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1、服务行业基本英语培训服务行业基本英语培训各下属公司名称汉文英文中文:酒店英译:Hotel中文:欢迎您光临+酒店英译:Welcome to+ Hotel中文:休闲会所英译:leisure clubs 中文 酷派KTV英译:Cool KTV 中文:夜总会英译:Night Club 欢迎和问候语:1、Good morning(afternoon , evening) , sir(madam)早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。2、How do you do?您好!(初次见面)Glad to meet you .很高兴见到您。3、How are you?您好吗?Fine , Thanks . And

2、you ?很好,谢谢。您好吗?4、Welcome to our hotel (restaurant , shop).欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店)来。5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel .愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。6、I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时)I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间)I hope you have enjoyed your stay with

3、us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人离店时)7、Have a good time!祝您过得愉快!电话用语:8、Grand City Hotel, xxx speaking, Can I help you?华丽城酒店,我是。,请问有什么可以帮到你?9、Sorry , Ive dialed the wrong number .对不起,我拨错号了。10、May I speak to your general manager?能和你们总经理说话吗?Speaking.我就是。11、Sorry , he is not in at the moment .对不起,他现在不在。Would you like

4、to leave a message ?您要留口信吗?12、Pardon.对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?I beg your pardon.对不起,请再说一遍,好吗?祝贺语:13、Congratulations!祝贺您!14、Happy birthday!生日快乐!15、Happy new year!新年快乐!16、Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!17、Have a nice holiday!假日快乐!18、Wish you every success!祝您成功!答谢和答应语:19、Thank you (very much) .谢谢您(非常感谢)。20、Thank you for you

5、r advice (information , help)感谢您的忠告(信息、帮助)。21、Its very kind of you .谢谢,您真客气。22、You are welcome .不用谢。23、Not at all.不用谢。Dont mention it .不用谢。24、Its my pleasure .非常高兴为您服务。(With pleasure.)(My pleasure.)25、I am at your service .乐意为您效劳。26、Thank you for staying in our hotel.感谢您在我们酒店下榻。27、Im sorry .很抱歉。28、E

6、xcuse me .对不起。29、Im sorry ,Its my fault.很抱歉。那是我的过错。30、Sorry to have kept you waiting .对不起,让您久等了。31、Sorry to interrupt you .对不起,打扰您了。45、This way ,please.请这边走46、Turn left /right.往左转/右转。47、Its in the lobby near the main entrance.在大厅靠近大门。48、Its in the basement at the end of the corridor.在地下室走廊尽头。提醒用语:49

7、、Mind/(Watch)your step.请走好。50、Please be careful.请当心。51、Please dont leave anything behind.请别遗忘您的东西。52、Dont worry.别担心。53、Take it easy.放心好了。54、Please dont smoke here.请不要在这边抽烟。 告别语:55、Goodbye.再见。56、See you later.再见。57、Good night .晚安。58、See you tomorrow.明天见。59、Goodbye and thank you for coming.再见,谢谢您的光临。6

8、0、Goodbye and hope to see you again.再见,希望再见到您。61、Have a nice trip!一路平安!62、Wish you a pleasant journey! Good luck!祝您旅途愉快!祝您好运!前厅:1、Have you a reservation?您预定过了吗?2、May I know your name and room number?您能告诉我您的名字与房间号吗?3、Here is your room key.给您房间钥匙。4、Please pay at the cashiers desk over there.请去那边帐台付款。5

9、、Are these your baggages?这些是您的行李吗?6、May I take them for you?我来帮您拿好吗?客房部6、Housekeeping .May I come in?客房服务员,我可以进来吗?7、Leave your laundry in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door.请把要洗的东西放在浴室门后的洗衣袋中。8、I hope Im not disturbing you.我希望没有打扰您。9、One moment ,madam. Ill bring them to you right away .等一会儿,夫人

10、。我马上送来。10、Ill send for an electrician( doctor , )我给您请电工(大夫)。餐饮部:11、Sit down , please .Here is the menu.请坐,给您菜单,先生。May I take your order ,sir?您要点菜吗?12、What would you like to have ,coffee or tea?您要喝咖啡还是茶?13、Would you like to have any wine with you dinner?您用餐时要喝点酒吗?14、Service hours are:(餐厅)供应时间是:7:00a.

