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1、学位英语复习要点7步复习法玩转成人英语减小字体 增大字体 作者:本站来源:本站原创发布时间:2010-03-21 15:45:00 “你为什么要学英语?”我想大部分成人学生的回答都是为了参加考试,当然也有一部分学生是为了全面掌握英语语言技能。在我国现有情况下,英语考试是很多考试的一个重要组成部分。不管我们多么不情愿面对这些形形色色的英语考试,但它仍然是人生台阶上一个不可缺少的石阶。目前,接受远程教育的学生普遍面临着大学英语的全国统考和成人三级英语考试。很多同学都在寻找顺利通过考试的捷径,绝对的“易突击、见效快”的方法是不存在的,任何语言的学习都需要一步一个脚印的积累。然而考试是有规律性的,短期

2、内摸清考试规律,在已有的语言基础上,尽可能地达到或者接近测试要求却是可行的。下面针对成人学习的特点,总结了一些英语考试的复习方法和技巧。1、 分析考试任何考试都有自身特点,考试前要求必须彻底了解考试的基本信息:包括考核目的、难度、词汇量、题型设置、题量、考试时间以及形式等基本信息。做到这一点是非常容易的,即熟读考试大纲。2、 分析自己掌握了考试的基本信息后,需要对自己做一个认真的分析。分析自己与考试的差距,了解自己的薄弱点。建议用两套近两年的真题,严格按照考试的要求,对自己进行模拟测试,然后评分,计算出每个题型的得分比例,并从低到高进行排序,排在前面且得分比例低于50%的题目一定是自己最薄弱的

3、环节。针对这些薄弱环节我们需要进行专项练习,逐个突破。如果两个题目得分接近,那么本身分值大的题目或者对自己而言相对容易的题目可以放在前面,先进行练习和提高。3、 寻找复习资料在前面两项工作完成后,需要开始寻找复习资料,这个环节也是非常重要的,它有着事半功倍的效果。在大多数的英语考试中首推的复习资料就是历年试题,其次是受到大家公认的模拟试题和专项练习书籍,这类书籍往往由一些著名的考试专家编写或者由著名的大学和语言培训机构出版。4、 逐个突破根据第二步的排序,需要对得分50%以下的薄弱环节进行专项练习,逐个突破。练习过程中练习量不是最重要的,关键是要随时进行总结。例如:解决生词问题、找出正确答案并

4、解释原因、记忆知识点以及同类题目的解题技巧等等。当每个部分的得分明显提高,至少达到并稳定在60%以上,方可进入下一个阶段的复习工作。对于得分50%以上的题目,如果时间紧张,可以在综合练习阶段进行提高。5、 考前综合性强化训练考前综合性强化训练一般放在自己的薄弱点基本突破后正式考试前1个月左右进行。此时建议针对历年试题进行强化训练,如果历年试题量不够可以使用与正式考试难度相近、题型一致的模拟试题。在强化训练的时候,要注意以下三个问题:一是严格控制时间,总体答题时间不得超过正式考试的时间,各部分试题答题时间要基本稳定;二是精神集中,就像参加正式考试一样,切忌一边做题一边翻答案、查阅资料和字典;三是

5、重视总结,做完题后,要认真给自己评分并进行总结,然后根据答题的具体情况再进行有的放矢的复习。6、 历年试题分析前面说到,考试是有规律可循的,考核重点一般是不会发生变化的,有的考试甚至出现题目重复的情况,正所谓万变不离其宗。因此,在做历年试题的时候,要对考核的知识点进行总结,这个环节是非常必要的。例如:语法点的总结、高频词的总结、阅读文章题材以及题目类型的总结、作文题目归类、翻译句型的总结等等。如果掌握了各种题型的考核重点,就等于拨开了重重迷雾,直奔目标了。7、 制定计划,贵在坚持最后就是要根据上面几个步骤,再结合自己的实际情况,制定一个详细的学习计划。英语学习切忌一时心血来潮、恶补几日,然后三

