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1、unit12学案全拓展模块Unit12The Father of the Age of Electricity学案(1)主备:李荣荣 研备:英语教研组 【教师寄语】:life is the art of drawing without an eraser.(人生是不用橡皮擦画画的艺术。)【Learning aims】学习目标1)学习和掌握magnetic,diagram,generator,principle,accomplishment,等重点单词及相关用法。2)学习和掌握take notes,supplywith.,be interested in,call on等重点短语及相关用法。3)

2、学习并掌握正确的语音,语调的正确读法.【Learning Important and Difficult Points】学习重难点 识记本节课单词表中的单词并能正确朗读和使用。【Learning mathod Guide】学法指导:reading, remember学习过程:【Warmingup】课前热身I. 重点单词/短语有磁性的adj_才能;成就;完成n._讲课n.讲授._使能够v._出席,到场;服侍._图解v._兴奋n._送信者;信差n._助手;助理n._听讲;听课n._对感兴趣_拜访;访问_向提供_做笔记_示意图n._发电机图解;图表n._原则;原理n._助手,助理n._出席,到场;服

3、侍._玻璃器皿n._【Lead in】导入What was Faraday famous as?【Thinking】思Dotheexercisesaboutpronunciationmagnetic_diagram _generator_ principle _accomplishment _messenger _assistant _laboratory _chemistry _glassware _attend _lecture _illustrate _enable _【Discussion】 议【Show Time】展Match the words in the left column

4、 with the expressions in the samemeaning in the rightcolumn1) generatorA. nothing more than; no better or more important than2)assistantB. machine for producing electrical energy3) blacksmithC. person whose job is to make and repair things made of iron4)messengerD supply( something) with pictures, d

5、iagrams, etc5)foundationE person carrying a message6) illustrateF. person who helps7)mereG principle, idea or fact on which something is based【Exercise】 练Rememberthenewwords:magnetic,diagram,generator,principle,accomplishment,take notes,supplywith.,be interested in,call on【Homework】Previewthetext【Re

6、cord after learning】课后反思_拓展模块Unit12The Father of the Age of Electricity学案(2)主备:李荣荣 研备:英语教研组【教师寄语】:It seems like lifes too short to hold grudges.(人生苦短,何必留仇。)【Learning aims】学习目标1识记本节课单词表中的单词并能正确使用;初步了解magnetic,diagram,generator,take notes,supplywith.等短语的含义及用法2. 能快速阅读和精读,从材料中获取重要的信息,找到细节信息,并且理解长难句【Lear

7、ning Important and Difficult Points】学习重难点 学会关于电时代之父的词,并运用这些词表达自己的观点【Learning mathod Guide】学法指导:1.Fastreading to get a general idea of the text2 .Intensive reading to get more details about the text3.Individual ,pair or group work to make every student take an active part in the activities学习过程:【Warmi

8、ngup】课前热身II. 重点单词/短语battery n._magnet n._diagram n._generator n._motor n._excitement n._accomplishment v._principle n._chemistry n._laboratory n._assistant n._messenger n._enable v._lecture n._attend lectures_illustrate n._call on_be interested in_take notes_supplywith._【Lead in】导入(FastReading)1. Li

9、st as many well-known scientists in English as you know2. Try to tell something in English about the life of a scientist you know3. Do you know who were Faraday and Darwin?【Thinking】思(CarefulReading)Answer the following questions.1. What was Faraday famous as?_2. What is the principle that electric

10、motors were developed on?_3. How carefully did Faraday listen to the scientists lecture?_4. How did he become Davys assistant?_5. How important was Davys lab to Faraday?_【Discussion】 议Readthetextandmarkthefollowingphrasesinyourbook.take notes,supplywith.,be interested in,call on,by means of, on the

11、principle,, call on sb, as a result of that visit, It+was/is+被强调部分+that+其他成分【Show Time】展1.Before the time of Michael Faraday, the _ way of producing electric current was _electric batteries.在法拉第时代之前,产生电流的唯一方法是借助于电池。by means of “通过”、“用”、“借助于”,又如:We learn English _ speaking and listening.我们通过听和

12、说来学习英语。They made the new products _the new machine.他们使用这咱新机器来生产产品。句中only是形容词,意思“唯一的”,又如:He was the_ Englishman present.他是在场的唯一的一位英国人。She is the _person for the job.她是唯一适合这项工作的人。This is the _ house that I can live in now.这是我现在唯一可居住的房子。2.In 1831 Faraday _that electricity could be made to flow in a coi

