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1、翻译硕士相关试题翻译硕士百科:中国日报上的新词新译奥运人家 Olympic Home Stay办公桌轮用制 Hot Desking必剩客 Doomed Single彩虹族 Rainbow Clan草莓族 Strawberry Generation食草男 Herbivore Men车船使用税 Vehicle and Vessel Tax出勤主义 Presenteeism错时上下班 Staggered Rush Hour Plan大礼包 Gift Packs低碳经济 Lowcarbon Economy钓鱼短信 Smishing钓鱼执法 Entrapment独立展馆 Standalone Pavil

2、ion独生子女 China One赌球 Football Gambling反补贴税 Countervailing Duties房奴 Mortgage Slave非自住业主 Non-owner-occupier封闭式管理 Closed-off Management刚性需求 Rigid Demand杠杆女 Leverage Female高龄津贴 Old Age Allowance挂钥匙儿童 Latchkey Kid国学大师 Master of Chinese Culture耗水产业 Water-intensive Industry红衫军 Redshirting黄标车 Yellow Label Ca

3、r鸡仔文学 Chick Lit集体合同 Collective Contract假按揭 Fake Mortgage Loans僵尸电脑 Zombie Machine交通拥堵费 Traffic Jam Fee教育公平 Equal Access to Education就业预警机制 Job Alert System决堤 Breaching of the Dyke绝杀 Lastgasp Goal历女 Rekijyo廉政准则 Code of Ethics零帕族 ZeroPascal Clan绿婚 Green Marriage裸婚 Naked Wedding麦兜族 Mcdull ClanTribe面子工程

4、 Vanity Project秒杀 Seckilling名人堂 Walk of Fame拇指规则 Rule of Thumb拇指族 OyayubizokuClan of the Thumbs脑残体 Leetspeak泡客族 Perfect Career陪拼族 Shopping Follower漂移农场船 Floating Farm Ship拼爹游戏 Competition of Family Background拼养 Baby-pooling亲子环 Parent-child Bracelet热指数 Heat Index入境限制 Ban on Entry人园难 Kindergarten Crun

5、ch森女 Mori Girl商业炒作 Commercial Exploitation时间银行 Time Banking实名购票 ID-based Ticket Booking System食疗 Food Therapy世博概念股 Exporelated Stocks世博护照 Expo Passport收入分配 Income Distribution手机幻听 Phantom Rings数字游民 Digital Nomad水利工程 Water Conservancy Project碳税 Carbon Tax碳足迹 Carbon Footprint退休金双轨制 Dual Pension Scheme

6、网络寡妇 Cyberwidow网络推手 Internet Marketer忘年恋 May-December Romance伪娘 Cross-dresser问责制 Accountability System蜗婚 laving Apart Together蜗居 Dwelling Narrowness性别比 Sex Ratio学历门 Fake Degree Case堰塞湖 Quake Lake房屋拆迁 Housing Demolition and Relocation1. 优先股preference stock2. 京剧脸谱Peking opera makeups3. 走私文物smuggled ar

7、tifacts4. 弱势群体disadvantaged groups5. 人才市场human resources pool6. 生态农environment(ally)-friendly agriculture7. 安居工程Affordable Housing Program8. 中国大陆Chinas mainland/the mainland of China9. 再就业工程re-employment project10. 人民币汇率 renminbi/RMB xchange rate黑社会性质组织mafia-like criminal gangs移动支付 Mobile Payment蚁族

8、Ant Tribe隐婚族 Fake Singles友好城市 Sister Cities有偿新闻 Paid News 诈捐门 Donotation Fraud 宅度假 Staycation职场冷暴力 Emotional Office Abuse 职务消费 Position-related Consumption植入式广告 Product Placement 指定日 Designated Day中国模式 China Model 钟摆族 Pendulum Clan专线巴士 Shuttle Bus 自由放养儿童 Free-range Kid走私族Sneaky Chatt&s 足球寡妇Football

