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1、仁爱英语九年级上册课文互译上部1doc12356九年级仁爱英语上册U1T2 Section C 课文翻译话题2:中国有最多的人口1a:2005年,世界人口约65亿,现在亚洲居住的人口超过了30亿,它几乎是全世界人口的一半。In 2005, the worlds population was about 6.5 billion. More than three billion people live in Asia now. Thats almost half of the worlds population.中国拥有世界上最多的人口,世界上大约五分之一的人口居住在中国。China has th

2、e largest population in the world, and about one fifth of the people in the world live in China.因为人口庞大,每个家庭居住空间更小。Because of the large population, there is less living space for each family.对很多人来说,找工作是很难的.And its difficult for lots of people to find jobs.庞大的人口对整个国家也引发很多其它的困难。The large population als

3、o causes many other difficulties for the whole nation.例如我们资源和水短缺,大多数城市比以前更加拥挤,交通更加严重。For example,we are short of energy and water.most cities are more crowded than before,and the traffic is much heavier.庞大的人口已经成为一个严峻的问题。The large population has become a serious problem.到目前为止,我们的政府已采取许多措施来控制人口了,一个从所周

4、知的就是独生子女政策,它有效控制了中国的人口。So far, our government has taken many measures to control the is known as the one-child policy. It has worked will in controlling Chinas population.由于该项政策,中国正在迅猛发展,人民生活条件正在快速改善。Thanks to the policy, China is developing quickly and peoples living conditions are i

5、mproving rapidly.但是,在中国人口问题仍然严峻,我们仍然有一条长长的道路要走。However, the population problem is still serious in China. We still have a long way to go.九年级仁爱英语上册U1T2 Section D 课文翻译1aA:大家好!我的名字叫苏,我来自加拿大。Hello, everyone!my name is Sue. I come from Canada.加拿大是个绿色大国,冬天多雪。我居住在一个小山城镇,叫埃德蒙顿,它有不到600的人口。Canada is a big gre

6、en country with a lot of snow in winter.i live in a small mountain town called Fairmont. It has fewer than 600 people.我的家乡有很多高高的绿树,空气清新。My hometown has lots of tall green trees, and the air is clean and fresh.我们的镇真正像一个大家庭。我们互相帮助,一起娱乐。Our town is really like one big family. We hilp each other and hav

7、e fun together.但是它并不是完美的,我如果不行走几个小时就不能在大的购物中心购物。But it isnt perfect, i cant go shopping in big stores unless i travel for a couple of hours.有时很难看望朋友,因为他们住得太远了。And sometimes it is hard to see my friends because they live so far away.B:你好,我是李明,我住在北京,中国的首都。Hi, Im Li Ming, i live in Beijing, the capital

8、 of China.这座城市历史悠久,有很多名胜古迹。比如万里长城、明十三陵、颐和园和紫禁城。The city has a long history and many places of interest,such as the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs, the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City. 我们有很多大型购物中心和超市,所以购物又容易又愉快。We have many big shopping centers and huge markets, so shopping is easy and pleasant.我们公共

9、交通也是优秀的,公共汽车、出租车和地铁能带你快速地达到这座城市的任何地方。Our public transportation is excellent, too.buses, taxis and subways can take you to any part of the city quickly.然而生活不是总是那么容易的。However, life isnt always easy.人们必须努力学习和工作以赶上现代社会的飞速发展。People have to study and work hard to keep up with the quick development of mode

10、rn societ九年级仁爱上册 U1 T3世界已经变得更美好了张老师整理九年级仁爱上册 U1 T3 Section A译文1a(海伦和鲍勃正在通过电话交谈)海伦:你已经在纽约很长一段时间了,你在那里居住怎么样?You have been in new York for a long time. How do you like living there?鲍勃:它是很棒的,我真正地喜欢它。Its great. I really love it海伦:但是我听说那里的交通很可怕,几乎所有的人开车太快了。But I heard that the traffic there was terrible a

11、nd almost everyone drove too fast鲍勃:哦,如果你来,你将会很快习惯于它的。Oh, you will get used to it very soon if you come海伦:我也听说街道是脏的。I also heard the streets were dirty.鲍勃:他们以前是,但自从几年前我到这里以来,这座城市已经改善很多。They used to be, but the city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.海伦:那里不会危险了吗?Isnt it dangerous th

