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初三成都中考十二选十句型公式by Kindy checked.docx

1、初三成都中考十二选十句型公式 by Kindy checked12选10句型公式教学目标: 学生能够通过快速辨认句型公式判断词形。一、通过标志词判断词形 1. 冠词、名词类 art. +_n._此结构的特点是冠词后少空,而后又没有名词,那么所填空常为名词。a book an hour the policemenThis is a book. I need an hour.练习1. However, one of the _near my house seems to use more of these bags than ever before.(shop) 拓展art. +_adj._ +

2、n. 此结构的特点是冠词后少空,后面再接一个名词,这种情况下空里常填的词语有形容词(最高级)、序数词、名词所有格。1. the beautiful girl the first person the Teachers Day2. She is the first person to finish this task.3. Whats the real meaning of the word peace? The _story may tell us something about it. (follow) opportunity use achieve me job quiet success

3、ful towards prepare treat care difference4. (2011成华区中考诊断) The successful person always makes full preparations to meet opportunities as they arrive on time. The _7_person, on the other hand, works little and just wait to see them pass by. 练习1. Before the beginning of every lecture, I found an _5_ ph

4、enomenon(现象). (interest) 2. (成都中考真题)There was once a king who offered an award to an artist who could paint the _ picture of peace. (good) 延伸:_仅用一个词修饰_ + n. 此结构的特点是名词前仅有一个词语修饰,此空经常的填法有形容词、形容词性物主代词、名词所有格、指示代词单数。例1. my book 2. their advice 3. this boy 4. I want to hear their advice.5.She met this boy

5、three years ago. 拓展:如果adj.修饰复合不定代词,则必须为后置修饰。即 复合不定代词+ adj.Eg.6.(成都中考真题)Wouldyouthinktheywerelaughingatsomething _thatoneofthemsaid?(fun) 练习1. (成都中考真题)Although Eiffel designed the tower for people to visit, it was also for _use. (science)2.check China difficult easy farm forgetlittle many other peace

6、 amazing serious(14成都中考真题)Whats one plus one? Thats easy, two! Right? Well, thats one right answer, but not the only answer. You might think of 11, or some 5._ characters like “二” or “十”! 2系动词类。系动词+ adj. 中考12选10中常考的系动词包括look, feel, get, be这四类,系动词+adj.是常考考法。例1. look tired get excited2. I feel relaxed

7、 when Im with my family.3. This did not look _ at all. (peace) 4. After we had travelled for about twenty miles, there was still no sign of the town which was marked on the map, we were beginning to get _. (worry) somebody feel day successfully lie you pleasant discover careful lose instructionembar

8、rass5.(成都中考真题) “Lets play a hoax on the man, we hide his shoes, hide ourselves and wait to see how embarrassed he would be when finds that his shoes are_. 拓展:be动词后常跟adj.,但也存在be+ n./ pron./ adv. 做表语的情况;6.“I told him Spider Man is _ to save him. No one will hurt him now,” Mr. Smith said. (here) 3. 介词

9、此结构的特点是介词后填空,基本结构为 prep. + _n./ pron./v-ing_ 12选10常考介词有of, in, with, like等。例1. She is fond of swimming. 2. Mike does well in math.3. She included her Chinese address in the letter in the hope of_ a reply. (receive) 4. After _a conversation between the boys mother and his teachers about his love of s

10、uperheroes, Mr. Smith hurried home to get his Spider Man clothes. (hear) 拓展: 在n./ pron.+ of n./ pron.即介词of前是名或代词,of后也应该填名词或者代词练习1. Youarealllookingateachothersteacupsand _ofyouevenenvy(羡慕)the finer(比较级)cupsofothers.(any) 二、通过句子结构判断词形 1. 句子prep.或to do + n.或名词短语 / pron.此句式的特点是:一个句子之后有一个空,空后跟有人称代词宾格或名词

11、(短语),则空格处应填一个介词或不定式。例 1. (成都中考真题)The old man told the children that he would give them 25 cents each week _them play football in the street at night. (see)ever use after hold Italian woman on final two she take skating2. Her victory(胜利) came _years of trials(尝试,努力) following the 2010 Games. 练习compla

12、in boss goal me rich winnerwhere but fail quiet high without1. If you want to stand out among people, there are no other choices _hard work. fight pollute whole easy kill serious few little become long use only2. Many countries have made rules _pollution.2. 句子to do +介词短语 此句式特点是:一个句子之后有一个空,空后跟着介词短语,则

13、空格处只能填入不定式,此句式,填入动词受空后介词的约束。3.练习photo with world why full didnttour feed touch how swim memorizeYou dont have to travel far _with a dolphin. Dolphin swims are now possible in tourist areas and in cites. 3. 句子反身代词 或 反身代词句子此结构成立的条件是:1)句子主干成分完整;2)空格前紧挨着pron. /n., 则空格处填入反身代词表强调;例If you really want to pl

14、ay for the scholarship of a good college,nothing but you _can stop your dream. (you) 练习1. After reading the story, we can understand that when we receive a chocolate as a gift from a child, we get more than the chocolate . (it) he build run easy get stand visit invent say science France which2. Then

15、 they start off on the journey. The weather was hot but the plan went well with the traveler riding on the donkey and the owner _following behind. (him)(中考真题)Its interesting that Eiffel _lived in the tower where he had his own apartment. 4. . it is + adj./ n. +(for sb) to do sth 此句型特点是:it is后面跟adj.或

