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肖申克的救赎 双语剧本.docx

1、肖申克的救赎 双语剧本肖申克的救赎 双语剧本Mr. Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. 请你描述命案当晚 和妻子争吵的情形 It was very bitter. 我们吵的很凶 She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. 她说她不怕我知道 她讨厌偷偷摸摸 And she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno. 她还说想去雷

2、诺办离婚 - What was your response? - I told her I would not grant one. 你怎样回答 ? Ill see you in hell before I see you in Reno. 我拒绝离婚 Those were your words, according to your neighbors. “ 你别想活着去雷诺镇” 邻居作证你说过这句话 If they say so. 也许吧 I really dont remember. I was upset. 我气炸了 , 记不清楚 What happened after you argu

3、ed with your wife? 你们吵完以后呢 ? She packed a bag. 她收拾行李 She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr. Quentin. 去跟昆丁先生住一起 Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club. 葛兰昆丁 乡村俱乐部的高球教练 . whom you had discovered was your wifes lover. 你最近才发现他是你太太的情夫 Did you follow her? 你跟踪他吗 ? I went to a few bars

4、first. 我先去酒吧买醉 Later, I drove to his house to confront them. They werent home. 然后去他家 , 但没人在 I parked in the turnout. 我就在外面等 . and waited. 用意何在 ? With what intention? Im not sure. 我不确定 I was confused. 我醉了 , 糊里糊涂 . drunk. I think. 我只想吓吓他们 . mostly I wanted to scare them. When they arrived, you went up

5、 to the house and murdered them. 结果你等他们回来 就进屋去杀了他们 I was sobering up. 不 , 我逐渐酒醒 I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off. 开车回家睡觉 Along the way, I threw my gun into the Royal River. 并把枪丢入皇家河 Ive been very clear on this point. 我已讲的很清楚 I get hazy where the cleaning woman shows up the foll

6、owing morning. 但清洁妇次晨上工时 .and finds your wife in bed with her lover. 发现床上的双尸 身上满是三八的弹孔 .riddled with.38-caliber bullets. Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, or is it just me? 你不觉得这很巧吗 ? 还是只有我这么想 ? Yes, it does. 是很巧 Yet you still maintain you threw your gun into the river. 但你仍声称丢弃了枪 .bef

7、ore the murders took place. Thats very convenient. 这种说法很省事 Its the truth. 这是实话 The police dragged that river for three days, and nary a gun was found. 警方打捞三天都没找到 .so no comparison could be made between your gun and the bullets. 这样就无法比对 受害者身上的弹痕 .taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims. An

8、d that also. 所以呢 , 这样说很省事 .is very convenient. Isnt it, Mr. Dufresne? 不是吗 , 杜弗伦先生 ? Since I am innocent of this crime. 我无罪 .I find it decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found. 找不到枪反而很费事 Ladies and gentlemen, youve heard all the evidence. 一切证据都向各位报告了 We have the accused at the scene of the

9、 crime. We have footprints. 脚印和胎痕证明被告在场 Bullets on the ground bearing his fingerprints. 沾有指纹的子弹散落地面 A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints. 碎酒瓶上也有指痕 And most of all. 最重要的是 . we have a beautiful young woman and her lover. 一位美女与情夫相拥而死 . lying dead in each others arms. They had sinned. 他们是

10、有罪的 But was their crime so great. 但罪该致死吗 ? . as to merit a death sentence? While you think about that. 请各位再考虑一件事 .think about this: 左轮枪只能装六发 , 而非八发 A revolver holds six bullets, not eight. I submit that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion. 所以他并非一时冲动 That at least could be understood, if not

11、condoned. 冲动并不可宽恕 , 但可理解 No. 然而 , 这是复仇 This was revenge. .of a much more brutal, cold-blooded nature. Consider this: 残忍而冷血的谋杀 Four bullets per victim. 这两人各中四枪 Not six shots fired, but eight. 共八枪 , 而非六枪 That means that he fired the gun empty. 因此他是先射完一轮 . and then stopped to reload. 再装弹补上两枪 编剧 : 法兰克戴拉

