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1、英语对话详尽To Help Stop Smoking 协助病人戒烟Patient: I have heard that acupuncture may help a person to stop smoking, is that true?我听说用针刺能戒烟,是真的吗?Doctor: Yes, acupuncture may help you to stop smoking, but in addition you must have the determination and a strong will, and also cooperate well with your doctor in

2、 order to obtain the desired result.是的,针刺能帮助你戒烟,但本人必须有决心,有毅力,能很好地和医生配合,才能取得预期地效果。P: Ill try my best. I know that smoking is really harmful to health. specially it causes coughing. See, I have a cough right now.我一定要尽力做到。我知道吸烟影响健康,尤其是能引起咳嗽。瞧,我现在就咳嗽着呢。D: Thats right. How long have you been smoking? How

3、 many cigarettes do you usually smoke a day?对,您吸烟有多久了?每天吸多少支?P: I have been smoking for more than twenty years. Every day I smoke around thirty to forty cigarettes.我吸烟已有20多年了,每天约吸3040支。D: That is quite a long period, it is rather difficult to cut down on the number of cigarettes all at once. Lets ma

4、ke a plan, for instance smoke 5 cigarettes less each day. Do you think you can do it?吸烟已有这么长时间,想一下戒掉是不容易的。让我们定一个计划,例如请你每天少吸2五支。你看这样好吗?P: All right, but does acupuncture hurt?好,针刺疼吗?D: Acupuncture may cause just a little pain, but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distension. We will t

5、ry it every day for seven days. Wi ll that be all right?针刺只有轻微疼痛,它产生一定的麻和胀感。我们每天针刺一次共7天,你看行吗?P: Yes. Lets start today.好,就从今天开始吧。D: How do you feel?你感觉怎样?P: I feel all right.还好。D: Besides, I would like to affix a few small hard seeds ( Wang Bu Liu Xing) on the skin of your ear which will be kept in p

6、lace by a piece of adhesive tape. Please press and knead that particular spot between your thumb and middle finger until you feel pain, repeat this three times a day.我还要放几粒硬的种子(王不留行)用粘膏贴在你的耳朵上。请你每天用拇指和食指揉捏它直到有疼感为止,每日三次。Enuresis 尿床Parent: My son wetted his bed usaully.我儿子常尿床。Doctor: When did he start

7、 to wet his bed?他从几岁开始尿床的?P: Since childhood.从小就尿床。D:How often does he wet his bed?尿多少次呢?P: Usually once or twice during the night.一般每夜一、两次。D: By the way, has he abdominal pain? How is his appetite?另外,他肚子疼过吗?胃口怎样?P: He suffers from abdominal pains once in a while. His appetite is not bad.他有时有腹疼,胃口不坏

8、。D: I suggest you send in a specimen of his stool for examination to see whether it contains any parasites.我建议你送个大便标本来化验一下,看有没有寄生虫。P: Ill send it in tomorrow morning.我明天早晨就送来。D: Has he been given any other previous treatment?以前做过什么治疗吗?P: He has taken some medicine before but it didnt work.他吃过一些药,但是不

9、见什么效果。D: Acupuncture has some effect in enuresis, but we need your cooperation. We advise you to do the following. First, dont let the child take any water, milk or any liquid food after supper. Second, wake him up at a definite time during the night and let him void his bladder; he will thus gradua

10、lly form a good habit. Third, better let the baby have a nap every day. Fourth, he muct void his bladder before going to bed. Fifth, every morning, noon and evening, press and knead between the thumb and the middle finger the spot in the ear where the small seed has been affixed with adhesive tape.针

11、灸治疗小儿遗尿有一定疗效,但需要你们和我们配合好。做到以下几点:第一,晚饭后不要再给他喝水,喝奶或吃其它流质的东西;第二,每晚定时叫醒孩子起床撒尿,排空膀胱;这样他就能渐渐养成良好的习惯。第三,最好每天让孩子睡午觉。第四,睡前一定要先小便。第五,每天早、午、晚用拇指和中指指揉捏在耳朵里用橡皮膏固定贴有籽粒的那一小块地方。Chronic Rhinitis 慢性鼻炎Patient: My nose is blocked and I cant smell properly at times.我鼻子堵住了,有时还不大灵。Doctor: Have you a running nose?流鼻涕吗?P: Y

