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1、牛津英语8Aunit1知识点汇总8A Unit 1 School life 知识点汇总 班级: 姓名:一、重点短语.一、重点短语。1.为什么狗们不去上学? Why dont dogs go to school? (Why dont you do sth=why not do sth?)2学校是什么样子的?就像看电视一样,不过广告少些。Whats school like? Its like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements. 3.英式英语、 美式英语 British English American English4在八年级 in Y

2、ear 8/ in 8th grade/Grade 85一所混合学校 a mixed school6一起上课 have lessons together7我最爱的科目是家政课 My favourite subject/is Home Economics (like best)8知道如何为自己做事情 know how to do things for myself9有一个阅读周 have a Reading Week10在今年的读书周期间 during this years Reading Week11从家中带来书和杂志 bring in books and magazines from hom

3、e12不得不告诉老师我们在看什have to tell our English teacher what we are reading13每节课快近结束时 near the end of each class在结束的时候 at the end of14和我们同学谈论我们的书 talk to our classmates about our books15读我们所有同学的书 read all our classmates books16太短 too short 17也 as well=/too(肯定句句尾)/also(句中)/either(否定句句尾)18上驾驶课 have driving le

4、ssons19开车送我上学 drive me to school/=take me to school by car/in ones car20一周一次/两次 once/ twice a week21打垒球 play softball22花许多时间操练 spend a lot of time practicing/practicing23 这比乘公交车花的时间少. It takes less time than taking the bus.24和新生谈论学校生活 talk to new students about school life25一位12年级的毕业生 a senior in 12

5、th grade26帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth/ help sb do sth /help sb to do sth27帮助我了解所有新学校的事情help me learn all about my new school28有半小时的家作要做 have half an hour of homework to do29倾听我的问题 listen to my problems30在午餐期间 during lunchtime31做某事做得很高兴 have a great time doing sth /_have fun /enjoy oneself doing sth 32.

6、读一篇由某人写的文章 read an article by sb33学更多的学科 learn more subjects34加入更少的俱乐部 join fewer clubs35有更少的空闲时间 have less free time36读更少的故事 read fewer stories37吃更少的西红柿 eat fewer tomatoes38植最少的树 plant the fewest trees39花费更少的钱在光盘上 spend less money on CDs40喝最少的牛奶 drink less milk41得最少的分 score the most points42网友 onli

7、ne friends43和-一样=象-一样 be the same as-44和-不同 be different from-45-的数目是多少? -的数目是- whats the number of-? The number of - is -.46大量的 a large number of -= a lot of-47暑假的长度 the length of the summertime48穿校服 wear school uniforms49做早操 do morning exercises50休假五天 have five days off = have a five-day holiday =

8、have a five days holiday51在夏季 in the summertime/in summer52你们学校8年级有几个班 How many Grade 8 classes are there at your school?53他的腿受伤了。 He hurt his leg / His leg was hurt (seriously)54住院一个月 be/ stay in hospital for a month55能够做某事 be able to do sth /can do sth /have the ability to do sth /have the ability

9、 of doing sth56朝窗外看 look out of the window57上电视 be on TV58今晚吃蛋糕当晚餐 have cakes for dinner tonight59搬到加拿大 move to Canada60你们学校白天什么时候开始?What time does your school day start?61棋牌室和舞蹈俱乐部 the chess club and dance club62我理想中的学校 my ideal school63有半小时的家作 have half an hour of homework64有许多课外活动的时间 have lots of

10、 time for/ to do after-school activities65听流行音乐 listen to pop music 66一个带有许多有用的书的图书馆a library with lots of useful books67花更少的钱买唱片 spend less money on CDS/buying CDs68在的一边,在的另一边; on one side of , on the other side of 在路每一边; on each side of the road在马路的两边 on both sides of the road69穿校服/戴领带 wear school

11、 uniforms/ wear ties70参加去博物馆或剧院的学校旅行 go on a school trip to a museum or a theatre71回形针 paper clips 72英国的天气和中国的不一样。 The weather in Britain is different from that in China. 73我的鞋子和他的鞋子尺寸一样。My shoes are the same size as his./as bi as74我的鞋子和你的鞋子一样。 My shoes are the same as/look like yours.二、语法:形容词的原级、比较

12、级和最高级的用法1. few:少, 修饰可数名词复数;(fewer,fewest) little:少, 修饰不可数名词; (less, least)(另外little可作为形容词,小的。 Eg:a little girl) few和little 单独使用时表示否定; a few 和 a little 表示肯定(几个/ 一点) less than 少于,不到; more than 多于,超过; at least 至少; at most 最多 eg: Tom,there is _(few/ little) milk in the fridge. Go to buy some. I have _(a

13、 few / a little) friends here, so I seldom feel lonely.2.各种级别之间的相互转换: Eg: I have more books than you. You have fewer books than i There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing. There is more air pollution in other areas of Beijing than in Sunshine the same 是一样

14、的 look the same 看起来一样 look the same as-=look like-看起来象- be the same as- 和-一样 be different是不同的 look different看起来不同 look a little different看起来有点不同 be different from- 和-不同 be the same +名词 +as - 和-是一样的什么 eg:Your dress and mine look the same. Your dress looks the same as mine=Your dress looks like mine.

