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1、外交部发言人姜瑜就当前朝鲜半岛局势答记者问外交部发言人姜瑜就当前朝鲜半岛局势答记者问2010/12/18问:当前朝鲜半岛再度出现紧张态势,中方对此有何评论? 答:当前朝鲜半岛局势格外复杂敏感,中方对此高度关注。中方一再强调,如果半岛发生流血冲突,首先遭殃的是半岛双方人民,也势必破坏地区和平稳定,殃及周边国家。中方一贯主张有关方通过对话解决问题,并为此做出了不懈努力。要缓和、不要紧张,要对话、不要对抗,要和平、不要战争,是地区各国人民和国际社会的强烈愿望和呼声。对于任何可能导致事态恶化升级、破坏地区和平稳定的行为,中方都坚决反对,毫不含糊。我们再次强烈呼吁有关方采取负责任的态度,通过对话协商,以

2、和平的方式解决问题,为缓和半岛紧张局势做出建设性努力。Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yus Remarks on the Current Situation on the Korean Peninsula2010/12/19 Q: How do you comment on tensions rising again on the Korean Peninsula? A: China is highly concerned about the extraordinarily complicated and sensitive situation on

3、the Korean Peninsula. As China has repeatedly stressed, if conflict and bloodshed happen on the Peninsula, the first to suffer would be people on both sides of the Peninsula. It will also certainly undermine peace and stability in the region and affect neighboring countries. China has consistently c

4、alled on relevant parties to solve issues through dialogue and has made unremitting efforts to this end. People from all countries in the region and the international community strongly aspire for alleviation rather than tension, dialogue rather than confrontation and peace rather than warfare. Chin

5、a firmly and unequivocally opposes any action that may lead to deterioration and escalation of the situation or undermine peace and stability in the region. We once again strongly appeal to relevant parties to adopt a responsible attitude, solve issues peacefully through dialogue and consultation an

6、d make constructive efforts to ease tension on the Peninsula. 外交部发言人姜瑜就日本出台新防卫计划大纲答记者问 2010/12/17 问:据报道,日本内阁今天通过了新防卫计划大纲,称中国军力的发展和不透明,已成为地区和国际社会的“担忧事项”,日本将与盟国一道推动中国采取负责任的行动。中方对此有何评论? 答:中国坚持走和平发展道路,奉行防御性国防政策,我们无意也不对任何人构成威胁。事实是,改革开放以来中国的发展,给包括日本在内的世界各国带来了共同繁荣的巨大机遇。这在国际社会有目共睹,自有公论。个别国家无权以国际社会的代表自居,不负责任

7、地对中国的发展说三道四。Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yus Remarks on Japan Adopting a New National Defense Program Outline2010/12/19 Q: Its reported that the Japanese Cabinet today adopted a new National Defense Program Outline, claiming that Chinas growing military power and lack of transparency have bec

8、ome a regional and international concern. Japan will work with allies to make China take responsible actions. What is your comment? A: Adhering to a path of peaceful development and pursuing a national defense policy that is defensive in nature, China has no intention to pose, nor does China constit

9、ute a threat to anyone else. The fact is that Chinas development since the reform and opening-up has brought great opportunities for common prosperity to other countries in the world including Japan. This is widely recognized and the international community will have a fair opinion on this. Certain

10、individual country has no right to represent the international community and make irresponsible remarks on Chinas development. 2010年12月16日外交部发言人姜瑜举行例行记者会 2010/12/16 问:据韩国媒体报道,朝鲜最高领导人金正日在会见国务委员戴秉国时表示,朝愿意接受国际原子能机构核查,但就核查提出了一些先决条件。请介绍有关情况。 答:关于戴秉国国务委员访问朝鲜的有关情况,上次记者会上我已向大家做了详细介绍。至于你提到的具体问题,我们认为应该根据9.19共

11、同声明,在六方会谈框架内妥善处理。当前半岛局势依然复杂敏感,希望有关各方共同努力,保持耐心,积极互动,相向而行,推动局势尽快走向缓和,回到对话谈判解决问题的轨道。 问:有报道称,下周将在北京举行中日安全对话,请证实。第二个问题,12月15日,伊朗东南部港口城市恰巴哈尔一座清真寺发生炸弹袭击事件,造成上百人伤亡。中方对此有何评论?答:我们愿意同日本加强安全对话,关于第十二次中日安全对话的安排,双方正就有关事宜保持着沟通。中日两国领导人近期利用多边场合举行了多次会晤和接触,达成了重要共识,推动两国关系迈出了改善发展的步伐。我们高度重视中日关系,愿与日方一道,根据两国领导人达成的共识和中日间四个政治