9、WidowIPCC: 政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change);UCLA: 加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles)Internet Sock Puppet马甲: 出于欺骗目的而使用的网络假身份。Mathew Effect:马太效应 Scale back production 减产补缺选举by-election supplementary election保兑银行:confirming bank本命年:this animal year; ones year of b

10、irth considered in relation to the Twelve Terrestrial Branches摆架子:put on airs; assume great airs; go about with ones head high in the air种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆:As a man sows, so he shall reap不以物喜,不以己悲:not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses世博会吉祥物海宝:The world expo mascot sea treasure天演论Evo

11、lution and Ethics网络蓝军 Online Blue Army(The development of Chinas Online Blue Army unit is for improving the defense capabilities of the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA), a Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman said on Wednesday.国防部一位发言人上周三表示,组建“网络蓝军”是为了提高解放军的国防能力。) (2011-06-28)铁杆粉丝 die-hard fan(Time is ru

12、nning out for Oprahs die-hard fans, and they were feeling the heat Tuesday as they waited in line outside Harpo Studios in the hopes of getting into one of the final shows.对奥普拉的铁杆粉丝们来说,能观看她脱口秀的时间不多了。上周二,粉丝们在哈波演播室外面排长队,期待能参与录制最后几期脱口秀。) (2011-06-27)迎婴聚会 baby shower(Mom-to-be Victoria Beckham is finall

13、y adding a little girl to her brood of boys, so she had only one request when pal Eva Longoria and hair stylist Ken Paves decided to throw her a baby shower the day before Mothers Day: Make everything PINK!维多利亚贝克汉姆终于要喜得贵女了!她和小贝已经育有三个儿子,所以,当好友伊娃朗格利亚、发型师肯佩夫斯等人决定在母亲节前给她办个迎婴聚会时,她只有一个要求:礼物必须全是粉色!) (2011-

14、06-23)限时供水 water rationing (2011-06-22)养路工 track maintenance worker (2011-06-21)计时票制 time fare system (2011-06-20)出行调查 trip survey (2011-06-17)水力发电站 Hydro power complex (2011-06-16)新闻管制 news blackout (2011-06-09)党报 party organ (2011-06-08)高级报纸/严肃报纸 quality paper (2011-06-07)化妆水 toning lotion (2011-0

15、6-03)化装棉 cotton pads (2011-06-02)全天候友谊 all-weather friendship(Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Wednesday reaffirmed the two countries will maintain an all-weather friendship.中国总理温家宝和巴基斯坦总理优素福拉扎吉拉尼周三重申,两国将保持“全天候”友谊。) (2011-05-24)熟年离婚 late-life divorce(An inco

16、nvenient truth about late-life divorce: The separation after 40 years of Al Gore and his wife Tipper reflects an increasing trend for splitting up in old age but is it such a bad thing?有关“熟年离婚”难以忽视的真相:阿尔戈尔和妻子蒂珀在结婚40年后宣布离婚,这反映出熟年离婚呈上升趋势,但这事儿真有那么糟糕吗?)CARM英文Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicin

17、e的缩写,即中国康复医学会。CGO英文Chief Government Officer的缩写,即首席沟通主管CID英文Central Information District的缩写,即中央信息区。MMS英文Multimedia Messaging Service的缩写,即多媒体信息服务。MODEM英文Modulator Demodulator的缩写,即调制解调器。SOHO,是SMALLOFFICEHOMEOFFICER的简称,意思是“在家办公”。TOEFL 托福: Test of English as a Foreign LanguageIELTS 雅思: International Engl

18、ish Language Testing SystemThe art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go. For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. The rabbis of old put it this way: “A man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but

19、 when he dies, his hand is open.” Surely we ought to hold fast to our life. For it is wondrous, and full of a beauty that breaks through every pore of Gods own earth. We know that this is so, but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what it was and then

20、suddenly realize that it is no more. We remember a beauty that faded, a love that waned. But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beauty when it flowered, that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered. Hold fast to lifebut not so fast that you cannot let go. This is

