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1、自学考试自考英语二复习资料自学考试自考英语二复习资料(一)-4-1 13:55:00来源:环球网校频道:自学考试Key words and phrases1. efficiency :n 效率,其她同根词:efficient:a 高效率;inefficient:a 效率低;inefficiency :n;effective:a 有效果1). He has done much to increase the _ of English teaching.2). She is very _ in reducing waste.3). His _ study method caused his fai

2、lure.4). The city government took some _ measures to reduce unemployment.Answers:efficiency,efficient;inefficient,effective2. increasingly:ad不断增长地, 由此可以联想到:increase:v 增长;increasing:a 不断增长;decrease:v减少;1). Drinking and smoking among young people _ to an alarming extent.2). The truth is becoming _ app

3、arent.3). The _ friendly relations between the two countries strengthen the cultural exchanges between them.3. prevalent:a 流行,普通 = popular4. calculator :n 计算者,计算器,calculate:v 计算;calculation :n 计算;calculating:a 诡计多端5. expose:v 使暴露,揭露,揭发,exposure:n;expose sb to sth让某人接触。6. completion:n 完毕、结束,由此可以联想到:c

4、omplete:v完毕,a 完整,completeness:n 完整;incomplete:a 不完整1). He _ denied the existence of god.2). He has never _ a project on time.3). Money will be paid half in advance and half on _.4). When will the new railway _?7). intensity :n 强烈、激烈,由此可以联想到:intense = strong:a 强烈,intensive:a 密集,加强;intensify:v 加强;inte

5、nsion:n 强烈、紧张。1). We should _ the struggle for peace.2). There are few strong situations or moments of dramatic _.3). They have been receiving a four-day _ training course.4). They kept working in the _ heat.Answers:intensify,intensity,intensive,intense8. defective :a 有缺陷,defect:n 缺陷9. assemble:v 集合

6、、装配;assembly:n 装配10. expose sth/sb to sth:暴露,面临、遭受1). People often expose their skin to the sun in summer.2). I wont expose my soldiers to such unnecessary risks.11. in that:在于,由于1). I like the country better in that it is closer to nature.12. in question:正被谈论,正被考虑(普通放在被修饰名词背面)We know nothing about

7、the plan in question.Analyze the difficult sentences1. Most of todays robots are employed in the automotive industry,where they are programmed to take over such jobs as welding and spray painting automobile and truck bodies. (p2)翻译:今天大多数机器人用于汽车工业,它们按照编好程序接任了汽车和卡车车身焊接和喷漆这一类工作。分析:该句考点是where引导非限定性定语从句,

8、修饰in the automotive industry。此外请注意几种词用法:employ:v 雇佣,使用,相称于use;program:v 编写程序;take over:接管、接受、接任,如:Do you want me to take over the driving if you are tired?such.as例如,welding and spray painting是动名词,做宾语。2. Robots,already taking over human tasks in the automotive field,are beginning to be seen ,although

9、 to a lesser degree,in other industries as well. (p3)翻译:除了在汽车生产领域代替人工劳动外,机器人也开始在别工业部门应用,虽然应用限度低某些。分析:该句考点如下:already taking over human tasks in the automotive field是当前分词短语做定语;to be seen不定式被动概念;although to a lesser degree让步状语,to a lesser degree是表达:在更小限度上,反义词:to a larger degree.3. The robots used in nu

10、clear pants handle the radioactive materials,preventing human personnel from being exposed to radiation. (p3)翻译:核电站里使用机器人解决辐射材料,避免人员接触放射性物质。分析:主语:The robots;谓语:handle;宾语:the radioactive materials;used in nuclear pants handle the radioactive materials是过去分词短语做定语;preventing human personnel from being e

11、xposed to radiation是当前分词短语做随着状语。being exposed to动名词被动语态;prevent sb from doing 制止某人做某事。4. Robots differ form automatic machines in that after completion of one specific task,they can be reprogrammed by a computer to do another one. (p4)翻译:机器人与自动化装置区别在于它们完毕一项特定任务后可以由计算机重新编程去执行另一项任务。分析:该句重要考点:in that,相

12、称于because,所引导从句表因素。如:Men are different from other animals in that the former can create and use tools while the latter cannot.5. It is not yet known whether robots will one day have vision as good as human vision. (p5)翻译:人们不懂得与否有一天机器人能具备像人类同样好视觉。分析:该句主语是whether引导主语从句。(关于知识请见课后补充语法。),it 是形式主语;as good

