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1、人教版英语八年级下册知识点总结八年级英语下册语法知识复习1.should 情态动词,应当,应当,用于询问,提出建议,或表达职责和义务。如:What should I do? You should have a talk with your parents.could 也可以提出建议,比较委婉。如: You could write him a letter.could还用于礼貌地祈求,如:Could you please clean your room?否定句式:Could you please not do sth?其她惯用情态动词:must必要,have to必要,不得不,may也许,可以,

2、can能,会,也许,可以need需要。 情态动词+动词原形作谓语。2.非谓语动词形式(一)动词不定式构造:to+动词原形或不带to。否定:not+to do或not do句法功能:1)主语:惯用it作形式主语,不定式为真正主语:It is +形容词+for sb. to do sth.It is important to keep fit. =To keep fit is important.2)宾语:(1)直接宾语:想,喜欢,但愿:want,like,love,would like,hope,expect;决定批准回绝开始学习:decide,agree,refuse,begin,start,

3、learn,需要筹划协助提供:need,plan,help,offer+ to do(划线动词还可以接doing) 如:Ill help to clean up the city parks。(宾语)疑问词(what,who,which,where,when ,how,)+to do 作宾语I dont know what to say. 我不懂得说什么。(2)宾补:tell,ask,want,wish,allow,invite,help,encourage,teach等+ sb. to do (hope不能接sb. to do)She asked me to say sorry. 她让我道歉

4、。不带to不定式作宾补:使役动词make/let/have sb. do(3)用it作形式宾语:I thinkfind、+it+adj.+to do sth 如:I find it hard to learn English.3) 定语:放名词或代词后,如:a good way to do,the best time to do,a place to do,something to drink/eat. 4) 状语:无固定搭配,常在完整句子后表目。如:You could visit the sick kids to cheer them up.你可以看望生病孩子来使她们高兴起来。5)表语:用在

5、系动词后。My dream is to become a scientist.(二)、动名词doing1). 只接doing不接to do动词:finish,enjoy,keep,practice,mind,consider,put off,give up,feel like,be busy,have problems/difficulty/trouble/fun ,cant stop +doing 2). 接to do与接doing意不同:stop/continue to do停下来/接着去做另一事stop/continue doing停止/继续做某事, remember/ forget t

6、o do记得/忘掉去做某事,remember/forget doing记得/忘掉做了某事try to do努力去做某事 try doing 尝试做某事3).接do与doing 意不同:感官动词see,hear,watch,notice + sb. do看见/听见/观看/注意到某人做了某事。 see,hear,watch,notice +sb. doing 看见/听见/观看/注意到某人正在做某事。4). 表达户外活动:go shopping,go skating 去溜冰,go fishing,go boating,go camping,go hiking,go bike riding,go sw

7、imming.4). 动名词作主语时,谓语看作单数。如:Listening to music makes me happy.5). 在介词后动词要加ing,即介词+doing.如:Thanks for helping me.3.发出祈求和祈求容许句型Could you (please)+动词原形+、?请你、好吗? (发出祈求)必定回答:Yes,I can. Yes,sure. No problem. 否定回答:Sorry,I cant. Im afraid I cant.Could I +动词原形+、? 我可以、吗? (祈求容许)必定回答:Yes,you can. Yes,please. 否定

8、回答:Sorry,you cant. Im afraid you cant.以could开头表达礼貌地发出祈求或祈求容许疑问句,简略回答不能用couldcouldnt,要用cancant4.过去进行时:表达在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发生动作。1),构造:必定句=主语+was/were+doing+其他否定句=主语+was/were+not+doing+其他普通疑问句=Was/Were+主语+doing+其他2),时间状语:last night,at this time of yesterday等;或者与when,while,as引导过去时间状语连用3),when 当、时候,引导时间状语

9、从句可用普通过去时或过去进行时;可以和非延续性动词连用(begin to rain非延续性),表达点时间;也可以和延续性动词连用,表达段时间。I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily. 当开始下大雨时候,我正在等公交车。When I was waiting for the bus,it began to rain heavily.当我正在等公交车时,开始下大雨了。while 当。时,引导从句只能用进行时态,和延续性动词连用,表达段时间。当复合句主句和从句都用过去进行时,连词只能用while不能用when。如:My mothe

10、r was cooking dinner while my father was reading a newspaper.可归纳为如下主从时态构造:过去进行时+when+普通过去时普通过去时+when/while+过去进行时过去进行时+while+过去进行时4)主从句判断办法:连词引导是从句,另一种就是主句。主从位置不限定先后,若从句在前,中间用逗号隔开。主句从句各有自己主谓构造。 5. 连词与状语从句: 1)until 直到。用于必定句,与延续性动词连用;not 、until ,直到、才,否定句中 ,引导时间状语从句。如: I studied until midnight. = I didn

