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陕西历史博物馆览胜 中英文.docx

1、陕西历史博物馆览胜 中英文陕 西 历 史 博 物 馆 览 胜 (英文字幕)An Enchanting Visit to Shaanxi History Museum(English Subtitles) 陕西历史博物馆位于陕西省省会西安市,在中国古代历史中,有十三个王朝在此建都,留下了丰富的文化遗存。 Shaanxi History Museum is located in Xian, the provincial capital of Shaanxi, renowned as capital of 13 dynasties in Chinese history with rich cultu

2、ral relics. 一、 历史沿革1983年,陕西省政府遵照已故的周恩来总理的遗愿,开始筹建陕西历史博物馆,1991年6月20日建成开放。这是中国第一座大型现代化的博物馆。I. Historic Evolution In 1983, it was planned to be constructed to the last wish of former Premiere Zhou Enlai and completed and open to public in June 20, 1991. It is the first large and modern museum in China.

3、二、 建筑风貌陕西历史博物馆的建筑设计出自中国工程院院士张锦秋女士,建筑式样的灵感来自唐代宫殿的风格及神韵,建筑面积5.6万平方米。II. Architectural OutlookThis museum was designed by Ms. Zhang Jinqiu, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, out of inspiration of the romantic charm of palaces in Tang Dynasty. It has a floor space of 56,000 sq m. 三、 陈列展览总面积

4、1.1万平方米,由常设展览、专题展览和临时展览三部分组成。常设展览,是最重要的展览,从115万年前的蓝田猿人到1840年,按照历史顺序展示了3000多件各个历史时期具有代表性的珍贵文物。III. ExhibitsCovering a total area of 11,000 sq m, it comprises 3 galleries respectively for regular exhibits, exhibits of special subject, and temporary exhibits. Among them the regular one is of greatest i

5、mportance, which, representing a historic period from 1,150,000 years ago (the period of Lantian Man) up to 1840, showcases more than 3,000 pieces of treasured relics. 四、 文物精华藏品37.5万件,其中商周青铜器、历代陶俑、唐代金银器、唐墓壁画,是最有特色的四大类藏品。被定为国宝的就有18件(组)。IV. Highlights of RelicsOf the 375,000 pieces of objects, four mo

6、st distinctive categories are bronze wares in Shang & Zhou Dynasty, pottery figures of all historic periods, gold & silver wares in Tang Dynasty, and mural paintings in imperial tombs of Tang Dynasty, among which 18 pieces (units) are identified as national treasures.青铜器陕西境内,总计出土有2500多件带有铭文的青铜器,上面的文

7、字多达41000个,因此有地下史书之称。Bronze WaresGiven that there are altogether more than 2,500 bronze wares unearthed in Shaanxi with inscriptions as long as 41,000 Chinese characters, this province is honorably entitled as “An Underground History Book”. (1)蛙纹钺 商代钺是武器,又是象征王权的礼器。这件蛙纹钺,可能与早期的蜀人或巴人有关。1. Dagger-axe wi

8、th Frog Design Shang DynastyDagger-axe is both a weapon and a sacrificial object symbolizing imperial power. This object might have some bearing on people of Shu or Ba area in ancient China. (2)四足鬲 商代鬲是炊器,这件四足鬲与常见的三足鬲不同,可能是“巴人”的遗存。2. Four-legged Li Cooking Vessel Shang DynastyThis cooking vessel, wi

9、th four instead of commonly three legs, might be relics of people from Ba area in ancient China. (3)羊首勺 商代勺用来舀酒或汤,这件勺的装饰有鲜明的北方草原游牧民族文化特征。3. Ladle with Sheep Head Shang DynastyLadle is used for putting wine or soup into other utensils. This one was made with distinctive decorations favored by nomadic

10、 people in Northern China. (4)日己方彝 西周彝是盛酒的容器,也用作礼器。铭文大意是:为了祭祀亡父日己,保佑子孙平安,铸造了这件宗庙宝器。4. Bronze Yi with Characters “Ri Ji” Western Zhou DynastyYi is both wine container and sacrificial object. The inscription in it goes to the effect that this object was made as a sacrifice to his beloved father, Ri Ji

11、, in hope of seeking his blessings for later offspring. (5)多友鼎 西周鼎内279字的铭文,记述一位名叫多友的官员,奉周王之命率军与进犯京畿的北方游牧民族猃狁四次交战,最终大获全胜,得到了周王的赏赐。5. Tripod with Characters “Duo You” Western Zhou DynastyThe 279 word inscription inside the tripod gives an account of an official named Duo You, who was awarded by the em