12、ere?鲍勃:呃,过去纽约是危险的,但是现在很安全了。Well, new York was dangerous in the past, but its quite safe now.事实上,它是一个居住的好地方。我们有美丽的公园,良好的学校,著名的博物馆和优秀的餐厅。as a matter of fact, its a wonderful place to live. We have beautiful parks, good schools, famous museums and excellent restaurants.如果你喜欢你每天都能去戏院、音乐会和歌剧院。你一定要来参观,这样你

13、就可以亲自看看纽约。And you can go to plays, concerts and operas every day if you like. You must come for a visit. Then you can see new York yourself.U1 T3 Section B译文1a亚:你正在看什么,简?What are you reading, Jane?简:我正在看一张来自加拿大的报纸,马丁出示我一个有趣的文章。它是报道关于一个帮助无家可归的人的组织。Im reading a newspaper from Canada. Martin showed me

14、an interesting article. It is about a program that helps homeless people.玛丽亚:加拿大有无家可归的人吗?Are there homeless people in Canada?简:哦,是的。很多国家有无家可归的人。这篇文章说一个城市有下美妙的机构。Oh, yes. Many countries have homeless people. The article says one city has a wonderful program.自从它成立以来,它已经帮助成百上千的人重返工作岗位,过着正常的生活。Since it

15、started, it has helped hundreds of people return to work and live a normal life.玛丽亚:那听起来棒极了!他们如何管理呢?That sounds great! How do they manage it?简:呃,一旦他们发现需要帮助的人,他们就会选择行当的说方式去帮助他们。Well, once they find people in need, they decided on suitable ways to help them.玛丽亚:这些无家可归的人能获得足够的食物和医疗吗?Can the homeless pe

16、ople get enough food and medical treatment?简:是的,而且不仅仅那样。这个组织同样提供他们房子,培训他们以便他们能再次找到工作。Yes. And its not only that. The program also provides them with houses. It trains them so that they can find jobs again.玛丽亚:我认为让这些人自我感觉良好这是很重要的。I think it is important for these people to feel good about themselves.

17、简:你是对的,世界已经变得更美好了。You are right. The world has changed for the better.九年级仁爱上册 U1 T3 Section C译文1a埃德蒙顿的一个著名组织帮助无家可归的人很多年了,它叫埃德蒙顿社区服务,A famous organization in Edmonton has helped homeless people for many years. It is called Edmonton Community Services.它因成功帮助无家可归的人重返正常生活而闻名。It is famous for its success

18、 in helping homeless people return to a normal life.它帮助无家可归的人获得工作,借钱给他们,以便他们能租到房子,为他们的孩子们购买衣服。It helps homeless people get jobs and lends money to them so that they can rent apartments and buy clothes for their children.这个组织有一个叫“流浪儿之家”的专门机构,。The organization has a special program for street kids, ca

19、lled “kids in the hall”.它帮助像泽克这样无家可归的孩子们。“In the Hall”是埃德蒙顿一家饭店的名称。It helps homeless children like Zack. “in the hall” is the name of a restaurant in Edmonton.他们为流浪在街头上的孩子们准备食物、做饭菜和服务。The food is prepared, cooked and served by the street kids.同时,孩子们正好学习厨房技巧。当他们完成了他们的培训,这对他们找到工作将会是容易的。At the same tim

20、e, the kids are learning restaurant skills. When they finish their training, it will be easy for them to find jobs.但是,流浪儿必须遵守严格的规定地。However, the street kids must obey strict rules.任何人如果吸毒,偷东西或者违反其他规定,他不能呆在这个组织里了,他必须重新流浪街头。If anyone takes drugs, steals things or disobeys other rules, he cant stay in

21、the program. He has to return to the streets.泽克认为这些规定很严格,但他说:“流浪儿之家这个组织已经给我一个很好的成功机会,他将帮我像其他孩子们那样生活”。Zack thinks these rules are strict. But he says, “the program, kids in the hall, has given me a good chance to succeed. It will help me live like other kids again.”九年级仁爱上册 U1 T3 Section D译文1a希望工程是一个帮

22、助贫困学生的专门服务组织。Project hope is a social program to help poor students.它成立于1989年10月30日。它致力于把教育带到中国的贫困地区,帮助贫困家庭为他们的孩子提供教育。It started on October 30th, 1989. It aims to bring schools into poor areas of China, and to help poor families afford an education for their children.在过去的16年里,希望工程已经从国内外筹集了约30亿元资金。In

