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1、英语人教版八年级下册第二单元导学案Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.学习内容Section A 1a-2d课时Period 1课型新授导学目标 1、知识与能力:(1)认知并熟练运用本课时重要单词和词组; (2)掌握并会运用could 用法(3)掌握并灵活应用以下交际用语: 2、过程与方法:学生自主预习,教师主导,小组交流,合作探究 3、情感态度价值观:倡导人们互相帮助热爱生活。学习重难点 (1)动词不定式用法 (2) 情态动词could的用预习及准备 1、多媒体课件。 2、录音机。 课 堂 学 导 活 动 设 计学习目标学习策略及活动调整与反思

2、1、课前预习 。(2)预习诊断:三课中实施 (一)预习任务:Task1: 朗读并识记P9-P10的单词,根据汉语意思写出下列单词欢呼,喝彩_ (V.)义务做,志愿做/(n.)志愿者_ 标志,信号_ n.通知,通告;注意;v.注意到,意识到_ 孤独的,寂寞的_ n. 清扫,清除,清理_Task2: 重点词组识记打扫(或清除)干净_ 看望生病的儿童_(使)变得更高兴;振奋起来_ 分发,散发_ 在食物救济中心_ 课外学习小组_ 清扫日_ 制定计划_ 制作一些布告_ 推迟_ 想出_ 敬老院_ 关心_ Task3:翻译句子1. 女孩可以到医院看望生病的儿童,让他们振奋起来。The girl _ _ th

3、e sick kids in the hospital _ _ the _.2. 你可以志愿参加课外学习小组教儿童学习。You _ _ in an after-school study problem _ _ kids.3. 他们给我讲了关于过去的故事以及过去是什么样的。They _ me stories _ the past and how things _ _ _.(二)预习诊断:1. I hope _(work) outside.2. You could_( help)_( clean) up the city parks.3. We need _(come) up with a pla

4、n for the school Clean-Up Day.4. What did they ask you _( help) out with?5. Could you tell me how_(make ) a plan? (一)、精讲点拨 1、You could help to clean up the city parks. could是情态动词,无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。句中could 用于提出建议,比can语气更为委婉。此外,could还常用于有礼貌地向对方提出要求或请求。如: Could you give me some advice?2. clean up 打扫(或清除)

5、干净,是由“动词(v.)+副词(adv.)”构成的短语动词,其加宾语的特点是:【口诀】名词宾语,副词前后都可以,代词宾语,见到副词向前提。类似的短语:write down, turn on/off/up/down, cut up, give up(放弃),call up(给.打电话) , put up(张贴,搭建) hand out(分发) put off, Eg: Jane, your bedroom is so dirty. Sorry, Ill _.A. clean up it B. clean it up C. clean them up评价与检测从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空 han

6、d out, volunteer, make, teach, care for 1.I hope _ kids in after-school care center at the local primary school.2.She could_ food to help the hungry people.3.He could _ in an old peoples home.4.They cant put off _the plan for the party.5. As young adults, we should listen to the old people and _ the

7、m.单选:Betty failed in the exam. She must be very sad. Lets go and_.A. wake her up B. give her up C. cheer up her D. cheer her up7.We can ask our parents _ us finish the work.A. help B. helping C. helped D. to helpHomework: 朗读并识记P9-P10的单词Design on the blackboard:学习内容Section A 3a-3c课时Period 2课型新授导学目标 1

8、、知识与能力: (1)认知并熟练运用本课时重要单词和词组; (2)掌握并会运用could 用法 (3)掌握并灵活应用以下交际用语: 2、过程与方法:学生自主预习,教师主导,小组交流,合作探究 3、情感态度价值观:倡导人们互相帮助热爱生活。学习重难点 (1)动词不定式用法 (2) 情态动词could的用法预习及准备 1、多媒体课件。 2、录音机。 课 堂 学 导 活 动 设 计学习目标学习策略及活动调整与反思1、课前预习 .二,预习诊断:三课中实施 4、拓展延伸: (一)预习任务:Task1: 朗读并识记P11的单词,根据汉语意思写出下列单词几个;数个; 一些_ 强壮的;强烈的_ 感觉,感触_

