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1、英语中考总复习知识点总结初中英语考前点睛班 内部讲义资料撰写:笪振静知识点梳理a bottle (cup/glass/ )ofa little / littleagree to do agree with sb. disagreea few / fewdislikea lot of = lots of (可 + 不可)travel by air = by planea (big/large/great/small) number of (可数) the number of 的数量(谓语单数) a pair of glasses/shoes/shorts/socks a piece of pap

2、er/bread/news/advice half an hour one and a half hours one hour and a halfThere is a in the word of “ uni verse There is an s”n the word of stamp” a long time很长的一段时间 wait a long time for day某天 be able to do about 关于=on大约read n ews on airall the same 仍然thank you all the same 同样感谢你 allwholealo

3、 neIon elyalsotooeitherhe is always cryingask sb for sthbetwee namongWhat about = How about +doingabove上方over正上方on (有接触)在上-and- with-as well asbe angry with sbover = more tha nI met him by accident (偶然)acrossthrough广 ano therotherothersthe other the an swer to the questi onthe key io the doorthe win

4、dow of the roomany other任何其他(单数名词) he is taller tha n any other studentthe day before yesterday the day after tomorrow after class/school(下课) one after another(一个接一个 ) again and again(次又一次 ) against(反对)for(支持) what your age?How old are you?at the age ofI talked to him ago. ( x)we sat around the tabl

5、earound the world all over the worldthe players (-come to Chinawalk aroundshow sb aroundget to 地点 get homereacharriveinatI talked to him (the) late autu mn /fall 在晚秋at 时刻 at midday/noon/midnight in 时段 in the morning/afternoon/evening pn 具体某一天 on a cold eve ningon Sun day morningon Septembe

6、r the first put away 收拾 put up粘贴put on take offgo (run) away 离开、逃跑ring the bell doorbell 门铃 the bell rings (rang 过去式) belong to (to介词)(没有被动) beside = n ext to besides exceptI like many other sports besides basketball除了篮球,其他运动我也喜欢。(篮球包括在内)I like all sports except basketball除了篮球,其他运动我都喜欢。(篮球不包括在内)do o

7、ne S best to do sth尽最大努力做 by bike on his new bike two hun dred hun dreds of thousands of millio ns of billi ons of math/maths 数学 Chin ese 汉语English 英语 physics 物理 chemistry 化学 biology 生物.geography 地理go shopp inggo fish inggo skati nggo skii nggo boati nggo sightsee inggo cycli nggo camp inggo for a r

8、idego for a pic nic = have a pic nicgo to moviesborrow sth from sblend sb sthlend sth to sb广 both andboth n eitherall nonen either noreither orthere beeitheror (就进原则)n either norbreak dow n 损坏、拆散break up with sb与某人断绝关系break out (战争)爆发break into (the house) 闯入 rri ng sb sthbri ng sth to sbbring带来 tak

9、e带走on bus in ess 在出差on holiday/vacation 在度假on TV/radio/computer/ph one/lnternetbe busy with sth be busy doing sth buy sb sth buy sth for sb by on eself = on ones own 自主 / 独立地(做) by the way 顺便说一句 by bike(中间没有the) by air = by pla ne by bus/ by train/ by boat = by water by ship = by sea by doing sth通过(

10、做)方式 on foot (不用feet)步行 with 工具 I write with a pen call sb给某人打电话 call him Xiaomi ng 管他叫小明 he is the boy called Xiao ming 他就是那个被叫做小明的男孩Can adia n Can adia ns capital 首都 can dle蜡烛 play cards 打牌 play the radio/video 播放 play with sb和某人一起玩 play with fire 玩火 take (good) care of sb = look after sb (well) c

