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1、牛津英语词典又入新词牛津英语词典又入新词Brexit may mean Brexit to Theresa May, but the Oxford English Dictionary has come to the aid of those who wish for a less opaque definition.Brexit一词也许只有在特里莎梅眼里是“脱欧”的意思,对于许多人来说,该词的定义仍然模糊不清。近日牛津英语词典帮助大家释义解惑。The word is among 1,500 new words added to the dictionary this week.包括Brexi

2、t在内,牛津英语词典本星期共收录了1500个新词。OED editors steered clear of political controversy by defining the process of Brexit rather than its consequences or implementation.牛津英语词典的编辑们没有从脱欧产生的后果或最终的实现来下定义,而是对Brexit的过程进行定义,避开了该词背后的政治纷乱。The definition reads: The (proposed) withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Eur

3、opean Union, and the political process associated with it. Sometimes used specifically with reference to the referendum held in the UK on 23 June 2016, in which a majority of voters favoured withdrawal from the EU.其定义如下:Brexit是指英国退出欧盟的行动(或计划),及其相关的政治进程。该词有时特指2016年6月23日的英国公投,当时大部分投票者都支持英国退出欧盟。Fiona M

4、cPherson, senior editor on the OED, told the Guardian the word had been one of the fastest to move from coinage to definition and listing.词典高级编辑菲奥纳.麦克弗森告诉卫报,近年来许多词语由新词快速上升为一种定义,并被列入词典,而Brexit就是其中速度最快的之一。It is very unusual for a word to take hold of the language so quickly, she said.“一个词语能如此之快地进入语言系统

5、实为少见,”她说道。The word, she added, had filled an empty space in our language, and the growing importance of the phenomenon it described.她补充说,这个词语“填补了我们语言中的一个空缺,恰当表述了它背后日益重要的政治现象。”She added: It has gone from a new word a couple of years ago to being on the front pages of foreign language newspapers used,

6、 which shows it is now a global word, not just one used here.她还补充说:“Brexit几年前还是一个新词,而现在频繁地在各大外刊头版上使用,这表明它已经是全球通用,绝不仅限于本国。”As Grexit - Greeces hypothetical exit from the EU- has also been added to the OED this month, it is expected that should momentum grow for EU membership referendums elsewhere Nex

7、it (Netherlands), Frexit (France) and Oexit (Austria) will follow Brexit into the dictionary.Grexit是指希腊退出欧盟的假设,该词在本月也被收录进了词典。表达其他欧洲国家脱欧公投意图的词也预计将被收纳,如Nexit(芬兰脱欧)、Frexit(法国脱欧)、Oexit(奥地利脱欧)。The influence of social media is visible in many of the new coinages.人们能在许多新词中看到社交网络的影响。YouTubers, defined as fr

8、equent user of the video-sharing website YouTube, especially someone who produces and appears in videos on the site is included in the dictionary for the first time.YouTubers(油管人)首次被纳入词典,指频繁使用视频分享网站YouTube(油管)的用户,特别是自己制作视频并且出镜的人们。Anyone who stands up to internet trolls can now legitimately call them

9、selves an upstander - a person who speaks or acts in support of a cause, especially one who intervenes on behalf of a person being attacked or bullied.如今,任何在网络上挺身而出打抱不平的人都可以堂堂正正地自称为upstander(挺身而出者)指通过言语或行动来支持某项事业的人,尤指敢于站出来,代表遭受攻击和欺凌的人的利益,为其打抱不平。A number of newly listed words and phrases have migrate

10、d from pop music, notably get your freak on: defined as US slang (chiefly in African-American usage) 1) to engage in sexual activity, especially of an unconventional or uninhibited nature. 2) To dance, esp. in an uninhibited, wild, or exuberant fashion.另一些新收录的词或短语来自于流行音乐,最出名的是“get your freak on”。它的定

11、义为:美国俚语(主要用在非裔美国人中)1.参与性活动,尤指挑战传统、放纵不羁的性行为。2.跳舞,尤指无拘无束、动作狂野、热情洋溢的舞蹈。The phrase gained prominence in 2001 as the title of a Missy Elliott song.该短语是梅西.埃丽奥特的一首歌名,2001年开始流行了起来。Singer Beyonce had a hand in the listing of Bama, originally a 1920s abbreviation of the US state of Alabama. It evolved to beco

