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Join in book 入门 Unit 4 Colours教案.docx

1、Join in book 入门 Unit 4 Colours教案Unit 4 colours(1)教学内容 Part 1 激活学生的学习兴趣。以夸张的嘴型帮助学生正音。教学目标 知识与技能:1、四会掌握以下单词:Green 、red、 pink、 blue、 brown 、yellow.2、听懂会说:“The lovely butterfly.”,“Look at the butterfly.”过程与方法:1、以实物演示,2、分角色扮演3、TPR全身反应法。.情感态度价值观:1、 激发学生说英语的兴趣。2、融洽师生氛围,培养良好的师生关系。教学重点 正确说出这几种颜色。教学难点1. 以下单词的

2、发音“brown,green,blue,red”。2. 理解“The lovely butterfly.”,“Look at the butterfly.教学准备 磁带, 录音机, 词卡.彩色粉笔教学过程 Step1 Warming up1.Greeting.2. Play a guessing game:T draw some things ,Ss guess()T: Its butterfly.Teach butterfly.Step 2:Presentation.1. Look at the butterfly.T:I have got two butterflies, the love

3、ly butterfly . I like this one.Which one do you like?S:(Point)T:why?Ss:有颜色,漂亮T: Yes, because the butterfly is full of colours.2. Teach words.1) Teach green and red.T:What colour is it ?Its green.Read it after teacher one by one.What colour is it ?Its red.Read it.Chant: Green, red.(2) Teach “Pink, bl

4、ue”. (Use the same way)(3) Teach “Brown, yellow”.(Use the same way)3. T point the colours, Ss say the words.5.Summary:T point to the colours and say : green, red, pink, blue, brown, yellow are colours.Setp 3:Practice.1. Read these colours in group.2. Look and guess.3. Game: Help frog.T:what colour?I

5、ts_./Its_and_.Frog: Thanks, bye-bye.Step 4:Listen to the song.1. You are so clever, now lets listen to a song!Play the tape. T sing and Ss mime.作业设计 Sing the song to your parents.板书设计:Unit 4 colours green red pink blue brown yellow 教学反思 Unit 4 Colours(2)教学目标:知识与技能:1、学习单词orange,熟练运用学习的颜色单词。2、学生学会理解To

6、by pains the (boat) (blue).3、Listening and colouring. 过程与方法:TPR全身反应法,音乐节奏法运用游戏和比赛帮助学生理解与运用所学知识。 情感态度价值观:培养学生注意认真听的习惯。教育学生对别人的表现予以鼓励和肯定。 教学重点:听录音,涂颜色。熟练运用学习的颜色单词。 教学难点: 能够正确理解句子Toby pains the (boat) (blue).教学准备: 单词卡片,录音机,磁带,图片玩具图片;彩色纸片 教学过程: Step 1. Warm up and review。1. singing a song Butterfly.2. R

7、eview the name of toys:ball,doll, skateboard, plan, car, bike, boat.(出示玩具图片,进行复习。)Step 2. New word.1.教师出示一瓶红色的颜料水,先请学生说出英文,接下来,2.教师可以再出示一瓶黄色的颜料水,请学生说出颜色。3.教师请一个学生来扮演小魔法师,将两个瓶子的水混合到一个不透明的瓶中,然后念一段咒语,请学生猜测变出什么颜色。4.倒出混合的水,出示单词卡片,教授orange,its orange.学生跟读,分小组读。找出身边橙色的物品。5.Review the name of colours: pink,

8、 blue, green, red, yellow, brown,orange.(出示彩色纸片,进行复习。)6.可以请学生来玩听一听,拍一拍的游戏。然后请其他学生来出题目。7.请学生来帮助老师给所有的颜色单词卡片找到对应的颜色卡片。Step 3 .Listen and colour.(Stick a paper toy shop on the blackboard and nothing in it.)1. Story-telling.I am going to tell you a story. Toby 有一家漂亮的玩具商店。可是,有一天,奇怪的事情发生了,商店里的玩具全都不见了。原来,可

9、恶的魔法师偷走了所有的玩具。只有小朋友说出所有玩具的名称, 玩具才能重新回到商店里。(配乐:悲伤。)2. Ask the pupils to look at the drawing for about 10 seconds and tell them to try and remember all the toys they see. Then tell them to close their books and say out loud the names of the toys that were on the page. 同时将相应的黑白玩具图片插入玩具店图中去。(配乐:轻快。)3. 听