6、天打鱼、两天晒网。一定要记住:每天学习1小时,坚持60天的效果比每天学习6小时,但只学10天的效果要好很多。英语学习是一个螺旋式上升的过程,不可能是直线上升的。因此,在很长的时间里,我们感觉到的往往是艰辛的付出却没有收获的喜悦,此时唯一能做的就只有:坚持、坚持、再坚持。学习英语的过程是痛苦的,正是因为这个痛苦的过程,在获得成功时的幸福感才会更强烈,希望我的学生都能在痛苦之后收获幸福。、阅读范文A:Direction:For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic DoLucky N

7、umbersReally Bring Good Luck?You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese)below: 1 有些人认为某些数字会带来好运。 2 也有些人认为数字和运气无关。 3 试说明你的看法。DoLucky NumbersReally Bring Good Luck? Some people think that certain numbers can bring them good luckThese numbe

8、rs play an important role in their daily lives. A case in point is that when they choose telephone number, theyll refuse to accept the one including 4.On the contrary, others believe that good luck has nothing to do with numbers. They dont mind if they have got the lucky number or not. They take it

9、for granted that there is no different between lucky numbers and unlucky numbers. As far as I am concerned, all numbers are the same to me. Supposing you have got a lucky number, is it sure to bring you good luck? Of course, thats not necessarily the case, Its your knowledge and ability rather than

10、lucky numbers that bring you good luck. Keep it in mind, and you wont be influenced by lucky numbers.B:Direction: 1、 Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in no less than200 words. 2、 Our essay must clearly on the ANSWERSHEET. 3、 Your essay should cover all the information provided

11、and meet the requirements below: a) Describe the table b) Predict the tendency of Chinas education budgets and give your reasons. As can be seen from the table/graph, great changes have been taking place in Chinas education budgets during the period from 1991 to 2001. Ten years ago, our government e

12、xpended 73.1 billion but in the year 2001, the cost amounts to 463.7 billion. The percentage of funding increases is remarkable, and such a phenomenon is very noteworthy/thoughtful. Why are these changes in Chinas educational budgets? For this there are two major reasons. On the one hand, nowadays t

13、here is a great demand for academic instructions with the development of our economy and with the growth of our nations strength. On the other hand, our whole society has realized that higher education means higher living. In response to this, our government put more money in the construction of our

14、 education .From the above, we can see that such a trend is very promising/hopeful. If more money is invested to this section, then we can lay a solid foundation for the development of our socialist country and pay the way for the road to a well-to-do life in the future/in the days to come.二、作文套路 A图

15、表作文(图表表现出的一般是过去时) 1. As can be seen from the table, great changes have been taking place in -(题目)-during the period from -to -(年) 该表格描述了在.年之.年间.数量的变化。 2. The graph/data shows (that). 该图/数字向我们展示了. 3. from the table/chart/figure, we can see clearly that. 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到. 4. It fell/dropped/decreased

16、a bit/dramatically to its lowest point 5. It rose /increased sharply/suddenly/slowly to its highest point/from -to- percent of the total 6. the number sharply went up/dropped down to. 数字急剧上升/下降至. 7. It stayed/unchanged from-to- 8.a is .times as much/many as b. a是b的.倍。 9. be the same as. 与.相同 10. Aft

17、er considering the information in the graph we might draw a conclusion that -B. 议论文 1. (题目)is a heated topic/problem which is widely discussed by people not only in China but also in other countries. 2. some people think-others believe-in my view 3. For one example-Let us have another example-Let us

18、 still have another example 4. From what I have mentioned above, we can see clearly that 5. however /but some people/we think differently- 6. To my mind/in my opinion I am in favor that 7. Taking into account all these factors, I may safely draw the conclusion that- 8. Hence/As a result, its high ti

19、me that we should-三、句子的扩展 在英文写作中,许多同学句子结构仅限于中学所学的五个基本模式,不知道如何扩张英文句子。因此文章写的干瘪空洞、无物。 这五中基本句子模式是:1. Im writing; 2. He plays the piano; 3. My friend sent me a gift; 4. He tried to make the book useful; 5. He is a teacher 或The book is interesting . 当表达复杂思想的时候,这五中句子模式就显得简单,单薄; 因此,同学很有必要学会扩张英文句子的方法和技巧1 用修辞