12、me slang for a person from the rural American south, but was reclaimed this year by the singer in Formation, a track from her latest album Lemonade.Bama一词的收录得力于歌手碧昂斯,该词最早是20世纪20年代对美国阿拉巴马州的缩写,而后演化成了一个俚语,指来自美国南部乡下的人。但碧昂斯在今年的最新专辑Lemonade里的单曲Formation中重新使用了这个词。The lyric says:这段歌词是:My daddy Alabama / Mom

13、ma Louisiana / You mix that negro with that Creole / make a Texas Bama.我爸是阿拉巴马人 /我妈是路易斯安纳人 / 他们生了我这个带着克里奥尔血统的黑人/ 让我成了住在德克萨斯的阿拉巴马人。Words are admitted to the OED, McPherson said, according to their usage.麦克弗森说,牛津英语词典会根据用法来收录词语。Once a word goes in, it doesnt come out. We have to have examples of it hav

14、ing passed into common usage or within a specialist area.她说:“一个词语一旦被收入字典,就不会被删除。当它成为常用词或专业词后,我们必须举出与之相关的例子。”Among the latest technical terms to have been added are examples of surfer lingo for wave types and surfing techniques.此次添加的最新术语中,就包括了有关海浪种类和冲浪技巧的冲浪术语。As usual, a raft of management speak make

15、s it into the dictionary, led by out-strategise: a verb by to outmanoeuvre (an opponent, rival, etc.); to outdo in strategising.与往常一样,一些管理话语也进入了词典,以“反策略”为首:动词,以计谋胜过;在策略上战胜(敌人,反对派);在策略上胜出。Though many additions to the 829,000 words in the dictionary arise from young people and social media, others ref

16、lect the ageing population.尽管新加入进牛津英语词典82.9万个词语的新词很多都来自于年轻人和社交媒体,但还有一些词语来自于老年人。Leading the way for Baby Boomers is glam-ma: a glamorous grandmother, especially one who is comparatively young or fashion-conscious.抢了Baby Boomer(婴儿潮时代出生的人)风头的是glam-ma(时尚奶奶):指风韵犹存的高龄女性,尤指相对年轻、有时尚气息的老奶奶。Xu Ye is a thoroug

17、hly modern metropolitan millennial. She reads science and cultural articles on the way into work, takes and dispatches orders from her boss, lunches on organic produce in an NGO-run community garden and picks up artisanal bread on the way home.徐烨(音译)是十分现代的都市“千禧一代”。她在上班途中阅读科学文化类的文章,到了公司听老板吩咐办事,午餐吃的是非

18、政府组织(NGO)管理的一个社区花园生产的有机食物,下班后顺路买手工面包带回家。By Chinese standards, she says, her life in Shanghai is “peculiar”. But in one key respect it is utterly typical: like hundreds of millions of her compatriots, she carries out much of her daily life over Weixin, a wildly popular messaging app, on her smartphon

19、e.她说,按照中国人的标准,她在上海的生活有些“古怪”。但她在一个重要的方面却是再典型不过了:与数亿同胞一样,她每天花很长时间在她智能手机上安装的微信(Weixin)上度过,这是一款非常受欢迎的即时通讯应用。Her connected lifestyle is largely thanks to Tencent, a $225bn internet company whose social platforms have become a part of the very fabric of Chinese lives. For people like Ms Xu, Tencents myria

20、d apps and services offer a way to work, play and pay.她的“互联生活”在很大程度上要归功于腾讯(Tencent),这是一家市值高达2250亿美元的互联网公司,它的社交平台已成为中国人生活中的一部分。对于徐烨等许许多多的人而言,腾讯的众多应用和服务为他们提供了工作、玩乐和付款的手段。It is, says one banker, “a social enterprise powerhouse”: under one roof, it has amassed Chinas answer to Facebook, WhatsApp, Spotif

21、y, Kindle and ApplePay. Chi Tsang, internet analyst at HSBC, says Tencent has “the most killer apps in the world”. Weixin, along with the WeChat app outside China, has 846m active monthly subscribers.一位银行人士表示,它是“社会企业巨擘”:单单一家公司就汇集了中国版的Facebook、WhatsApp、Spotify、Kindle和ApplePay。汇丰银行(HSBC)互联网分析师曾琪(Chi T

22、sang)表示,腾讯拥有“全球最多的杀手级应用”。微信加上海外版的WeChat总共拥有8.46亿月度活跃用户。Tencent also has a huge multibillion investment portfolio, ranging from stakes in Didi Chuxing, Chinas biggest ride-sharing company, through to start-ups. It dabbles in artificial intelligence, electric cars and bike sharing. Its posse of champi

