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1、新起点一年级上册英语教学设计新起点一年级上册英语教学设计一、学情分析一年级学生,刚刚接触英语学习一定注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣。寓教于乐,适当运用各种教学方法。还要注重培养学生的英语学习习惯,如:听磁带的习惯,读单词的习惯,读句子的习惯等。二、教材分析本册书共设八个单元,其中第4、8为复习单元;每个单元共设六课,其中第13课为第一层次学习内容;第46课为第二层次学习内容。在这六课中第6课为故事。在本册书中学生将学习以下内容:1)与自己周围环境有关的六个话题的单词和语句。这六个话题是:Classroom, My room, Toys, Shapes, Clothes, Food and drin

2、k 。2)正确认读单词和句子。3)逐步辨认与话题有关的单词和语句。每单元各课在学生学习内容的安排上,基本设计如下:1)第12课的A项为学生新学习内容,第1课以学习单词为主,第2课以学习交际用语为主,同时继续学习与话题有关的少量单词;B项为加强A项的活动设计,活动语言为与话题有关的新旧交际用语; 2)第3课仍然是对第12课的复习,设计了四项易于课堂操作的活动,这四项活动形式多样,可涉及新语言项目的听、说、读。3)第4、5课由四个部分组成:A项是就本单元的话题,结合平行学科知识或双向文化内容,提供扩展的语言知识(如词汇、功能句等)。B项是根据A项学习内容所设计的练习活动。C项为语言练习。D项或E项




6、。3、注意培养学生严肃认真、积极大胆的学习态度和踏踏实实、认真学习的精神,养成良好的学习习惯。4、安期进行教研活动,积极参与听课观摩活动,与有经验的老师结对子,学习先进的教学方法。学习英语教学法、新课程理论与实践、教师职业道德等理论知识,提高自身业务水平。七、Teaching Schedule UnitClassWeekOneSixTwo weeksTwoSixTwo weeksThreeSixTwo weeksRevision 1SixTwo weeksFourSixTwo weeksFiveSixTwo weeksSixSixTwo weeksRevision 2SixTwo weeksE

7、very week, we have three classes and every unit, it takes two weeks so we have about forty-eight lessons and about sixteen weeks.Unit One SchoolSummaryTeaching contents1. Words:book, ruler, pencil, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, school. 2. Sentences: Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good

8、night. Hello ,Im Whats your name?3. Chants, songs, handwork, TPR, games. Teaching aims 1. Enable the students to understand and say the words. 2. Make the students to expressions of the sentences. 3. Inspire the students interesting of studying English. 4. Make the students come into being the good

9、pronunciation and tone. 5. Improve the students communication competence. Teaching importance 1. Make the students master the words. 2. Make the students to master expressions of the sentences. 3. Inspire the students interests of studying English. Teaching difficulty 1. Make the students come into

10、being the good pronunciation and tone. 2. Improve the students communication competence. 3. Foster the good habits of studying English. Teaching arrangementEach class a lesson.1Lesson 1教学目标1. 知识目标:1) learn 5 Words: book ruler pencil eraser school 2) Learn the new sentence : Good morning. 3) Play:cha

11、nt2. 能力目标:1) Let the students remember the new words. 2) make the students use the new sentences. 3) Help the students with the pronunciations and intonations.重难点1 .Make the students master the words. 2 .Make the students master the expressions of greetings. 3. Inspire the students interesting of st

12、udying English. 4.Make the students come into being the good pronunciation and tone. 教学用具TeacherTape, cards, stationery, computerStudentsEnglish book Teaching StepsTeachers activityStudents activityNotes1. Warm up (sing a song)T: Hello! Boys and girls, Nice to meet you. Im your English teacher. You

13、can call me Miss Jing(Translate into Chinese.) Follow me: Miss Jing。T: Who am I?2. 1)Learn the new sentences:T: Good morning!S: Good morning!2) Lets act in pairs in the front of the classroom.让学生先学习“Good morning!”等问候用语。不急于让学生开口说,应先让他们多听几遍录音和教师的示范。学生开口后,如有发音不准确的,教师不必一纠到底,只要学生敢于开口说,教师就要给予表扬。3New words

14、:1)Show a rulerT: Look at me. Guess! Whats in my hand? Look, This is a book. Read after me: book. A book.Ss: book. A book.2) At the same way, learn the other words: ruler, pencil, eraser and school.3) Lets play and remember the words.4) Lets have a contest.4. Chant: Sit quiet and listen to the teach

15、er carefullyLearn to say: Miss JingOne by one. Homework1) Listen to the tape. Say the chant.2) Introduce self to parents.3) Read the words.Note:这是学生的第一节英语课,在正式学习英语之前,教师应做如下准备工作:1)利用VCD等形式,如迪斯尼动画片(英语版),激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2)感性地向学生介绍有关英语的方方面面,如:世界上有多少人使用英语这种语言;主要说英语的国家都有哪些。也可以做一个小调查,问问学生的生活中有没有说英语的人、学生自己会说几个英

16、语单词、以及想不想学英语等。3)简单地向学生介绍一些学习英语的方法,如:上课认真听老师、同学、录音说英语,大声回答问题,积极参与课堂活动;回家要经常听英语录音带,常把在课堂学到的语言说给父母听等。2Lesson 2教学目标1. 知识目标:1) Learn the new sentences:Stand up. Sit down, please. Show me your Hello, Im 2) Learn an English song. 2能力目标:1) Enable the students to master the expression of Hello, Im 2) Make th

