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1、有关时间旅行的热门问题00:00.00片名:有关时间旅行的热门问题01:32.75Time travel. 时间旅行,01:35.71Itll turn your brain into spaghetti if you let it. 这个问题会令你纠结到神经错乱,01:38.67Best not to think about it. 最好就是不要去思考它.01:40.67Best just to get on with the job in hand, 继续完成我们手头的任务,01:43.75which is destroying the enemy before theyre even b

2、orn 在敌人诞生并对我们产生可能的威胁之前,01:46.15and have a chance to threaten us. 就把他们消灭在萌芽状态.01:48.35Were expecting any resistance to be light, 我们估计到了任何最轻微的抵抗.01:51.07as the ancestors of our enemies have yet to evolve any thumbs, 即使这些我们未来敌人的祖先还没有进化出拇指01:54.71or indeed spines. 或是像样的脊柱来.01:57.67But that does not chan

3、ge the fact that they may one day 但是这改变不了将来有一天01:59.99evolve into a species that may pose a threat to us. 它们可能进化成一个足以对我们产生威胁的种族的事实.02:02.99And for that reason we are going to rain down a fiery death upon them, 为此,我们将要投放大量的强力杀伤性武器,02:06.63that will turn the surface of their planet into a radioactive

4、desert 把这个星球的表面变成一片充满辐射的荒漠.02:10.39because we are the Planetary Peace Corps and that is what we do! 因为我们是星际维和部队,这就是我们的工作!02:16.19Now, are you nappy-wearing motherfuckers ready to lock and load and get it on?! 现在,你们这些乳臭未干的小屁孩准备好装填子弹开始战斗了吗?!02:29.51What? No-no-no-no! Shh! 怎么回事?别别别!嘘!02:32.27Look, its

5、not even a real gun! Ooh! 听着,这根本不是真枪!02:35.87Ooh! Look at all the lights! 看看这些灯光!02:42.11- Liftoff. - Shut up! 住嘴04:04.47 Due to technical difficulties, the Star Ride is closed until further notice. 由于技术性故障,星际探险游戏暂时关闭,请等待进一步通知.04:12.15Due to technical difficulties, the Star Ride is closed until furt

6、her notice. 由于技术性故障,星际探险游戏暂时关闭,请等待进一步通知.04:19.59Two for one at Dinoburger. 恐龙肉汉堡两块钱一个.04:22.51Two for one at Dinoburger. 恐龙肉汉堡两块钱一个.04:25.11It doesnt even make any sense. Why would we do this? 这一点意义也没有 我们干嘛要干这个04:27.71Toby, dont start. 托比,别说了.04:30.07All right, love? Two for one at Dinoburger. 你好啊,姑

7、娘? 恐龙肉汉堡两块钱一个.04:32.75Were encouraging people to eat dinosaurs, to eat us, you know. 我们在鼓励大家吃恐龙,也就是吃你跟我,知道不?04:36.15- Why would we do that? - Were not real dinosaurs. -我们做这些有意义吗? -我们不是真的恐龙.04:38.99- We should be dressed as cavemen. - Tobe, why do you always do this? -我们应该打扮成原始人的. -托比,你干嘛老是纠结这个.04:42

8、.83You were the same on the Ghost Train. 你在“幽灵列车”上也是这样.04:44.39That wasnt logical, either. Werewolves and vampires are natural enemies. 那玩意也不符合逻辑 狼人和吸血鬼是天生的敌人04:48.83There is no way they would team up to attack a train. 他们怎么会联手突袭列车?04:52.27Stop thinking! 别想了!04:53.47- Yeah. - And talking! -那个 -也别说了!

9、04:56.11Yeah, youre right actually. 好吧,你确实是对的.04:57.99We cant think much, cos a dinosaurs brain is only the size of a walnut. 我们不能想得太多,因为恐龙的大脑容量仅相当于一颗胡桃.05:01.75As far as talking goes, its just like. 到目前为止,我们的谈话简直像是白05:11.55Tobe, Tobe, Toby! 托比,托比05:12.91Stop it! You want to be careful you dont get

10、lost in the role. 快停下来.你得当心,别迷失在你扮演的角色里.05:16.51I heard of this one guy over on the Star Ride. 我听说在“星际探险”干活的那个小子,05:18.83Actually thought he was a Space Ranger. 真的把自己当成一个宇宙突击队员.05:21.03Traumatised a load of kids. They sacked him. 吓到了一帮小孩子. 结果被解雇了.05:23.79Oh, hello, Ray. Didnt see you there. 噢,你好啊,雷依

11、. 刚才没注意到你.05:27.31Pete. Tobe. 彼得.托比05:29.75- It was a crappy job, anyway. - Yeah. -那份工作反正也没什么前途. -是啊.05:31.63Says the man dressed as a dinosaur. 连你这头恐龙都这么说了.05:39.27So, what are you gonna do? 那么,你今后有什么打算?05:41.87I dont know. I was thinking about maybe moving back home, -我不知道. -我在想是不是该搬回老家.05:44.87-