12、文件的原则,牢牢把握中日关系发展的正确方向,推动中日战略互惠关系健康稳定发展。关于第二个问题,中国政府坚决反对一切形式的恐怖主义。我们谴责日前发生在伊朗东南部针对平民的炸弹袭击事件,并向遇难者家属表示慰问。 问:据报道,韩国军方将于近日在延坪岛进行射击训练。中方对此有何评论?第二个问题,近期日本对其军事部署作出一些调整,有人认为这意在加强对中国的防范。中方对此有何评论?答:我们一再强调,如果半岛乱,首先遭殃的是半岛北南双方的人民。当前形势下,希望有关各方保持冷静克制,避免采取可能使局势升级的举动。我们希望有关各方共同致力于维护半岛和东北亚地区的和平稳定。无论过去,现在,还是将来,中方维护半岛和

13、东北亚地区和平稳定的立场是坚定不移的。关于第二个问题,中国走和平发展的道路,奉行防御性国防政策,不对任何国家构成威胁。我们也希望本地区各国多做增进政治安全互信的事情,共同致力于维护地区的和平与稳定。 问:请介绍美国常务副国务卿斯坦伯格访华情况。他是否已会见了戴秉国国务委员?会谈内容是什么?答:美国常务副国务卿斯坦伯格一行正在中国进行访问,外交部副部长张志军、崔天凯与他分别举行了会谈,中国政府朝鲜半岛事务特别代表武大伟与他进行了会见。今天下午戴秉国国务委员也将会见他。目前访问还在进行中,之后我们会发布相关消息。中美两国利益交融,双方应加强对话合作,而不是相互猜疑竞争。我们愿与美方一道,加强各领域

14、、各层次的对话、交流与合作,推动中美关系沿着健康稳定的轨道向前发展,共同致力于维护本地区乃至世界的和平与稳定。 问:美国常务副国务卿斯坦伯格与中方官员的会见会谈是积极的吗?在半岛问题上是否达成共识? 答:关于你的问题,我们会发布相关消息。中美作为世界上两个重要大国和安理会常任理事国,加强沟通不仅对中美两国有利,对维护世界和地区的和平稳定也是有利的。 问:印度外长近日称,希望中国配合印方要求巴加强打击其境内的恐怖主义势力。温总理访问印度和巴基斯坦期间是否会谈及这一问题? 答:温家宝总理对印度的访问正在进行中,按照日程,中印两国总理会谈可能刚刚结束。有关活动代表团会及时发布消息。昨天温总理出席了中

15、印商务合作峰会并发表讲话,温总理强调,中印是合作伙伴,不是竞争对手,中印经贸合作是互利双赢的,双方应该发挥优势互补,相互促进,寻求共同发展。 印度和巴基斯坦都是我们的友好邻邦,我们真诚希望两国友好相处,共同发展。希望印巴加强包括反恐在内的交流合作,不断改善关系,共同维护南亚地区的和平与稳定。 问:日本将出台的新防卫计划大纲将防卫重点转向西南方向。中方对此有何评论?答:我想强调,中国的发展是和平的发展,我们奉行防御性的国防政策,不对任何国家构成威胁。我们希望中日加强政治安全互信,也希望日本作为本地区重要国家,为促进地区的和平与稳定多做积极努力。 问:美国新墨西哥州州长理查森今天途经北京赴朝鲜,并

16、将以私人身份与朝方就半岛问题举行会晤。中方对此访有何期待?是否认为这有助于推动朝方回到六方会谈?答:据我了解,理查森州长是过境北京去朝鲜,目前没有与中方会见的安排。我们一贯支持美朝加强接触对话,希望他们通过对话解决彼此关切。希望各方共同努力,使半岛有关问题重回对话协商解决的轨道。会后,发言人还应询介绍了中澳将举行第13次人权对话的有关情况。 中澳第13次人权对话将于12月20日在北京举行,对话将由外交部副部长崔天凯与澳外交贸易部副秘书长史密斯共同主持。议题主要包括中澳关系、两国在人权领域取得的新成就、国际人权合作等双方共同关心的问题。我们愿同澳方一道,在平等和相互尊重的基础上,推动对话取得积极

