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中考英语复习 九年级 Units 12含11真题 人教新目标版.docx

1、中考英语复习 九年级 Units 12含11真题 人教新目标版2012中考英语复习(含11真题)九年级Units l2要点梳理【词汇拓展】1pronounce(v)发音;正确吐音pronunciation (n)发音;发音法2different(adj)不同的difference(n)不同differently(adv)不同地same(adj反义词)相同的3quick(adj)快的quickly(adv)快地fast (n同义词) slow(adj反义词)慢的4easy(adj)容易的easiIy(adv)容易地5development(n) develop(饥)发展6important(ad

2、j)重要的unimportant(adj反义词)不重要的importance(n)重要性7die(v)死death(n)死亡dead(adj)死的,无生命的dying(现在分词)8him(pron) himself(反身代词)他自己9hard(adj)坚硬的soft(adj反义词)柔软的10sleep(v)睡觉sleepy(adj)困倦的asleep(adj)睡着的【重点短语】1not at all根本不 2end up结束;告终 3make mistakes犯错4first of all首先;起初 5begin with以开始 61ater on以后;随后71augh at嘲笑 8take

3、notes做笔记 9make up组成;编造10deal with处理;应付 11be angry with生的气 12go by(指时间)过去;消逝1 3complain aboutof sth 抱怨某事14regardas 把视为;认为 是 15face the challenge面对挑战16break off突然中止;中断 171ookup in a dictionary查字典18try ones best to do sth 尽某人最大(努力)做某事 19worry about为担忧20comparetowith 把与做比较 21used to过去常常22be afraidterrif

4、ied of害怕恐惧 23on the swim team在游泳队里24with the light on开着灯;灯亮着25spend(in)doingon sth 花费做某事在某事上26in the last few years在过去的几年时间里 27afford to do sth 负担得起做某事28asas sbcanasas possible尽可能地 29in the endat last最后;最终30to one,s surprise令某人惊奇的是 31even thoughif即使;尽管32take pride in对感到自豪 33give up放弃【重点句型】1How do yo

5、u study for a test?为了考试,你是怎么学习的?2I study by asking the teacher for help我通过向老师求助学习。3I dont know how to use commas我不知道怎样使用逗号。4What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?大声朗读练习发音怎么样?5The best way to learn English is to listen to tapes, I think我认为学习英语最好的方式是听录音磁带。6Making flashcards is a great way

6、 to learn English制作抽认卡是学习英语的好方法。7It isnt easy for me to understand the spoken English对我来说,理解英语口语不容易。8why dont you take English notes?你为什么不记英语笔记?9I used to be short when l was young我小时候个子很矮。10I didn,t use to like tests我过去不喜欢考试。11Did you use to play the piano?你过去弹钢琴吗? No,I didnt不,我不弹。1 2It seems that

7、Yu Mei has changed a lotYu Mei看起来变化很大。考点精讲【重点单词短语】1differently adv不同地,有区别地(1)differently是副词,用于修饰动词或形容。词。如:Different people might understand the samething differently不同的人可能会不同地去理解同一件事。(2)differently的形容词形式是different,意为“不同的”;be different from,“与不同”。如:The weather in the north is different from that in t

8、he south in our country我们国家北方与南方的天气不同。(3)differently的名词形式是difference,如:There are mgny differences between the two pictures这两幅图画中有许多不同处。活学活用Look at the twins,Can you tell the (different)between them?解析:根据句意,问是否能说出这对双胞胎的差异点,且差异不只有一点,所以用复数形式。因而填differences。答案:differences2unless prep如果不。除非 多用于否定句。引导条件状语

9、从句,常与if not互换。 适时点津 当主句是一般将来时时,unless引导的条件状语从句要用一般现在时表示将来时间。如: You will fail in English unless you work hard你将不能通过英语(测验),除非你努力学习。 活学活用 (2010杭州) we deal with our problemswe can easily become unhappy AUnless BUntil CThough DWhether 解析:本题考查连词。根据句意“我们很容易会变得不开心,除非我们处理好问题。”并结合四个选项的含义,可知A项为正确答案。unlessif no

10、t;until直到;though虽然; whether是否。 答案:A3succeed n成功 (1)succeed in doing sth意为“成功地做某事”。如: He succeeded in working out the math problem他成功地解出了这道数学题。 (2)succeed的名词为success,如: Failure is the mother of success失败是成功之母。 (3)succeed的形容词为successful,如: Bill Gates is fl successful businessman比尔 盖茨是一个成功的商人。活学活用(2011

11、义鸟)ItS my dream to be a (成功的)businessman like my father解析:本题考查形容词修饰名词,故应填successful。答案:successful4used to过去常常,以前常常 (1)used to do sth意为“过去常常做某事”,如:I used to be short我过去很矮的。 (2)be used to do sth=be used for doing sth意为“被用来做某事”,如: Telephones are used to talk with someone far away=Telephones are used fo