17、e students understand the expression of the orders and that can do action. 3 Inspire the students interesting of studying English. 4 Make the students come into being the good pronunciation and tone. 5 Improve the students communication competence. 重难点1 Enable the students to aster the expression of

18、 Hello, Im 2 Make the students understand the expression of the orders and that can do action. 3 Inspire the students interesting of studying English.教学用具TeacherTape, cards, stationery, computerStudentsEnglish book Teaching StepsTeachers activityStudents activityNotes1 Warm up Chant: Good morning, b

19、ook. Good morning, ruler Good morning, pencil Good morning, eraser Good morning, school 2 Listen, do and say T:(show the pictures of “Lily”) Boys and girls, do you remember who is this? Ss: Lily. T: OK. Im Lily. T: (show the pictures of “Bill”) Who is this? Ss: Lily. T: OK. Im Bill. Follow the teach

20、er. (Hello, Im ) Ss: Say one by one. (T will say: Stand up Sit down, please.) 3 Lets act and sing. T: (show a pencil) Whats this? This is my pencil. Please show me your pencil. Practice: Show me your Lets sing: Stand up, Joy. Show me your eraser. Sit down please, please. Stand up, Bill. Show me your

21、 book. Sit down please, please. Stand up, Lily. Show me your pencil. Sit down please, please. 教师可以利用课前师生问好的机会让学生学习Stand up和Sit down学生能听懂并做出正确反应即可。4. Lets do and sing.Listen to the tape and sing Do some actionsLook and listen carefullySing and do some actionsHomework1 Listen to the tape. 2 Sing the s

22、ongs and do.Note:教师应创设情景,帮助学生学习自我介绍的交际用语。如果教师在上节课为每个学生起了英文名字,可以要求学生在家里做一个人名卡,然后带到课堂上来使用。教师将自己的人名卡挂在胸前,对学生说:Hello, Im. Your name, please? 然后让学生拿出自己的人名卡,回答Im .3Lesson 3Class hourThe first classTeaching Objectives1 Make the students to expressions of the dialog. 2 Inspire the students interesting of st

23、udying English. 3Make the students come into being the good pronunciation and tone. 4 Improve the students communication competence.Key and difficult points1 Make the students to expressions of the dialog. 2 Inspire the students interesting of studying English.Teaching aidsTeacherTape, cards, statio

24、nery, computerStudentsEnglish book Teaching StepsTeachers activityStudents activityNotes1 Review 1 Chant: Good morning, book. Good morning, ruler Good morning, pencil Good morning, eraser Good morning, school 3 Hello, Im(practice) 2 Dialog (Show the pictures) Listen to the tape. Understanding: Your

25、book. Oh, thanks. Follow the tape. (Several times) Practice. (Instead the word “ book “) Practice the whole dialog. Make a new dialog. Acting. 教师应该根据学生的年龄特点,为学生创设良好的语言环境,使学生在愉悦和自信的氛围中,保持积极乐观的学习态度。Homework1 Listen to the tape. 2 Follow the tape. 3 Act the dialog.Note:让学生反复听录音,然后教师和学生一起表演。最后可组织学生以grou

26、p work的形式进行表演。可使用人名卡让学生替换自己的名字。开展TPR活动,复习Stand up! Sit down! Show me . 等指示语。4Lesson 4Class hourThe first classTeaching Objectives1 Make the students master the words. 2 Make the students to expressions of the sentences. 3Make the students come into being the good pronunciation and tone. 4 Improve th

27、e students communication competence.Key and difficult points1 Make the students master the words. 2 Make the students to expressions of the sentences.Teaching aidsTeacherTape, cards, stationery, computerStudentsEnglish book Teaching StepsTeachers activityStudents activityNotes1 Review 复习Show me. 句型。

28、在复习的基础上学习新词backpack, pencil case。2从复习Show me. 句子导入新句子Open . Take out . 为了帮助学生理解、记忆新语句,教师可运用TPR活动。T: Show me your backpack. (T takes out of a backpack) Listen to the tape. Listen to the teacher. T: Show me your backpack. T: Open your backpack.( T : acting) Ss: Follow the teacher. T: Take out of your

29、pencil case. (T: show a pencil case) Learn the words. Ss: Take out of the pencil case. T: Open it. (T: acting) Ss:Follow the teacher. T: Show your ruler pencil eraser. Ss: do action. Listen to the tape and do action. 2 Let s talk T:(Show the picture of “Bill”) ImBill. I want to make a new friend. T:

30、 Hi, Im Bill. Whats your name? S: Im Another group. Listen to the tape. Follow the tape. Practice Acting. Homework4 Homework1 Listen and do. 2 Practice the dialog.Note:开展课堂游戏活动。说B项歌谣做问答游戏。游戏方法可以是:一位学生站起来,与大家一起拍手,说:Name, name! 该学生走到另外一位学生面前说:My name is Li BingWhats your name? 这位学生站起来回答,然后重复第一位学生的动作。5Lesson 5Class hourThe first classTeaching Objectives1Let the students find the words from the picture and say the phrases. 2 Make the students to expressions of the sentences.

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