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1、ASTMD431898中英文Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils1. Scope 适用范围1.1 These test methods cover the determination of the liquid limit, plastic limit, and the plasticity index of soils as defined in Section 3 on Terminology.1.1 本试验方法包括术语第3节定义的液限、塑限和塑性指数的测定。

2、1.2 Two methods for preparing test specimens are provided as follows: Wet preparation method, as described in 10.1. Dry preparation method, as described in 10.2. The method to be used shall be specified by the requesting authority. If no method is specified, use the wet preparation method.1.2 试样准备的两

3、种方法如下:湿法制备,详见10.1。干法制备,详见10.2。所采用的方法按有关权威指定。如没有指定试验方法,采用湿法备样。1.2.1 The liquid and plastic limits of many soils that have been allowed to dry before testing may be considerably different from values obtained on non-dried samples. If the liquid and plastic limits of soils are used to correlate or esti

4、mate the engineering behavior of soils in their natural moist state, samples should not be permitted to dry before testing unless data on dried samples are specifically desired.1.2.1 许多土用干法制备与湿法制备测定出来的液、塑限结果有显著不同。如果土的液塑限要与土的天然湿度状态的工程性态一起关联或评估,除非需要特定的干法制备数据,否则不允许试验前烘干式样。1.3 Two methods for determinin

5、g the liquid limit are provided as follows: Method A, Multipoint test as described in Sections 11 and 12. Method B, One-point test as described in Sections 13 and 14. The method to be used shall be specified by the requesting authority. If no method is specified, use Method A.1.3 测定液限提供了如下两种方法:方法A,1

6、1和12节讲述的多点测试法。方法B,13和14节讲述的一点测试法。采用何种方法一般由有关的权威指定。如未指定特别的方法,采用方法A。1.3.1 The multipoint liquid limit method is generally more precise than the one-point method. It is recommended that the multipoint method be used in cases where test results may be subject to dispute, or where greater precision is re

7、quired.1.3.1 多点液限法通常比一点法更精确。试验结果有争论或要求更精确的情况下,推荐采用多点测试法。1.3.2 Because the one-point method requires the operator to judge when the test specimen is approximately at its liquid limit, it is particularly not recommended for use by inexperienced operators.1.3.2 因为一点法当试样接近液限的时候要靠操作者判断,所以对不熟练的操作者不推荐使用它。1

8、.3.3 The correlation on which the calculations of the one-point method are based may not be valid for certain soils, such as organic soils or soils from a marine environment. It is strongly recommended that the liquid limit of these soils be determined by the multipoint method.1.3.3 基于一点法计算的相关性对某些土壤

9、可能是无效的,比如有机质土和海滨土。对这类土强烈推荐使用多点法测试。1.4 The plastic limit test is performed on material prepared for the liquid limit test.1.4 塑限试验用准备好用作塑限试验的材料进行试验。1.5 The liquid limit and plastic limit of soils (along with the shrinkage limit) are often collectively referred to as the Atterberg limits. These limits

10、 distinguished the boundaries of the several consistency states of plastic soils.1.5 液塑限(连同缩限)经常共同归诸于阿太堡限。这些界限区别塑性土的几种稠度状态的边界。1.6 The composition and concentration of soluble salts in a soil affect the values of the liquid and plastic limits as well as the water content values of soils (see Method D

11、 2216). Special consideration should therefore be given to soils from a marine environment or other sources where high soluble salt concentrations may be present. The degree to which the salts present in these soils are diluted or concentrated must be given careful consideration.1.6 可溶解盐的合成物和浓缩影响液塑限

12、的值,同时也会影响土的水分含量(见方法D 2216)。因此对海滨土或其它含高可容盐聚合物的土应专门考虑。这些土可溶盐被冲淡或浓缩的程度必须仔细考虑。1.7 The methods described herein are performed only on that portion of a soil that passes the 425-m (No. 40) sieve. Therefore, the relative contribution of this portion of the soil to the properties of the sample as a whole mu

13、st be considered when using these tests to evaluate properties of a soil.1.7 在这里描述的方法是用通过0.425毫米筛的土做试验的。因此,当用这些试验评估土的特性时,试样作为一个整体与这部分土的相对作用必须加以考虑。1.8 The values stated in acceptable metric units are to be regarded as the standard, except as noted below. The values given in parentheses are for inform

14、ation only.1.8 按照米制单位表达的值被视为标准,要么在加以脚注。圆括号里的数字只是一种信息。1.8.1 The standard units for the resilience tester covered in Annex A1 are inch-pound, not metric. The metric values given are for information only.1.8.1包含在附录A1里对继承用法试验人员的标准单位是英制而不是米制的。米制单位仅供对照。1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of

15、the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.9 本标准没有包括所有安全角度的主旨,如果要的话,请同使用联系在一起。使用人有责任建立起安全与健康方面的实践,使用前就决定标准的实用

16、性的可调整范围。2. Referenced Documents参考文件2.1 ASTM Standards: ASTM 标准C 702 Practice for Reducing Field Samples of Aggregate to Testing SizeC 702 缩减现场骨料试样尺寸的实施规程D 75 Practice for Sampling AggregatesD 75 骨料采样实施规程D 420 Guide to Site Characterization for Engineering, Design, and Construction PurposesD 420 工程、设

17、计、施工目的的现场描述指南D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Fluids4D 653 与土壤、岩石和包含流体有关的术语D 1241 Specification for Materials for Soil-Aggregate Subbase, Base, and Surface Courses4D 1241 集料土子基、基座、面层材料规范D 2216 Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Roc