11、arry sth to地点 把某物搬到 move to地点 搬家到 move sth移动某物I was moved by the film 被感动 catch the ball 抓住 catch the thief 抓小偷 catch the bus 赶公交车 catch up with sb/sth 赶上 fall behind 落后 certa inly / sure/ of course 当然 be certain/ sure of sth 对某事有把握 be certa in/ sure that + 句子 确定 be certa in/sure to do sth 确定做 make

12、sure that +句子 确定 youd better make sure of the timeI am sure that she has gong to Europe chalk (不可数)a piece of chalk change ones mind 改变主意 I have cha nged my mind 我已经改变了我的主意 change零钱(找零用的钱) pocket money (零花钱) change(s)(名词)变化Great changes have taken place in my hometow n.change A into B 把 A 变为了 BC cha

13、nge into D C 变成了 B(人的成长用grow) cheap expe nsive high price / low price (price 不用 cheap 或 expensive 修饰) at the price of I bought the pen at the price of 12 yua n. pick up拣起don pick flowers in the park 摘花 choose(chose) to do sth choice (名词)选择 this is your choice make choice 做选择 cinema电影院 camera照相机 thea

14、ter 剧院 clea n up = tidy up dirty脏的 eat up吃光 use up用完 cut up切碎 sweep away 扫走 run away跑开,逃跑 keep out阻止在外面 clea n干净的 clever 聪明的 smart clear清楚的 climb the Great Wall close the door/ window 关闭 closed关着的 close friend亲密的朋友 get close to 接近 ope n打开ope n开着的turn on TV/radio/computer/light 打开(强调让机器运作)turn off 关闭

15、turn down调低(声音温度等)turn up调高sports meeti ng/ ground/ clothes college uni versity 大学 come up = appear 出现 disappear come out 出版 come on加油/赶快 comfortable 舒服的 un comfortablehon est 诚实的 dish on estpolite 礼貌的 impolite con ductor售票员congratulations to you 祝贺你con gratulate you on your marriage marry sb与某人结婚 g

16、et married to sb 与某人结婚 fin ishenjoy doingpractice con ti nent 洲 convenient 方便的 inconvenient cook a meal 做饭cook厨师 cooker厨具 actor男演员 actress 女演员 waiter男服务员 waitress女服务员 writer作家tran slator 翻译者visitor参观者拜访者tourist 有课keep sth adj keep the room clea n keep quiet/ sile nt 保持安静 quiet安静的 quietly安静地 quite非常(

17、副词)quick快速的quickly快速地 fast快速的、快速地 (adj + adv) on/at the corner 在角落 stand on/at the street corner 站在街道的拐角 in the corner of the room 在房间的角落里 correct your answer 纠正你的答案 (动词)your an swer is correct = right cost (过去式 cost)物体cost sb钱 this book cost me 3 yua n spe nd (spe nt) + on sht/ (in) doing sth I spe

18、 nt 3 hours on my homeworkI spent 3 hours (in) doing my homework 度过I will spe nd my holiday in AmericaI spe nt the whole day with my gra ndfather pay (paid)I paid this book 3 yua nI paid 3 yua n for this book takeit takes(took) sb 时间 /钱 to do sthIt took me 3 hours to do my homework Doing my homework

19、 takes me 3 hours developing country 发展中国家 developed country 发达国家English-speaking country 说英语的国家 develop your interest 开发兴趣 develop programme 开发软件 with the development of China, 随着中国的发展,difficult = hard hard困难的努力地(副词)work harda hard-work ing boy hardly几乎不 she is 12 years old she is a 12-year-old gir

20、l (year 单数) 她是一个12岁的小女孩2个月的假期two mon ths holiday two-month holiday -how long will you stay here?-for two hours-how soon will you come back-in two hours-how ofte n do you see a film-on ce/twice/three times a week-how far is it from your home to your school -2 kilometers 或者 15 minutes by bike do some

