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1、商务英语写作练习题doc商务英语写作练习题I.Choose the best answer:l.We should be most obliged if you would send us your detailed list of all the items you for export.a. storeb. have c. stock d. deal2. Will you please let us have a selection of goods which you think are for your market?a. interestingb. proper c. suitabl

2、e d desirable3 I appreciate more details about the RX101 modem you are adverting in ComputerToday.a. couldb. should c. can d. would4.1 was to hear how popular our computer games have been with your customers.a. delightfulb delighted c. delighting cL delight5. We have received your letter of Septembe

3、r 12, we are glad to know that you areinterest in our electric heaters.a. in whichb from which c. at which d. which6. The letter we received yesterday is an inquiry discounts.a. for b. after c. before d. unless7 to your inquiry of 6th September, we are pleased to quote as follows.a. Reply repliedb.

4、Replying c. For replying d. To be& Considering the quality of the goods we quoted,we do not feel that the prices are atall excessive.a. whichb. that c. for which d. for that9. Although the articles you require are , we can offer you a substitute*a. dropped committedb. out of stock c. sold out d. hea

5、vily10. is very favorable payment term for the exporter.a. Cash with order in advanceb. Cash on delivery c. Cash against documents cL Payment11. A large amount of correspondence has been exchanged between us payment terms.a. regards subject ofb. considering c about d. on the12. Although the quality

6、of these goods is that of our usual standard, we are preparedto accept the goods if you will reduce the price, say, by 20%a. not in line with conformity tob. not conform to c. not up to d. not in13. Each buyer should do his best to obtain the most prices.a. consistentb. competitive c. comparative d.

7、 compatible14 From the enclosed copy of invoice you will see that price of $1880 is well themaximum figure you stated.a. in b. between c. within d. at15. you can reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy elsewhere.a. Beforeb. After c. Seeing that d. Unless16 You for all the samples if they are no

8、t returned to us within 90 days.a. will invoice b. will be invoiced c. invoice d. invoiced17.Because of the nature of our business, at times we may need emergency purchases.a. unprincipled b. unmistakable c. unbelievable d.unpredictable18.If the shoes as well as we hope, we will place further order

9、in the near future.a. are selling b. sold c. sell d. are sold19.We assure you of our full in executing the contract.a. corporation b attention c. intention d.appreciating20 We thank you for your letter of May 5th, your purchase from us of 5000 tons ofgreen beans.a. confirm b to confirm c. confirming

10、 d.confirmed21.We think it would be to take in orders from those firms whose standing andfinancial position are yet unknown.a. premature b. favorable c. convenient d.desirable22.Within 48 hours of the telephone contact, we will issue, by Fax, a purchase orderdocument that will the phone ordera. conf

11、irm b. conform c. ensure d.consolidate23.Would you please fax us your statement so that we can proceed your order?a. on b. in c. to d. with24.Such a growing demand can only result increased price.a. in b. from c. to d. for25.We shall make a reduction our price by 5% if you increase the quantity to 5

12、000M/T.a. of b. at c. in cL about26.We have the pleasure you a quotation on Butterfly,brand sewing machines*a. in sending b. of sending c. having sent d. beingsent27.May I suggest that we send a technician to inspect the equipment and make thenecessary repairs at a cost?a. reasoned b. realistic c. r

13、easonable d.realizable28.We appreciate the promptness with you supplied the financial statement werequested.a. which b. that c. whom d what29.We thank you for attending our request so promptly.a. with b. upon c. to d. at30.A routine review of your account the following past due balance.a. exposes b.

14、 declares c. implies d. reveals31.The time of waiting for payment agreed upon by both sides is the period of a. shipment b. letter of credit c. credit d. draft32 90% of the credit amount must be paid the presentation of documents.a. at b. against c. by d on33. During the year, you have paid your bil

15、l well advance of the 15th every month.a. by b. at c. in d to34 I am sending you a check of $1500 full payment of my account.a. of b. in c. by d. for35.Export credit can be called Sellers Credit5 the credit is extended by the bank tothe exporter.a. when b. while c. which cL even if36.Our distributor

16、 asked us for credit the extent of $100000 for a period of threemonths.a. by b to c. of d. for37 Enclosed is a copy of our credit terms how your account will be billed each month.a. speculating b. specifying c. simulating d.specializing3& However, reports from our numerous sources of credit informat

17、ion, we can makeshipments to you only when cash is received.a. dependant on b. with regards to c. referring to d. basedon39. According to the shipping it will be impossible for us to ship the goods in Octobera. schedule b. timetable c. plan d. schemeII. Put the following sentences into English:1 附寄一

18、本目录,上面有本公司系列产品中增添的最新型号E331 o We are also enclosing a catelogue showing a brand new addition to our lines, model E331.2.请寄我一份台式计算机冃录和价冃单,或者任何说明小册子,以便本公司分发给潜在顾客。Would you please send us a copy of catelogues and price list of desktop computers or copies of descriptive brochures that we could pass to pr