11、 9:00a.m.for breakfast.早餐7点到9点。11:30a.m.to1: 30p.m.for lunch.午餐11点半到1点半。 8:30p.m.for dinner.晚餐6点半到8点半。15、Here is the bill. Please sign it.这是您的帐单,请签字。销售用语:1、What kind of rooms(foods) would you like to have?您需要什么样的房间(吃什么样的菜)?2、Here is a brochure of our hotel and tariff.这是介绍我们饭店的小册子和价目表。3

12、、Well give you a 10%(ten percent ) discount.我们给您九折优惠。4、Well offer tour guides complimentary breakfasts.我们给陪同提供免费早餐。5、We accept your terms.我们接受您的条件。公关用语:6、May I introduce myself?让我介绍我自己。7、May I present you a litter souvenir?请接受我们的一点小纪念品。8、Lets drink to our friendship!为我们的友谊干杯!9、Let me propose a toast

13、 to the health of our guests!建议为在座客人的健康干杯!10、Cheers!干杯!(Bottoms!)征求意见用语:11、How do you like Chinese food?您喜欢中国菜吗?12、What do you think of our service ?您对我们的服务有什么意见?13、Thank you for your comments(compliment, suggestions).谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)。14、Im afraid its against the hotels regulations.这是违反饭店规章制度的。15、I

14、n our hotel we dont accept tips.我们饭店是不收小费的。Its our pleasure to serve our guests well.我们为能为客人服务好而感到高兴。Thank you all the same.然而,还是要谢谢您。16、Im afraid youll have to pay for the damage.您必须赔偿。17、Thank you for telling us about it.谢谢您告诉我们Ill look into the mater right away.我马上去处理这件事情。18、I assure you it wont

15、happen again.我保证此类事情不会再发生。19、Please dont worry ,sir (madam)先生(夫人),请不必担心。 20、They are altogether 175(one hundred and seventy-five) yuan.共计175元。21、You may pay in cash or with credit card.您可以付现金也可以用信用卡。22、You have made a good choice, you have very good taste.您真会买东西。您眼力真好。Basic English for hotel service

16、称谓:1、 直接称谓:Mr.XXX, Mrs.XXX, Ms.XXX, Miss.XXX, Sir, Madam, Gentlemen, Lady, young gentleman.2、 间接称谓:the lady with you, the gentleman with you, that lady, that gentleman.问好:1、 Good morning, sir/madam早上好!先生/夫人。2、 Good afternoon, sir/madam下午好!先生/夫人。3、 Good evening, sir/madam晚上好!先生/夫人。4、 How are you toda

17、y, sir? 回答:Thank you. And you?先生,今天一切都好吗? 很好,谢谢。你呢? 欢迎:1、 Welcome to the Guangdong Foreign Businessmen Club/Hotel.欢迎光临外商活动中心。2、 Welcome to our restaurant.欢迎光临我们酒店。3、 Were glad to see you again.我们很高兴能再见到您。询问/征询:1、 May I have your name, please?请问您叫什么名字?2、 Your initials, please?请问您的名字首写字母?3、 May I have

18、 your first name?请告诉我您的名字。4、 May I take your order now?我现在为您下单好吗?5、 May I have your room number?请您告诉我您的房间号,好吗?6、 May I have your signature, sir?here please.先生,请您把名字签这儿,好吗?7、 May I know who Im talking with?(打电话时用)请问您是哪位?8、 May I ask who is next?请问下一位是哪位?9、 May I be of service, madam?请问这位夫人,我能为您做些什么?1

19、0、 May I recommend our, sir?先生,我能为您推荐我们11、 May I help you withmadam?夫人,我能帮您做12、 Would you like me to book a for you?需要我为您订13、 Would you like to sit by the window?您喜欢坐在靠窗边的位置吗?14、 Would you like to have a cup of tea?来杯咖啡如何?15、 Is there anything else I can do for you, madam?这儿需要我帮忙吗?16、 How about a您觉得