11、t stop studying until midnight.2)so that 以便、为了,引导目状语从句,且从句常具有情态动词(can,could,should等)You should talk to him so that you can say youre sorry.3)so+形容词+that从句,如此、以至于,引导成果状语从句。 当主句和从句主语一致,且从句是必定句时,so that与enough to可转换;当从句时否定句时,so that与too to可转换He is so strong that he can carry the box. = He is strong eno

12、ugh to carry the box. 她那么壮,能搬动这个箱子。He is so weak that he cant carry the box. =He is too weak to carry the box. 她那么弱,搬不动这个箱子。such+(a/an)+形容词+名词+that从句, 如:This is such an interesting book that I cant put it down. 4)as soon as一、就、引导时间状语从句。谈论将来事,时态要“主将从现”。如:I will call you as soon as I get home.我一到家就给你打

13、电话。谈论过去事,主从都用过去时。 5)unless连词,除非,如果不=if not 。 时态符合“主将从现”You will be late unless you hurry up. = If you dont hurry up,you will be late.你将迟到,除非你快点。 6)although=though=even though,尽管,虽然,虽然。引导让步状语从句,与but 不能连用。7) whether or 不论、还是,引导让步状语从句。6. 数词知识:1)1000以上基数词读法,从右开始数,每隔三位数加一种逗号:第一种逗号thousand(千),第二个million(百

14、万),第三个billion(十亿) nine million,six hundred thousand 注意:hundred后普通加and,十位数和个位数之间加连字符-,小数点读作point,小数点后数一 一读。2)确数:基数词+hundredthousandmillion 。百/千/百万(前有数字后无s与of)如:four thousand概数:hundredsthousandsmillions +of 数以百计/。(前无数字后加s与of)3)分数表达方式:分子分母=基数词序数词(当分子不不大于1,分母加s)three quarters=three fourths 四分之三7. 形容词、副词

15、级别:原级:只描述一种人或事物,原级前可用very,quite,so,really等修饰。as+adj或adv.原级+as:和、同样,否定构造:not asas+adj或adv.原级+as:不如8. 当前完毕时(一):表达过去发生或已经完毕动作对当前导致影响或成果。 惯用时间状语有:already已经(必定句中) yet已经(用于疑问句句末)还(用于否定句句末),just刚刚,ever曾经never从来没有,before此前(用于句末),so far到当前为止,once一次如:I have already finished my homework,so I can watch TV now.(

16、完毕作业对当前看电视影响)(二)表达从过去开始延续到当前动作或状态。惯用时间状语有:for+一段时间,since+过去某时刻/ ago/过去时从句,in the last/past years, how long. 必要与延续性动词连用,如:I have had this bike for three years.当前完毕时构造:1)主语+ have / has +过去分词+其她(当主语是第三人称单数时用has,别的人称用have)过去分词:规则动词过去分词构成与动词过去式相似:+ed;不规则动词P136。havehas been (to)+地点 去过某地(已回来,)havehas gone

17、( to) +地点 去了某地(未回来,)havehas been (in) +地点(还在某地,和时间段连用)(本地点是副词时,介词省略)。如:I have been to Beijing twice.我去过北京两次。Where is she? She has gone to Beijing.她去哪了?她去了北京。She has been in Beijing for two weeks. 她在北京呆了两个星期了。当前完毕时和普通过去时区别:1、与当前与否有联系:普通过去时只强调过去发生动作,当前完毕时强调过去动作对当前影响。I read this book yesterday (只强调读这个动

18、作) I have read this book. I learn something new now. (读这个动作对当前影响:学到某些新东西)2、普通过去时与过去详细时间连用,如:yesterday,last year,when,two days ago等。当前完毕时则不能。9、Whats the matter with sbsth?某人或某物怎么了? 询问问题其她惯用句型:Whats the troubleproblem with sb?Whats wrong with sb?What happened to sb?某人发生了什么事?10、健康问题表达:1)havehas a coldf

19、evercough (感冒,发热,咳嗽)2)havehas a stomachachetoothacheheadache(胃疼,牙疼,头疼)3)havehas a sore backthroat (背疼,嗓子疼)4 ) head and neck hurt 头和脖子疼(P2)5) hurt yourself 伤到你自己(P4)hurt his back伤到她背(p5)6)cut oneself身体部位 cut myself切到自己(P2)7)have a heart problem心脏病 have problems breathing 呼吸困难 8)get hit 被打 get sunburn

20、ed 被晒伤11、不规则复数:foot-feet tooth-teeth Japanese-Japanese Chinese- Chinese 12. too much 太多,可以修饰动词和不可数名词;much too 太,修饰形容词, too many 太多,修饰可数名词复数。13.enough修饰名词,可前可后,water enough=enough water足够水;修饰形容词需后置,big enough足够大14.用an 表达“一种”词:X-ray,8-year-old boy,accident,alarm,amusement park,island,interesting book,