23、on hackers managed to gain remote control of Teslas Model S, forcing the US carmaker to roll out a security patch.腾讯还有为数众多的大手笔投资,持有中国最大驾乘共享公司滴滴出行(Didi Chuxing)的股份,也参股了多家初创企业。腾讯还涉足人工智能、电动汽车和共享单车领域。腾讯的顶级黑客成功地远程控制了特斯拉(Tesla)的Model S,迫使这家美国汽车制造商推出了一个安全补丁。“They started with distribution and now they are

24、monetising everything they can,” says Scott Likens, a partner in the emerging tech practice at PwC. “It is the opposite of the traditional business where youve got the product and say, Now lets find the customers.”“他们先从渠道做起,如今正试图在所有力所能及的业务上实现货币化,”普华永道(PwC)新兴技术业务合伙人李敬思(Scott Likens)表示,“传统企业先弄出产品,然后说现

25、在让我们寻找客户吧,腾讯却相反。”Fittingly, it is based in Shenzhen, a fishing backwater turned bustling metropolis across the border from Hong Kong. It was here that Deng Xiaoping in 1992 launched the then-isolated country on its rollicking ride into capitalism, and today it is Chinas answer to Silicon Valley.总部在深

26、圳和腾讯很相称。昔日落后渔村已成为毗邻香港的繁华大都市,1992年,邓小平就是在这里引领当时还被孤立的中国走上了生机勃勃的资本主义道路,如今,这里已成为中国的硅谷。The company employs 3,000 workers, more than half of whom are in research and development. While its home market is by far and away the largest, Tencent has an overseas presence in many sectors its WeChat payments app

27、can even be used at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.腾讯有3000名员工,其中超过一半从事研发工作。目前腾讯最大的市场在本土,但也在海外涉足众多行业,其WeChat支付应用甚至可以在拉斯维加斯的凯撒宫酒店(Caesars Palace)使用。“They are everywhere, the US, Europe especially among Chinese speakers because if you want to contact business or family in China there is only one way to co

28、ntact them, and thats WeChat,” says Elinor Leung, a research analyst at CLSA.里昂证券(CLSA)研究分析师梁向奕(Elinor Leung)表示:“到处都在用,美国,欧洲特别是在华语人群中,因为如果你想要联系中国的生意伙伴或家人,一般都只会用WeChat。”Alongside Baidu and Alibaba, it is one of Chinas three largest internet groups (they are collectively known as BAT). But its Hong Ko

29、ng listing, in June 2004, differentiates Tencent from its rivals, which headed to the US capital markets.腾讯和XX、阿里巴巴并称“中国互联网三巨头”(BAT)。但腾讯于2014年6月在香港上市,有别于都在美国上市的两家竞争对手。That decision alone won it accolades. “Tencent has a better corporate governance than Google or Facebook,” says Richard Windsor, foun

30、der of independent research company Radio Free Mobile, pointing to its spurning of the dual-class shareholding allowed in the US but banned in Hong Kong.腾讯选择香港为上市地受到了赞誉。独立研究公司Radio Free Mobile创始人理查德.温莎(Richard Windsor)表示:“腾讯的公司治理水平好于谷歌(Google)和Facebook。”他指的是腾讯放弃了在美国允许但在香港禁止的双重股权结构。Strategically, how

31、ever, it has evolved along similar lines to its Silicon Valley peers, says one banker. “Tencent has had a typical US-style upbringing: for the first three to four years after its initial public offering it did nothing; management just delivered on what they said they would.”然而,一位银行人士表示,从战略上来说,腾讯的发展道

32、路与硅谷同行类似。“腾讯的发展有典型的美式风格:(IPO后)头三四年,它什么都没做;(管理层)只是兑现了承诺。”That steady push up the ranks is typical of its founder, Pony Ma (his name is a pun: Ma means horse in Chinese). Unlike his namesake Jack Ma at Alibaba, Tencents Mr Ma shuns the limelight and favours a low-key sartorial style that colleagues and acquaintances say is emblematic of his nerdy persona.这种稳扎稳打的做法体现了腾讯创始人马化腾(Pony Ma)的风格,与同宗的阿里巴巴的马云(Jack Ma)不同,马化腾不喜欢成为公众关注的焦点,他衣着低调,同事和朋友说这符合他的书呆子形象。An engineer by training, the 45-year-old is

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