12、朋特 . so that he could shoot each of them again. 一人添一枪 , 射穿脑袋 An extra bullet per lover. . right in the head. You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr. Dufresne. 你毫无感觉 , 全无悔意 It chills my blood just to look at you. 看见你就令我齿冷 By the power vested in me by the state of Maine. 根据缅因州赋予我的

13、权力 制片 : 尼基马文 .I hereby order you to serve two life sentences back-to-back. 我判你两个无期徒刑 .one for each of your victims. So be it! 为两位死者偿命 导演 : 法兰克戴拉朋特 Sit. 坐下 We see youve served 20 years of a life sentence? 你判无期徒刑 , 已关二十年 - Yes, sir. - You feel youve been rehabilitated? 是的 你改过自新了吗 ? Yes, sir. Absolutel

14、y, sir. 是的 , 确实如此 I mean, I learned my lesson. 我已得到教训 I can honestly say that Im a changed man. 真的 , 我已洗心革面 Im no longer a danger to society. 上帝为证 , 我不会危害社会 Thats Gods honest truth. (不准假释) Hey, Red. 瑞德 , 怎样 ? Howd it go? Same old shit, different day. 还不是老样子 Yeah, I know how you feel. 我了解 Im up for r

15、ejection next week. 我下周也准备要吃闭门羹 Yeah, I got rejected last week. 我上周才假释被拒 It happens. 难兄难弟 Hey, Red, bump me a deck. 借一包烟吧 Get out of my face, man! Youre into me for five packs already. 滚开 , 你欠我五包 Four! 四包 五包 There must be a con like me in every prison in America. 美国各监狱少不了我这种人 Im the guy who can get

16、it for you. 我什么都弄得到 Cigarettes, a bag of reefer, if thats your thing. 香烟啦 , 大麻啦 . bottle of brandy to celebrate your kids high school graduation. 家有喜事想喝白兰地也行 Damn near anything within reason. 几乎什么都没问题 Yes, sir! Im a regular Sears and Roebuck. 是的 , 我就像邮购公司 So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949. 1

17、9 4 9 年 , 安迪杜弗伦 . and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him. 要我把丽泰海华斯弄给他 . I told him, No problem. 我只说“ 没问题” Andy came to Shawshank Prison. 他在4 7 年初入鲨堡监狱 . in early 1947 for murdering his wife and the fella she was banging. 因为杀害老婆和情夫 On the outside, hed been vice president of a l

18、arge Portland bank. 他本来是大银行副总裁 Good work for a man so young. 典型的青年才俊 瑞德 You speak English, butt-steak? 你懂英文吗 ? 跟这位长官走 You follow this officer. I never seen such a sorry-Iooking heap of maggot shit in all my life. 我这辈子没看过这么窝囊的人渣 Hey, fish! Come over here! 菜鸟 , 过来 菜鸟 , 过来 Taking bets today, Red? 打个赌吧

19、? Smokes or coin? Bettors choice. 赌烟或钱 ? Smokes. Put me down for two. 烟 , 我赌两根 All right, whos your horse? 你挑哪个 ? That little sack of shit. 那个小个子 - Eighth. Hell be first. - Bullshit! Ill take that action. 前头数来第八个 他是第一个 Youre out some smokes, son. 算你瞎眼 , 我赌了 你输定了 If youre so smart, you call it. 你聪明 ,

20、 你挑呀 Ill take that chubby fat-ass there. 第五个 , 胖脸肥臀那个 The fifth one. Put me down for a quarter deck. 我赌五根烟 Fresh fish today! 菜鸟来了 Were reeling them in! 菜鸟来罗 I admit I didnt think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him. 说实话 , 当初我并不看好他 Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over. 弱不禁风的 That was

21、 my first impression of the man. 这是他给我的最初印象 What do you say? 你挑谁 ? That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass. 面带富贵相的高个儿 That guy? Never happen. 他 ? 不可能啦 - 10 cigarettes. - Thats a rich bet. 我赌十根烟 Whos going to prove me wrong? 有种 谁要和我赌 ? Heywood? Jigger? 赫伍 ? 渣哥 ? Skeets? 史基 ? 福洛 ? Fl