21、honest student等元音开头词(不是看元音字母)15. with 介词 带有,具备。如:hot tea with honey 反义:without没有,不带有:without eating breakfast16. because of+名词、代词、动词ing; because+ 从句17. 反身代词:单数:myself,yourself ,himself,herself,itself 复数:ourselves,yourselves,themselves常用短语:hurt oneself 伤到某人自己 by oneself 独自 enjoy oneself 玩开心18. a few,

22、few 后接可数名词复数,a little,little后接不可数名词;a few几种,a little有点儿,表达必定意义,few,little 很少、几乎没有,表达否定意义。19. be used to doing sth 习惯做某事 used to do sth 过去经常做某事I used to stay up late,but Im used to going to bed early.我过去经常熬夜,但是当前习惯早睡了。20. lonely 孤单(有感情色彩)alone单独,独自(无感情色彩)feel lonely;live alone21.动副短语接代词时,代词要放中间,如:giv

23、e it/them up22. So +助动词/be/情态动词+ 主语 “某人也同样” 如:I often exercise. So _ he.Neither +助动词/be/情态动词+ 主语“某人也不”23. 区别:neither 两者都不,either 两个中任一种,both两个都,all三个或以上都。用neither of或either of 作主语时,谓语为单数;用both of all of 作主语时,谓语为复数。如: Neither of them _been to London before. Both of my parents _(be) doctors24.区别:三个“也”

24、too用于必定句末,either用于否定句末,also用于句中。如:He did not want to lose his toy monkey,_25. 耗费:spend,pay,cost,and takesb spend timemoney on sth doing sth 某人耗费时间、金钱做某事sb pay some money for sth 某人付钱买某物it takes sb some time to do sth 做某事话费多少时间sth cost (sb) some money 某物耗费某人多少钱26in order to +do (短语)为了,目是。否定:in order

25、not to doso that +从句 “为了,以便于”27. 区别两个“如此”:such+(aan)+形容词+名词 ,so + 形容词/副词。 如:such bad weather; so lovely28、复合句中宾语从句用陈述语序。如:I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.29.provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物 同义:offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.30.keep sb./sth. + 形容词:使某人或某物保持

26、。 如:keep clean and tidy 保持干净整洁31.Why dont you +do=Why not +do(动词原形) 为什么不。? (提建议)Why dont you talk to your parents?= Why not talk to your parents?其她提意见句型(理解)Whathow about +doing sth? 做某事怎么样?Shall we +do sth 让咱们做某事好吗?Lets +do sth 让咱们做某事吧Would you mind +doing sth 你介意做某事吗?You had better (not) +do sth 你最

27、佳(不)做某事32. instead 相反,却,代替,修饰整个句子(放句首或句末). instead of+名词、代词、动词ing:代替,而不是(放句中)如:He would like to stay at home _ going shopping.33.leave和forget区别: leave sth someplace把某物落在某地 forget to do sth忘掉做某事(抽象事情) 如:You _ homework at home yesterday. 34. other +名词复数 “其她。”,泛指;onethe other(两个中)一种。另一种;another(三个及以上中)

28、另一种;any other +名词单数 “任何其她。” the other +名词复数=the others “别的。”,特指35.This thatlastnext +时间(前面没有介词)如:What were you doing last night?36. 常用不可数名词(抽象名词):pressure,stress,information,news,advice,weather,pollution,progress37. 区别:maybe也许、也许,常放句首;may be也许是,在句中作谓语。38. 介词:1)against倚、碰、撞、反对。如:fight against对抗,beat

29、against撞击;2).during在。期间,如:during the daytime,during the holiday;3). among 在三者或以上之中,如:among the students,between 两者之间,如:the classes在课间,between the school and the bank. 4)by 在。旁边by the sea;不迟于by 5 oclock;被,由某人by Moyan;乘骑by bus;通过做某事by exersicing;5))along沿着 along the way 6)down沿着;向下down the street,sit

30、down39.区别: whole adj 所有,整体 the+whole+cn单数 如: the whole family 整个家庭All+the+uncn复数 all the money所有钱 all the books所有书40. 感叹句:1)what+aan+形容词+可数名词单数+主谓!2)what+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主谓!3)How+形容词/副词+主谓!_ a long time you slept in the forest!你们在森林里睡了这样久!41. 区别:voice (人)嗓音 sound 泛指声音 noise噪音 42. population 集合名词,人口

31、,人口数量1)The population of + is 某地人口是、(指人口总称,谓语动词单数)The population of China is 1.3 billion.2)分数百分数+of the population are (谓语动词复数)90% of the population in China are Han people.3)形容人口多少:big,large,small The population of China is large,中华人民共和国人口众多。4)对人口提问:what或how large 如:Whats the population of China?43.tour 旅行,旅游(观光游玩);Journey(长途),trip(短途),travel泛指44. How high/long/wide/deep is .?多高/长/宽/深? 答:Its +数字 + meters/kilometers high/long/wide/deep.4

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