12、taking that job at my uncles place. - Why do you wanna do that? -在我叔叔那儿找份工作. -你想到哪里去了?05:48.23- We can get you another job here. - Where? -我们可以帮你在这儿另外搞到一份工作. -哪儿?05:51.47Barry Burps Bubble Ride? Get you a job there easy. “巴利波普的泡泡列车”怎么样? 帮你在那儿找份工作很容易.05:54.51- High turnover cos of the chlorine in the

13、 eyes. - Hmm! It is tempting. -因为有氯气会刺激眼睛,所以那里的工资很高 -嗯,听起来很诱人.05:58.07But there should be more to life than dressing up as a bubble. 但是人生不应该只满足于整天扮演一个泡泡.06:03.15Maybe its time to get real. 或许该是面对现实的时候了06:06.23So. 那么06:08.51In an ideal world, what would be your perfect job? 在一个理想化的世界里, 你最想要做什么工作?06:1

14、1.99- I dont know. Comic shop? - Oh, come on. Think bigger. -我不知道.漫画商店? -噢,拜托,志向大一点嘛.06:15.55Astronaut? 宇航员?06:17.75Yeah, cool! 很好,酷极了!06:19.95But I mean your absolute dream job? I mean, if there was. no limit. 但是我指的是你最梦寐以求的工作,我是说,如果没有任何的现实制约的话.06:25.11No limits? 没有任何制约?06:26.63Well, its obvious. 这个

15、嘛,太明显了06:28.75Its got to be Time Lord. 肯定是当一个“时间领主” (时间领主是出现在英国科幻电视剧神秘博士中的一个来自Gallifrey星球,具有人类外形的种族。时间领主的称谓得自于他们比宇宙中其他种族强大得多的在时间中旅行、甚至操纵时间的能力)06:29.87Oh, come to daddy! Ooh. Whats that? 噢,终于来了!哈哈 出什么事了?06:34.11- Four minutes, 32. - Thats bollocks. You led him on. -四分三十二秒 -乱讲.是你引导他说出来的.06:37.51- What

16、s this? - Its a bet. -怎么回事? -我们打了个赌.06:38.99He reckons youll mention time travel in under five minutes. 他认为你不出五分钟就要开始讲时间旅行了.06:42.03Youre making bets on me? 你们在拿我打赌?06:43.91On the day I get fired, youre making bets on me? 而且是在我被炒鱿鱼的今天,你们居然拿我打赌?06:46.07He did. I didnt want to. 都是他.我本来不想的.06:48.71I do

17、 talk about other things. 我有谈到过其他的话题06:50.31What? Like sky-fi? 什么?比如 “科幻”?06:53.87How many times? Its not sci-fi, Pete, its science fiction, 我说过多少遍了?那不叫“科幻”,彼得,那叫“科学幻想小说”.06:58.11or SF, which can also stand for speculative fiction. 或者也可以叫“科学推理小说”.07:01.43Jesus. And you wonder why you cant get laid.

18、我的天. 你知不知道你为什么把不到妹.07:04.39I can! 我能!07:06.11I do. 我可以!07:08.43Some girls are into science fiction. 有些女孩也很喜欢科学幻想小说的.07:10.99You see, thats your problem, Ray. Your ideal girl is you. 你看,这就是你的症结所在了,雷依. 你理想中的女孩就是翻版的你自己,07:15.31With tits. 再加上一对奶子而已07:19.99In fact, your ideal girl is him. 实际上,你理想的对象就是他.0

19、7:23.51I object to that! 我对此表示抗议!07:26.47Now that was a shit film. Someone should write and complain. 这电影真够烂的. 必须得有人写封信去指责一下.07:31.07Dear Hollywood, youre shit. “亲爱的好莱坞,你们这些混蛋.”07:33.51How hard can it be to make a film that doesnt suck? 一部电影能给你们拍得如此垃圾也真是不容易.07:36.31Ive got millions of great ideas. 我

20、有数不清的优秀创意.07:38.31- Like what? - What? -比如? -啥?07:40.15Come on, I wanna hear one of your great ideas. 拜托,让我听一个你的“优秀创意”.07:42.51OK. 好吧.07:46.55Right. 行.07:48.99Prepare to be amazed. 叫你们大开眼界.07:51.75Ninja Yodeller. 日本忍者与瑞士山歌07:55.19Are you just, like, saying random words, Tobe? 托比,你刚才是胡乱挑选了两个单词吧?07:57

21、.67No. Yodeller by day, ninja by night, you see? 不.瑞士山歌是白天唱的,日本忍者是夜间行动的,明白了没?08:00.75Oh, yeah, because the other way around would be really stupid. 呃,好吧,因为两者对调的话就显得很荒唐了.08:05.23No, youve got like ninjas who are really quiet, yeah? 不,你们都喜欢忍者,因为他们很安静,对吧?08:08.27Yodellers, really loud. Theres a conflic

