dolphin meat24What does the underlined word “defensive” probably mean? AFeeling guilty for killing dolphins BProtecting themselves

28、against criticism CAttacking those against dolphin-killing DMaking the determination to change25What can we infer from the passage? AMany people in Japan have seen The Cove in the cinema BThe Cove has not influenced Japans international image CTaijis dolphin-killing industry has been seriously damag

29、ed DThe Cove has brought international attention to dolphin-killingCHave you ever wondered what you would look like if you were an Asian, Middle Eastern, black, white or Indian person? By stepping into the Human Race Machine, you can find out. When you sit inside it, the machine creates a digital im

30、age of your face. After pushing certain buttons, the machine uses various photos of people of a certain ethnic group mixed with your own facial features. From this, it can come up with an image showing how you would look as a member of a different race. The machine is part of a traveling retrospecti

31、ve (回顾展) called “ Seeing and Believing: The Art of Nancy Burson.” Burson is a famous American photographer and inventor. The show of 100 photos and multimedia works was on view at the Grey Art Gallery in New York on April 20. “It is a strange feeling, just like stepping into someone elses skin.” said Hathy Zajchenko, a museum visitor from Pennsylvania, US. As soon as she sat down, she tried out a range of ethnic groups. “The Middle Eastern image worked pretty well for me,” she

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