9、满足;满意_ 高兴;愉快_ 物主;主人_ (尤指长途)旅行;行程_Task2: 重点词组识记放弃_ 成为一名兽医_ 在一家动物医院_ 同时_得到他未来的理想职业_一种(强烈的)满足感_ 在.岁时_ 参加.选拔,试用_ 决定做_ 学习阅读_ 实现_ 关心,在乎_ 一段不同的旅程_ Task3:句型专练1. 当我看到动物变好以及他们的主人脸上的欢喜时,我得到一种强烈的满足感。I get such a strong _ of _ when I see the animals _ _ and the_ _ on their_faces.2. 你可以从他们眼里看出他们正随着每一本新书踏上一段不同的旅程。

10、You can see in their eyes that theyre _ _ a different_ with each new book.1. He spends_(几个) hours every week helping others.2. Miss Green _(自愿做) to teach kids to learn English in her free tim( 一)、精讲点拨 辨析:several / some词义词性用法several几个,数个形容词&代词修饰可数名词some几个;一些形容词&代词修饰可数及不可数名词Several与hundred, thousand,

11、million等连用的用法:several hundreds of+名词复数several hundred+名词复数如:Several hundred wild animals were killed every day years ago.多年前,每天有数百只野生动物被杀害。1. He volunteers_(visit) the sick children in hospital every weekend.2. We need some _ (volunteer) to help clean up city streets.3. 在这里做志愿者对我来说好比美梦成真。_ here is l

12、ike a dream _ _ for me. 评价与检测1.My parents_ me to the zoo when I was young.A. was used to take B. is used to takingC. used to take D. used to taking2. We dont know_ next. Lets go and ask Mr. Li. A. what to do B. to do what C. to do which D. to do how3. Will you go to _ food at the food bank tomorrow?

13、A. put up B. give up C. give out D. try out4. What does the s_ mean? It means “ No Swimming.”5. Lets go to the football game and _(欢呼) for our school team.6. 由于恶劣的天气,他们已经决定推迟篮球比赛。They have decided _ _ _ the basketball match because of the bad weather.7. 我们正在制订去儿童之家工作的计划。We are_ _ _ _ in a childrens

14、home.8. 他总能想出一些解决问题的好主意。He can always _ _ some good ideas to solve problems.Homework朗读并识记P11的单词,Design on the blackboard:学习内容Section A Grammar Focus-4c课时Period 3课型新授导学目标 1、知识与能力:(1)能分辨动词不定式在句中的用法,并能正确使用动词不定式; (2)掌握并会运用could 用法(3)掌握并灵活应用常用词汇及表达: 2、过程与方法:学生自主预习,教师主导,小组交流,合作探究 3、情感态度价值观:倡导人们互相帮助热爱生活。学习

15、重难点 (1)动词不定式用法 (2) 情态动词could的用法预习及准备 1、多媒体课件。 2、录音机。 课 堂 学 导 活 动 设 计学习目标学习策略及活动调整与反思 一、课前预习 (1)预习任务:预习诊断:2课中实施 ( 一)、精讲点拨3、拓展延伸 (一)预习任务:Task1:根据汉语意思写出下列单词及短语,朗读并识记募集,征集_ 独自;单独_ 无家可归的人_请求. 做_ 得到某人未来的理想工作_制作标记_ 张贴_ 分发_ 课后项目_ 告诉学生们有关图书销售_担忧,为.而担心_ 在某人的空闲时间_为.而筹钱_ 其中之一_(二)预习诊断:1. We need to _ a way to sa

16、ve the endangered animals. A, give out B. come up with C. hand out D. put up2. They are planning to r_ some money for charity.3. When you drive , you should pay attention to the traffic s_.二课中实施 ( 一)、精讲点拨辨析: alone / lonelyAlone 可作形容词,意为“单独的;独自的”,表示无人陪伴,在句中作表语 还可作副词,意为“独自;单独”,在句中作状语相当于by oneself,不带感情

17、色彩。 如:I want to travel alone.Lonely作形容词,意为“孤独的;寂寞的”可作定语及表语。活学活用:His parents live _ in a small house, but they dont feel_. A.lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone三、拓展延伸:talk about 4c with your partner.评价与检测填空1. if you want to be a v_ to help others, we need to help look aft