22、t for the character. 瑞士山歌的歌手却相当聒噪. 这两种角色之间存在冲突.08:11.63Torn between two worlds. 令人左右为难.08:13.59Hes really thought about this. 他还真起劲了.08:16.07OK, you know the way sometimes you come up with a really shit idea 好吧,你知道吗,有时候当你提出一个奇傻无比的见解时,08:20.07like on purpose, to try and test us out? 我感到你简直像是在故意考验我们似的

23、.08:22.83Yeah? 是吗?08:24.23Is this one? 这次到底是不是?08:26.67Yeah, you got me. 是啦,被你识破了.08:30.95- Nearly had you, though. - And him . -不过,差点就把你耍了. -还有他.08:32.67- Yeah. - Ninja yodeller. -没错. -日本忍者与瑞士山歌.08:35.11Ninja yodeller. 日本忍者与瑞士山歌.08:36.67- How is your real script going? - Im doing most of the work u

24、p here. -你真正的剧本写得怎么样了? -我主要在这里面写作.08:40.27Besides, every writer needs to get out in the real world. 而且,每个作家都需要走进现实生活.08:43.59Have some experiences, fresh ones, to enrich his work. 获得一些体验,新鲜的体验,去丰富他的作品.08:47.31Really? I thought a writer needed to stay in and write. 是吗?我以为作家只需要呆在家里写就行了.08:52.23Yeah. T

25、hats the eternal enigma of creativity. 是啊.这是关于创造力来源的永恒之谜.08:55.39We should discuss it. In the pub. 咱们得进酒吧聊聊这个.08:57.71- Give me that. - Oi! -给我看看. -喂!08:58.95Oh, you thieving get! 噢,原来你盗用别人的观点啊呀!09:01.43- I said that! - All great writers steal. -这是我说过的. -所有伟大的作家都借用过别人的观点.09:04.19- Oh! Ray said that?

26、 - What? -噢,这是雷依说的吗? -什么?09:06.23Give it to me. Give me my book. 把它给我.把小册子还我.09:07.99Come on! 拜托!09:12.59Youll see. One day Ill be famous and then youll be sorry. 你走着瞧.等哪一天我出名了,你就知道你错了.09:19.31Dear Hollywood, please stop making so many crappy movies. “亲爱的好莱坞,请别制造这么多垃圾电影.09:24.83Here are a few tips t

27、o help you out. “以下是一些忠告,可以帮你们的忙.09:27.63One: story is king. Always has been, always will be. “第一:剧本才是王道.过去一直是,将来也永远是.09:31.99- This is eating into our drinking time. - OK. -这是在浪费我们喝酒的时间 -好的.09:35.19Er, remakes, Jude Law. 呃,首先要翻拍裘德洛09:39.11Han shot first. 星战中Han第一个开枪的场景.09:40.91More Firefly and/or S

28、erenity. The end. 增拍电视剧萤火虫和宁静号. 完毕.09:45.71Well, thats Hollywood sorted. 嗯,让好莱坞按照这个来改进.09:47.95Shall we move on to the Middle East? 我们能不能把话题转向中东?09:50.43- Pens running out. - Oh, always the way. -钢笔没水了. -噢,你老是这样.09:52.63- Nerds! - Hey! -科幻狂! -嘿!09:54.95Didnt we all agree to stop using the N word? 我们

29、不是说好了不说“科幻狂”这个词的吗09:57.39I didnt agree to anything. 我可没说过我同意.09:58.95Nerd is the word they use to keep us down. “科幻狂”是他们用来给我们浇冷水的词语10:01.31- You should use the term. imagineer. - Yeah. -你应该用这个词“幻想家” -是啊10:06.07Thats the nerdiest thing Ive ever heard! 这是我听过的最白痴的一个词.10:11.83You are just threatened. 你只

30、是被吓到了10:13.47Youre threatened because you dont understand our world. 你被吓到了,因为你不了解这个世界.10:16.35Whats to understand? I saw one Star Trek film. 有什么好了解的? 我看过一部叫星际迷航的电影.10:18.59- I hated it, never looked back. - Really? Which one? -我很讨厌这部片,再也没看过第二遍. -真的?哪一部?10:21.43The first one with the big, gold robot and the little, fat mate. 跟主角一起的有一个很大的金色机器人还有一个又小又胖的男人.10:26.43- You mean Star Wars, dont you? - Do I? Arent they the same thing? -你说的是星球大战吧? -是吗?这两部片不一样吗?10:31.27No. No, theyre not. 不不不,不一样.10:34.03- He knows. - How would I know? Im not a nerd. -他知道. -我怎么会知道?我又不是科幻狂

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