20、的方法扩张句子 1用形容词修饰 e.g. The Advanced learners Dictionary provides ,so much useful and valuable information about human activities. 2用介词短语修饰 e.g. (1) The carpet on the floor was imported from Iran . (2) The president proposed a new tax reform bill during his second year in office .3用副词修饰 e.g. The boy ra

21、n quickly to his mother .4用不定式修饰 e.g. (1) Table tennis is a game easy to learn but difficult to play well. (2)The director is always the first to come to the office and the last to leave it . (3)Man does not live to eat but eat to live.5用分词修饰 (1) China is a developing country belonging to the Third

22、world . (2) Sitting at the back , we cant hear a word. (3) Openly criticized his error , he finally admitted .6用从句修饰 (1) The city which he likes to visit is Nanjing. (2) That policeman who gave us direction was very polite and friendly. (3) An electronic computer, before it can work , must be progra

23、mmed. (4) As Mary was lost in thought , she didnt hear the door bell.五常用谚语1. As an old saying:“.” Knowledge is power. Study, study and study. The more one knows, the stronger he is. Constant dropping wears away stones.2.The sprit of teamwork: The role of teamwork cannot be too much emphasized. For e

24、xample, when we play basketball, which is a game requiring teamwork, we should cooperate with each other. We should realize that the outcome of the game depends not only on the efforts of any individual or even famous starts, but also on the cooperation of the team as a whole. All of us should be co

25、nvinced that team work is the key to making dreams come true. To sum up, teamwork is what we should bear in mind because it is of virtual importance.六、常见错误1.不一致(Disagreements) 所谓不一致不光指主谓不一致,它还包括了数的不一致、时态不一致及代词不一致等。 例 Bread and butter are what they usually have for breakfast. 改为:Bread and butter is w

26、hat they usually have for breakfast. 例2. For years I have been attending summer camp and enjoyed every minute of it. 改为:For years I have been attending summer camp and enjoying every minute of it.2.指代不明,含义不清 指代不明,含义不清主要讲的是代词与被指代的人或物关系不清,或者先后所用的代词不一致。试看: 例1.Mary was friendly to my sister because she

27、wanted her to be her bridesmaid.(玛丽和我姐姐很要好,因为她要她做她的伴娘。) 可改为:Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted my sister to be her bridesmaid. 例2. And we can also know the society by serving it yourself. 剖析:句中人称代词we 和反身代词yourself指代不一致。 改为: We can also know society by serving it ourselves. 例3. Yesterd

28、ay my girlfriend waited for me in this room from America. 改为:Yesterday my girlfriend from America waited for me in this room. 例4. When only five years old, my father taught me to play tennis. 改为:When only five years old, I was taught to play tennis by my father. 例5. My father was an artist; therefor

29、e, I have also chosen it as my profession. 改为:My father was an artist; therefore, I have also chosen art as my profession.3.不间断句子(不能将两个简单句简单地放在一起) 例 There are many ways we get to know the outside world. 改为:There are many ways for us to learn about the outside world. Or: There are many ways through w

30、hich we can become acquainted with the outside world4.词性误用 “词性误用”常表现为:介词当动词用;形容词当副词用;名词当动词用等 例 None can negative the importance of money. 剖析:negative 系形容词,误作动词。 改为:None can deny the importance of money.5.句子不完整、破句 在口语中,交际双方可借助手势语气上下文等,不完整的句子完全可以被理解可是书面语就不同了,句子结构不完整会令意思表达不清,这种情况常常发生在主句写完以后,笔者又想加些补充说明时发生 例1. There are many ways to know the society. For exampleby,radio ,newspaper and so on . 剖析:本句后半部分for example by TV ,radio ,newspaper and so on 不是一个完整的句子,仅为一些不连贯的词语,不能独立成句 改为:There are many ways to know society ,for example ,by

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