16、n.或名词短语,中间的for somebody可省略,则空格处填入不定式。例 Is it necessary _so many bags? (use) 练习1. (成都中考真题)If each of the questions in a math test had more than one answer, it would be quite a problem for teachers_.(check) 2. I would like to have friends who are like me. It is necessary _the same. All my friends are

17、funny and outgoing. (be)5. _and _此句式的特点是:空格出现在and的左边或右边,则and左或右填的词,词性和词形要保持一致。例1. We should remind ourselves and teach our children about the beauty of feelings and _of gratitude. (express) 2. He sadly walked away and _ how to tell his mother about it. (think) 练习talk clear river past wash boynever i

18、t have strange something strange1. One day, we had supper early. We were sitting round the fire, eating and _, when a man walked past and went down towards the river. 6. 句子, v.-ing + adv/ n./ pron. / 介词短语 或 v.-ing + adv/ n./ pron./ 介词短语,句子 此句式的特点是:一个句子之后,跟着一个逗号,逗号之后有一个空格,空格后跟着adv/ n./ pron. / 介词短语,则

19、该空填入V.-ing形式;反之,若空格+ adv/ n./ pron./ 介词短语+逗号+句子,则空格处填入V.-ing形式。例Sometimes, however, I receive a gift, _me of the gifts in my life. (remind) 练习(2014武侯区第一次诊断)1._ down, he felt sorry for himself. (look) all any behave difference drink eat enjoy fine look real surprise these2. Once there was a teacher w

20、ho took all his students for tea. What made the students surprised was that all the cups on the table were different. Each of them took a cup and started drinking their own tea, _at the others cups. 三、辨析易混淆结构 在以上的很多固定结构中,有很多形似分不清,理还乱的句型公式,以致于造成分不清用不来的尴尬局面,为此我们深入研究和详细解释公式中易混淆的结构。 1.句子 ;句子; ,句子VS 句子,

21、句子; 句子, 句子则=adv. = conj.例 _adv._they start laughing; They start laughing_adv._; They _adv._start laughing.(suddenly)VS Kids may like some sports _conj._ they see how people do them._conj._ they see how people do them, kids may like some sports.( if)解析adv. 为一个句子中的修饰词,去掉该词后整个句子在语法上是正确的; conj.是用来连接两个句子

22、的,去掉之后两个句子在语法上不正确。例 older people often teach proverbs(格言) to younger people.练习except sometimes bloom nice shower flower visit if sometime weather important go1. _ you are visiting these years, you need to know about it.want on instead agree part-time but spend in until thousand make study2. _, they

23、receive money from their parents.feel like exam use face be tell speak necessary something as although3. _ he still isnt at his original(原来的) level, Lin doesnt fear anyone.2. 句子 n./pron. VS 句子, 句子; 句子, 句子 则=prep., =conj.例 He was born _prep._ arms. VS Kids may like some sports _conj._ they see how pe

24、ople do them; _conj._ they see how people do them, kids may like some sports.解析 prep.用来连接一个句子和名词,conj.用来连接两个句子。(without, if, if)例:The soldiers took every young man except the farmers son. The news has excited many young Chinese, as it is Chinas first stealth fighter(隐形战斗机).follow hard now interest j

25、ust someone everyone do other than first what1. Misunderstandings happen if we dont say correctly _ we mean.四、综合应用固定结构判断词形 anger well sing also relax think clean when finger medicine they feel I am a doctor. People often come to see me because they have colds or coughs. People_1_come to see me becau

26、se they are sad or nervous. Sometimes _ 2 _helps. But many doctors_3 _ that music can help people feel better. I asked a few of my patients(病人)how music helped them.“Sometimes I was_4_when I was a childMy family said, “Play your feelings on the piano! ” Sometimes I play a loud_5_on the piano. Soon I

27、 feel calm(平静的). I can laugh and cry through my_6_ on the piano. Its natural for me. “Its like breathing(呼吸).”“Listening to music helps me feel_7_. I like to listen to music and dance when I 8 my house.”“I play the violin. I like playing at night_9_it is quiet. After playing I am tired and I am happ

28、y. I always sleep_ 10_after playing my violin”Are you a musician? Good! Keep playingIf you are not a musician, listen to music and sing or dance. Its good medicine解析1. 满足 句adv.子 的结构。缺副词,从12个备选词中筛选出副词和潜力副词,再根据意思,最终锁定 also.4. 满足 系动词 +adj. 的结构,标志词是系动词be, 缺adj. 再结合意思, angry.5. 满足 art.+adj.+n. 的结构,筛选出 名词

29、song.6. 形容词性物主代词+n. 结构,筛选出名词 fingers.7. 满足 系动词 +adj. 的结构, 标志词是系动词,选形容词,结合意思,对relax适 当变形, relaxed.9. 满足句子(,) 句子 的结构,选用conj. when.Answers: Also, medicine, think, angry, song,Fingers, relaxed, am cleaning, when, better.age life as impress somewhere one go wear begin common become cross T-shirt is 1._ appeared at the _2_of the 20thcentury. In the early 1900s, they were worn by sailors in the American navy under their uniforms. Over the next few decades more people began to wear them. In 1951, people were impressed deeply by the sight

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