13、l of wire by moving that coil in the magnetic field.1831年法拉第发现线圈在磁场中运动可以产生电流。3.To this day, all the generators which _ our modern world _ electricity are based on Faradays discovery直到今天,为我们现代世界提供电能的所有发电机都是依据法拉第的发现which supply our modern world with electricity是一个定语从句,修饰all generators.句中的supply sb wit

14、h sth 作“向供应”、“为提供”,又如:They _ us _ all knds of drinks.他们为我们提供各种饮料。Who _ you_ the money to spend in school?谁为你上学提供费用呢?还有supply sth to sb“提供某物给某人”,例如:The car factory _ cars _ all parts of the country.这家汽车厂向全国各地供应汽车。The shop _ milk _ each house in bottles.这家商店供应各家各刻、户瓶装牛奶。4.Electric motors were later de

15、veloped _.电动机就是后来根据这一原理开发出来的。句中on that principle 的意思是“根据那一原理”,另外on the same principle 是“根据同样的原理”,例如:My father is acting _.我父亲一直按照他的原则行事。A bike and a motorcycle are made _. 自行车和摩托车是按同样的原理制作的。5.His father, _, was _ poor _ send him to school.他父亲是个铁匠,由于家里太穷,供不起他上学。tooto“太而不能”,用来表示结果状语。又如:she is _young _

16、 join the army.她太小了,不能参军。This old man is _ old _ do such a heavy work.这位老人太老了,不能干这么重的活。who was a blacksmith 是一个非限定性定语从句,如下文的where he became interested in books on science,再如:The man,_,is my uncle.这个人是我的叔叔,今年十八岁了。The Great Wall,_,is one of the wonders in the world.长城是世界奇迹之一,它位于中国的北部。6.Faraday _ very

17、careful_ at the lecture.在演讲会上法拉第认真记笔记。take notes的意思是“作记录”、“记笔记”,又如:I shall want you to _ at the meeting.我想请你在会议上作些笔记。The students _on the professors lecture.学生们就这位教授的演讲作了记录。7.Faraday received the excitement of his life when, on the day before Christmas in 1812, a messenger came to the bookshop with

18、a note asking him to _ Davy the next day.1812年圣诞节前夕,法拉第迎来了生活中激动的时刻,一个捎信的人拿着一张便条来到书店,让他第二天去见戴维。call on sb 是“拜访某人”、“访问某人”的意思,又如:Lets _ John this afternoon. 今天下午咱们去看看约翰吧。I hope to _ your parents at theree oclock today. 我希望今天下午三点去拜访你的父母。call at some place是“走访某地”的意思,例如:Do you think if we should _ Mr.Smit

19、hs after we arrived in London? 你认为我们到达伦敦后应不应该去史密斯先生家?8.As a result of that visit,那次走访的结果as a(the)result of 是“作为的结果”、“由于”的意思,又如:_ the big fire,thousands of people lost their homes.由于大火的结果,成千上万的人失去了家园。9._ in Davys laboratory _ Faraday received the training that _ him to become one of the worlds greate

20、st scientists.正是在戴维的实验室里,法拉第接受了使他能成为世界上最伟大的科学家之一的训练。这个句子的结构是It+was/is+被强调部分+that+其他成分。这是一种表示“强调”的句子结构,也称“强调句型”。本句中强调的成分是:in Davys laboratory(地点状语),也可用于强调主语、宾语等其他句子成分。以下句为例:I bought a new dictionary yesterday in the bookshop.我昨天在书店买了一本新字典。上述句子可以通过强调句型对句子的不同成分进行强调。例如:It was _that/who bought a new dict

21、ionary yesterday in the shop. 是我昨天在书店里买了一本新字典。(强调主语I)It was _ that I bought yesterday in the shop.昨天我在书店里买了一本新字典。(强调宾语a new dictionary)_ in the book shop _ I bought a new dictionary yesterday.昨天我是在书店里买了一本新字典(强调地点状语in the shop)_ yesterday _ I bought a new dictionary in the shop.我是昨天在书店里买了一本字典。(强调时间状语

22、yesterday)句中enable是及物动词,后常跟复合结构,即enable sb to do“能够使某人做某事”,又如:This train will _ get there in time.本次列车能使我及时到达那里。This instrument _ observe very small things.这种仪器能使我们观察到很小的东西。【Exercise】 练Do the exercise-language study on page150.一Match the word in column A with its explanation in column BAB1. currenta. machine to change power into movement2. diagra

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