18、k by Mass4D 2216 室内用质量测定土和岩石的水分含量的试验方法D 2487 Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) 4D 2487 工程目的的土壤分类实践(统一土壤分类系统)D 3282 Practice for Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construction Purposes4D 3282 公路施工目的的土和集料土分类

19、实践D 3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction4D 3740 从事工程设计和施工使用的土壤和岩石的试验和检验的代理机构的最低要求D 4753 Specification for Evaluating, Selecting, and Specifying Balances and Scales for Use in Soil,

20、 Rock, and Related Construction Materials Testing 4D 4753 岩土和有关施工材料试验用的秤和天平的评价、选择和指定规范D 6026 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechnical Data5D 6026 地球技术数据使用有效数据准则E 11 Specification for Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes6 E 11 试验用钢丝筛规范E 177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and B

21、ias in ASTM Test MethodsE 177 ASTM试验方法项目精度和偏差准则6E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method6E 691 管理多个试验室测定试验方法精度的研究准则3. Terminology术语3.1 Definitions定义:3.1.1 The definitions of terms in this standard are in accordance with Terminology D 653.3.1.

22、1 本标准术语的定义按照术语D 653之规定。3.2 Description of Terms Specific to This Standard3.2 本标准特殊术语的描述:3.2.1 Atterberg LimitsOriginally, six “limits of consistency” of fine-grained soils were defined by Albert Atterberg:the upper limit of viscous flow, the liquid limit, the sticky limit, the cohesion limit, the pl

23、astic limit, and the shrinkage limit. In current engineering usage, the term usually refers only to the liquid limit, plastic limit, and in some references, the shrinkage limit.3.2.1阿太堡限最初Albert Atterberg定义了6种细骨料土的稠度极限:上部滞流极限、液限、粘限、内聚力(粘结力)限、塑限和缩限。通用的工程用法中,通常仅指液限、塑限,有时涉及缩限。3.2.2 consistencythe relat

24、ive ease with which a soil can be deformed.3.2.2 稠度-土不能成型的相对程度。3.2.3 liquid limit (LL, wL)the water content, in percent, of a soil at the arbitrarily defined boundary between the semiliquid and plastic states.3.2.3 液限(LL, wL) 水分含量,以百分比表示,界于塑性和半液态间土可任意定义。 DiscussionThe undrained shear strength

25、 of soil at the liquid limit is considered to be approximately 2 kPa (0.28 psi). 讨论-不排水剪切强度,大约2 kPa。3.2.4 plastic limit (PL, wp)the water content, in percent, of a soil at the boundary between the plastic and semi-solid states.3.2.4 塑限(PL, wp)以百分比表示的水分含量,界于塑态和半固态之间。3.2.5 plastic soila soil wh

26、ich has a range of water content over which it exhibits plasticity and which will retain its shape on drying. 3.2.5 塑性土在一定水分含量范围内的土,表现出可塑性,烘干后能保持原来的形状。3.2.6 plasticity index塑性指数 (PI)the range of water content over which a soil behaves plastically. Numerically, it is the difference between the liquid

27、 limit and the plastic limit. 3.2.6 塑性指数 (PI)土呈塑性的水分含量范围。在数字上,它等于液限与塑限的差值。3.2.7 liquidity index液性指数the ratio, expressed as a percentage of (1) the water content of a soil minus its plastic limit, to (2) its plasticity index. 3.2.7 液性指数比例,表达为百分率,等于水分含量减去塑限除以它的塑限。3.2.8 activity number (A)the ratio of

28、(1) the plasticity index of a soil to (2) the percent by mass of particles having an equivalent diameter smaller than 2 m.3.2.8 活性指数-比率,等于(1)土的塑性指数比上(2)粒径小于2微米占颗粒质量的百分率。4. Summary of Test Method测试方法概要4.1 The specimen is processed to remove any material retained on a 425-m (No. 40) sieve. The liquid

29、limit is determined by performing trials in which a portion of the specimen is spread in a brass cup, divided in two by a grooving tool, and then allowed to flow together from the shocks caused by repeatedly dropping the cup in a standard mechanical device. The multipoint liquid limit, Method A, req

30、uires three or more trials over a range of water contents to be performed and the data from the trials plotted or calculated to make a relationship from which the liquid limit is determined. The one-point liquid limit, Method B, uses the data from two trials at one water content multiplied by a corr

31、ection factor to determine the liquid limit.4.1 试样是过425微米筛的土。液限用把试样的一部分放到黄铜杯里进行测定,用开槽工具分成两部分,然后允许用标准机械设备振摇使其合在一起。多点液限,方法A,同一水分含量范围内要求做3或者更多试验,打印或计算其相关性,从而测定其液限。一点液限,方法B,一种水分含量两组试验数据,乘以修正数据而测定液限。4.2 The plastic limit is determined by alternately pressing together and rolling into a 3.2-mm (1.8-in.) d

32、iameter thread a small portion of plastic soil until its water content is reduced to a point at which the thread crumbles and can no longer be pressed together and re-rolled. The water content of the soil at this point is reported as the plastic limit.4.2 塑限通过不断的搓滚一小部分塑性土成3.2mm的条,直到水分含量缩减到一个点时,土条断裂,不能压在一起和再搓滚。这点的水分含量就是塑限。4.3 The plasticity index is calculated as the difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit.4.3 塑性指数即计算液限和塑限的差值。5. Significance and Use意义和用途5.1 These test m

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