21、clea nin g/wash in g/sightsee ing/ read in g/shopp ingdo on eshomeworkdo houseworkdo on esbest to do sth尽最大努力做 do well in = be good at see a doctor 看医生 see a film = go to movies 看电影 go/walk down the street 沿着这条街走 go/walk along the street 沿着这条街走 pull 拉 push 推 put on your coat (强调动作)穿 wear穿着(强调状态) he

22、is weari ng a red coat I like weari ng sun glassesin颜色穿着the girl in red is my sister dress +人给某人穿衣服dress the babyhe is too young to dress himself dry weather干燥的天气 dry your coat 弄干你的外衣 I am on duty在值日 during the holiday 在期间 each side of the street both sides of the street each other 相互 everyone每一个人/大

23、家(单三) each every hear with my ears see with my eyes in the early morning get up early earlier比较级late (同上即可做形容词,也可做副词on the earthon the moonon the east coast 在东海岸 an empty box 形容词 empty the box 动词 En glish-speak ing country 说英语的国家enjoy on eself = have fun = have a(good/wo nderful) time 玩得愉快eno ugh ti

24、me在名词前good eno ugh 在形/副后面EuropeEuropea nfor examplesuch asr动词原谅excuse、名词借口take exercise 练习 不可数do morning/eye exercise s 早操 眼操指某一 “操”可数face to face 面对面的I have to talk to your father face to face我必须和你父亲面对面谈一谈he went into the room with a smile on his face 他面带笑容地走进了房间my family are all tall指家庭成员 复数every

25、family is a cell of the society 指家庭单数for因而著名be famous -J as作为而著名-to在(人群)中著名-how far is it from China to America?-10000 kilometers-how ofte n do you see a film?-on ce/twice/three times a week (day/m on th/year)-how long have you bee n here?-for 3 hours-how soon will you come back-in 3 hourson the far

26、mmy home is far from my schoolfast 形 /副 (没有fastly) quick 形 quickly 副 favourite / perfect 无比较级 this coat feels softI feel that she is sillyI feel it difficult to lear n En glishI find that it is difficult to lear n En glishI find it difficult to lear n En glishSpring FestivalLantern FestivalChristmas

27、Labour Dayfight with sb 与某人打架argue with sb 与某人争吵 be filled with = be full of the bottle is full of water fill the bottle with water see a film go to movies人rA(结果)(动作)findlook forhearliste n toseelook atfind out查明发现I find out the truth 我发现了真相at first 起先at first at first I did know him起初,我不认识他first of

28、 all 首先first of all, you have to 首先,你必须 follow me 跟我走follow/take one advice听从某人的意见 advise sb (not) to do sth建议某人(不)做某事 ask sb (not) to do sth叫某人(不)做某事 tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉 allow sb (not) to do sth 允许 wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事advice不可数 some advice a piece of advice suggesti on 可数take a message

29、for sb 给某人捎信 information 不可数news不可数I go to school on foot 不能用 feetdoing sthI walk to school foolish/stupid/silly 愚蠢的笨的傻的 foreign Ianguage 夕卜语 foreigner(s)夕卜国人 forget to do/d oing remember to do/d oing stop to do/d oing look forward to y (to介词)自由的、空闲的fridge冰箱 friendly形容词 make friends with sb 与某人交朋友be

30、 frien dly/k ind to sb对某人友好in front ofin the front oflaugh at sb取笑某人hand in 上交hand out 分发by hand 有手工制成的the coat is made by handhappenwhat happe ned to youtake place 发生great cha nges have take n place in my hometow n live/have a happy(good /hard /poor) life过着生活make fun of sb 开某人玩笑in the future 在未来get

31、 angry with sb 生某人的气get back 回来get off the bus 下车get on the bus 上车get on (well) with sbget up起床get down 下来get to到达get home 至U家give back还回送回give up 放弃 + doing /sth give sth to sbgive sb sth give out 发散 go back回去 go shopp ing go for a walk/pic nic go to school go to bed go swim ming/ fishi ng/camp ing go to hospitalgold金子金子做的golde n金黄色的 have a good ti

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