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1、雅思口语标准模式雅思口语标准模式Module format IELTS Speaking is an one-to-one interaction between the candidate and an examiner. The three parts give the candidate the opportunity to use a range of different speaking skills. IELTS Speaking is recorded. Timing11-14 minutesMarksCandidates are assessed on their perfor

2、mance throughout the best.PartNature of InteractionTiming1Introduction and interview After introductions and identity check, the examiner asks the candidate questions about familiar topics.4-5 minutes2Long turn The candidate receives a task card with a topic. S/He then has 1 minute to prepare and ma

3、ke notes before speaking about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes.3-4 minutes3Discussion The examiner discusses with the candidate more abstract aspects of the topic in Part 2.4-5 minutesAssessment CriteriaThe four criteria used in IELTS Speaking to assess candidates are as follows:Fluency and Coherence L

4、exical ResourceGrammatical Range and AccuracyPronunciationFluency and Coherence This refers to the candidates ability to talk with normal levels of continuity and speech rate , and to link ideas and language together in coherent, connected speech.Lexical ResourceThis refers to the range of vocabular

5、y the candidate can use and how clearly meanings and attitudes can be expressed. This includes the variety of words used and the ability to get round a vocabulary gap by expressing the idea in a different way.Grammatical Range and AccuracyThis refers to the range of structures available to the candi

6、date and how accurately and appropriately s/he can use them . Assessment takes into account the length and complexity of utterances as well as the effect of grammatical errors on communication. PronunciationThis refers to the candidates ability to produce comprehensible utterances and to use a range

7、 of pronunciation features to communicate meaning. Assessment takes into account the amount of strain caused to the listener. 雅思口语第一部分(一) 话题范围Your hometownYour StudiesYour hobbies Your homeYour jobPersonal habits Music SportComputerInternetSwimmingCycling News Drawing&paintingCooking Parties Shoppin

8、g Birthdays Reading Writing Fruits & veggiesWeekend Holidays Travel Gifts Communication (phone, email)Flowers advertisementsNewspapers&magazinesTransport & drivingClothing Films 注:雅思口语第一部分的话题,每年都会有新的题目出现,但主体是基本不变的,很好准备。雅思口语第一部分永远的主体话题:吃,穿,住,行,学习,工作,娱乐(音乐,电影,电视),运动,媒体,网络,艺术(画画,乐器,艺术馆),送礼,生日,派对。(二)雅思口

9、语第一部分是怎么进行的?雅思口语第一部分提问模式非常固定,考官主要是按照下面几种模式想考生提问:1. Do you?2.Do people in your country do? 3.What type of do you like?4.What type of do you dislike? 5.What do you like about?6.What do you dislike about?7.What do you like to do +时间?8.What do you dislike to do +时间?9.Is it easy/difficult/convenient/safe

10、/dangerous to do? 10.When did you first do ? 11.Did you dowhen you were a child? 12.When did you last do ? / Tell me about your last experience? 13.When and where do you? 14.Do you like doalone or with friends? 15.Do you prefer A or B? Why? 16.Do you think its necessary/important for children/school

11、s to do? 17.What do you think about.?18.What do you think is the benefit/advantage of ? 下面我们以最近经常出现的几个话题为例,看看考官是怎么提问的?Cycling-Is it popular to ride the bike in your country? -Do you often ride the bike? -Is it safe to ride the bike in your city?-What do you think is the advantage of biking compared

12、with other forms of transport? Cooking -Who cooks in your family?-Do you like cooking? Why or why not? -Do you think schools should provide cooking lessons for students? Shopping-Do you like shopping?-Where do you like to go shopping? -Do you like to go shopping alone or with friends? -Do you prefer

13、 big shops or small ones? Why? -Tell me about your last shopping experience. Travel -Do you like travelling?-What places do you like to visit? -Tell me about your last travel? -What do you think is the benefit of travel? 从上面我们可以看出考官在提问时的九个提问方向:一:你自己; 二:你们国家的普遍情况;三:你的小时候; 四: 是最近一次; 五:小孩 六:在学校学重不重要; 七

14、:同类比较优缺点 八:的好处 九:为什么三)雅思口语第一部分的注意事项1. 雅思口语第一部分的两大忌:1)背诵答案2)太多的简短答案(yes. No. I dont know.)2. 雅思口语第一部分的前奏Whats you full name? or: Can you tell me your full name, please? How shall I call you? Can I see your ID card please? 3. 怎样在雅思口语第一部分给考官留下好的印象。1)发音差的同学,应该把自己发得不好的音好好纠正一下。2)语法不好的同学,应该好好学习一下一般过去时,现在完成

15、时,现在 完成进行时,现在进行时和将来时;名词单复数;可数和不可数名词;人称代词;主谓一致;形容词比较级最高级。3)学习一些英语是母语的人喜欢用的的口语词和短语。4)克服自己的紧张情绪,经常进行自问自答练习或找人对练。5)不要试图说得太多,适当扩展一下就行了。6)说话不要太快,同时和考官保持眼神接触。4. 如何克服自己的表达方式过于简单,单调的问题。很多同学得5分的一个主要原因就是表达方式过于简单,单调,如喜欢就是like, 表达原因就是because, 说好处就是good for health, 描述地方就是beautiful, 当然不是说这些词不好,关键是你从头到尾都用类似的词或短语的话,