17、成果。 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yus Regular Press Conference on December 16, 20102010/12/17On the afternoon of December 16, 2010, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yu held a regular press conference. Q: ROK media reports that during his meeting with State Councilor Dai Bingguo, the DPRK to

18、p leader Kim Jong-il said that his country was willing to accept the IAEA inspection if certain preconditions were met. Could you give us more details on that? A: About State Councilor Dai Bingguos visit to the DPRK, I already briefed you in details last time. As for the specific issue you mentioned

19、, we believe it should be properly handled within the framework of the Six-Party Talks according to the September 19 Joint Statement. As the situation on the Peninsula remains complicated and sensitive, it is hoped that all parties concerned make joint efforts, keep patient, make active interaction

20、and meet each other half way so as to ease the situation at an early date and bring it back to the track of settlement through dialogue and negotiations. Q: Its reported that China-Japan Security Dailogue is to be held in Beijing next week. Please confirm. Second, on December 15, a bomb blast near a

21、 mosque in the south-east Iranian port city of Chabahar caused over one hundred casualties. Do you have any comment? A: We are ready to strengthen security dialogue with Japan. As for the arrangement for the 12th China-Japan Security Dialogue, the two sides are staying in communication on relevant i

22、ssues. Chinese and Japanese leaders have recently had several meetings and contacts on multilateral occasions, reaching major consensus that marks improvement and development in bilateral relations. Attaching great importance to China-Japan relations, we are ready to work with Japan to steer bilater

23、al relations in the right direction according to the consensus reached between leaders of the two countries and the principles set in the four political documents, with a view to promoting sound and stable development of China-Japan strategic relations of mutual benefit. About your second question,

24、the Chinese Government firmly opposes terrorism of any form. We condemn the bomb attack against civilians in the southeast of Iran and express condolences to the bereaved families. Q: Its reported that the ROK military plans to conduct a live-fire artillery drill in days to come on Yeonpyeong Island

25、. How do you comment? Second, its believed that Japans recent military adjustment is aimed to deter China. How do you comment? A: As we repeatedly stressed, if the situation on the Peninsula goes unchecked, the peoples on the two sides of the Peninsula will be the first to suffer. It is hoped that u

26、nder the current circumstances, relevant parties keep calm, exercise restraint and refrain from any actions that might escalate the situation. We hope relevant parties be jointly committed to safeguarding peace and stability on the Peninsula and in Northeast Asia. No matter in past, present or futur

27、e, Chinas position to safeguard peace and stability on the Peninsula and in Northeast Asia will remain resolute. On your second question, following the path of peaceful development and pursuing a national defense policy which is defensive in nature, China poses no threat to any other country. We als

28、o hope countries in the region do more to enhance political and security mutual trust and contribute to regional peace and stability. Q: Please brief us on the visit by the US Deputy Secretary of State Steinberg. Has he met with State Councilor Dai Bingguo? What did they talk about? A: US Deputy Sec

29、retary of State Steinberg and his delegation are on a visit to China. Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun and Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai have had talks with him respectively. Special Representative of the Chinese Government on the Korean Peninsula Affairs Wu Dawei has met with him. This aftern

30、oon, State Councilor Dai Bingguo will meet with him. As the visit is still ongoing, relevant information will be released afterwards. In light of their converged interest, China and the US should strengthen dialogue and cooperation, rather than suspicion and rivalry. We are ready to join the US to s

31、trengthen dialogue, communication and cooperation at all levels in diverse fields, push bilateral relations in a sound and stable manner and make joint efforts to peace and stability in the region and the world at large. Q: Would you characterize Mr. Steinbergs meeting and talks with Chinese officia

32、ls as positive? Are there any consensus reached on the Peninsula issue? A: Relevant information will be released in due course. Since China and the US are two major countries in the world and permanent member states at the Security Council, better communication between the two will not only serve the interest of the two countries but also contribute to regional and world peace and stability. Q: Indian Foreign Minister recently expressed his hope that China would work with India to urge Pakistan to step up efforts in its fight against domestic terrorist f

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