22、oyd! Four brave souls. 你们输定了 Return to your cellblocks for evening count. 回牢房准备点名 All prisoners, return to your cellblocks. 全部回房去 Turn to the right! 向右转 , 看前方 Eyes front. This is Mr. Hadley. Hes captain of the guards. 他是警备队长海利 Im Mr. Norton, the warden. 我是典狱长诺顿 You are convicted felons. 你们因为作奸犯科 Tha

23、ts why theyve sent you to me. 所以才进监狱 Rule number one: 第一条规定 : 不可渎神 No blasphemy. Ill not have the Lords name taken in vain in my prison. 不准滥呼上主之名 The other rules. 其它规矩慢慢学 .youll figure out as you go along. Any questions? When do we eat? 有问题吗 ? 何时吃饭 ? You eat when we say you eat. 我们叫你吃就吃 You shit whe

24、n we say you shit, and piss when we say you piss. 叫你拉就拉 , 叫你撒就撒 You got that, you maggot-dick motherfucker? 你懂吗 , 死人渣 ? On your feet. 起来 I believe in two things: 我笃信两件事 Discipline and the Bible. 一为管训 , 二为圣经 Here, youll receive both. 你们两样都少不了 Put your trust in the Lord. 把信仰寄托神 , 把贱命交给我 Your ass belon

25、gs to me. Welcome to Shawshank. 鲨堡监狱欢迎各位 Unhook them. 解铐 Turn around. 转身 Thats enough. 可以了 Move to the end of the cage. 走到底 Turn around. Delouse him. 转身 沥除虱粉 Turn around. 转身 Move out of the cage. Pick up your clothes and Bible. 到左边领囚衣和圣经 Next man up! 下一个 To the right. 向右 Right. Right. Left. The firs

26、t nights the toughest. No doubt about it. 头一夜最难熬 , 绝对如此 They march you in naked as the day you were born. 光着屁股行进 . skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit. 火辣的药粉令你半盲 And when they put you in that cell. 当你进笼 , 门闩锁上 . and those bars slam home. . thats when you know its for real. 你才明白这是玩真的

27、 Old life blown away in the blink of an eye. 眨眼间 , 一生就毁了 Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it. 只留下无穷的悔恨 Most new fish come close to madness the first night. 新囚在初夜多半濒临疯狂 Somebody always breaks down crying. 总会有人哭出来 Happens every time. 毫无例外 The only question is. 我们只是等着看是谁 . whos

28、 it going to be? Its as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess. 用这聚赌也挺有趣的 I had my money on Andy Dufresne. 我赌杜弗伦 Lights out! 熄灯 I remember my first night. 我记得我的第一夜 Seems like a long time ago. 感觉好远好远 Hey, fish. Fish, fish. What are you, scared of the dark? 菜鸟 , 来嘛 Bet you wish your daddy never dicked

29、 your mama! 怎么 , 怕黑吗 ? 后悔爸妈搞出你来 ? Piggy! Pork! I want me a pork chop. 小猪猪 , 你的肉好香 The boys always go fishing with first-timers. 老鸟总是捉弄菜鸟 And they dont quit till they reel someone in. 直到惹哭才罢休 Hey, Fat Ass. 猪公 Fat Ass! 肥臀 , 说句话嘛 Talk to me, boy. I know youre there. I can hear you breathing. 我听得到你呼吸 Do

30、nt you listen to these nitwits, you hear me? 你别受这些白痴的骗 This place aint so bad. 这儿没那么糟啦 Tell you what. 我帮你引见 , 带你进入状况 .Ill introduce you around, make you feel right at home. I know a couple of big old bull queers thatd just. 有些同志想亲近你 .Iove to make your acquaintance. 还有你那白肉肥臀 Especially that big, whit

31、e, mushy butt of yours. God! 天哪 , 我不要坐牢 I dont belong here! - We have a winner! - I want to go home! 有人中奖了 And its Fat Ass by a nose! 我要回家 肥臀先驰得点 猪公赢了 Fresh fish! 菜鸟 , 菜鸟 我不要来这里 I want to go home! 我要回家 , 我要妈妈 I want my mother! I had your mother! She wasnt that great! 我搞过你妈 , 不够爽 What the Christ is this horseshit? 天杀的 , 你们在搞什么鬼 ? He bl

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