12、peror of Zhou for winning four battles against the nomadic invaders called Xian Yun in Northern China. (6)牛尊 西周 尊是酒器,模仿动物形态铸造是商周时期的流行做法。6. Bronze Ox-shaped Zun Western Zhou DynastyThis wine container is in the shape of an ox, which proves that imitation of animal figures in the production of bronze

13、wares was a popular practice in Shang & Zhou Dynasties. (7)鸟盖h瓠壶 战国 造型类似植物中的瓠瓜,壶盖为鸟形。中国古代文献记载天文有“瓠瓜星”,因此壶的用途可能与祭天有关。Ewer with a Bird-shaped Lid7. This object takes shape of a gourd and is distinguished by its bird-shaped lid. In the ancient Chinese astronomical works, gourd was ever carried in the n

14、ame of a star-“Gourd-shaped Star” (Hugua Xing). Therefore, it was probable to have functioned as a sacrifice to the heaven. (8)杜虎符 战国 符是古代帝王调发军队的信物,分左右两半,调兵时,使臣持国王授予的右符与统兵将帅所持的左符验合后方能发兵。8. Bronze Tiger-shaped Tally Warring States PeriodTally is a special token used by emperor to transmit his order a

15、nd to confer military power upon his ministers. It is comprised of two halves, the left and the right. Troops could be dispatched only if the right half held by the emperor fitted perfectly with the left half in the hands of a commander. 9)铜剑 秦代 剑是近距离格斗的兵器,它的表面有一层致密的含铬盐的氧化层,抵御了腐蚀,避免了生锈。9. Bronze Swa

16、rd Qin DynastyThis sward is a weapon used in face-to-face battles. On its surface is an oxide coating of chromic salts for the resistance of erosion and corrosion, 陶俑 俑是伴随着奴隶社会殉人制度的崩溃而出现的,有人物、动物、镇墓俑三大类,制作工艺有捏塑、模制,装饰主要有彩绘、三彩。Pottery FiguresPottery figures were first produced with the collapse of the

17、institution of burying the living with the dead in the slave society. They fall into 3 main categories, namely, human figures, animal figures and tomb guardians. Crafts involved in the manufacturing of pottery figures are dough kneading and moulding combined with such painting methods as multi-color

18、 and tri-color glazing techniques. (1)铠甲武士俑 秦代 武士身上的铠甲,有一百多片,设计、编辍、制造极其精细。1. Terracotta Figure of an Armored Warrior Qin Dynasty The armor that the warrior wears is made up of over a hundred pieces of flakes that are elegantly designed and fabricated.(2)跪射俑 秦代 居于弩兵方阵核心部位,四周为立射俑,打仗时轮番射击,使敌人无法逼近。2. Te

19、rracotta Figure of a Kneeling Archer Qin DynastyIn the heart of the military matrix are kneeling archers, surrounded by the ones in standing position. In ancient battles, they took alternative turn to shoot and made impossible the approach of enemies. (3)彩绘射姿俑 西汉 这是一位经过严格训练,动作规范、身手敏捷的的勇士形象。3. Painte

20、d Pottery Archer Western Han Dynasty This best represents the quick movement of a warrior who has received strict and formal military training. (4)彩绘舞蹈俑 西汉 这是长安城皇宫内一位正在表演的舞女形象。4. Painted Pottery Dancer Western Han DynastyThis vividly depicts a female dancer performing in the imperial palace of Chang

21、an. (5)彩绘骑马吹号角俑 北魏 号角多用牛角制成,是军中联络、报警时使用的一种鸣器,后来演变为演奏乐器。5. Painted Pottery Horse Rider Playing Horn Northern Wei DynastyTrumpet is usually made from ox horn. It was first used to communicate and give alarms in battles and then evolved into a musical instrument. (6)彩绘胡服女立俑 唐代 随着丝绸之路的畅通,“女为胡服学胡妆”称为唐代贵族

22、妇女的时髦妆扮。6. Painted Pottery Female Figure with Foreign Garment Tang DynastyThe Silk Road not only opened up a channel for communications but also introduced foreign garments and make-ups which were then pursued as a fashion by females in noble and royal families in Tang Dynasty. (7)三彩梳妆女坐俑 唐代 这位贵族女子,