12、r talking with someone far away电话被用来与远处的人谈话。 (3)beget used to sthdoing sth意为“习惯于(做)某事”,如:We Chinese areget used to shaking hands when we meet someone for the first time我们中国人初次见面时习惯于握手。适时点津used to do的否定形式可以借助于助动词did,表达为didnt use to do,也可以直接在used后面加not,可缩略为usednt to do。其疑问句形式同理。可表达为Did you use to?或Use

13、d you to?如:I didnt use to play the piano= I usednt to play the piano我过去不弹钢琴的。Did you use to be afraid of the dark? = Used you to be afraid of the dark?你过去怕黑吗?活学活用(2010盐城)My sister has been in America for half a yearShe the life hereA is used to Bused to Cis used Dused解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。A项is used to,当其后加名

14、词或动名词时,意为“习惯于(做)某事”;B项used to意为“过去常常”,后面常跟动词原形;C项is used后可加to do sth或for doing sth表示“被用来做某事”;D项used是use的过去式。根据句意“我姐姐已经在美国半年了,她习惯于这儿的生活了。”以及空格后所跟的是名词the life,可知此处应选A。答案:A5pride n自尊;得意;骄傲 (1)take pride in意为“为感到自豪”,如:My parents took pride in me because of my suecessful speech我父母因我的成功演讲而自豪。 (2)proud adj

15、自豪的,得意的 be proud of=take pride in活学活用(2010厦门)Mum,I got the best grade in the English test todayWell done,sonIm very of youAproud Btired Cafraid解析:本题考查短语辨析。be proud of意为“以为自豪”;be tired of意为“厌烦”;be afraid of意为“害怕”。由句意可知“妈妈因儿子的英语成绩而自豪”。答案:A【重点句型】1I learn by asking the teacher for help我通过向老师求助学习。(1)by表示

16、“用方式或手段”,后接doing。如: I learn by studying with a group我通过和小组合作方式学习。 The old man made a living by planting flowers这个老人靠种花来谋生。(2)by表示“凭借某种交通工具”,后接交通工具名词,且此类交通工具名词前不加任何冠词。如:We go to the island by boat我们乘小船去小岛。(3)by指时间,表示“不迟于;到时为止”。如:By the time I got outside。the school bus had already left当我到外面时,校车已经离开了。

17、(4)by还可表示“在附近”。如:There is an old man fishing by the lake有个老人在河边钓鱼。(5)与by相关的词组:by mistake“错误地”,by accident“偶然地”,by the end of“到为止”。如:SorryI took your umbrella by mistake对不起,我错拿了你的雨伞。适时点津by是介词,后面只能跟名词或动名词。活学活用We learn English by (make)vocabulary lists解析:本题考查介词by后跟动词的动名词形式的用法。by doing表示“通过某种方式或手段”。make

18、的ing形式要去e加ing。答案:making2I dont know how to use connmas我不懂怎样使用逗号。 (1)how to use是“疑问词+动词不定式”的复合结构在句中作及物动词的宾语。如: Everyone needs to learn how to get on well with others每个人都需要学会如何与人相处好。 (2)其他连接代词what,which或连接副词when,where,why加上动词不定式to do也可构成同样的复合结构,一般作动词know,ask,findout,tell,wonder,learn等的宾语。如:He asked me

19、 what to say他问我该说什么。 I want to know when to set off我想知道什么时候出发。活学活用(2010宁波) Can I help you,dear?Yeah,I dont know a banana milk shakeMaybe you can teach USAwhat to do Bwhen to make Chow to make Dwhy to do解析:本题考查“疑问词+动词不定式”的用法。由句意“我不知道如何制作香蕉奶昔”可知疑问词应用how,表示“方式”。what表示“什么”;when表示“时间”;why表示“原因”。答案:C3Why

20、dont you learn English by memorizing theEnglish words?你为什么不通过背英语单词来学英语呢? (1)Why don,t you do?是表示“提建议”的问旬,可缩略为Why not do?如: Why not get your mother a scarf for her birthday?为什么不送妈妈一条围巾作为生日礼物呢?(2)可用另一表示“提建议”的问句WhatHow about(doing)?来同义表达。如: WhatHow about getting your mother a scarf for her birthday?送妈妈

21、一条围巾作为生日礼物怎么样?活学活用Why not是Why dont you的缩略形式,所以其后跟动词原形如如:Why dont you take your umbrella because of the bad weather?=Why not take your umbrella because of the bad weather?因为这糟糕的天气,你为什么不带上伞呢?WhatHow about中的about是介词,后可加名词或动名词。WhatHow about drinking a glass of milk?=WhatHow about a glass Of milk?喝杯牛奶怎么样

