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1、CollegeEnglishnewIntegratedCourse4College English(new) Integrated Course 4Liu HongUnit 1 Fighting with the Forces of NatureText A The Icy DefenderTeaching ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1) grasp the mail idea and structure of the text;2) do a comparison and contrast between Napoleons invasion of

2、 Russia and Hitlers invasion of the Soviet Union;3) master key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4) conduct reading, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the text . Teaching Focus and Difficult Points1. The main idea and structure of Text A.2. The understandin

3、g of text A including some difficult expressions. 1) Difficult SentencesLine 15-16: Napoleon, confident of a quick victory, predicted the conquest of Russian in five weeks.Line 33-35: By nightfall, thirty thousand French and forty-four thousand Russians lay dead or wounded on the battlefield. 2) Wor

4、ds and Phrases raw, launch, engage, stroke, render, offensive, reckon, instruct, toll, in the case of,stand/ get/ be in the way, be/ get bogged down, press on/ahead, bide ones time, catch sb off guard, thanks to, at the cost ofTeaching Duration: 45minutesTeaching ProcedureThe 1st PeriodStep 1 Pre-re

5、ading Task (15 minutes)Teaching Method: communication, discussion,presentation Discussion: Man or nature, which is more powerful? 1) Ss are divided into two groups: One group lists instances where man conquers nature; the other group comes up with cases where the forces of nature are too powerful to

6、 be resisted. Some key words such as the artificial rainfall, the landing on the moon, flood, earthquake, tsunami may help you finish the discussion.2) Several Ss from both groups report their respective lists to class.Step 2 Global Reading (30 minutes)Teaching Method: explanation, presentation1 Bac

7、kground Information (15 minutes) (Ts book Page 4-6) Ss are required to get the general information about Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and other relevant information by pictures show. Napoleon Bonaparte: emperor of the French, who consolidated and institutionalized many reforms of

8、the French Revolution. One of the greatest military commanders of all time, he conquered the larger part of Europe. During 1802- 1815 Napoleon tried to gain control of the whole of Europe. He had great success against all his enemies except Britain. In 1812 Napoleon lost half a million men when he i

9、nvaded Russia in winter, and in 1814 the British, Russians, Prussians and Austrians entered Paris. They sent Napoleon to rule the island of Elba in the Mediterranean, but he collected an army around him and returned to Paris. He was soon defeated again, at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, and was sen

10、t to the island of St Helena in the south Atlantic, where he died in 1821. Adolf Hitler: German political and military leader and one of the 20th centurys most powerful dictators. Hitler converted Germany into a fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939. Joseph Stalin: general secr

11、etary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) (1922- 1953) and chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1941- 1953) . Under his leadership the USSR was built into a modern economic and military power that repelled Hitlers armies in World War II and rivaled t

12、he United States during the Cold War period.2 Text Organization (15 minutes) Lead Ss through Text Organization exercise 1 (see Page 11). In this way Ss will have a better understanding of the text structure.The 2nd PeriodStep 1 Text Analysis (10 minutes) A comparison-and-contrast Analysis of the Two

13、 InvasionsSs form groups to analyze the similarities and differences between the two invasions. T may suggest that they make a comparison and contrast analysis in the form of a table. When they finish, some Ss groups report to class. (see Teachers Book, Page 3-Text Analysis)Some Aspects of the Two I

14、nvasions1. Invading country2. Country invaded3. Starter of war4. invading country5. starting time of invasion6. strength of invading force7. prediction8. initial resistance strategy9. major battles10. biggest enemy for the invading force11. turning point12. fate of the invading force / war-starters

15、fateStep 2 Language Study (20minutes) Teaching Method: explanation, exemplification1. in the case of : as far asis concerned 至于;就来说 The rise in interest rate will be disastrous in the case of small firms.利率增加对小公司来说是大祸临头。 Formal training will take at least 3 years in the case of interior decoration.C

16、ompare in any case: whatever happens or may have happened 无论如何; 总之 in case of sth: if sth happens 假如 in no case: in no circumstances 无论如何决不 in that case: if that happens or has happened 既然那样; 假若是那样的话2. stand/ get/ be in the way: prevent from doing sth. 挡道; 防碍 Many teachers complain that they cant ma

17、ke any improvement in teaching methods as the existing exam system is in the way.许多老师抱怨,由于现有考试体系的妨碍,他们无法改进教学方法。 I dont think kids have as much fun as we used to. Fierce competition keeps getting in the way of their development.我觉得现在的孩子不像我们过去能有那么多的乐趣。激烈的竞争总是在阻碍他们的发展。 看来这只狗挡着道了。Im afraid this dog is i