23、恰如唐诗中对美人的描绘:“粉胸半掩疑晴雪”,“二八花钿,胸前如雪脸如花”。7. Tri-colored Female Figure Making Up Herself Tang DynastyThis fair lady of noble birth, with creamy skin and a face glowing with the freshness of a spring flower, best represents the standard of beauty in the eyes of people in Tang Dynasty. (8)三彩天王俑 唐代 一般是一左一右放

24、置在墓门两边,用于辟邪厌胜,使鬼神不得侵害主人的亡灵。8. Tri-colored Pottery Figure of Heavenly God Tang DynastyThis pottery figure, one of a pair that were placed at both sides of a gate leading to the imperial tomb, functioned as guardian to drive ghosts and evils away from the spirit of the dead. (9)三彩载乐骆驼俑 唐代表现的是刚刚从异国它乡返回

25、到长安的商队,快乐和喜悦使他们情不自禁地歌唱起来。9. Tri-colored Camel Carrying Musicians on the Back Tang DynastyThis is a vivid depiction of a team of merchants who were singing joyfully back from the foreign land to Changan.(10)仿绞胎骑马射猎俑 唐代马鞍上的青年武士,“翻身射箭仰射云,一箭正坠双飞翼”,是位射猎高手。 10. Mixed Roughcast Pottery Hunter on the Horse

26、Back Tang DynastyThe young warrior on the horse back was a veteran shooter no one could compare with.金银器Gold and Silver Wares金银器自古以来就是财富与高贵的象征,也凝聚了无数工匠的心血和智慧。From the ancient time, gold and silver wares have been assumed not only as a symbol of wealth but also a token of wisdom from numerous craftsm

27、en. (1) 鎏金桃形龟纹银盘 唐代Gilded Silver Plate with Design of a Turtle in the Shape of a PeachTang Dynasty桃被道教列为延年益寿、长生不老的供品,金龟神明长寿,也可以辟邪消灾。In Taoism, peach is commonly placed on altar as sacrifice helping prolong ones life; while turtle is not only a symbol of longevity but also assumed as capable of prote

28、cting people from evil spirit and disasters. (2)盛“次乳”银盒 唐代 Silver Box for Carrying Stalactite Tang Dynasty古人多用钟乳作为强身健体、延年益寿的药物,也是炼丹术制作寒石散的主要原料。Stalactite is a medical substance assumed in ancient times as capable of enhancing health and prolonging life. It is also a key element for the production of

29、 Hanshi Power in the ancient alchemic practice. (2) 鎏金仕女狩猎纹八瓣银杯 唐代Gilded Silver Octagonal Cup with Design of Hunting Scene and Elegant Ladies Tang Dynasty银杯上的八幅画面,勾勒出唐代男子狩猎、仕女游乐的生活情景,也展示出外来文化对金银器的影响。The eight pictures on the silver cup depict hunting scenes and elegant ladies in Tang Dynasty, which

30、also reveal the foreign impact on gold and silver wares. (3) 鎏金舞马衔杯纹银壶 唐代Gilded Silver Flask with Dancing Horses Holding Cups in Their Mouths Tang Dynasty 壶身的装饰,源自唐玄宗生日八月五日千秋节的舞马祝寿表演,“屈膝衔杯赴节,倾心献寿无疆”,“更有衔杯终宴曲,垂头掉尾醉如泥”。The decorative details on the body of the flask were from the dancing horse perform

31、ance held for the celebration of Emperor Xuanzongs birthday on the 5th of August, also known as “Qian Qiu Festival”. An ancient poem recalling such a cheerful scene goes to the effect that even dancing horses are so joyful as to hold cups in their mouths drinking wine to the last minute of the banqu

32、et music. (4) 鸳鸯莲瓣纹金碗 唐代 Gold Bowl with Design of Lotus Petals and Mandarin Ducks Tang Dynasty碗的内壁有唐人的墨书:“九两三”,它是管理者称重后留下的题记。The inscriptions inside indicate the weight of the bowl-9.3 Liang. (Liang is the ancient weight measurement.) (5) 鎏金鸳鸯纹银羽觞 唐代 Gilded Silver Oval Cup with Design of Mandarin Ducks Tang Dynasty羽觞是饮食器。鸿雁、鸳鸯,寓意百年好和、永不分离,饱含着唐人的祈盼和希冀。Oval cup is a utensil for drinking. Mandarin ducks that are of

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