10、玩具声音录音,检查还有哪些玩具没有找到,将剩下图片插入玩具店挂图中。4. 师:Toby的玩具找到了,可是颜色没有了,怎么办呢?(配乐:焦虑。)听录音,Toby paints the boat blue. 师:原来魔法师让Toby paints the boat blue. 快帮助Toby。教师一边复述Toby paints the boat blue,一边将小船涂上蓝色。然后让学生一起复述Toby paints the boat blue。将书上的小船涂上蓝色。5. 听录音,让学生根据录音内容完成练习。同时,教师将黑白图片填上相应的颜色。6. 重放录音,教师出示手中彩色玩具图片,学生进行检查。

11、教师将图片插入玩具店挂图中。Step 4.Sum-up.今天,在大家的共同努力下,Toby找回了所有的玩具,出示Toby玩偶,模仿声音:Thank you. (配乐:欢快。) 作业设计1. 读所有学过的颜色单词5遍。2. 自己用颜色卡片设计小游戏。3. 画一个自己喜欢的玩具,并且根据自己的喜好涂上颜色。教学反思Unit 4 Colours(3)教学内容: Part3.复习调动学生学习积极性和主动性,让其在轻松的氛围中进入最佳的学习状态。在教读的过程中注意纠正学生的读音,不要把is blue读成了its blue。教师在这一时间内要在学生中进行巡视,以便及时发现和纠正错误。要求学生边涂色边描述m

12、yis如果班上的学生程度够好,可以让他们填两种颜色,并且用句型My ( boat) is (blue and orange).来表达。 教学目标:知识与技能:1、学生能听懂会说My ( boat) is (blue).2、学生能熟练运用有关颜色的单词。过程与方法:TPR全身反应法创设良好的语言环境激发学生交流的欲望。情感态度价值观:让学生在学习的过程中体验英语学习的乐趣。教学重点:复习有关颜色的单词:green, red, blue, yellow, pink, brown, orange 。学习句子:My ( boat) is (blue).教学难点:学生能够根据情景应用对话 教学准备: T

13、ape,recorder,cards,pictures.教学过程: Step 1 Warming up1、 Greeting2、 Sing a song: butterfly 3、Say the coloursaT shows the colour cards, the students say the words.教师出示颜色卡片,学生说出单词。采用各种不同的方法复习单词。b. read words T shows the words cards of the colours, Ss read them.4、say the toysa. T mime the actions of the t

14、oys, and the Ss guess what it is.如果学生猜对了,教师可以大声说: yes, my (car)b. 请学生上台做动作,如果其余学生猜对了,同样大声说yes, my ()。c. Practise in pairs.Step 2 Presentation1. T:Now, lets play a guessing game. I have a toy , guess,whats this?教师出示玩具图片的一角让学生猜,Ss: its a (boat)T: Yes, its my (boat). Guess again, what colour is my boat

15、?Ss: its .(blue)T: great, its blue. My boat is blue。(板书)教师通过示范读,点读,开火车读,全班读的方式教读 My boat is blue这句话。2.用同样的方式出示另外两种玩具的颜色。慢慢让学生能够自己接出My ( boat) is (blue). 这句话。3.教师将玩具图片翻转,告诉学生Can you choose a toy and feel what colour it is? If you are right, then the picture is yours.在游戏的过程中,要求学生使用My ( boat) is (blue)

16、.4. A chantStep 3 Drilling1. Open books , turn to page 32. give the Ss 20 to remember what toys in the picture.2. Ask the pupils to colour in some of the white parts in the picture .they can choose the objects they wish to colour,but each object may be coloured with only one colour.3. Ask each pupil

17、 to describe his/her picture and show it to the other pupils, use the sentence My ( boat) is (blue).4.全班交流 作业设计 Draw two toys , colour them. Then write sentences.My ( ) is ( ).板书设计Unit 4 Colours green red pink blue brown yellow orangeMy ( boat) is (blue).Unit 4 Colours (4)教学内容 Part 4复习旧知,导入新知。通过幽默,滑

18、稽的动作进行示范,指导学生整体感知故事。在真实的情境中激发学生的求知欲望。教给听的方法,培养学生正确的听力习惯。教学目标知识与技能:1、听懂故事并正确粘贴图片。2、学会理解: Lzzy, wizzy, woo, make Pats milk blue. My milk! Its blue. Lzzy, wizzy, king and queen. Make Pits milk green. Look at the cat. Oh, no!过程与方法:以实物演示,分角色扮演运用TPR全身反应法。情感态度价值观:培养学生乐于与他人交往的情感。培养良好的听力习惯。教学重点理解故事。能听懂并正确粘贴图

19、片。学会讲这个故事。教学难点 学会讲这个故事。教学准备 图片 词卡 录音机 磁带教学过程 Step 1: Revision.1. Sing the song.2. Review the colours.(1). Show cards red/blue., Ss read it. Then say it one by one.(2). T order: show me your red/blueStep 2: Learn new words-cat, milk.1. Prepare the flashcards. Stick the two pictures on the board.2. Sa

20、y cat and pretend to stroke a cat.3. Say milk and mime the action of drinking a glass of milk.4. Repeat the words and actions several times.5. Gradually get the Ss to join in.Step 3: Magic spell.1. Tell Ss that they are going to learn some more magic spells, which they can use whenever they like.2.