23、 the past sixteen years, project hope has raised about 3 billion yuan from people at home and abroad.它资助了250万名贫困学生接受教育,有230万学生因此顺利进入高中就读。It has paid for the education of 2.5 million poor students and sent 2.3 million students to high schools.用这些钱,它已经建立了成千上万所学校和图书馆,培训2300名教师。With the money, it has bu

24、ilt thousands of schools and libraries and trained 2,300 teachers.但是贫困家庭4000万的孩子们仍然需要帮助,所以希望工程仍然有很多工作要做。But 40 million children from poor families still need help, so project hope still has a lot of work to do.(2005年10月31日)1b敏敏来自一个贫困家庭。她已经接受来自希望工程的帮助,没有希望工程的帮助,她不能继续她的学业。希望工程改变了她的生活,她是一名大学生两年了。毕业大学后,

25、她将要为希望工程工作。自从希望工程成立以来,它支付成百万上千万像敏敏这样的贫困学生的教育费用。你身边有像她这样的孩子们吗?他们有什么困难吗?希望工程能帮助他们。九年级仁爱上册 U2拯救地球T1:污染引发太多的问题张老师整理九年级仁爱上册 U2 T1 Section A译文1a(康康、简、玛丽亚和迈克尔正在进行郊游计划)简和玛丽亚:康康,我们要去哪里?Kangkang, where shall we go ?康康:西山怎么样?我以前去过那里。那里是一个有很多花花草草的美丽的地方,空气清新,流水清澈,你将会看到蜜蜂和蝴蝶在翩翩起舞。What about the West Hill? Ive bee

26、n there before. Its a beautiful place with lots of flowers and grass. The air is fresh and the water is clean, and you will see bees and butterflies dancing.迈克尔:听起来很好!让我们去那里吧!Sounds great! Lets go there. (两天后,他们来到西山了)Two days later, they come to the West Hill康康:哦,我的天哪!花花草草全没了,流水这样肮脏,臭气熏人。这里发生了什么?Oh,

27、 my goodness! The flowers and grass have gone! The water is so dirty. It smells terrible. What has happened here?玛丽亚:看,有几家化工厂正在往小溪排放废水。Look, there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.康康:一切都变了。Everything has changed.迈克尔:你们仍然要在这里进行野炊吗?Do you still want to have a picnic h

28、ere?简:当然不。Of course not.九年级仁爱上册 U2 T1 Section B译文1a(一个老太太正在咳嗽,她看起来虚弱)An old lady is coughing. She looks weak.康康:早上好,老奶奶。你有什么事吗?Good morning, Granny. Whats wrong with you?老太太:哦,孩子,呼吸对我来说有困难。Oh, boy. Its difficult for me to breathe.康康:你像这样多久了?How long have you been like this?老太太:自从上周以来我就已经像这样了。Ive bee

29、n like this since last week.康康:你看过医生了吗?Have you seen a doctor?老太太:不,我没有。化工厂产生可怕的空气。恶劣的空气使我胸部受到伤害。另外,那家工厂制造太多的噪音,我晚上不能入睡。No, i havent. The chemical factory produces terrible gas. The bad air makes my chest hurt. Whats more, the factory makes too much noise and i cant sleep well at night.康康:那太糟糕了。That

30、s too bad.老太太:我总是心情不好,因为我无法忍受这里的环境,你注意到这条河里的死鱼了吗?不管怎样说,我希望政府将会很快解决这个问题的。Im always in a bad mood because i cant stand the environment here. Have you noticed the dead fish in the river? Anyway, i hope the government will solve this problem soon.康康:哦,是的,污染引发了太多的问题,我想,我应该写一封关于这些问题的的信给报社,但是现在你最好去看医生。Oh,

31、yes. Pollution causes too many problems. I think i should write to the newspaper about these problems. But now youd better go to see a doctor.九年级仁爱上册 U2T1 Section C译文1a在当今世界,几乎所有人都知道空气污染对人们的健康有害。In todays world, almost everyone knows air pollution is harmful to people s health.然而,并非所有的人都知道噪声也是一种污染,而且也会对人类的健康有害。However, not all people know noise is also a kind of pollution and is harmful to humans health.工作和生活在嘈杂环境的人容易失聪。例如,很多印刷报刊和书籍的工人变成聋子。People who work and live in noisy conditions go deaf easily. For example, many of the workers who print newspapers and

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