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1、一册网易 新闻 微博 邮箱 相册 阅读 有道 摄影 爱拍 闪电邮 手机邮 印像派 梦幻人生 更多 博客 手机博客 博客搬家 LiveWriter写博 Word写博 邮件写博 短信写博 群博客 博客油菜地 博客话题 博客热点 博客圈子 找朋友 发现小组风格 Android客户端创建博客 登录 关注重要提醒:系统检测到您的帐号可能存在被盗风险,请尽快查看风险提示,并立即修改密码。|关闭 网易博客安全提醒:系统检测到您当前密码的安全性较低,为了您的账号安全,建议您适时修改密码立即修改|关闭 显示下一条|关闭 星语心愿真心交友!共同探讨!共同成长!共同进步!导航首页 日志 相册 音乐 收藏 博友 关于

2、我 日志一册英语教学计划 蓝本计划执教计划一、教学现状分析英语是中小学阶段的一门重要学科,而中小学阶段的教育属基础教育。基础教育阶段是人的终身教育和终身发展最重要的阶段。小学英语教学应努力为学生的终身发展奠定坚实的语言基础,从而使学生获得必须的英语语言能力和文化素质。以前学生未开设外语课,对外语充满了好奇与兴趣,对此教师要谨慎对待,并注意培养其兴趣,不要挫伤其积极性。小学生的水平参差不齐,需要注意照顾大多数学生。二、教材分析一册教材共同分为11个模块,内含一个期末分析模块。每个模块分两个单元。一般,第一单元呈现要学习的语言内容,第二提供任务型练习,包括一首歌谣和小诗。歌谣和小诗的学习目的有三,


4、读懂简单的配图小故事,进行口头描述,唱一些英语歌曲,背一些小诗和歌谣。5、养成良好的学习英语的基本方法;形成英语学习的自觉性,和通过英语学习,获得更多知识的求知欲。6养成良好的文明行为习惯,掌握基本的英语交际礼貌策略,全面提高综合素质。7乐于了解英语国家儿童的兴趣爱好,以及外国人的一般风俗习惯。四、提高教学质量的措施1、创造良好的学习气氛;2、在课堂上尽量的使用英语,适当使用汉语;3、合理确定教学要求。 不要求学生自由地说出课文所有内容,甚至不要求能自由地朗读课文。4、纠正控制性错误,不纠正非控制性错误。5、多表扬多鼓励 。6、利用录音带、多媒体教学课件、挂图等。五、教学进度 第一周: Mod

5、ule 1 Greetings第二周: Module 2 Introductions第三周: Module 3 Classroom第四周: Module 4 Colours 第五周: Module 5 Numbers 1-12 第六周: Module 6 School 第七周: Middle Review 第八周: Module 7 Birthday 第九周: Module 8 Friends 第十周: Module 9 Family 第十一周:Module 10 Body 第十二周: Story Time第十三周: Review Module第十四周:Review Module 第十五周:R

6、eview Module 第十六周: Review Module 12月以前完成全册教学任务。Module 1 Greetings单元备课I. Function: Greeting and saying farewell; introducing oneselfII.Target language: Hello!/Hi,Im.Goodbye/Bye-bye. Good morning. How are you ?Im fine , thank you. III. New vocabulary: I,am(Im=I am),hello,hi,goodbye, bye-bye,how, are,y

7、ou,good,morning, fine, thank.IV. Song: Hello,Hello.1. Warm-up.(1) Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Qiu.T: Whats your favorite sport? Sing the ABC song and do the actions.2. Show the topic: ABC song is your favorite song. And whats your favorite toy? Look, Miss Qiu has a Toy Shop. D

8、o you like the toys? Everyone can select presents for your best friend. Whats their favorite toy? Now lets have a look. What kinds of toys are there in the shop?3. Presentation. (Learn the new vocabulary.)a) T: Oh, how many toys! What do you like?S1: I like Barbie dolls.T: She likes Barbie dolls.Lea

9、rn the new word: Barbie doll. b) T: And what do you like?Ss: I like toy cars. T: Helen likes toy cars.Learn the new word: toy. (toy dog/ toy bus/ toy cat)c) T: And whats this?Ss: Its a toy ship.Learn the new word: ship.d) T: (Show a game) Whats this? Who can try?S1: (Try to play the game)T: Its the