13、 as human vision是后置定语修饰vision;6. Engineers working on other advances are designing and experimenting with new types of metal hands and fingers,giving robots a sense of touch. (p6)翻译:在其她方面努力获得进展工程人员正在设计和实验新金属手臂和手指,使机器人具备触觉。分析:请注意该句中几种-ing区别:working on other advances是非谓语动词中当前分词;are designing and exper

14、imenting是谓语动词进行时态;giving robots a sense of touch是非谓语动词当前分词做成果状语。词组:experiment with sth实验。7. These future robots,assembled with a sense of touch and the ability to see and make decisions,will have plenty of work to do. (p7)翻译:将来具备触觉、视觉并能决策机器人将可以做诸多工作。分析:主语:These future robots;谓语:will have;宾语:plenty o

15、f work to do。assembled with a sense of touch and the ability to see and make decisions是过去分词短语做定语,修饰主语,其中动词不定式to see and make decisions是此外一种定语,修饰the ability.词组:be assembled with sth = be equipped wth sth装备有。;a sense of touch触觉,同样短语尚有:a sense of sight/hearing/smell/taste:视觉,听觉,嗅觉,味觉;a sense of humor/d

16、irection:幽默感/方向感。make decisions做出决定;plenty of sth充分,足够8. Anyone wanting to understand the industry of the future will have to know about robotics. (p7)翻译:任何但愿理解将来工业人必要懂机器人。分析:这句话是国考题目中常考。考点:wanting to understand the industry of the future,是当前分词短语做定语,修饰anyone. 词组:know about sth理解。,懂得。自学考试公共英语(二)课程不规则

17、动词表-3-10 14:45:00来源:环球网校频道:自学考试中文原形动词过去式过去分词1浮现,升起arisearosearisen2开始beginbeganbegun3吹blowblewblown4打断breakbrokebroken5选取choosechosechosen6做dodiddone7画drawdrewdrawn8喝drinkdrankdrunk9开车,驾驶drivedrovedriven10吃eatateeaten11落下fallfellfallen12飞flyflewflown13冻结freezefrozefrozen14给givegavegiven15去gowentgone



20、had48听hearheardheard49抓 拿holdheldheld50保持keepkeptkept51放laylaidlaid52领导leadledled53离开leaveleftleft54借出lendlentlent55丢失loselostlost56制做makemademade57意思是meanmeantmeant58碰见meetmetmet59误解,误会misunderstandmisunderstoodmisunderstood60恐慌panicpanickedpanicked61付钱paypaidpaid62说saysaidsaid63谋求seeksoughtsought6


22、rstburst80投 扔castcastcast81价值 耗费costcostcost82切cutcutcut83打击hithithit84伤害hurthurthurt85让letletlet86放putputput87读readreadread88流出shedshedshed89关闭shutshutshut90分离splitsplitsplit91伸开spreadspreadspread92插 刺thrustthrustthrust93弄翻 心烦upsetupsetupset下列各词原形和过去分词相似94变得 成为becomebecamebecome95来comecamecome96跑ru

23、nranrun97、98是特殊变化97击打beatbeatbeaten98忍受 出生bearboreborn / borne98后来各词过去式或过去分词为两可型99咬bitebitbit / bitten100忘掉forgetforgotforgot/ forgotten101得到getgotgot / gotten102躲藏hidehidhid / hidden103证明proveprovedproved / proven104缝sewsewedsewed / sewn105出示 展示showshowedshowed / shown106打击strikestruckstruck / stri

24、cken107唤醒awakeawoke / awakedawoke / awaked108打赌betbet / bettedbet / betted109广播broadcastbroadcast/broadcastedbroadcast/broadcasted110燃烧burnburnt / burnedburnt / burned111做梦dreamdreamt/dreameddreamt / dreamed112适合fitfit /fittedfit / fitted113* 处死hanghangedhanged113悬挂hanghunghung114倾斜leanleant / leane

25、dleant / leaned115学习learnlearnt / learnedlearnt / learned116* 撒谎lieliedlied116躺lielaylain117挣脱ridrid / riddedrid / ridded118发光shineshined / shoneshined / shone119嗅 ,闻smellsmelled / smeltsmelled / smelt120加速speedsped /speededsped / speeded121拼写spellspelt / spelledspelt / spelled122溢出spillspilt / spilledspilt / spilled123醒wakewoke / wakedwoke /waked / woken124弄湿wetwet / wettedwet / wetted自考英语(二)常考词组汇总-2-18 13:44:00来源:环球网校频道:自学考试 the way

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