12、es, it is running badly.流很多。D: Is the mucus sticky?是粘稠的吗?P: Yes, very sticky, and it is yellowish.是的。很稠,是黄色的。D: Do you suffer from headaches? Do they occur regularly?头疼吗?有规律吗?P: I have mild headaches. They usually get worse in the morning, but I feel better by evening.有轻度头疼。上午重,下午感觉好一些。D: Which part

13、 of the head is most painful?哪个部位最疼?P: The forehead. Sometimes I also have a toothache. 前额部。有时牙齿也疼。D: How long have you had those symptoms?以上症状有多长时间了?P: For three years already.已经三年了。D: While you are getting acupuncture your nose may feel sore and your eyes may fill with tears. Thats a good sign sho

14、wing the treatment is effective. Dont worry about it.针刺时你会感到鼻子发酸,而且会流眼泪,那就是说针刺治疗见效了,用不着害怕。P: All right, I shall not worry.我不害怕。(after a course of treatment)(一个疗程以后)D: Is the blocking of your nose getting better?你鼻子堵的情况好一些吗?P: It seems to be improving. I can smell properly now, but sometimes I still

15、have a running nose.好像有点进步。我现在能闻着味了,但有时还流鼻涕。D: You must avoid catching cold and do some physical exercises every day. I would like to give you another series of treatments, it will do you good.你要注意防止感冒,每天做些体育锻炼。我想再给你治疗几次,效果会更好。P: All right.好吧!Deafness due to Nervous Factors神经性耳聋Parent: Doctor, my bo

16、y cant hear properly.医生,我的孩子听不清。Doctor: One ear or both ears? How long has he been suffering from poor hearing? 一只耳朵还是两只耳朵都听不清?有多久了?P: From childhood. When he was one and a half years old, he had a high fever, since then we noticed he cant hear properly.从小就聋,一岁半时他发一次高烧后,我们就发现他耳朵不太好使了。D: Has he ever

17、received streptomycin or kanamycin injections?他注射过链霉素或卡那霉素吗?P: He received seven injections of streptomycin when he got pneumonia two years ago. His hearing seems to have gotten worse since then.两年前他因患肺炎注射过七针链霉素,从此后耳聋就更加重了。D: Is he suffering from ringing ears or from dizziness?他有耳鸣或眩晕吗?P: From neith

18、er.都没有。D: By the way, how old is he?那么,他几岁了?P: He is six years old.六岁。D: This kind of deafness is difficult to cure, acupuncture may have some effect but a prolonged treatment is needed.这病不容易治好,针灸可能有些效果,但是需要长期治疗。P: All right, we are staying here for more than two months, please try to help him. Our

19、whole family will be pleased if he shows even a little improvement.可以,我们要住在此地两个多月呢。请给他治治吧!假如他有一点进步,我们全家都会高兴的。Short Sightedness近视眼Patient: My eyesight is not good. I cant see clearly at a distance.我的视力不好,远的就看不清。Doctor: How long have you had this trouble? Have you been to the eye clinic for a check-up

20、?有多久了?去眼科检查过吗?P: It is more than one year since I have been examined in the eye clinic. The ophthalmologist said my vision was v0.6 .那是一年多以前了。眼科医生说我的视力是0.6。D: Acupuncture may be helpful for short=sightedness, but a rather prolonged treatment is needed. In some cases acupuncture may be useless. If yo

21、u want to try it, please go to the eye clinic to have a new check-up first.针刺对近视眼可能有好处,但是需要较长的时间。在某种情况下也可能无效。假如你愿意试试,请先去眼科重新检验一次吧!P: All right.好吧!(after a course of treatment)(一个疗程以后)D: Please go to the eye clinic to have your eyesight checked again, then well consider whether to continue the treatm