18、er the children here.2. Mr. White is the _ (own) of a big farm.3. As a volunteer, I have a _(feel) of pride.4. Our school had to _ the soccer games because of the bad weather, which made students frustrated.A. put on B. put off C. put away D. put up5. Hi, Jim. Would you please help me _ the sign on

19、the wall?A. pick up B. look upC. get up D. put up6. 我们正努力想出一些主意来帮助生病的孩子。Our class is trying to _ _ some ideas _ _ sick children. 7. 我想独自旅行。 I want _ _ _.8. Though his grandmother lives _, she never feels_. A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; aloneHomework一 句型体验1. 我想帮助无家可归的人

20、们。 Id _ _ help _ _.2. 她决定应征一个课后阅读项目的志愿者选拔。She decided _ _ _ for a volunteer _ _ _.3. 我正在制作一些标志来张贴在学校四周。Im _ _ _ _ _ _ around the school.二: Finish 4a, 4b, 4cDesign on the blackboard:学习内容Section B1a-1e课时Period 4课型新授导学目标 1、知识与能力:(1)掌握并会运用重点词汇及短语; (2)掌握并灵活应用重点句型 2、过程与方法:学生自主预习,教师主导,小组交流,合作探究 3、情感态度价值观:O

21、ff help to the others as much as possible.学习重难点 识记并会运用动词短语。预习及准备 1、多媒体课件。 2、录音机。 课 堂 学 导 活 动 设 计学习目标学习策略及活动调整与反思一、课前预习 (一)预习任务:(二)预习诊断:二课中实施 ( 一)、精讲点拨一、课前预习 (一)预习任务:Task1: 朗读并识记P13的单词,根据汉语意思写出下列单词修理;修补_ 修理;安装_ 残缺的,破损的_车轮,轮子_ Task2: 重点词组识记用光,用完_ (外貌或行为)像_修理;装饰_ 捐赠;赠送_ 与 相似_ 儿童之家_(二)预习诊断:1. 我像我的妈妈。I_

22、_my mother.2. 我把它修好了。 I _it _.3. Jimmy 已经花完了钱。Jimmy _ _ _ _ money.二课中实施 ( 一)、精讲点拨I take after my mother.我像我的妈妈。 Take after 意为“(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像”。其同义短语为:be similar to“与.相似。”归纳拓展:look like表达“像”Look like意为“看起来像.”,常指外貌、长相相似。例如:Lucy looks like her twin sister.活学活用:(1)琳达像她的妈妈。她们都很热情。 Linda _ _ her mothe

23、r. They are both warm-hearted.(2) Bob takes after his father.(改为同义句)Bob _ _ _ his father.(3)汤姆长得像他的爸爸。他们都是卷发。Tom _ _ his father. They both have curly hair.评价与检测单选:1. Steve _ his elder brother. They are both friendly. A. looks after B. takes after C. looks like D. looks at2. There is something wrong

24、with the camera. Can you _ for me? A. put up it B. put it up C. fix up it D. fix it up3. What are you doing, Uncle Li? I am sorting out old books and Ill _ to kids who have no money to buy books. A.give them up B. give them away C. give them off D. give them in4. The poor little boy lives in the _ h

25、ome. A. children B. childrens C. childrens D. child5. She love children, so wants _ at a childrens home. A. volunteer B. volunteers C. to volunteer D. volunteering6. A car needs_(轮子) to run on the road.7. There is something wrong with my bike, I want my father to r_ it.8. The boy is similar to his f

26、ather.(改为同义句) The boy _ _ his father.9. We needed to come up with some ideas. (改为否定句)We _ _ _ _ come up with _ ideas.10. Tom 在很多方面和他的爸爸相似。Tom is _ _ his father in many ways.Homework一朗读并识记P14-15的单词重点短语 二句型体验1. 我把我的自行车捐赠给了儿童之家。I _ _ my bike _ a _ _.2. Jimmy 修理车子坏的部件,像轮子。Jimmy_ _ _ _ _, like wheels.Design on the blackboard:

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