10、computer game. Do you like it?S1: Yes. I like computer game. Ss: He likes computer games.Read the sentence: He likes computer games.e) T: Look, here comes a toy. Whats this?S1: Its a teddy bear. Do you like it?S1: Yes. I like teddy bears.Ss: He/She likes teddy bears.T: What do you like?S1: I like ki

11、tes.Ss: He likes kites.T: Can you fly the kite? S1: Yes.f) T: Clever boy! Do you know about my favorite toys? Can you guess? S1: Its the teddy bear. T: (Shake my head.) Look, I like jigsaws. (Show the jigsaw) Ss: Miss Qiu like jigsaws. Learn the new word: jigsaw. T: Would you like to have a match wi

12、th me? S1: Yes. T/S1: (Play the jigsaw game) Ss: Jigsaw, jigsaw, he/ she likes jigsaws.4. Review the new words. a) Read the word cards.b) Listen and point.c) Look and say.5. Learn to sing.a) Listen and learn to sing.b) Read the sentences: playing with toys/ for girls and boysc) Sing again.d) Sing an

13、d do the actions.6. Practise.a) T: Look, who are they?Ss: Sam, Amy, Daming, Lingling, Tom.T: Can you select presents for them? What do they like?Ss: Sam likes toy cars.T: Look at the sad smile. Sam doesnt like Barbie dolls.Learn the new sentence: He/ She doesnt likeb) Practise in pairs.T: And what a

14、bout the others? Please tell your partner.7. Check-up.8. T: OK. Look, there is a small table. What do you like or dislike? Please draworin the table.9. Practise in pairs.T: Now please make an investigation about the toys that your partner likes or dislikes. What do you like and dislike?10. Discuss t

15、ogether.11. Lets play a game. 真朋友游戏开始了。Who is your best friend? Does he know more about you? Lets have a quiz. 你的好朋友是否真正了解你?他能为你挑选到心爱的礼物吗?让我们一起来考验一下。如果你们是心心相应的朋友,就来接受考验吧。这里有无数个心的礼物在等着你!T: Who can try to come here?S1: (Come to the Bb)T: Who is your best friend?S1: Martha.T: OK. Martha, what does Mike

16、 like or dislike?S2: Mike likes/ doesnt like T: Is it right, Mike?S2: Yes. (Show his table)T: Clap for them. Heres your present.S1/S2: Thank you 12.Sum-up.13.Make assignments.a) Listen and repeat. 听音跟读课文。b) Sing and act in groups. 小组合作表演歌曲(或创编歌曲)c) Make an investigation about your parents favorite c

17、olours, sports, books and so on. 了解父母亲最喜爱的颜色、运动项目、书籍等,并记录在表格上。Module 2 Introductions单元备课I. Function:Greeting and saying farewell; Introducing oneselfII. Target language: Good afernoon.Whats your name? Im.III. New vocabulary: Ms,too,and,boy,girl,what,is, (whats= what is),your,name,afternoon, Mr.IV. S

18、ong:Good morning ,Sam. Step 1 Revision 以歌激趣 从儿童心理学特征来讲,唱歌能使学生感到松弛 、愉快、满足,产生兴奋情绪。因此,课前一首歌是进行组织教学的好方法。 “Hello”这首歌节奏明快,学生易于上口,学生在优美的旋律中以不自觉地复习了第一单元句型Hello, Im . 再配以挥手的动作,学生兴趣盎然。 Step 2 Free talk 温故而知新 从学生已有的知识水平出发 ,第一单元学生已学会Hi/ Hello. Whats your name? Im.的句型,可设计如下对话复习旧知并引出新知: T: Hi, Im Miss Zha. Whats

19、your name,please? S:Hi, Miss Zha. Im . 此时,教师应适时引出Nice to meet you.及答句Nice to meet you, too.并与学生一一握手,五六轮下来,学生便可猜出其中的意思。 此对话可反复操练多遍,使学生在无意注意中感知句子,同时调动学生多种感官学习,更可促进学生的联想记忆。 Step 3 Presentation 以旧促新 第一单元学生已认识了Liu Tao, David, Yang Ling, Mike, Nancy. 在此,教师可让学生回忆他们的名字,Who is he?学生马上会大声叫出他的名字。教师可抓住契机,You ca

20、n say “This is”学生便知道介绍他人用“This is”(板书)在此基础上引出本课四个新人物Miss Li, Mr Green, Wang Bing, Helen. 根据勤反复的原则,教师启发或提示学生用Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you ,too.进行交际问答。 Step 4 Game 以动唤趣 本课的又一次高潮是将游戏与练习有机结合融为一体。机械单调的重复会使学生感到厌烦,从而丧失学习主动性。 在此,我设计了“开火车”的游戏,操练第一、第二单元所学句型“Hi/Hello. Good morning. Good afternoon . Im Wh