19、ospective customers?3.感谢你方9月6日来函,现附上一册最新商品目录,从中你会对我们的新产品有更多的了解。Many thanks for your letter ofSeptember 6, we have enclosed a brochure of current catelogue of commodity, from which you may have a better understanding of the new products 4.鉴于我们在亚洲地区业务的迅速发展,有必要在下列地点设立 分公司。Considering the swift developm

20、ent of our business in Asia, we think it is necessary to open branch in following addresses.5.我们对你们的合作态度非常满意。Thank you for your manner of business cooperation.6你们询问的那家公司证实了他们是有竞争力的,并且是信誉 良好的。The company you inquired about has confirmed their competitive ability and has a fine goodwill.7.作为对你们还价的回应,我

21、将降价3美元o I will respond to your counter offer by reducing our price by three dollars 8.我们的报价是以合理利润率为依据。Our quotation is based on reasonable profit rate.9.如果您对这些样品没有兴趣,请告诉我们。我们将乐于寄上其 他适于贵地市场的样品。If you are not interested in any sample of these, please let us know. We will be pleased to send other that

22、might more suit your market.10如您认识某人对我方产品感兴趣,请告诉我们。我们将乐于 以公道的价格寄去样品。If you know someone is interested in our product, let us know. We are pleased to post sample with the reasonable price.11.此报盘着眼于扩大销路而且很有竞争性。The offer is based on extending market and is competitive.12.我们已按你方要求将报盘延期。We have extended

23、the offer as per as your request.13.外汇兑换率的浮动要求我们谨慎地报价,我们的实盘是以你 方的接受复函不晚于北京时间9月30日下午13时为条件的。We make you a firm offer subject to your acceptance reaching us no later than 13p.m.September 30, Beijing time because the fluctuation of the currency exchange rate calls for our great care in fixing price.14.

24、经过长时间断断续续的谈判,我们现在终于达成了协议。Through lengthy and on-and-off negotiations we now finally have reached an agreement.15.我们销售产品是以货样为标准,而不是凭过去任何一批供货 的质量。We sell goods according to the sales sample not the quality of any previous supplies16.我认为这不会有问题。生产部门会有办法。I don,t think that would be a problem The producti

25、on department will come up with something.17.你方若能把价格降到2150港币,也许能成交。Business is possible if you lower the price to HK 2150.1&再说,这已把价格压到接近生产费用了。Moreover, we are kept the price close to the cost of production.19.虽然价格偏高,但我们的产品质量很好o Our price is a little bid high, but the quality of our product is better

26、.20.感谢你方3月11 口来函和报价单,我们对价格和质量都表示 满意,现很高兴向你方发出订单。Thank you for youT letter and quotation of March 11, we are satisfied with the price and quality and now are sending the following order.21.如果你方认为这一报盘可以接受,请即来电子邮件,以便我 方确认。If you find the order acceptable, please send us an e-mail for our final confirma

27、tion.22.为了开展双方具体的业务,我们很高兴向你方报特盘,以我 方最后确认为准。In order to start concrete business , we are glad to make you the following special offer subject to our final confirmatio n.23.如果这批货达到我们用户的期望值,我公司将再行订购。If the goods are up to our customers expectation, we will place further order with you.24订货时我们已强调任何延误将无疑

28、增加货物成本,故此我们 不能同意信用证展期。While placing the order we emphasized any delay in delivery would definitely increase the cost of the goods That is why we can not extend the L/C.25.你要的机器已被一种新型号代替,这一新型号能向你提供更 满意的服务。The machine requested has been replaced by a new model, which can provide you with a more satisf

29、actory service.26.假如你们的价格再打折3%,我们会进一步扩大市场份额。If you can reduce your price further by 3%, we are likely to increase the market share.27.3200美元已汇入你方帐户,我们相信这笔帐目的了结能使你 继续向我方供货。The sum of USD3200 has been remitted to your account. We believe that this settlement would enable you to ship to us further supp

30、lies2&我们的生意受到经济萧条的严重影响,一旦市场转机,我们 一定会考虑给予你们更优惠的支付方式。Our business has been hit rather hard by the recession, we would offer you better terms of payment once the market improves.29.如贵方能将他的信用状况,财务情况以及付款方面的信誉等 情况告之我们,我们将非常感谢。We shall greatly appreciate it if you can inform us reliability, financial stand

31、ing and reputation for paying bills30你们应该向运输公司或保险公司提出索赔,因为这些货物是 在运输途中受损的。You should loge a claim against the carrier and insurance company, as the goods are damaged during transit.31.我们发现这仅是一个意外,哪怕最细心的人也会发生哪些状 况的。We find this just was one of these situations, even thoughthe most careful human beings occasionally get intoIIL Put the following sentences into Chinese:1 We are expecting to receive your earliest reply to this enquiry.2.To merit your confidence and goodwill is our aim at all times.3.We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to U.S.A.4.When looking ba

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