15、Their school and ours are different. = Their school is different from ours. =There are some differences between their school and ours. He is as old as I . = He is the same age as I. 象这种用法的还有:as tall as the same height as; As long as the same length as; As big as the same size as; As heavy as the sam

16、e weight as Red, red the same colour as;注意前后比较的对象要一致及 that和those 的指代(也适用于形容词的级别比较) Eg:His drawing looks a little different from _( I ). The weather in Nanjing is different from _( that / those) in Beijing. The students in the USA have more weeks off than _( that / those) in Britain. 总结:it 用于指代可数名词单数

17、或不可数名词; those 用于指代可数名词复数。4.比较级前加the的两种情况:The+比较级-,+the+比较级-。表示:-越怎么样,-就会越怎么样。Eg: The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes(错误) you will make. of the twoEg: Which is taller ,Tom or Jack?Which is the taller of the two boys?5.最高级的固定结构: one of the +最高级+名词复数 表示:最怎么样的-之一 the +最高级+名词单数 of all 表示:所有-中最怎么

18、样的 Its the +最高级+名词 +现在完成时的句子 Eg: China is one of the biggest countries in the world. Dog is the cleverest animal of all. Its the most interesting film I have ever seen.这是我(到现在为止)所看过的最有趣的电影6.练习巩固1.他现在比以前胖的多。 He is _ _ now than _.2.她的钱比我多但朋友比我少。 She _ than I, but_ than I. 3.我们班男生比女生多。 _ than girls in

19、our class.4. Sandy喝的牛奶比Simon少。 Sandy _ than Simon.5. Daniel学的科目比John多。 Daniel _ than John.6. Daniel的业余时间比Nancy少。 Daniel _ than Nancy.7.Simon 的夹克杉和John的一样。Simons jacket is _ Johns jacket.8. Daniel的制服和Simon的相同, 但是与John的不同.Daniels uniform _ Simons, but _ Johns. 9. Nancy的时间表和John的时间表不一样。Nancys timetable

20、 _ Johns timetable.10. 她的头发和她妈妈的是一样的颜色。Her hair _ her mothers.11体育是最受欢迎的课程之一. PE is one of . 8A 第二单元复习学案 班级: 姓名:一、单词听写1.电影_ 2.美味的 _ 3.毕业生 _ 4.文章 _5.羡慕_ 6.地理 _ 7.语言 _ 8.科学 _9.不流行的_ 10长度 _ 11假期 _ 12.不重要的 _二、词组听写1.如何自理 _ 2. 上驾驶课_3.开车送我上学_ 4. 加入更少的俱乐部_5.玩得开心_ 6. 得最少的分_7.-的数目_ 8. 他的腿伤得很严重_9.住院一个月_ 10参加去博

21、物馆或剧院的学校旅行_三、根据课文内容填空(注意用正确形式,你的能力有没有提高啊?)John studies in _8 at Woodland School near London. Its a m_ school. His favorite subject is Home E_. He likes learning how to cook and s_. Before he came to the school, he didntt know how to do things for h_, but now he knows how to cook h_ and tasty meals.

22、Every year his school has a r_ week. He can read any b_ from the school library and even b _ in books and magazines from home but they have to tell their English teacher w_ they are reading. Near the e_ of the class ,they can t_ about their books. The reading week is always too short because they wa

23、nt to read all their f_ books as well.Nancy is a 14-year-old girl and she studies in the n_ grade at Rocky Mountain High School in Denver. Her brother Jim is a 17-year-old boy. He had d_ lessons last year, so he d_ her to school every day. This is great because its faster than t_ the bus. She plays

24、softball after school t_ a week. She loves it and so she spends a lot of time p_ p_ it. Every Monday she goes to a “ b_ club”. She enjoys this a lot. Her buddy Julie is a s_ in 12th grade. She helps her l_ all about her new school and helps her w_ her homework. Nancy meets her friends d_ lunchtime,

25、and they always have a great time t_ to each other. Sometimes they go to shopping m_ after school.四、语法巩固练习A)选择( )1.Toms uncle moved here a week agoHe has _friends hereThis makes him lonely Afew Ba few C. little Da little ( )2.I think Taiyuan is as beautiful as Nanjing. But Taiyuan doesnt have as_tre

26、es as NanjingAmore Bmost Cmuch Dmany( )3.My mother is always the busiest in my familyShe has _free time in my family Afew B1ess Cthe least Dthe fewest( )4.During this years Reading Week,I read the most books in our class No one read _books than I Amany Bmore Cfew Dfewer( )5.一Why is Tom unhappy today

27、? 一He got_points of all the boys。 Athe most Bmore Cthe fewest Dthe least( )6.一His T-shirt looks _. 一Really? But I bought mine two years ago in HongKong A.the same as yours B.the same as you C.same as yours D.the same with yoursB) 用所给词的适当形式填空1. We have _(few) lessons than them.2. There are _(much) bread in the fridge than on the table.3. Do you like _(walk) to school everyday?4. Daniels school is quite _ from Mikes. There are many _ between the two schools. (different)5.She has _ (few) apples of all.6

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