21、the second side of lifes coin, the opposite pole of its paradox: we must accept our losses, and learn how to let go. This is not an easy lesson to learn, especially when we are young and think that the world is ours to command, that whatever we desire with the full force of our passionate being can,

22、 nay, will be ours. But then life moves along to confront us with realities, and slowly but surely this truth dawns upon us. At every stage of life we sustain lossesand grow in the process. We begin our independent lives only when we emerge from the womb and lose its protective shelter. We enter a p

23、rogression of schools, then we leave our mothers and fathers and our childhood homes. We get married and have children and then have to let them go. We confront the death of our parents and spouses. We face the gradual or not so gradual waning of our own strength. And ultimately, as the parable of t

24、he open and closed hand suggests, we must confront the inevitability of our own demise, losing ourselves, as it were, all that we were or dreamed to be. (374 words) 【Note】原文作者是美国犹太人联合会主席John Boynton Priestley,有删节。【Key words】rabbis: (rabbi的复数)犹太教经师,音译“拉比”。parable(譬喻、寓言)。Source Text 2: 汉语是中国各民族共同使用的语言

25、、联合国正式语文和工作语言之一,又是世界上历史最悠久、发展水平最高的语言之一,有文字可考的历史不少于6 000年。无论过去或现在,汉语在国内外都有很大的影响,具有很重要的地位。当今世界出现汉语热,一是因为中华民族历史悠久,有着光辉灿烂的文化, 对人类进步做出过巨大贡献;更是因为30年来中国中国实行改革开放,综合国力大大提升,与中国打交道、对中国文化感兴趣的国家、国际组织和人员日益增多。学习汉语也就成为深入了解中国的必由之路。任何语言都与经济和文化分不开。经济和文化发展的国家,其语言所起的作用十分重要。在过去20年里,中国的国内生产总值年均增长9.7%,未来的中国经济还将持续增长。“汉语热”的兴


27、爱意浓浓时我们未能报之以爱。回想这些,我们会更加心痛。 牢牢抓住人生,但不要抓得太紧,免得到时候不能放手。放手是人生硬币的另一面,是人生矛盾的另一极:我们必须接受失去并学会放手。这个道理不易体悟,尤其当你风华正茂时,你以为这个世界由你掌握,你以为凭着青春的活力和激情,渴望什么就能够、就会得到什么。然而,人生的步伐把你带到现实之中,人生的真相缓慢地、却必然要摆在你的面前。在人生的每个阶段我们都要承受失去,而我们就是在此过程中得以成长。我们在脱离母体、失去其保护后才开始独立的生活。我们从一所学校毕业,又进入另一所学校,然后离开父母,离开儿时的家;我们结婚、生子,之后又不得不放飞子女。我们要面对父母

28、的逝去和配偶的离去,面对体力或缓慢或迅速丧失的现实。正如攥手和松手的譬喻所示,我们最终要面对不可避免的死亡,放弃自我,或者说放弃曾经拥有的或梦想拥有的一切。(600字)汉译英: Chinese is a language used by people of all the nationalities in China and is one of the official and working languages in the United Nations. It is also among the worlds most highly developed languages with the

29、 longest history, a recorded history of at least 6, 000 years. Whether in the past or at present, the Chinese language has had great influence both at home and abroad and occupied a prominent position. The current worldwide interest in learning Chinese is attributable to the long history of the Chin

30、ese nation, its glorious and magnificent culture and its tremendous contribution to human progress. More importantly, as Chinas overall national strength has grown in the course of reform and opening-up over the last three decades, more and more countries, international organizations and peope come

31、into contace with China and take interest in Chinese culture. For them, learning the Chinese language has become the only road to a profound understanding of China. No language is separable from the economic and cultural environment where it is used. The language of a nation which is well developed

32、in economy and culture plays a very important role. In the past 20 years, on the average Chinas GDP has increased by 9.7 percent annually, and in the years to come Chinas economy will continue to grow. An upsurge of enthusiasm in learning Chinese indicates that the world is placing greater and greater expectations on the future development of China. It ma

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