16、给考官的信息就是你的语言不行,别忘了,雅思纯粹就是考语言,就像普通话考试。我给大家总结了几组大家很可能会用上的一些词和短语,基本都是中国考生不是很熟悉的一些表达方式,希望能对大家有所帮助。第一组:Yes, I do; No, I dont 之外的其它情况 词或短句注解1. Sure2.Thats for sure3. Absolutely (not) 4. Definitely (not) 5. Certainly (not) 6. No doubt about it 7. Not necessarily8. Well, actually9. Well, obviously, 10.Well,

17、 honestly11. Well, to tell you the truth12. Um, to be honest, 13. As a matter of fact, 14. Well, Im not really sure, but I guess so, cos15. Well, it really depends. 16. Well, it obviously varies from person to person. 17. Well, its difficult to say, cos18. Not really/exactly 19. Not much. 1-6 都是用来表示

18、“当然,那是自然,这是可定的”之类的意思。7 意为“未必,不一定”8-13 表示你要说的话可能和考官的期望不同或相反。14 表示你对考官所问的内容不是很清楚,但你觉得是这样的。15 表示你认为有几个可能的因素,而非一个。16. 表示因人而异17. 表示 “这个很难说的啦”。18. 表示 “不完全是”19. 表示 “不是很多(频率),或者不是很喜欢(程度)”第二组:除了 I like; I dont like 你还会说什么?词或短句(按最喜欢-最不喜欢排列)例句is my biggest passion in life.Be obsessed withBe addicted toBe hooke

19、d onIm crazy/mad aboutIm a huge/great fan ofI absolutely adoreI absolutely loveIm intoIm not very much intoIm not a big fan ofI dislikeis not my thing. I really hateI cant standBasketball is my biggest passion in life. Lots of children and teenagers are obsessed with computer games. Im crazy about L

20、V bags. Im huge fan of him. I absolutely adore you. I absolutely love Sichuan food. Im into Korean songs. Im so into you. Unlike most girls, Im not very much into shopping. Im not a big fan of photography.I dislike anything thats oily and spicy. Dancing is just not my thing. I really hate travelling

21、 by train. I cant stand the smell of it. 第三组:how often? 词或短句(按最频繁-从不排列)例句I .all the time I almost every dayI whenever I wantI a lotI dontvery oftenIonce in a whileI rarely I hardly everI neverI use the brand all the time. He complains all the time. I eat it almost every day.I go shopping whenever I

22、want. I dine out a lot.I dont go to the cinema very often.I only go to the cinema once in a while.I rarely borrow money from my friends. It rarely rains here in summer.I hardly ever go to the restaurant/go to the cybercaf.I never drink or smoke. 第四组:why or why not?I like it mainly becauseI like it s

23、imply becauseWell, there are a variety of reasons. First,; second One reason is that; another reason is thatThe primary/main reason is thatIts primarily becauseI like it mainly because its a great way to relax. I like the major simply because its my interest. Well, there are a variety of reasons. Fi

24、rst, Ive been interested in it since I was a child and its always been my dream to be a . Second, I think it suits my personality. You see, Im extroverted and I love meeting new people. Thats exactly what the job requires. You see, everybody wants to have a car. I think one reason is that a car does

25、 make life easier and gives your more freedom. Another reason is that an expensive car is a status symbol, so rich people use it to show off their wealth. I think the primary reason is that our university education focuses too much on exams and too little on practical skills. Its primarily because w

26、e are selfish and short-sighted. Its primarily due toIts mainly due to the fact thatIts the result ofIt may be becauseIm not sure, but I guess onepossible reason isFor one thing for another Its primarily due to our selfishness and short-sightedness. Its mainly due to the fact that people today are u

27、nder heavy pressure from work and life, especially financial pressure. Its the result of a long-time sedentary lifestyle. Well, it may be because theyre not happy about the pay. It may be because theyre too busy or too tired too cook at home, you know, modern life is really stressful. Im not sure, b

28、ut I guess one possible reason is that they rush into marriage and after a while they find that they are not actually right for each other. I dont like cycling. For one thing, when I cycle along the road, I have to breathe the dirty air. For another, cycling is dangerous cos theres so much traffic o

29、n the road. 第五组:benefit/advantageIts a great way to keep fit/boost your fitness. Its marvelous exercise. Its got great physical benefits.Its beneficial for health. Its really healthy/wholesome. Its really nutritious. 对身体好呗Its economical.It doesnt cost much/it cost much less. Its inexpensive. Its mon

30、ey-saving.It saves (you) lots of money. 省钱呗Its a marvelous way to release/relieve stress. Its a great stress reducer/stress killer. Its a great way to let off steam. Its a perfect way to wind down after a hard day at school/work. It helps me to wind down. Its a wonderful way to relax.Its a wonderful relaxation. Its really relaxing. 放松,减压呗 Its eco-friendly/environment-friendly.It does no harm to the environment. Its harmless to the environmentIt doesnt pollute/contaminate the environment.环保呗 It

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