20、怎样?祝愿/祝福:1、 Have a pleasant stay at our hotel, sir.愿您在我们中心,一切顺心开心。2、 Have a pleasant stay with us, madam.夫人,愿您和我们在一起开开心心。3、 Have a nice day!祝您今天一切都好!4、 Have a pleasant evening.愿您拥有一个愉快的晚上。5、 Have a good weekend! 周末愉快!6、 Have a good day.祝您今天一切都好!7、 Enjoy your stay/day.愿您在这儿玩得开心。8、 Happy New Year!新年快乐

21、!9、 Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!10、 Happy Birthday!生日快乐!对一般祝愿的回答:1、 You too, Mr也希望您也一样2、 The same to you, sir/madam. 也希望您也一样。致谢:1、 Thank you.谢谢。2、 Thank you very much.非常感谢。3、 Thank you for telling us.感谢您的慷慨陈词。4、 Thank you for your compliment.谢谢您的赞美。5、 Thank you for coming.感谢您的到来。6、 Thank you for calling.谢谢

22、您打电话给我。7、 Thank you for waiting.谢谢您在此等我。8、 Thank you for being so understanding.理解万岁。9、 Thats very kind of you. Thank you very much.非常感谢。对致谢的回答1、 You are welcome.不用谢。2、 With pleasure.这是我的荣幸。3、 My pleasure.这是我们荣幸。4、 Thank you.谢谢。5、 Glad to be of service. Please feel free to contact us anytime.很高兴能为您服

23、务,有需要请随时联系我们。致歉:1、 Excuse me.不好意思,打扰了。2、 Im awfully sorry.我感到十分的抱歉。3、 I beg your pardon, sir.先生,您能再说一次吗?4、 Excuse me for interrupting.(不得不打扰客人时)不好意思,打扰了。5、 Sorry to have bothered you.不好意思,打扰了。6、 Im very sorry. There could have been a mistake. I do apologize. 非常抱歉,这儿肯定是出错了。真的对不起。7、 Im sorry. Would yo

24、u excuse me, please.对不起。您能原谅我吗?8、 Im sorry. Im being called.对不起,我得接个电话。9、 Im sorry to have kept you waiting, sir.很抱歉,让您等了我这么久。10、 Im sorry. The house/restaurant is fully booked.很抱歉。中心已经客满了。11、 Im sorry. We have run out of .我感到十分抱歉。我们把都用完了。对道歉的回答:1、 Thats all right.没关系。2、 It doesnt matter.没关系。指示:1、 L

25、et me show you.让我告诉您。2、 This way, please.这边请。3、 Please dial “0”, sir.先生,请按“0”4、 It will be on your right hand side. You wont miss it.它在您的右手边,您一定能够找到的。5、 Go straight ahead.直走。6、 Go down to the lobby.往下走到大堂。7、 Please take the lift to the 3rd floor.请您乘电梯到三楼。8、 Turn left/right at the first corner.请在第一个转

26、弯角转左/右。提示:1、 Here you are(递东西时)给您。2、 Here we are.(到目的地) 我们到了。3、 There comes the taxi.(有的士来时)有部的士来啦。4、 There he is.(发现要找的人时)他在那。5、 Be aware of the ceiling, sir.当心天花板,先生。表示安慰:1、 Dont worry, madam. Well see to it.夫人,别担心。我们会照顾它的。2、 Ill look into the matter.我会调查这件事的。3、 Ill be with you in a moment.我会很您在一起

27、的。4、 There is no hurry, sir. Take your time.先生,时间充足,请您慢慢5、 It wont be too long, sir.先生,不会花您太多的时间。6、 Please take you time, madam.夫人,不用急,请您7、 Well let you know as soon as there is any available.如果真的还有空房,我们会尽快通知您。8、 Ill report it to my manager.我将向我的经理汇报。表示乐意效劳:1、 Very good, sir. Ill be glad to help.非常好,先生。我很乐意帮您。2、 Certainly, madam. Ill be happy to do it.当然,我很乐意去做这件事。3、 Yes, I will.是的。我很乐意去做这件事。4、 Yes, certainly, just leave it to us, sir.当然。您就将这件事留给我们去做吧。5、

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