22、ent or not.请再去眼科查一下视力,然后我们再决定是否继续治疗。Cervical Spondylosis颈椎关节僵硬Doctor: Does your neck feel stiff?你觉着脖子发硬吗?Patient: No, not that I noticed.我可没觉着。D: Do your arms feel numb?你胳臂发麻吗?P: Yes, sometimes.有时候发麻。D: One side or both sides?是一边麻还是两边都麻?P: Only the right side.光右边吗。D: How long have you had this troub

23、le?有多长时间了?P: It started six months ago.半年前开始的。D: Have you had an x-ray film taken of your cervical spine?你的颈椎拍过X线片吗?P: No, never.没拍过。Pain of the Joints (knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist) 关节疼痛(膝、踝、肩、肘、腕)Doctor: When did your pain start?你的疼痛从什么时候开始的?Patient: Three days ago.三天以前。D: Can you move as u

24、sual? Is there any swelling?能照常活动吗?肿吗?P: My notions are limited, but there is no swelling.活动受限制,但是不肿。D: Have you been wounded?你受过伤吗?P: I was wounded in a car accident and an operation was performed right away.我因车祸受过外伤,并马上就做了手术。I fell down about a week ago, but I only got a slight bruise.约一个星期前我跌倒了,当

25、时只擦破点皮。D: Please try to move your elbow.请活动一下你的肘关节。I suggest that you go to see the surgeon first.我建议你去看看外科医生。Lets try acupuncture to see if it produces any effect. Do you feel numb now?咱们可以试试针刺,看看有效没有?你感到麻了吗?P: Yes, but I also feel dizzy.麻了,但我也有点晕。D: In that case lets do some moxibustion instead of

26、 using needles. Please let me know if its too hot.要是那样,咱们就别做针刺了。试试艾灸吧!感觉烫时请告诉我。P: I think moxibustion is more suitable for me, I feel relaxed after the treatment.我想艾灸对我更合适。做完这治疗后,我感到松快了。D: I would like to give you some massage which may be helpful.我给你增加一些按摩,可能对你有点帮助。P: Thats lovely, please try.那太好了,

27、请试试吧!D: I am going to stop the acupuncture for a few days. Please come back in a week.。我想给你停几天针刺。请一周后再来。According to you case, better have a few more treatments to consolidate the results.根据你的情况,我想你再做几次治疗巩固一下效果为好。Lumbar Pain and Sciatica腰疼和坐骨神经疼Doctor: In which are of your back do you feel pain? Onl

28、y in the middle, or on the sides also?你觉得你背部那块儿疼?只是在中间还是两边也都疼?Patient: Only in the middle part.只是中间疼。Does the pain radiate to the leg?疼往腿上窜吗?P: Yes, sometime it radiates straight down to my heel.是的,有时一直往下窜到脚跟。D: Can you move as usual?你能象往常一样活动吗?P: I can move a little, but my motions are quite limite

29、d. I feel pain when bending down. It hurts when I stand up after sitting for a long period of time.可以活动一点,可是非常受限制。弯腰时疼。坐久了,一站起来也疼。D: Have you ever twisted your lumbar region?你的腰扭伤过吗?P: I carried a heavy piece of luggage a week ago, I Think maybe I twisted my back at that time.一个星期前,我提了件重行李,我想可能那时扭的腰

30、。D: Have you ever had any other illness, for instance nephritis, gall-stones or any gynecological diseases?你有过其它病吗?比如说,肾炎、胆结石或妇科病?P: I have had nephritis, but that was five years ago.我有过肾炎,但那是五年前的事了。D: When I press here do you feel any pain?我用手压的这个地方疼吗?P: No, I dont.不疼。D: I suggest you have an x-ray

31、 film taken of your lumbar region to get a definite diagnosis before we start the treatment.开始治疗前,为了明确诊断,我建议你先拍张腰部的X线照片。I am going to give you a shot of vitamin B12 and danggui solution into certain acupuncture points to relieve the pain. Its just like an injection and it only causes a slight pain.我准备将维生素B12和当归注射液注入针刺的穴位内,可以解除疼痛。象打针一样只有轻微的疼。I am going to add electric acupuncture to the treatment. Dont be afraid, you will only feel a vibrating sensation. 我要给你加上电针治疗。不要害怕,电针只给你一种震颤感觉。I would like to give you a cupping treatment,

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