21、Put a piece of red paper on the picture of the cat and call a pupil to the board.,3. ell the others that he is a wizard.4. All the pupils (expect the wizard) should close their eyes.5. Tell the apprentice wizard the spell, lzzy, wizzy, woo, make my cat blue.6. While the pupil is repeating it and the

22、 other pupils have their eyes closed, T should remove the red paper from the cat and stick a blue one in its place.7. At this point Ss should open their eyes and clap because the magic was a success.8. T ask another pupil come to the board and while the rest of the class close their eyes , tell him

23、the spell, lzzy, wizzy, king and queen, make my cat green.9. While the wizard is repeating the magic spell and the other pupils keep their eyes closed.10. T or the wizard should substitute the blue paper for green.11. Say the magic spell several times and ask the class repeat it.Step 4: Learn the st

24、ory.1. Tell Ss to open their books. Take the two missing cartoon stickers from the insert.2. Play the cassette several times and ask them to put the stickers in the correct order.3. Ss work in small groups on each individual scence.4. Ss act out the story in class.To make things more interesting, it

25、 is a good idea to use a few props. 作业设计 1、Say the story.2、抄写单词并翻译milk, king,queen, 教学反思:Unit 4 Colours(5,6)教学内容: Part(5,6). 复习调动学生学习积极性和主动性,让其在轻松的氛围中进入最佳的学习状态。从读单词到说句子,实际上是在告诉学生英语是可以运用于我们的生活中的。用快速抢答的游戏再一次向学生渗透What colour is this?的读音。教师在这一时间内要在学生中进行巡视,以便及时发现和纠正错误。教学目标:知识与技能:1、学习两种新的颜色 black , white,

26、 能熟练运用有关颜色的单词。2、学生能听懂会说What colour is this(it)? /Its white.3、复习句型Whats this?/Its the letter Whats the number?/Its the number 4、能将以上几种句型熟练运用于生活中。过程与方法:创设良好的语言环境激发学生交流的欲望。情感态度价值观:让学生在学习的过程中体验英语学习的乐趣。教学重点:1、学习单词 black , white.2、句型:What colour is this(it)? /Its white.教学难点:学生能够根据所给的图片利用三种句型进行对话。教学准备: Tap

27、e,recorder,cards,pictures.教学过程: Step 1 Warming up1、 Greeting2、 Sing a song: butterfly 3、 Review numbers: 教师出示数字卡片问whats the number? 学生大声说出Its 4、 Review letters: 出示字母卡片让学生快速反应读,然后将顺序打散,逐一出示,并问Whats this?要求学生说Its the letterStep 2 Presentation1. T point sth and asks:What colour is this? Ss: its 2. T指着黑

28、色问What colour is this?教读black.Ask Ss point sth and say “its black”.3.用同样的方法教读white.Ask Ss point sth and say “its white”.4. Practise black and white.5. A game: T shows a colourful picture and ask “What colour is this?” Ss say the answer as quickly as they can.6.板书 :What colour is this? /Its并且教读。7. Op

29、en books at P34, read the colours.8. Group work. Ask and answer in groups.Step 3 Drilling1. T mime Toby and panda, ask and answer:Whats this? / Its the letter d.What colour is it? / Its blue.Whats the number? / Its the number four.What colour is it? / Its yellow.2. Ask a pupil to mime panda to answe

30、r the question.3. Ask two pupils to ask and answer.4. Open books at P35. read the sentences.5. Pair work. 作业设计1.抄写单词: black , white2.画一个玩具,并涂色,旁边写上今天课堂上所用到的句子。Whats this? Its a What colour is this? Its板书设计 Unit 4 Coloursblack Whats this? / Its white What colour is this? / Its white.Whats the number? / Its the number 教学反思 Unit 4 Colours (6)教学内容 Part 7、8通过音乐和动作引出新知识。知识与技能:1、复习字母HIJK。2、用英语进行交谈,并涂色。 What letter is this? Its the letter H. Colour it red, please. Ok.3、学会使用:Chinas flag, five-star red flag, blue sky, flying.4、学说Say the chant.过程与方

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