22、?活学活用I am very tired these days because of studying for physics。Why not music?It can make you relaxedAlisten to Bto listen to Clistening to Dlistened to解析:本题考查提建议问句“why not do stK?”。答案:A4It isnt easy for me to understand what the teachersays in class听懂老师课堂上说的内容对我来说不容易。 It is adjto do sth句型中,it是形式主语,

23、to do sth是真正的主语,表示“做某事是怎么样的”。如: Its very important to have a healthy lifestyle拥有一个健康的生活方式是很重要的。活学活用 (2010高州)Tony thinks it is easy English Astudy Blearns Cto learn Dstudies 解析:本题考查Its adjto do sth的句型。句意:托尼认为学英语很容易。 答案:C 【巧辨异同】1aloud与loudly (1)aloud adv意为“大声地(使别人能听得到)”,如: Reading aloud is a good way

24、of learning English朗读是学习英语的好方法。(2)loudly adv意为“吵吵闹闹地,有噪声地”,如: I heard someone knocked loudly at the door我听到有人在使劲地敲门。活学活用They are talking (loud)in the next room解析:根据句意“说话声很大”,可知这个说话声很吵闹,并且修饰动词的要用副词,故填loudly。答案:loudly2voice,noise与sound (1)voice意为“声音,鸟鸣声”,一般指人声或鸟声。如:She has a sweet voice她声音很甜美。 (2)nois

25、e意为“噪音,吵闹声”,一般指不悦耳的声音。如:Dont make SO much noise别弄出那么大的噪音。 (3)sound意为“声音,响声”,一般指自然界中的声音。如:Sound travels slower than light声音的传播比光慢。适时点津Dont make so !I cant hear the musicAaloud noise Bmuch noise Cloud sound Dmuch voice解析:根据句意“不要吵闹,我听不到音乐了”,可知应用noise。其次,aloud是副词,修饰动词,所以排除A。答案:B3exciting与excited (1)exci

26、ting意为“令人兴奋的”,一般用于修饰事物。如:The soccer game is excitin9那场足球赛很令人激动。 (2)excited意为“兴奋的,激动的”,一般用于修饰人。如:We were very excited at the news听到那个消息我们很激动。活学活用动词的现在分词和过去分词形式都具有形容词的特性,但现在分词作形容词用;一般用于修饰事物,过去分词作形容词用,一般用于修饰人。如:I am interested in the interesting book我对这本有趣的书感兴趣。活学活用The old man isnt really in fishing an

27、d hes only interested in in a boat doing nothing at allAinteresting;sitting Binteresting;sit Cinterested;sitting Dinterested:sit解析:根据句意“老人对钓鱼不感兴趣”,可知第一空是修饰“人”的,要用过去分词作形容词用,故第一空填interested;第二空前有介词in,介词后要加名词、代词或动名词。答案:C4speak,talk,say与tell (1)speak意为“说,讲话”,作及物动词用时,后面的宾语一般是某种语言。如:He cant speak French他不

28、会说法语。 (2)say意为“说”,指用语言表达思想,着重于所说的内容。表示说某种语言时用speak+语言,若用say时,则应表达为say sthin+语言。常用结构:say to oneself自言自语。如: Can you say it in English?你能用英语来说它吗?(3)talk意为“说话,谈话”,指有说话能力,侧重“与人交谈时的连贯说话”。常用结构:talk towith sb“与某人谈话”,talk about sthsb“谈论某事或某人”。如: He was talking towith his friend when I called him当我打电话给他时,他正在和

29、他的朋友谈话。 What are you talking about?你们正在谈论什么?(4)tell意为“告诉,讲诉”,指用语言告诉某人某事,有连续说的含义,后面一定要有被告诉的 对象作宾语。常用结构:tell sbsth=tellsthto sb“告诉某人某事”;tell sbto do sth“告诉某人去做某事”。如:Tell me your nameI can help you=Tell yourname to meI can help you把你的名字告诉我,我可以帮你。My teacher tells me to finish my homework first and play

30、second every day我老师告诉我每天都要先完成作业再玩。常用短语有:tell stories“讲故事”;tell a lie“撒谎”;tell the truth“说实话”。如:Grandma used to tell stories to me when I was young我小的时候,奶奶经常给我讲故事。Dont believe himHes telling a lie别相信他,他在撒谎。To tell you the truth。I dont quite agree withyou老实说,我不太同意你的意见。活学活用1(2010上海)Before going to the History Museum,our teacher told us the public rules Aobey Bto obey Cobeying Dobeyed 解析:本题考查动词不定式的用法。tell sb (not)to do sth,“告诉某人(不要)做某事”。 句意:在去历史博物馆之前,老师告诉我们要遵守公共规则。 答案:B2(2010莆田)Can he it in English? Asp

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