21、ats your name ? This isNice to meet you . Nice to meet you ,too.”游戏方式如下: S1:Good morning. Im Whats your name? S2:Good morning. Im This is(向S1介绍同桌) S1:Nice to meet you . S3:Nice to meet you , too. 然后S3再开始新的一轮对话,依次类推。为保证游戏的效果,教师可与两位同学先做个示范,打招呼用语可灵活运用。 Step 5听录音,模仿语音语调,以致学生一口纯正的英语。 Step 6 Say a rhyme 课

22、间休息 牛津英语3A的单词都是接近生活,来源于生活。然而,简单的模仿、练读,小学生毫无兴趣,我认为编趣味儿歌是教授这册教材单词最好的方法。儿歌语言简洁,朗朗上口,通过读儿歌记忆单词,唤出了学生的童趣。这里,课间休息复习第一单元中的动物单词,儿歌编写如下: bird, bird, 飞飞飞; dog, dog, 汪汪汪; cat, cat, 喵喵喵; monkey, monkey, 真调皮; zebra, zebra, 黑白条; elephant, elephant, 长鼻子; panda, panda, 是国宝; tiger, tiger, 王中王。 Step 7 Consolidation 以

23、情促说 学习最大的乐趣在于经过艰苦努力而获得成功,能学以致用,可激发学生的成就感。在此,我利用投影片把教室布置成公园,并把钟面拨到上午8:00。把全班学生分成若干组,每组为三人。每个同学可以带好自己喜欢人物或动物的头饰,进行小组会话。会话内容为第一、第二单元所有的交际用语(同Step 4 Game),使学生把所学用语融会贯通,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 Step 8 活动小结 给以鼓励 评价本节课学生活动的情况,揭晓成绩,给小红旗或五角星等予以鼓励,激励学生更加努力。 Step 9 Homework 适时反馈 1、录音。(三年级学生以听说为主,录音是检查学生学习效果的一种最有效的有声作业。)

24、 2、用英语与同学、老师打招呼。(小学生很热情,他们有一种强烈的交流欲望,能学以致用,就能体验到成功的喜悦。 八、板书设计:Hi/Hello. Good morning. Good afternoon . Whats your name ? Im This is Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you ,too.module 3 Classroom单元备课I.Function: Responding to introuductions; Identifying classroom objects.II. Target language: Sit down,ple

25、ase.Stand up ,please.Point to.III. New vocabulary: the,door,please,window, bird,desk,chairIV: Song: Please stand up. Step 1:Warm up1 Greetings 2 Review the colours:师出示一张有各种各样颜色的张贴画:What colour? Ss: Its green./black/blue/red/white/yellow.3 Play a game: Show me Step2:Task-settingT:(出示一张彩虹的图片)Whats thi

26、s?S:T:Its a rainbow. 学生跟读几遍 T:今天我们要用水彩笔画出你认为最漂亮的彩虹,并用英语说说它的颜色。 Ss: Ok. T:Well!Lets sing a song about rainbow.Step3:Sing and do the actions.a.(show the rainbow )T:There are many colrs.Can you tell you me what colors?Ss: Its yellowS: Its red.S:Its pink T: Very good.Its red and yellow and pink and gree

27、n 告诉学生如果有很多种颜色可以用“and”把颜色连起来如:师拿出黑白相间的书说Its black and white. b.drill S:Its and c.Play the song twice ,let the children be familiar with the melody.d.Learn to singT: Lets try to sing the song, ok?Ss: Ok.(Listen and repeat the colour song)Listen and hold up the colour pens you hear.Step 4:Fulfill the

28、task T: Now we can sing the rainbow,please draw your fovorite rainbow down on the activity book.Then tell your classmates the colors Of your rainbow.Step5:请几个学生展示自己的彩虹,并说出颜色。ItsStep 6:Homework 1,听录音,学唱歌曲。2用英语说颜色。Module 4 ColoursUnit1 Its red.Step 1:Warm up1 Greetings 2 Review the colours:师出示一张有各种各样颜色的张贴画:What colour? Ss: Its green./black/blue/red/white/yellow.3 Play a game: Show me Step2:Task-settingT:(出示一张彩虹的图片)Whats this?S:T:Its a rainbow. 学生跟读几遍 T:今天我

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