18、n the way.3. raw:未煮过的,生的;未经训练的;未加工的 raw material 原料 rawhide n. 生皮 raw data/ statistics 原始数据/ 统计资料 a raw February morning 二月里一个阴冷的早晨4. launch vt. 1) send sth. on its course 发射;送上轨道 launch a satellite/ missile 发射卫星/ 导弹 Beginning in the early 1960s, humans launched probes to explore other planets. On O

19、ctober 4,1957, Soviet scientists launched the worlds first artificial satellite, called Sputnik.2) start 开始推出; 发起攻击 launch an attack ( against the enemy) The company is launching a new model next month. 下月公司将推出新型号产品。 3) launch a new warship 新军舰下水5. be/ get bogged down: be unable to make progress 汽车陷

20、入泥沼之中。The car got bogged down in the mud. Our discussion got bogged down in irrelevant detail. 我们的讨论纠缠在无关紧要的细节上。6. engage v. 1) begin fighting with sb. The two armies were fiercely engaged for several hours.两军激战达数小时。 指挥官命令士兵们立即与敌人开战。The commander ordered the soldiers to engage the enemy immediately.

21、2) engage (sb) in sth: (cause sb to) take part in or be occupied in sth 老师试图让这个羞怯的男孩子也加入到讨论中。The teacher tried to engage the shy boy in discussion.3) occupy or attract sbs interest, etc. 占用(某人的)时间; 吸引注意力等 什么事都无法使他长时间精神集中。Nothing engages his attention for long. 工作占去她很多时间。Work engages much of her time

22、.4) engage sb (as sth): hire sb; employ sb 她应聘当秘书。She is engaged as a secretary.7. be faced with: have to deal with 面临;要对付 游戏者面临的任务是杀死所有的恐怖分子。The players were faced with the huge task of killing all the terrorists.8. take a gamble: take a risk The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their

23、products, and it paid off (it paid off means it was financially successful).公司冒险将产品销价出售, 结果赢利。 我认为他把所有的钱投在股票上是在冒险. I think he is taking a gamble investing all her money in stocks.9. press on/ ahead (with sth): continue doing sth in a determined way (不顾困难)继续进行 各高校都在竭力实施教学改革。 Universities are keen to

24、press on with educational reform. 我们要不失时机地加紧进行这项工程。 We must press on with the project without wasting time.10. bide ones time : wait patiently for a chance He bided his time until Harvard University offered him a professorship. 他正在等待升职的有利时机。He is biding his time for a promotion.11. drag on: move slo

25、wly and with effort; continue endlessly and tediously 这个案子已经拖了一年了。The case have already dragged on for one year. 这个会议还要进行多久啊?How much longer is the meeting going to drag on? 12. stroke: any of a series of repeated movements; single successful or effective action or occurrence; blow I saw a chance of

26、 solving all my problems at a stroke. He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer. He won a car in the lottery last week. Thats his first stroke of good luck.13. at the cost of : with the loss of 以为代价 贝尔曼以自己的生命为代价救了Johnsy 的命。Berhman saved Johnsy at the cost of his own life. 地方政府以牺牲环境为代价发展了经济。Th

27、e local government developed its economy but at the cost of environment.14. catch sb off guard: take sb by surprise 趁某人不备 The invitation to his wedding caught me off guard. I didnt know what to say. It was clear that his question had caught me off guard.我不知道该说些什么。很显然他的问题使我措手不及。 compare be on ones gu

28、ard against sth. 保持警惕 put sb. on his guard 使某人提防15. instruct v. 1) give orders or directions to instruct sb to do sth; instruct sb that 我奉命在这里等老师来。 Ive been instructed to wait here until the teacher arrives.2) teach sb. instruct sb in sth 他们教给了我做这项工作的最好办法。 They instructed me in the best ways of doin

29、g the job.16. render : cause sb/sth to be in a certain condition (same as make)使处于某种状态 Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake.这次地震使好几百人无家可归。 The drug will render a man unconscious for up to two hours.这种药品可以使人失去知觉达两小时。17. Offensive: aggressive action, attack The Red Army brought

30、its winter offensive to a successful conclusion. In January 1944 a Soviet offensive raised the long siege of Leningrad.adj. used for or connected with attack; causing sb. to feel upset, or annoyed; very unpleasant Faced with the invasion, they took immediate offensive action. He made crude jokes tha

31、t are offensive to women. There is an offensive smell in the room.18. Thanks to: because of Thanks to his financial support, the two children in the remote village could go to school.多亏他的经济援助, 这两个偏远乡村的孩子才能上学。 Thanks to their tireless efforts, the performance was a great success.19. reckon v. count; consider; think 计算;认为 The existence of the U.S. is reckoned from the Declaration of Independence.美国的存在要从独立宣言算起。 Many people reckon him to be a great basketball player. 许多人认为他是一个伟大的篮球运动员。 Looking up at the sun, I

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